Controversial MJ Documentary Leaving Neverland [GENERAL DISCUSSION THREAD]

Have you seen Anthony King talking sh*t about Michael AND about the fans? Wasn't he like a fan himself?
Have you seen this now ? ALL that is for money !! He sell a book about a person he considers as a pedo ?

I haven't watched this movie. I don't think it's worth wasting time on dirt. But I heard from other people who were watching. I believe that the people who participated in this film are liars. What the vessel is filled with is what pours out of it. That's what I think about these people
Just a thought. Can't the trial be the true counternarrative to Living Neverland. I can't imagine that the documentary and what was told there will take up much of the trial and Meserau & Co can dismantle Robson, Safechuck and Reed with all their untruths. The idea of seeing Reed summoned and how he'll turn red and stammer about the basis and lies on which he created his "documentary". Even in the few interviews where he received headwinds (e.g. from Piers), he couldn't handle it confidently.
Just a thought. Can't the trial be the true counternarrative to Living Neverland. I can't imagine that the documentary and what was told there will take up much of the trial and Meserau & Co can dismantle Robson, Safechuck and Reed with all their untruths. The idea of seeing Reed summoned and how he'll turn red and stammer about the basis and lies on which he created his "documentary". Even in the few interviews where he received headwinds (e.g. from Piers), he couldn't handle it confidently.
In the official court docs that were published recently there was a short bit suggesting the complete opposite. I can't guess how much actual time LN would take overall but my understanding was that the 10 years of the lawsuits would need a huge amount of time in court to be dealt with properly and LN would be a significant part of that.

I posted a load of tweets on the WR / JS trial thread. I think it was in one of those that I saw this.

I have no legal training so I don't really know. I could be wrong - it was just how I understood what was being said in those docs.
Just a thought. Can't the trial be the true counternarrative to Living Neverland. I can't imagine that the documentary and what was told there will take up much of the trial and Meserau & Co can dismantle Robson, Safechuck and Reed with all their untruths. The idea of seeing Reed summoned and how he'll turn red and stammer about the basis and lies on which he created his "documentary". Even in the few interviews where he received headwinds (e.g. from Piers), he couldn't handle it confidently.
LN will go against them, yes. The depositions held around the same time as filming told a completely different narrative.

It seems Dan Reed is wrapping up his sequel to “Leaving Neverland.” Apparently, he didn’t have much to say this time around, as “Leaving Neverland 2” clocks in at a mere 47 minutes compared to the nearly 4-hour opus in 2019.

In this sequel, cleverly titled “Leaving Neverland 2: The Fight for Justice,” Reed shifts focus to the court case, not to paint Michael Jackson as a monster again, but to take aim at music and movie companies, aka The Michael Jackson Estate. In the movie description, he stated “If Wade and James’s cases are successful, the potential positive impact on the United States’ entertainment industry is huge. Music and movie companies will no longer be able to shrug off responsibility when one of their stars sexually abuses a minor in their care.

Looks like Reed still couldn’t muster enough content for a full-length feature, so he threw in a little self-congratulation about the supposed impact of his first film on the world, the fans, and even featuring Winfrey’s program.

Eager to release his lackluster film before the official Michael Jackson biopic, Reed is rushing “Leaving Neverland 2” out the door before the final court date. Or maybe he’s just too scared of what the court’s verdict might be?

Filmed over five years with full access to Wade, James, their families, and legal teams, Reed’s sequel purports to tell the story of their difficult journey with its many twists, turns, and setbacks before its final success.

We know this so-called documentary will air on Channel 4 in the UK, as Channel 4 has paid for it, but Reed is now scrambling to distribute it globally by pre-selling it on various platforms.

To fight for justice, Dan, you might want to start by being on the right side of it! And if the fans could debunk a 4 hours movie in just few weeks, imagine what we can do for only 47min one!

No release date yet or to where the mockumentary will be aired (except Channel 4 in the UK), but we will keep you updated to brace yourself and be prepared to fight back for Michael.

NB: It came to my attention that the fan group MJInnocent has launched a “Don’t speak about it” campaign to not talk about Dan Reed and his sequel movie. I wrote this article without knowing this and personally, the “Don’t ask, don’t tell” approach is not something I agree with.
MJVibe is a Michael Jackson Fan site, visited by the fans and made for the fans. The goal, in a way, is for fans to not have to go to the main media to get news about our idol, including those sort of news. This allows fans to know what’s going on, to get prepared for what’s coming and to not go to tabloids.
And to insinuate that we are promoting Reed’s shit is not only unfair but disgusting, especially with the amount of time, effort and money the team have put into all our fan activities.
Secondly, I believe that the decision to discuss it is up to each of us individually. Some fans may choose not to talk about it, while others might want to express their frustration and anger, which I completely understand and respect.
It is not fair to pressure anyone into doing something they are not comfortable with or willing to do, nor is it fair to publicly criticize them for it. This behavior is wrong and not reflective of our community’s values.
All best, Sebastian.
I mean, if it's really only 47 minutes I consider that a positive. Reed really has nothing left. It will get debunked just like the first movie. I was expecting at least 2 hours. If 4 hours of nonsense couldnt cancel MJ, neither will this.
There will be an agitation against the biopic according to the motto cancel it, boycott it, because it cannot be that the estate is doing whitewashing.
I fear that it will again a worldwide distribution. We have to brace ourselves for media to report in this direction.
There will be an agitation against the biopic according to the motto cancel it, boycott it, because it cannot be that the estate is doing whitewashing.
I fear that it will again a worldwide distribution. We have to brace ourselves for media to report in this direction.
It's a Channel 4 production. Dan Reed is a tabloid journalist now. This will have barely a fraction of the reach LN did. Or interest, for that matter, considering he's calling it a day before anyone reaches a court room.
I mean, if it's really only 47 minutes I consider that a positive. Reed really has nothing left. It will get debunked just like the first movie. I was expecting at least 2 hours. If 4 hours of nonsense couldnt cancel MJ, neither will this.
Definitely, I’m not expecting it to have nearly the same level of impact as the first. Plus, I think the biopic will be massively popular and will probably overshadow a lot of the controversy.
1nn5 jusst posted it a few posts up

Gotcha. But that was posted a year ago, and also it never said that Anthony King was back to supporting MJ. It only says the had started promoting and selling his MJ related content again to make money for himself. As far as I am aware he has never backed MJ in public or made a statement saying he has changed his mind and believes MJ is innocent again.

Antony King is probably just another person who distanced himself form MJ when it was taboo to be associated with him and now is back to use him for clout and money. If The Estate loses the trial he might put the MJ stuff on the shelf again, for all we know!