NEW Pics of MJ from New Years Eve


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011




Why can't this man shop in peace ?? He is hunted everywhere by paparazzi ..H E L E O S !!
I hope I'm allowed to say this....

I thought he was done with these crazy mask. I though he was done with the "all publicity is good publicity" mentality where he thinks that even-though they show his picture and call him a freak because of what he's wearing, at least he's being mentioned. I thought he was done with the craziness. I mean, I could put up with one public sighting of him wearing a Zorro mask. But now he's back to nineties surgical mask. It's getting rather hard to bear as a fan to look at these pictures and it's getting very hard as a fan to defend Michael against people who see these pictures and call him a freak. I'm getting closer, with every knew public sighting of MJ, to agreeing with those who criticise his public appearances. The only thing that keeps me hanging on is the hope that maybe these increasingly frequent public sightings means he's gearing up for an album release.
I hope I'm allowed to say this....

I thought he was done with these crazy mask. I though he was done with the "all publicity is good publicity" mentality where he thinks that even-though they show his picture and call him a freak because of what he's wearing, at least he's being mentioned. I thought he was done with the craziness. I mean, I could put up with one public sighting of him wearing a Zorro mask. But now he's back to nineties surgical mask. It's getting rather hard to bear as a fan to look at these pictures and it's getting very hard as a fan to defend Michael against people who see these pictures and call him a freak. I'm getting closer, with every knew public sighting of MJ, to agreeing with those who criticise his public appearances. The only thing that keeps me hanging on is the hope that maybe these increasingly frequent public sightings means he's gearing up for an album release.

You are allowed to say whatever you want! :cheers:
I will say I disagree with your view on Michael and his choices to wear a mask in public! Michael done with craziness? The day that happens the world will crumble and the heavens will fall upon us! Michael is crazy! Crazy is Michael. :cheeky::wild::wild::wild::wild: Thats why we love him - no?!:wub:
Wow:wild: He looks so lovely with those glasses and the coat on!:) Thanx for posting Tom. He looks like a student with a bad cold dropping by a bookstore. Sooo cute:wub:
He loves to read it seems. He should just order it from amazon.
Maybe he loves browsing around bookstores as well:)
I hope I'm allowed to say this....

I thought he was done with these crazy mask. I though he was done with the "all publicity is good publicity" mentality where he thinks that even-though they show his picture and call him a freak because of what he's wearing, at least he's being mentioned. I thought he was done with the craziness. I mean, I could put up with one public sighting of him wearing a Zorro mask. But now he's back to nineties surgical mask. It's getting rather hard to bear as a fan to look at these pictures and it's getting very hard as a fan to defend Michael against people who see these pictures and call him a freak. I'm getting closer, with every knew public sighting of MJ, to agreeing with those who criticise his public appearances. The only thing that keeps me hanging on is the hope that maybe these increasingly frequent public sightings means he's gearing up for an album release.

But if you notice when MJ KNOWS he'll be photographed he usually dresses up quite well, like when he went to the off the wall store which he most likely knew had loads of paps everywhere. When he visits places like this, I really dont think hes wanting to be photographed, and thats why there is usualy so few pics of him (just usually 3 or5) because they arent full of paps
Yeah, I´ve also noticed the books behind him.
I think some persons here should think before they post. :)

Don´t forget that Michael is one of the most popular people on this earth. He doesn´t like to have got hundreds of crazy fans hanging around him. The paparrazi - sadly he cannot let them disappear. That´s the high prize he pays for his popularity.

I think that I would also wear masks when I was as popular as Michael. It´s not a big deal. That´s the only way he can go out.

I´m very happy that Michael is in good health!!! Go on, Michael!!! :clapping:
I hope I'm allowed to say this....

I thought he was done with these crazy mask. I though he was done with the "all publicity is good publicity" mentality where he thinks that even-though they show his picture and call him a freak because of what he's wearing, at least he's being mentioned. I thought he was done with the craziness. I mean, I could put up with one public sighting of him wearing a Zorro mask. But now he's back to nineties surgical mask. It's getting rather hard to bear as a fan to look at these pictures and it's getting very hard as a fan to defend Michael against people who see these pictures and call him a freak. I'm getting closer, with every knew public sighting of MJ, to agreeing with those who criticise his public appearances. The only thing that keeps me hanging on is the hope that maybe these increasingly frequent public sightings means he's gearing up for an album release.

hey friend, as I think everyone is entitled to their opinion, I do not critizise you for stating yours but please consider my thoughts on this...
Just imagine he really doesn't feel comfortable with showing his face... whyever. It doesn't have to be attention seeking.
I find myself sometimes praying that he's not forced and also doesn't feel forced for whatever reason to wear such a mask... that it's not something unpleasant what forces him to. I don't want him to think he has to hide.
WE DO NOT KNOW WHY HE WEARS WHAT HE WEARS. It's not ours nor iis it anyone elses but Michaels private business. WHAT WE DO KNOW IS THAT IT IS HIS RIGHT TO WEAR WHATEVER HE WANTS.
Please do not fall into the trap of assuming what others try to inject into your brain.
And do not get closer with intolerance please.
If it is ones free decision to wear a mask just let them wear it.
Let the different be different in peace! There is no need to judge.

Same goes for him wearing pyjamas or whatever. By the way I really like this one.
Yeah Mechi, sometimes I wonder if he feels like hiding (more from insecurity), always behind big dark shades, his hair always flowing in his face.

I dunno I just dont find it attention seeking, atleast not these pics

And if he was seeking attention now why hide behind a big umbrella surely he wants to be seen and photographed
The Fedora. :wub:!!! Nice to see pictures of him, lol.
Yeah Mechi, sometimes I wonder if he feels like hiding (more from insecurity), always behind big dark shades, his hair always flowing in his face.

I dunno I just dont find it attention seeking, atleast not these pics

And if he was seeking attention now why hide behind a big umbrella surely he wants to be seen and photographed

well we really do not know.

The umbrella could be just to not let the paps earn too much with undisturbed pics of him... what could be his right also and would be very understandable from my side.

I am someone often enough rising my hand also when someone wants to take a picture of me.

We can speculate... that is ok as long as it's respectfull towards Michael. But we shouldn't jump into any judgement.
As sure as we sometimes feel about our own thoughts... it's just that, thoughts.

His reasons are his reasons. If we love him, we do accept and respect him the way he is. We don't even need to understand every little reason and/or secret, I'd say.
That keeps us having stuff to talk about! lol :cheeky:
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To me our sweetheart seems to try hard to cover up a new hair look maybe, or sth at his style which I belive this is to destruct people from descovering tha he is about to return all new and fresh !
first I didn't believe it is Michael, because of posing right in front of a bunch of camouflage books, I thought Michael wouldn't attract attention to this kind of stuff. But when I saw his hands one could be sure, it's Michael.

What I don't understand, why most of the fans and users here are getting into ecstasies over how he is looking, I can't see how he looks ... what I see is a hat, sunglasses, umbrella, coat, pyjama trousers, that's all.
first I didn't believe it is Michael, because of posing right in front of a bunch of camouflage books, I thought Michael wouldn't attract attention to this kind of stuff. But when I saw his hands one could be sure, it's Michael.

What I don't understand, why most of the fans and users here are getting into ecstasies over how he is looking, I can't see how he looks ... what I see is a hat, sunglasses, umbrella, coat, pyjama trousers, that's all.

The last part of your post is fine with me indeed :)
But then again those pictures makes me said why he always has to wear that..
I'm mean not the head and coat ofcource, but the mask... I think its a pitty
And as for the good looking part well indeed you dont see much of him to just say hes good looking..
These are my thoughts about those pictures if you compare them with the halloween ones where he's wearing that cool shirt!:)
To me our sweetheart seems to try hard to cover up a new hair look maybe, or sth at his style which I belive this is to destruct people from descovering tha he is about to return all new and fresh !

perhaps, lol

Happy new year, Dear Michael! I'm so happy you're fine:)

btw, I don't think there's any problem with Michael covering himself up to go shopping. It's the paparazzi who would be annoyed with this, haha, not anybody else:D Just let them be miserable!

Go, Michael!
I would say that he just wanted to outside because he was getting stir crazy (tired of being inside) and he hasn't had a chance to get his hair done (you know how we just sometimes need to go out and the hair thing is messing with the plans) and he just didn't feel like putting on the tight jeans (he wanted to hang loose) and he wanted to be like who he is...MICHAEL JACKSON.:wub:

He's the cutest "Little Rascal", isn't he?

I just want to take him back home with me and love him a lot more.
It doesn't matter what he wears, he will always be critisised. I agree that this sort of stuff plays into the hands of the tabloids, but he knows that will happen and does it anyway.

It's just a bit of nonsence and nothing to get worked up over. The main thing is he isn't as reported lying on his death bed, it's just Michael doing his thing.