Message from The Estate on the Tabloids

Any statement from the estate is a mere gesture, so what is this drive to have them make one?

I don't know why some fans think such gestures are not important. When such a thing is reported all over the world as a FACT it is important to point out no, it isn't. Otherwise it remains unchallenged and that's a message too in many people's minds (and not one that reflects well on MJ).

There is media which will maliciously make up such things, knowing it's a lie and just don't care. But there is media which report and re-publish such stories out of stupidity. Journalists themselves are not above being manipulated by other journalists. So if the Estate had released a factual rebuttal to these allegations right away then that rebuttal could have been and would have been published alongside the Sunday People's claims and that already would have put things into a perspective for many people.

And the Estate needs to play it smart. Strike up friendships and contacts with influential journalists at influential publications. And then they will publish the rebuttal, not only the allegations. If haters and accusers can do it why can't the Estate?
Any statement from the estate is a mere gesture, so what is this drive to have them make one? A statement from them is not going to solve the main cause of this problem. The tabloid will leave the FBI story, and will move on to their next. That is the way the game is played. The estate should make no big public statements about these allegation lies. They should focus on fighting lies in court where evidence can come out.

I agree with that the estate should focus on court case. If judge allows case to go on trial and don't kick it out as late claim, then the estate should be careful what they release as they need to prove their case in trial. Saying or releasing too much of information now, can work against them when its trial time.
I agree with that the estate should focus on court case. If judge allows case to go on trial and don't kick it out as late claim, then the estate should be careful what they release as they need to prove their case in trial. Saying or releasing too much of information now, can work against them when its trial time.

I can't see how saying there are no FBI files proving MJ abused and paid-off dozens of boys (as there aren't) can hurt them in court if the WR case goes forward. The past 20 years proved that what's going on in court isn't the only thing that matters. It also matters what's going on with public opinion, since we are talking about a public figure and his general reputation. Especially now after his death Michael has only his reputation. It does matter what people think about him.
Thanks. Alicat, great comment and I agree that MJ really wanted us to act to protect the earth and wildlife and ecosystems. In fact, reading your comment, I am thinking maybe it would be good to start a fund that fans could contribute to that would give $ to the key organizations that are fighting to protect the earth. I know this is off topic but your comment made me think of that. The 2 animal species that are specifically mentioned in Earth Song are 'crying whales' and 'what about elephants? Have we lost their trust?" These are the only 2 species he names in that song. So donations could be made for those 2 species in his name. Just an idea.

Thank you jamba! Speaking of the 'crying whales,' if all of us would never buy another plastic bottle of water, what a huge difference the environment would be, in particular all the plastic floating out in all the ocean's on the planet. That could be everybody's financial contribution, by never buying another plastic bottle of water. There are more regulations on tap water, than the bottled water industry, which has none, and most bottled water comes from, tap water. The plastic used will give you cancer and other health issues. Just that one simple act of never buying another plastic bottle of water. Then there won't be so much plastic in the ocean's and the 'crying whales' won't become extinct, because all the other wild life in the ocean's have not become extinct from eating the plastic in the ocean's!

The estate's lawyer's statement about Wade, did not stop Wade from going on tv to make statements or his lawyers' statements. NO statement from the estate is going to make the tabloids stop writing these stories, unless the estate has a legal right to make them stop. The estate does not, so they can only appeal to the tabloid's ethics or moral fiber and that is a big joke.

It's not about stopping the tabloids or hoping for a retraction, it's about what the public would see. The public would see a more balanced coverage of the story from more respected sources, instead of just LIES, LIES, LIES that the fans have to refute without any support from "credible" sources such as the family or the estate. The public would think, "hmm, looks like the media is making up stories again," instead of "If FBI says it, it must be true." We are not fighting to shut up the tabloids - it's a futile war. We are fighting for MJ in the court of the public opinion.

And the fact that you haven't heard from people about this story does not mean they haven't read it, doesn't mean it hasn't planted a doubt in their minds.

I'll give you an example. I follow Russian coverage of MJ news, and in the week following the FBI story I saw dozens of headlines stating "FBI has released a file proving Jackson paid off to 25 boys." If there had been a quick rebuttal to the story here, most of the media sites that copied it would have included the rebuttal. Then reporters in other countries that copy from TMZ and such would have seen a different story, and the articles wouldn't have been about the "facts from FBI" anymore, they would have been about "claims from a British newspaper" which is a totally different angle for a reader. It's all about credibility. Do you know that Russian fans are lobbying to open a monument to Michael in Moscow? And those officials who are supposed to give the permission are reading their morning news too.

As I said, choosing a tactics in this case is a complicated question, and on one hand, I can see where the estate may be coming from. But in the end of the day, it just looks like the media can say whatever they want about MJ, and slander him, and destroy his reputation, and NO ONE from his close circle stands up for him. It's just so sad.
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Thank you jamba! Speaking of the 'crying whales,' if all of us would never buy another plastic bottle of water, what a huge difference the environment would be, in particular all the plastic floating out in all the ocean's on the planet. That could be everybody's financial contribution, by never buying another plastic bottle of water. There are more regulations on tap water, than the bottled water industry, which has none, and most bottled water comes from, tap water. The plastic used will give you cancer and other health issues. Just that one simple act of never buying another plastic bottle of water. Then there won't be so much plastic in the ocean's and the 'crying whales' won't become extinct, because all the other wild life in the ocean's have not become extinct from eating the plastic in the ocean's!

"It's us, or it'll never be done." Thanks for posting this, Alicat. I agree plastic bottles (and plastic in general) are very harmful. The Great Garbage Patch in the Pacific is now the size of Texas! Just a mass of floating garbage, mostly plastic. Thanks for pointing that out as a big danger to marine life (and birds too).

I have been thinking that it would still be a good idea to start a charity in MJ's name for elephants and whales--the species he sings about and names in Earth Song, so if anyone has an idea to help me with this, please PM me. Thanks and sorry to be off topic re the Estate's letter.

Re the point that the Estate needs to focus on the WR court filings, that is true. I believe Howard Weitzman spoke about the huge # of lawsuits the Estate is dealing with and has dealt with involving massive $ claims. The Tohme issue is still pending as well, and the Neverland issue, and the claim on MJ's artwork, not to mention this current trial which they are footing the bill for. Yes, I agree the Estate could word things better/sooner but they do have a lot on their plate IMO.

I also agree with their general approach, which is to focus on MJ's art--this is a long-term strategy that will be shifting the focus. I think it's great others such as Charles Thomson and Roger Friedman spoke out against the tabs' lies--it is actually more believable to the general public coming from other journalists than from the estate IMO.
I am thinking maybe it would be good to start a fund that fans could contribute to that would give $ to the key organizations that are fighting to protect the earth. I know this is off topic but your comment made me think of that. The 2 animal species that are specifically mentioned in Earth Song are 'crying whales' and 'what about elephants? Have we lost their trust?" These are the only 2 species he names in that song. So donations could be made for those 2 species in his name. Just an idea.

A good thing is to boycott circuses with animals , Seaworld and similar places and tell other persons about the abuse animals are subjected to there.
i´ve posted about orcas in make the change thread,it´s awful how these animals are treated.
For all the hating on RF, he was one of the few journos who insisted the child abuse claims were false....
Michael Jackson Estate Issues Statement Using Michael’s “Prophetic” Words
July 11, 2013 | Filed under: Entertainment |


With MJ One’s successful premiere behind them, Michael Jackson’s Estate has decided to release yet another statement in response to the lies being circulated by tabloids as of late.

The Estate’s Statement is as follows:

We know many fans have been upset by recent tabloid stories in the UK about Michael. In his song “Tabloid Junkie” Michael Jackson sings: Just because you read it in a magazine or see it on a TV screen doesn’t make it factual.

Sadly, we were recently reminded of just how prophetic Michael’s lyrics were when these disgraceful, stale and discredited stories more than two decades old were published making unfounded allegations about Michael and so-called FBI “files.” It should be no surprise that one of the authors of this rehash has a long history of writing tabloid articles about Michael. It also should be noted that he formerly was a top editor at a scandal-ridden British tabloid that folded following revelations that the phones of celebrities, public figures and even a child murder victim were illegally hacked. Even more unseemly was one press account in which the tabloid’s source was identified as a former investigator whose license was revoked and who also has filed for bankruptcy. He isn’t denying that he was paid to tell these falsehoods, but he is boasting about his pornography career. It goes without saying that this callous and brazen disregard shown Michael’s children, family and fans is beyond reprehensible.

Responsible journalists who don’t practice checkbook journalism have thoroughly debunked this disgusting story and its unreliable sources. Showbiz411 titled its story: “ ‘FBI Files’ Are From People Discredited Long Time Ago” ( ). CNN called the London tabloid reports a “questionable” rehash while noting that, “A website can enjoy a sharp spike in traffic — which can translate into advertising revenue — with a sensational headline” ( in describing how media can play fast and loose with the truth to drive viewers or readers to their site.

We believe unethical tabloid journalists and publications spreading falsehoods about Michael for their own selfish reasons are best ignored. Sadly, they hide shamelessly behind a legal shield allowing them to smear those who are no longer with us. As readers abandon them and their businesses collapse, they desperately seek attention and publicity. We don’t believe they deserve it, and are confident that discredited articles such as these vanish quickly and are easily forgotten.

Rest assured that Michael’s legacy is his artistic genius. It’s his humanitarian work that touched millions, and his global messages of peace. Most important, Michael’s legacy is his enduring love for his children, his family and his fans.

- John Branca and John McClain, Co-Executors, The Estate Of Michael Jackson

The estate’s statement came on the same day Michael Jackson fans launched their Open Letter To The Media Campaign which is aimed at media and tabloids that have engaged in spreading the lies as ‘the truth’!

They opened strongly, citing lyrics to Michael’s song entitled “Tabloid Junkie,” then went on to call his haunting lyrics prophetic and as can be seen below, Mr. John Branca and Mr. John McClain were spot on.

From Michael’s song “Tabloid Junkie”:

It’s slander
You say it’s not a sword
But with your pen you torture men
You’d crucify the Lord
And you don’t have to read it, read it
And you don’t have to eat it, eat it
To buy it is to feed it, feed it
So why do we keep foolin’ ourselves

Just because you read it in a magazine
Or see it on the TV screen
Don’t make it factual
Though everybody wants to read all about it
Just because you read it in a magazine
Or see it on the TV screen
Don’t make it factual, actual

Piece by piece, the estate provided information and links to articles that have proven these stories being spread by The Sunday People as categorically false.

The estate then scolds the tabloids for their selfishness and disregard for Michael’s children, family, and fans calling the tabloids’ actions reprehensible.

The greatest of sucker punches, however, came when the estate pointed out the tabloids ability to hide like cowards behind a legal shield to ‘smear those who are no longer with us.’

As has been seen countless times, John Branca and John McClain have instilled faith and confidence that Michael’s legacy will always be defended and protected to ensure Michael’s children inherit the successful estate their father worked his entire life to build just for them as well as all the children of the world that Michael always kept near to his heart.

It's not about stopping the tabloids or hoping for a retraction, it's about what the public would see.

Well someone talked about a retraction in the thread. About your idea that it is not about stopping tabloids but about what the public would see, then we will have to disagree with each other on that one. What the public will see is still going to be what the tabloids will write. Even if the estate makes a statement for the public to see, the public sees both the long tabloid story and a comment from the estate. Since the tabloid writes continuously about negative Michael stories, then the public will still see the tabloid's Michael fake stories on a continuous basis. So to me the problem is the tabloid not that the estate did not write a big statement. The mere fact that the tabloids have such a following from fans and nonfans, means that the public like what they see there. Therefore, a statement from the estate will not sway the tabloid reading public. If it did, then the statements from Michael and the verdict would have swayed the general public mind, so that the tabloid would not be able to get believers from their readers. If Michael's statements and the verdict did not help, how much weight will the estate have? I still say that the tabloids and what they can do needs to be addressed legally. Until such time, they will continue to run havoc in society because they have a large following in society.

Once the estate writes about one story, the tabloid will write another story the next month, then the estate writes a statement about that, then the tabloid writes another story the next month. This is not what I want from Michael's estate. History has shown that a tabloid is a tabloid. If you write to them, they ignore it regardless of who you are. The only time they stop is if you get them legally.

What I see works is (1) Writing brief factual comments under articles that will allow it. (2) Writing the sponsors or advertisers if they are mainstream companies. (3) Appealing to the ethical/professional/moral stance of the magazine. For the tabloid nothing works unless it involves a legal issue where you are in the right. Otherwise they laugh in your face and print another story.
Looks like the Estate did file a complaint

UK Press Complaints Commission states MJ Estate filed a complaint against Daily Mirror and Sunday People tabloid stories.

The email is below

Thank you for your email.

The Commission has today been contacted by a representative of the Estate of Michael Jackson. The Estate has informed us that it wishes to make a complaint through the PCC in relation to the coverage in the Daily Mirror and Sunday People which forms the subject of your complaint.

As I am sure you can appreciate, in circumstances where articles have made specific allegation against a named individual, it is more appropriate for the Commission to consider a complaint from that individual or their representatives.

As such, we will be taking this complaint forward with the Estate of Michael Jackson. We will endeavour to let you know the outcome of the PCC’s investigation into the matter, subject to the requirements of confidentiality.

Whilst the Estate has not as yet made a complaint in relation to the coverage in the Daily Mail, we will be putting that complaint on hold pending the outcome of our investigation with them of the coverage published by the Daily Mirror and Sunday people, as this raises substantively the same concerns. Should it become appropriate for us to revert to you on this complaint at a later stage we will do so.

Thank you for raising these concerns with us.

Best wishes


Ben Gallop
Complaints Officer

Press Complaints Commission
Halton House
20/23 Holborn
London EC1N 2JD

Tel: 020 7831 0022

source :
Didn't some fan here also send a complaint to the commission?
I think this statement is mainly to the fans, asking us not to be sending open letters, giving them more attention. I think the letter was sent with the best intention, obviously, but it is clear that the Estate thinks it's best if these stories are ignored.

Yep, we did. Also Taj Jackson.

I hope it works to force the tabloids to write the truth, an apology.

Yes I am for formal complaints that can be based on some legality/regulation. Didn't Taj do one for something about himself some time ago? Or am I mixing up the 3T's.
Re the point that the Estate needs to focus on the WR court filings, that is true. I believe Howard Weitzman spoke about the huge # of lawsuits the Estate is dealing with and has dealt with involving massive $ claims. The Tohme issue is still pending as well, and the Neverland issue, and the claim on MJ's artwork, not to mention this current trial which they are footing the bill for. Yes, I agree the Estate could word things better/sooner but they do have a lot on their plate IMO.

I also agree with their general approach, which is to focus on MJ's art--this is a long-term strategy that will be shifting the focus. I think it's great others such as Charles Thomson and Roger Friedman spoke out against the tabs' lies--it is actually more believable to the general public coming from other journalists than from the estate IMO.

That is precisely my sentiment.
Re: Message from The Estate on the Tabloids / Est files with UK Press Complaints Commission

About time. let this be a lesson learned for the estate.
I don't think for a second that Branca believes Michael was guilty. He probably did not want to make that TV special about the allegations yet again, he wanted the focus to be on MJ as an artist and that's why he decided not to argue with that woman. It was the right thing to do, imo.

I believe your point is spot on... and Branca was probably caught out by the question; and without having a chance to go back and view the interview she was referring to (taking Michael's words out of context - minus his own explanation of the situation) he (Branca) probably felt it better to redirect the interview back to what he knew to be true about Michael from his own personal contact with him. It's the best response to this type of crap, really. They just want to toss in some controversy to see if anyone will bite and give them a bigger story!

I've heard other fans (i.e. in other forums) complain about the delays in the Estate's responses to some issues, but anyone who has worked in a professional capacity where legal opinions have been required would appreciate the time it takes to make sure all the facts are in hand and all bases covered before launching any kind of counter attack. All possible consequences have to be considered and any possible (negative) backlash. Yes, I would like an instant comeback from the Estate to any and all negative press on Michael, but I know from my own job that these things, if they are going to be done effectively, take time. It does not mean that they don't believe in Michael any less, they just want to make sure they have the right ammunition in hand when they call the liars out.

Still, if the fans being active in defence of Michael has encouraged their actions in this, or other matters, then I say, well done everyone, and let's keep it up.
Re: Message from The Estate on the Tabloids / Est files with UK Press Complaints Commission

Oh I see. I am impressed.

Re Taj's complaint, I saw that on his Twitter account and was very impressed. He did say he would've taken a bullet for his Uncle Michael - and he more-or-less did that when he came out with the revelation that he had been molested as a child by a relative on his mother's side...

What gets me is not that Taj did this (God bless him for it!) - but that other members of Michael's family (i.e. parents and siblings) haven't. Still, given their behaviour before and since MJ's death, I guess I would be more surprised if they did... unless of course they were putting in a claim for financial restitution in recompense for all the distress they have suffered due to their brother's reputation continuing to be trashed by other vultures.
Re: Message from The Estate on the Tabloids / Est files with UK Press Complaints Commission

Oh, I forgot, their mother is already doing that for them, isn't she? While not directly trashing their brother's reputation, they seem to be happy to sit back and see him publicly dissected repeatedly in the name of money. This is something I will never understand. If others do, well then good luck to you.
I believe your point is spot on... and Branca was probably caught out by the question; and without having a chance to go back and view the interview she was referring to (taking Michael's words out of context - minus his own explanation of the situation) he (Branca) probably felt it better to redirect the interview back to what he knew to be true about Michael from his own personal contact with him. It's the best response to this type of crap, really. They just want to toss in some controversy to see if anyone will bite and give them a bigger story!

Actually you see that part in your post that I bolded ^^, that was not Branca's mindset. According to a communication I had with Branca, what LindavG said is closer to the correct reason.

Here is Lindavg post below:

Originally Posted by LindavG View Post
I don't think for a second that Branca believes Michael was guilty. He probably did not want to make that TV special about the allegations yet again, he wanted the focus to be on MJ as an artist and that's why he decided not to argue with that woman. It was the right thing to do, imo.
Re: Message from The Estate on the Tabloids / Est files with UK Press Complaints Commission

I agree ^^ But I see the bottom line of both views are more or less stating the same thing. but in different ways.
Branca didn't want the interview to focus on allegations but on the positive, or truth he knew about MJ , which is Michael's Artistry. He didn't allow the interviewer to change the topic into discussing the allegations. That was not the purpose or focus of why he was doing this interview. She just tried to slip that question in there and he was not going for it. He was wise not to address it in that instance or setting. IMO.

..... (Branca) probably felt it better to redirect the interview back to what he knew to be true about Michael from his own personal contact with him. It's the best response to this type of crap, really. They just want to toss in some controversy to see if anyone will bite and give them a bigger story!

Here is Lindavg post below:

Originally Posted by LindavG View Post .... He probably did not want to make that TV special about the allegations yet again, he wanted the focus to be on MJ as an artist and that's why he decided not to argue with that woman. It was the right thing to do, imo.
Re: Message from The Estate on the Tabloids / Est files with UK Press Complaints Commission

Qbee ^^yes the bottom line is the same but the bolded part was not, so that is why I highlighted that part and let the poster know. Its like I give 12 points and point number 2 is off. That does not mean all the other 11 points are inaccurate.
Re: Message from The Estate on the Tabloids / Est files with UK Press Complaints Commission

^^^ Right your are correct :) Thats why I made distinction of bottom line
Re: Message from The Estate on the Tabloids / Est files with UK Press Complaints Commission

I was talking to one of the fans and she said that she contacted the Estate right after the first tabloid story leaked about fake FBI flies and the Estate team replied that they flied the complaint on July 1st, 2 days after the story first borke out.
Re: Message from The Estate on the Tabloids / Est files with UK Press Complaints Commission

I was talking to one of the fans and she said that she contacted the Estate right after the first tabloid story leaked about fake FBI flies and the Estate team replied that they flied the complaint on July 1st, 2 days after the story first borke out.

^^Waw now that is good news to know. It seems the estate went with the official procedure first. I guess this means that when fans think the estate does not know, they are actually working quietly behind the scenes. Very good.
Re: Message from The Estate on the Tabloids / Est files with UK Press Complaints Commission

People should just stop judging others. Including the Estate..I think they did the right thing by issuing the statement, that wasn't good enough for some and they wanted complaints, when news breaks that the Estate already filed one it's "well, they learned their lesson", when fact is they did the complaint before any of us knew about it, and they don't get any recognition for that. I hate the "Michael" debacle and greatest hits album as much as the next person, but since they took over the Estate has done a pretty good job at clearing Michael's name, IMO.