If You Were Michael Jackson What is One Thing You Would Do Differently?

ignore this one my fan fiction sucked so i changed the post lol
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I personally, would have left the JW and gone to a real church.
Very curious to know why you say that, although I agree for my own reasons. He seemed to pretty much 'handle' them in his own way imho

I wonder if their ways added to his confusion he sings about because he seemed to feel grounded there but ironically not a group of brothers could help him gain more clarity ...weird ..... I believe from my family members that for the most part being raised as JW is difficult. Fortnately my mother didn't go with it except due to all the books from the KH and her dad being a pastor, she had a lot of books and highly valued the bible and its values such as how Jah feels about idolatry. BC of my aunts and uncles I couldn't avoid being taken to the KH as a child and out of all the other religions in our huge family, this was the only one where I got that 'toxic' feeliing and when I grew up I properly studied and dedicated myself in my search for truth and to learn the most possible about the bible, when it was finally revealed to me it is unscriptural in many ways that nobody seems to notice such as what the bible says about celebrating specail days vs JW's view of h'days and many other things.

That scripture "thou shall not live by bread alone but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God" doesn't apply to that religion, instead its, "but by every word that proceedeth out of the WTB&TS'' which is just as much idolatry as anything can be. It took a while for me to realize it though. I knew something was amiss when 1975 was predicted as the end and it obviously didn't happen and the brothers at the WTBTS didn't admit it ever happened which is one of many lacks in integrity. The most stubborn among them want to believe its the truth whether its the whole truth and nothing but the truth or not....and I don't believe any honest JW brother or sister would disagree....cb wrong, w knows. Half the cousins raised in it left when they could give themselves permission ... I just remind them that when the disciples asked, "where would we go ... you have the sayings of everlasting life" they were talking to ... Jesus/Yeshua ... not a self proclaimed faithful (but not infallible) and discreet (light constantly 'getting brighter' gaslight) slave except Jesus.... if you've ever sang with Mahalia you know Christ is the life-giving Spirit and if we walk as worthy on our own, our goodness is as filthy rags. God isn't looking for the "perfect religion" because God is not a religion at all.

I believe MJ felt it really made him feel grounded and connected with the real world w/o worrying about any of the usual routines as its a very warm and God-focused environment ..... just 'conscripted' division of Christendom. The writings of the China man Watchman Nee and Witness Lee one of whom experienced the Lord in jail in communist China similiarly to Paul creatted a similar church called "the church in ...." whatever big city you're in .... and even that is one expression of Glory to God .... that's what God wants, whether we are choosing this or choosing that, do it to the glory of the 1 True God who never told us to judge, in fact told us not to but not them, they can't not. sry I digress i guess but who wouldn't be confused. He had to say, "if I don't mean it I don't sing it" ... well, not when he was singing Christmas songs or anything else Motown made them do such as the romantic songs at such an early age not in alignment w/ JW teachings, so... what kid wouldn't be confused by just about everything.

The orgaanization of JWs has its place in its contribution to making people conscous of the kingdom and Jehovah's name but its a 'take the meat leave the bones' and was good for a lot of big families to give them structure...nothing wrong with it for a time a season and a purpose as my greatest fear is .."I never knew you" will be quite literal.... in that day so its either the Truth or the lie. Jesus said "I am...the Truth" js It boils down to that imh unsolicited opinion but all that to say I agree with that statement but who knows if what woulda coulda shoulda been .. would've really been for the best for him or not.
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1. More rock and roll feel songs.
I feel like come together and give into me, and songs like those were his sweet spots, although, this is personal opinion so don't rally against me with hate. I understand his voice changed with age and time - massive respect. I like the softer, tender and velvety feel of this voice during the Off the Wall era and as he transitioned into Bad and Dangerous, I feel as if the songs were halfed and had less effort and soul in them, as prior. I feel as if his voice lost some of the charm and wonder, but I love the depth and gravity this voice gained too. I love how he expressed himself, through dance and vocally in his more rock feel songs.

2. left JW earlier and joined a real church

JW like you said earlier, do whatever comes out of our mouth not God's. If Michael Jackson had a growing, born-again relationship/friendship with Jesus Christ - not merely just GOD, then some of this BS wouldn't have occurred.

If you first acknowledge your own sin and hate towards others, Jesus, yourself, and humble yourself and want Jesus to set you free, CAN HE NOT DO IT, HE IS ABLE. I think that the self-hate/disappointment, the longing to be loved and feel loved, anxiety and the pride could have been forgiven, satisfied and let go of. NO, HE WOULDN'T BE PERFECT but whenever, he felt in need of a COMFORTER, an ADVOCATE, a FRIEND, a FATHER, a KEEPER OF HIS SOUL, a GUARDIAN, a SHIELD, a SHEPHERD, a MEDITATOR, a JUDGE, a COUNSELOR, a personal Jesus who could come and see about him, a FORGIVER, or FELT ANY PRIDE, HATE, ANXEITY, FEAR, FUSTRATION, DISAPPOINTMENT, UNCERTAINTY, LOVELESSNESS, then he could simply pray to Jesus, and what a friend he would have. He could sleep peacefully, he could run away from bad friends and foes, he could discern clearly between right and wrong business moves, investments, activities, partnerships etc. and friendship with his family and others, who he listened to for advice, charity, friendships w/kids, marriage etc. , he wouldn't just rely on his heart, feelings or eyes, but would could go the ONE WHO HOLD'S THE WHOLE WORLD IN HIS HANDS for clarity, direction and guidance. He would be grounded in what is REAL and TRUE, not based on the changing culture or music industry or his own heart, and I think that a quiet confidence, respect and energy would be present in him and the whole world would notice, "that there's something different about this man. the way he moved his hair, his face, his lines". I think he would truly exemplify divinity in motion. Jesus could also develop in him a heart to forgive the evils of his family and media, pray for them and reconcile with them - not saying they had to be the best of friends and all that but no bitterness or ill will and a genuine concern and care for their souls above all else. and also realize his own sin that entangled his own heart bc we're all gulity def.

His life wouldn't be dedicated to himself, his music and fans - Yes I know it was also dedicated to charity and healing the world + children 😍 but dedicated to Jesus supersedes that all, because you can't take anything from this life with you into the next, no albums, charities or concerts will be of any value once you leave this place but if MJ had a heavenly perspective to do this to honor Jesus' will and to do this so that others can experience and know and have comfort in Jesus' love, then I think a peace, contentment and confidence would have resonated from MJ and the love that Jesus already put in his heart for others and the world would have shone brighter, bolder and truer. Only what you do for Christ will last and that would change and make MJ's pov on the world firmer, clearer and more genuine - IT ALREADY WAS GUYS SO DONT HATE.

I also think that his singing and music production would have been so enhanced too, because if you're performing not solely for your own comfort, relief and the entertainment of fans and others anymore or for competition but primarily for Jesus, then I think your soul would sing for you, especially out of love and honor for how good He has been to you, gifting you with talent in dance, vocals, music, and instruments and creativity and career.

And his sicknesses and personal struggles, could have been healed and completely taken away, if it was God's will, and even if they were not and he still had to live with them, they wouldn't inhibit or destroy him as much as they did. JUST LISTEN TO ME OKAY. Whenever we're affected with something bad or awful it tends to just ruin our person, its always on our minds, in our thoughts, drags down our moods and energy but Michael Jackson (if he was a born again believer in jesus) could have found comfort in the fact that this world isn't our home or kingdom - its AWESOME THOUGH, but that one day there will be no pain or suffering and none of it will be even ALLOWED in heaven, that would be comforting to him. Also Jesus would have given MJ the strength to endure the pain and still have joy (choosing to respond to outside bad things, wrongs and hurts with inner satisfaction and contentment not HAPPINESS all the time like THIS IS SO AWESOME BEING SICK AND STUFF NOOOO. Because Jesus' promises to never leave or forsake, or not hear the prayers of his children and allow anything to take them away from his love and power never are void or expire and MJ could rely on that hope in the hardest times and points in his personal health and life. MJ needed a true friend, and Jesus is the friend that sticks closer then a brother :)

In close MJ would be set free, from his sin and have the divine, supernatural strength he would not be Jesus, but he could have the hope, love, faith and kindness that Jesus had, lived out in his own life. This world and industry would seem shallow to him and a want to live and do like Jesus would embolden him and give his soul energy and rest like no other. MJ was a wise man no doubt, but if he had a total reliance and satisfaction in Jesus Christ for his sins, the sins of others and a ongoing, never ending, never changing constant SONSHIP AND FRIENDSHIP IN JESUS, then he music wouldn't just touch people emotionally, or mentally but spiritually to and point them to the one who CHANGED MJ'S LIFE, GAVE HIM HOPE, AND TRUE FREEDOM (NOT JUST OF MUSICAL AND ARTISTIC EXPRESSION BUT OF FREEDOM TO MESS UP, TO BE OFFENDED AND HURT, TO FEEL DEFEATED AND WORRIED, TO BE IMMORAL AND BROKEN, TO HAVE HATE AND JEALOUSY BUT HAVE THE GRACE AND POWER AND LOVE FROM JESUS CHRIST TO PUNCH THOSE NASTY THINGS IN THE FACE, ADMIT THEM AND GIVE THEM UP AND TURN AWAY FROM THEM AND LIVE IN PEACE, PATIENCE, KINDNESS, GOODNESS, GENTLENESS, HUMANLITY, SELF CONTROL, LOVE AND JOY, KNOWING THAT BECAUSE JESUS DIED FOR ME, I'M NOT DEFINED BY THOSE THINGS I DO AND OTHERS DO TO ME. I NOW HAVE THE POWER AND CONFIDENCE TO LOVE PEOPLE INSPITE OF THE EVIL THEY DO TO ME, LOVE MYSELF, DO JUSTICE, LOVE MERCY AND LIVE HUMBLY FOR JESUS AND I HAVE A SECOND CHANCE WHEN I MESS UP, NOTHING AND NO ONE CAN TAKE AWAY THE LOVE AND GRACE (Jesus gives us the gifts we don't deserve) and MERCY (he does not give us the punishment we do deserve) FROM ME.


3. not gotten involved with Debbie Rowe or Lisa Presley

I personally just think I'm jealous at this point, I don't think either one or Michael, were emotionally, spiritually and mentally mature and grounded enough to realize the sacredness and intention of marriage. I think like me, I do this a lot, when the going gets tough and uncomfortable and when my own wrongs and sins get exposed, I shut down and back down. I think thats kinda what went down, but I don't know I'm not them, so I really can't comment.

4. Not had more cosmetic surgeries and stuff post 1987

I love his Bad Era and early Dangerous look period. I wish that he could have realized how fearfully and wonderfully he was created. I wish his soul knew that and had confidence in that. Naturally, he was an adorable, cute guy. I feel that if he truly had a loving and self-sacrificing wife, who was not about herself and purposed in her heart to encourage him verbally and spiritually, then she could have reminded him over and over and over again, of just how lovely, loved and special he was. I'm not saying she controlled him and forced him to stop, but I think that experiencing unconditional love from her and Jesus could have satisfied his heart and made him honor his body, not as a machine or art but as a soul, and person. I love his style though and whatever he did, the outside doesn't determine the person the heart does so please don't hate, i'm so sorry ya'll i'm a judgmental pig fr :(

5. Joined forces with Quincey Jones for the Dangerous and History albums.

I think Quincey Jones, despite the chaos and feuds sometimes, could have helped to refine and better his vocals and ideas. Sometimes pride (on both sides) keeps us from doing better and being better.

6. Stopped touring and concerts post 1990, have a family and retire.

I could have saved him from so much more drama and hate and also summed up his awesome career.

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Very curious to know why you say that, although I agree for my own reasons. He seemed to pretty much 'handle' them in his own way imho

I wonder if their ways added to his confusion he sings about because he seemed to feel grounded there but ironically not a group of brothers could help him gain more clarity ...weird ..... I believe from my family members that for the most part being raised as JW is difficult. Fortnately my mother didn't go with it except due to all the books from the KH and her dad being a pastor, she had a lot of books and highly valued the bible and its values such as how Jah feels about idolatry. BC of my aunts and uncles I couldn't avoid being taken to the KH as a child and out of all the other religions in our huge family, this was the only one where I got that 'toxic' feeliing and when I grew up I properly studied and dedicated myself in my search for truth and to learn the most possible about the bible, when it was finally revealed to me it is unscriptural in many ways that nobody seems to notice such as what the bible says about celebrating specail days vs JW's view of h'days and many other things.

That scripture "thou shall not live by bread alone but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God" doesn't apply to that religion, instead its, "but by every word that proceedeth out of the WTB&TS'' which is just as much idolatry as anything can be. It took a while for me to realize it though. I knew something was amiss when 1975 was predicted as the end and it obviously didn't happen and the brothers at the WTBTS didn't admit it ever happened which is one of many lacks in integrity. The most stubborn among them want to believe its the truth whether its the whole truth and nothing but the truth or not....and I don't believe any honest JW brother or sister would disagree....cb wrong, w knows. Half the cousins raised in it left when they could give themselves permission ... I just remind them that when the disciples asked, "where would we go ... you have the sayings of everlasting life" they were talking to ... Jesus/Yeshua ... not a self proclaimed faithful (but not infallible) and discreet (light constantly 'getting brighter' gaslight) slave except Jesus.... if you've ever sang with Mahalia you know Christ is the life-giving Spirit and if we walk as worthy on our own, our goodness is as filthy rags. God isn't looking for the "perfect religion" because God is not a religion at all.

I believe MJ felt it really made him feel grounded and connected with the real world w/o worrying about any of the usual routines as its a very warm and God-focused environment ..... just 'conscripted' division of Christendom. The writings of the China man Watchman Nee and Witness Lee one of whom experienced the Lord in jail in communist China similiarly to Paul creatted a similar church called "the church in ...." whatever big city you're in .... and even that is one expression of Glory to God .... that's what God wants, whether we are choosing this or choosing that, do it to the glory of the 1 True God who never told us to judge, in fact told us not to but not them, they can't not. sry I digress i guess but who wouldn't be confused. He had to say, "if I don't mean it I don't sing it" ... well, not when he was singing Christmas songs or anything else Motown made them do such as the romantic songs at such an early age not in alignment w/ JW teachings, so... what kid wouldn't be confused by just about everything.

The orgaanization of JWs has its place in its contribution to making people conscous of the kingdom and Jehovah's name but its a 'take the meat leave the bones' and was good for a lot of big families to give them structure...nothing wrong with it for a time a season and a purpose as my greatest fear is .."I never knew you" will be quite literal.... in that day so its either the Truth or the lie. Jesus said "I am...the Truth" js It boils down to that imh unsolicited opinion but all that to say I agree with that statement but who knows if what woulda coulda shoulda been .. would've really been for the best for him or not.
facts fr fr
recording Rock Your Body
I think YRMW has more depth vocally and is more sophisticated in terms of composition, but RWY is also damn catchy.

performing Give in to Me live

no baby dangling
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recording Rock Your Body
I think YRMW has more depth vocally and is more sophisticated in terms of composition, but RWY is also damn catchy.

performing Give in to Me live

no baby dangling
i think the baby dangling made ppl think he was werid and strange and hurt his reputation even more but he wasnt so... yk. i kinda wish he did a country music song