Dieter Wiesner-Channel on YouTube


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
A new way to spread his hand-selected tapes?

Dieter Wiesner, long term business manager and confidant created this channel show what actually happened with Michael.

His personal relationship with Michael Jackson as his manager did not only entail Michael´s work, both develop a friendship over the years. It is Dieter Wiesner´s intention to share unreleased footage of Michael as well as intimate moments no one has ever seen before.

This channel will release different videos from time to time showing Michael´s private side.

We hope you enjoy the footage and keep Michael in mind as the loving person he was to all of us around him.

First posted video:
Michael Jackson to Dieter Wiesner- Power of Attorney
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Re: Dieter Wiesner-chanel on youtoube

Curious first video:ph34r:
Why he recorded MJ giving him power of attorney? That video made me very uncomfortable.
I wonder if he is he the one selling those private video all over the place?
Re: Dieter Wiesner-chanel on youtoube

these people are useless. unemployed and desperate.

MJ's biggest curse was to hang out with the wrong people. his demise was inevitable in that regard.
Re: Dieter Wiesner-chanel on youtoube

This makes me wonder how much of MJs stuff he has? Video footage, songs, concert recording ect... Thome also... They are both slim balls.
Re: Dieter Wiesner-chanel on youtoube

Curious first video:ph34r:
Why he recorded MJ giving him power of attorney?

It's kind of obvious that Michael recorded himself. He was probably just to lazy to go through paper work.
Re: Dieter Wiesner-chanel on youtoube

Paper work?. weisner recorded mj signing power of attorney to him. very dodgy in its self hence the recording of it cause you know it was gonna end up as part of a lawsuit
Re: Dieter Wiesner-chanel on youtoube

weisner recorded mj

You and Bubs are jumping to conclusions.
Where does this video show that anyone was with MJ while it was recorded?
The camera is standing rock solid still. So there was noone holding it.

Maybe Wiesner asked him to record it, maybe it was Michaels idea. We don't know.
To me it looks like a video Michael recorded himself to send it to Wiesner and Konitzer.

A simple detail. But it's more dramatic to assume that Wiesner went there personally with a camera and made Michael say this, right? :smilerolleyes:

Even with a guy like Wiesner, who failed on many levels taking care of Michael business, it's completely understandable that
they made some official documentaion about their partnership. That alone I don't find dodgy.

The fact that he posts such a video publicly now.. THAT is dodgy.
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Re: Dieter Wiesner-chanel on youtoube

No ones saying mj was made to do anything. Mj had a history of giving ppl power of attorney when he shouldnt have.

we also dont know who, if anyone was standing behind the camera regardless of it been on a stand but considering it was a dodgy act in itself of getting power of attorney and the fact weisners the one to post the video that implies to me he wanted the signing recorded as no doubt it would end in a lawsuit somewhere down the line. And wanted evidence of mj signing it

you think mj filmed himself giving someone power of attorney. im more inclined to believe weisner wanted it filming as proof for when a lawsuit happened down the line as giving someone p.o.a isnt the norm. ontop of weisner having a copy although he may have got that copy if mj made it via the lawsuit. Personally i see no gain in mj filming it himself but i see every gain in weisner doing it for the long run
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Re: Dieter Wiesner-chanel on youtoube

The fact that he posts such a video publicly now.. THAT is dodgy.
I agree with this. Why in the world would he post a video like this? I can sometimes understand the private ones that other people post-they're usually pretty charming and affectionate. But this one is just strange.

What would be the motive for such a thing?
I guess he is riddled by the hate that many fans have for him.
When you look at Wiesners website, it looks like, he defines his carreer via the time he worked for Michael.
So he may be releasing bits like this in order to prove he really worked for Michael or so.

In this german article (includes an interview wih Wiesner after he released his Book)
Wiesner says the video was Michaels idea. Michael had fired all his attourneys etc at the time,
so if Wiesner sent him paper contracts, Michael would have had noone he trusted to check it. (Just my guess).

"Zum Generalmanager hatte Michael Jackson damals Dieter Wiesner ernannt. Die Vollmacht ruht nun im Tresor in Nieder-Roden. Wiesner wischt über sein iPad und zeigt einen Film: Sein Arbeitgeber, bleich mit Sonnenbrille, sitzt vor einer Bücherwand im Sessel und erklärt mit brüchiger Stimme, dass er seinem deutschen Partner alle Rechte übertrage. Wiesner sagt: "Der Meikel hatte Angst." Ein Video hielt er für glaubwürdiger als ein Schriftstück. Jackson hatte seinem Personal gekündigt, einflussreichen Anwälten und mächtigen Managern, er fühlte sich verraten und verkauft, als Wirtskörper ihres Systems. So nannte er die Unterhaltungsindustrie des 20. Jahrhunderts: "Das System." In fünf Jahren würde er 50 sein, da wollte er nicht länger um die Welt reisen, den Moonwalk tanzen und mit seinen Liedern Trost spenden und fremde Konten füllen. Wiesner sollte sich für ihn an Apple, Disney und Mercedes wenden, sich mit der gefilmten Vollmacht ausweisen und Michael Jackson als Geschäftsmann neu erfinden."
Re: Dieter Wiesner-chanel on youtoube

Anyone know the date of when this power of attorney was given?

electro said:
So he may be releasing bits like this in order to prove he really worked for Michael or so.
I don't think fans dispute that he actually worked for mj and was his manager. I would say our gripe is that he was an unmitigated disaster at it.
Re: Dieter Wiesner-chanel on youtoube

So he may be releasing bits like this in order to prove he really worked for Michael or so

everyone knows he worked for mj. unfortunatly he needs to show nothing to prove that. considering weisners history before (german fans tried to tell mj about it) and during his time with mj its more of logic than hate in questioning the motives of his actions.

good question bonnie i cant remember off the top of my head but him and konitzer getting p.o.a was talked about alot during the 05 trial so im sure someone will have the date. mj also talked about i think during the depo when he talked about meds issues around that time
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Not the exact date, but it looks like it was January '03. It's from David LeGrands testimony.

Q. Okay. And in -- sometime in January, or

22 before that time, he decided -- Mr. Jackson decided

23 that he wanted to put Ronald Konitzer and Dieter

24 Weizner in charge of his enterprises?

25 A. Yes. That’s what he told me.
Re: Dieter Wiesner-chanel on youtoube

So he may be releasing bits like this in order to prove he really worked for Michael or so
good question bonnie i cant remember off the top of my head but him and konitzer getting p.o.a was talked about alot during the 05 trial so im sure someone will have the date. mj also talked about i think during the depo when he talked about meds issues around that time
So maybe he's planning to bring a law suit against the estate for unpaid management fees-like everybody else-and he's disputing that Michael was on drugs when he agreed to it. This would be a first step, I guess, by posting a very coherent video.

I'm not that familiar with him, but it seems like all his recent money making endeavors recently have been failing.
Re: Dieter Wiesner-chanel on youtoube

I'm sure he's going to try and profit in some kind of way. The way the description above is worded makes me wonder what kind of footage he's planning on releasing.
Re: Dieter Wiesner-chanel on youtoube

who knows barbee. but it certainly could be a pre emptive strike as u say its a strange thing to release

i dont think weisner had many if any success bar his leaching off mj. he has a criminal past in germany thats about as far as his fame goes

So maybe he's planning to bring a law suit against the estate for unpaid management fees-like everybody else-and he's disputing that Michael was on drugs when he agreed to it. This would be a first step, I guess, by posting a very coherent video.

I'm not that familiar with him, but it seems like all his recent money making endeavors recently have been failing.
Re: Dieter Wiesner-chanel on youtoube

i dont think weisner had many if any success bar his leaching off mj. he has a criminal past in germany thats about as far as his fame goes


I remember the book he was trying to put out in conjunction with Joseph-but never heard anything else about it, so sure that fell through.
Re: Dieter Wiesner-chanel on youtoube

Needs money, and Dileo's book is naming names so, a head start and if he can do it I can too deal,Yall he was under distress you can see by the way he's talking, he's reading it off of something someone is holding off camera, plus the glasses says it all he was on something and looks in pain.
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Re: Dieter Wiesner-chanel on youtoube

What year is this? Looks like 2002 to me.
Electro;4072888 said:
It's kind of obvious that Michael recorded himself. He was probably just to lazy to go through paper work.

The last part is impossible.

Power of attorney is a written document that requires a signature. So lazy or not, Michael or not, everyone has to go through the paper work.

A video isn't required but is recorded when parties believe or have a reason the power of attorney can be challenged. so a video is recorded to show that the person is of sound mind and was capable when they signed the power of attorney.

I also want to remind everyone here that when Wiesner sued Michael and Michael had to sit for a deposition he said he was using pain medication and he was impaired and didn't remember giving power of attorney.

So if you believe Michael's words, it's safe to assume that he indeed was using pain medication and Wiesner recorded him to use it if anyone challenged the power of attorney.

Relevant info

Jackson, speaking with a lawyer in the clip, alleges he was so high on prescribed medicine in 2003 he could not remember signing a contract with Wiesner, who was suing him for $67.5 million (£45 million) for fraud and breach of contract.

The lawyer asks Jackson, "Were you under the influence of drugs or alcohol that impaired your ability to understand what you were doing?"
Jackson replies, "It could have been medication, yes,"
prompting the attorney to probe, "Okay, what medications were you taking in about January of 2003?"
The star answers, "It could have easily been pain medication because I had some serious injuries on tour,"
and the lawyer continues: "And so is it your testimony that you gave power of attorney to Dieter Wiesner and Ronald Konitzer when under the influence of prescription medication?"
Jackson insists, "Could have been - probably. Probably, yes."
Re: Dieter Wiesner-chanel on youtoube

What year is this? Looks like 2002 to me.

It is January 2003.

There's actually very interesting events surrounding it.
Re: Dieter Wiesner-chanel on youtoube

^^So how did that law suit come out? Did Wiesner use this video to dispute Michael's testimony in deposition?
Or do you think he's trying to resurrect an old law suit?

I'm just trying to figure out the motive behind posting these videos to YouTube. It's odd.
ivy;4073095 said:
It is January 2003.

There's actually very interesting events surrounding it.

MJ doesn't look high on medications on that video. He actually looks pretty great. Or at least fine. How that lawsuit ended? Who won, did MJ had to pay him those $67.5 million (£45 million) or any amount of money?
Re: Dieter Wiesner-chanel on youtoube

you think mj filmed himself giving someone power of attorney. im more inclined to believe weisner wanted it filming as proof for when a lawsuit happened down the line as giving someone p.o.a isnt the norm. ontop of weisner having a copy although he may have got that copy if mj made it via the lawsuit. Personally i see no gain in mj filming it himself but i see every gain in weisner doing it for the long run

This seems plausible. There would have had to be a written and signed document in addition to this, and I see no gain for Michael in having the video, actually, whereas in case the POA were somehow contested, the video would be to Weisner's advantage. I do remember the deposition where Michael said he may have been impaired/on medication during that general time-period. If that was the case, then probably Weisner wanted the video for insurance that giving him POA really was Michael's intention. I find the video to be eerie, though.
Re: Dieter Wiesner-chanel on youtoube

^^So how did that law suit come out? Did Wiesner use this video to dispute Michael's testimony in deposition?
Or do you think he's trying to resurrect an old law suit?

I'm just trying to figure out the motive behind posting these videos to YouTube. It's odd.

Wiesner case had been settled when MJ was alive. It didn't go to trial. I don't think this is about a lawsuit. Most probably he is trying to profit from the videos / recordings etc he has.
OnirMJ;4073097 said:
MJ doesn't look high on medications on that video. He actually looks pretty great. Or at least fine. How that lawsuit ended? Who won, did MJ had to pay him those $67.5 million (£45 million) or any amount of money?

out of court settlement. no one knows the details of the amounts or payments.

It's important to remind that Michael did not claim to be totally impaired. In his deposition he claimed to take pain medications due to the bridge accident and his impairment "comes and goes". He claimed he did not remember signing any agreements or power of attorney though.

The interesting events I was mentioning was a letter from Barry Siegel. He sent a letter to Michael saying the money from the loan on Sony/ATV was running out and financially he would be in a bad situation. Siegel wanted a meeting with Michael, Branca, McClain, Modabber, Green to discuss the options. At that time Wiesner was talking to Michael about some of his ideas such as MJ Universe, Marvel etc that some people call as "hot-air projects" - meaning impossible to happen. So Michael hired Wiesner and partner and then fired his rest of the team. Then none of the projects ever happened (and couldn't happen to start with) and money started to go missing as Legrand testified. An overall mess.
Re: Dieter Wiesner-chanel on youtoube

At that time Wiesner was talking to Michael about some of his ideas such as MJ Universe, Marvel etc that some people call as "hot-air projects" - meaning impossible to happen. So Michael hired Wiesner and partner and then fired his rest of the team. Then none of the projects ever happened (and couldn't happen to start with) and money started to go missing as Legrand testified. An overall mess.

Can you please explain why you call them "hot-air projects" and projects that couldn't happen to start with? Marvel purchase was a possibility, right? MJ had enough money for it? What went wrong with that?
Re: Dieter Wiesner-chanel on youtoube

Can you please explain why you call them "hot-air projects" and projects that couldn't happen to start with? Marvel purchase was a possibility, right? MJ had enough money for it? What went wrong with that?

He didn't have enough money for any of it. Marvel was sold for $4 billion in 2009, MJ Universe - or second Neverland - was to buy a $80 Million property and add to that. So that's why any of it did not happen and hence "hot-air projects" aka not realistic. You have on one hand Barry Siegel that sends a letter to Michael saying you don't have any cash and then on the other hand you have Wiesner projects requiring tens of millions.
Re: Dieter Wiesner-chanel on youtoube

He didn't have enough money for any of it. Marvel was sold for $4 billion in 2009, MJ Universe - or second Neverland - was to buy a $80 Million property and add to that. So that's why any of it did not happen and hence "hot-air projects" aka not realistic. You have on one hand Barry Siegel that sends a letter to Michael saying you don't have any cash and then on the other hand you have Wiesner projects requiring tens of millions.

Yeah, but in 1999 or so (I think MJ wanted to buy Marvel in late 90's not in 2003) Marvel wasn't worth $4 billion.

"In 1991 Ronald Perelman, whose company, Andrews Group, had purchased Marvel Comic's Parent corporation, Marvel Entertainment Group (MEG) in 1989, took the company public. Following the rapid rise of this stock, Perelman issued a series of junk bonds that he used to acquire other entertainment companies, secured by MEG stock. Then, by the middle of the decade, the industry had slumped, and in December 1996 Marvel filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection. In 1997, Toy Biz and MEG merged to end the bankruptcy, forming a new corporation, Marvel Enterprises."

I think it was that time period.