
Re: appleheads!

i really hate my cat.. he knocked my lamp off my headboard abour 2hrs ago and i still cant get back to sleep....:waving: when you all get on..
Re: appleheads!

Some stroking action going on here :p
Re: appleheads!

Here, London, someone is waiting for you already:


Awwwws!! :wub:

Hi again appleheads! Afternoon here (and I just woke up an hour ago :D). Gonna go to my parents' in another city to do boring stuff. :p Love them though, just not the stuff that I have to do. Later alligators! Have fun! :)
Re: appleheads!

Probably... cause I just repped Calla :p but I still can't rep you! :) lol a bunch of losers we are, tellin' ya! *in a lovin way*

Hello BES!! *innocent smile*
*did she already find out about me cuddling the bad one this morning or not yet?
I bet I better run away when she does!*

:blink: free and clear, i gave you smooth ass FREE AND CLEAR and STILL have to pull out brass knucks over bad mike?

*greedy heiffers, i tell ya....first come together mike makes me have to show my ass last nite and mop the floor with JAG, then i had to burst out the often unseen lapdancing for baby daddy mike just to get come together mike away from MYAS filthy hands....NOW i wake up this....." mike, baby, you are driving them crazy! back to the bedroom with you...that's right, yes, back in restraints. love you too
Re: appleheads!


i always rep everyone around the boards but maybe i have repped the sisters too much in the same thread! they figured out our trick!


oh, i love it when he's all riled up. smooches london! good morning!! you are the only person still left in my good graces at this point :D well, and twin....wait....she said something yesterday about one of my mikes....hmm, i'mma remember, just hold on
Re: appleheads!

o no u didnt

girl i will fyte u even in da mornig


Oh that's cute! I like angry Mike! U tell 'em! Tell them paparazzi to get outta YO face! :lol:

I made some more... I made them all when I was so sad after his passing... and having his words plus some beautiful imaginery to look at was comforting... I like the one with a supernova the most, but here are 3 more (1 with the same quote though)

Silence is my fav quote... it's something strangely comforting in those words... Like non-physical world's dance kinda thing *faint smile :) *

I love these! I was reading DTD last night.. the one about the fish.. and the one about innocence. Then the one about tears for the lover who said mean things and then when he cried about the happy things she came back. Yeah. I lost it. :cry:

50% of your posts are stunning beautiful sexy to-the-point spot on ironic sarcastic goofy gifs & pix so CHAMONE girl! you made this crowd go wild horny and imaginative you shouldn't be ashamed of the counter!

Right! Ignore that counter girl and do YOU. Please I'm right behind you. I don't CARE! I love him. :love:


(lol I think it's a great caption but too lazy to put that on a pic)


(hate Daily Mail but cracking about the background camouflage thing going on)

:lmao: Camouflage! The funny part is he ain't camouflaging ish! We know its YOU Mike!

London the word *sense* doesn't even pop up in my brain when I see smooth ass so whatever :p and seriously, I think he is just trying to present what you said.
Like "uhmmmm where was I...? hold on... AH RIGHT!" and dance again! I mean, look at it, it's an inner dialogue going on there *in that smooth little adorable head of his smoooch lol*

BWAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!! :lmao: Lemme see if I can give you some rep points on that!

:bye: sisters

will be time soon, yes, thankies :huggy:

bringing this gentleman of course


Uh huh. Hands off the PerfBF please! I'm right next to him in that bed.. u just can't see me cause I'm off screen.

yes, darling! ;)


Oh! :love:

Awwwws!! :wub:

Hi again appleheads! Afternoon here (and I just woke up an hour ago :D). Gonna go to my parents' in another city to do boring stuff. :p Love them though, just not the stuff that I have to do. Later alligators! Have fun! :)

See you later hun!

oh, i love it when he's all riled up. smooches london! good morning!! you are the only person still left in my good graces at this point :D well, and twin....wait....she said something yesterday about one of my mikes....hmm, i'mma remember, just hold on

Im not in your good graces? :(

Hello HB and Bes.

Bes, lap dance my man again, and I keep Bad forever!!

Sorry for waking you up. :(
Re: appleheads!

Im not in your good graces? :(
i feel like there was something i was supposed to cut you about.....hmm...well, you did send me a present last nite, so whatever it was is all forgiven :hug: can't wait to compare notes on that later! and can i say from the lil bit i heard that i wish i could edit her out? talk about missed opportunity, gotdamn
Re: appleheads!

Oh Michael. Your clothing choices are always... interesting. No one but him. That's all I have to say about that. :lol:
Re: appleheads!

I'm actually going to attempt to have a life this weekend. I may be going out tonight and I'm hitting up a BBQ tomorrow afternoon/evening. I am AFRAID of the pages that will await me upon my return tho. I'm almost hoping the board goes down. :lol:
Re: appleheads!

Hi LYMMJ and Sham!!

Hi :waving:

How are you all this morning? I'm actually pretty tired and upset. I tried going to bed and ended up crying half the night. Not really so much about Michael (but oh believe me, every time I cry it's about Michael somehow no matter what) but all the other stuff that's going on in my life right now. So much pressure, so much stress, so much at stake. Have absolutely nothing planned for today. I usually babysit my niece and nephew in the afternoon but they're out of town so I won't be babysitting them until next week, I miss them like crazy :(

So anyway, I'm having this again this AM:

PS How do you award rep points? I've been dying to know this and know nothing about it
Re: appleheads!

Just click on the little thumbs up at the bottom left when someone makes a post. :lol: Lemme see if I can rep you...
Re: appleheads!

Buenos días cabezas de manzanas! I only had five pages to read today, woot! :happy: Now time for my long ass multiquotes!


oooh you really wanna try me! 10 minutes.....SHAM i tried baby i tried, i'm being good, but they really tryin me today!



Awws, I appreciate it hun :huggy: but the day is up, so you can cut up some hoes if you'd like! :devil:

yeah well i'mma sit on baby daddy's lap and let him teach me some things since he knows what he's doing. he was looking good in those trial suits, TRY me....ESPECIALLY the white suit with NOOOOOOO undies :ninja: *sits on lap and wiggles hips*

mmm mmm mm


You are too much! Ilymoast! :hysterical: *reps*

what you say?? couldn't hear you over baby daddy's epic moans

I'd rep you again if I could! :lmao: Freaking quote of the day!

is it wrong that i can't stop staring at my sig? :scratch:
:heart: Sham ty ty for this sig

Yw, hun! :huggy:

Nope. I was trying, doesn't allow me either. I think you can't just keep repping the same person (or two-Limon :lol:) all the time. you have to go and rep someone else and then should be ok :lol: I am going back to find Sham and rep her for my siggy :lol:

Woot! :wild:

Hi LYMMJ and Sham!!

Hey gurl! Baby daddy is looking extra delicious today! :evil: No need to cut me, I was just admiring. I've always had a thing for baby daddy.

I love me some baby daddy in red.


There, done! :happy:
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Re: appleheads!

sham!!! lol, how the heck are you?? glad i could amuse you baby girl :D i was sooooooooo good yesterday! it wasn't until midnite that i jumped off...see, you are a good influence