Handwritten Lyrics

I don't have handwritten lyrics for those songs particular, but if Jam is a newer song then maybe In The Closet qualifies too? Because there are handwritten lyrics for that song:

bro really wrote 4 pages for a song.

Just been thinking that reading lyrics that were possibly never recorded always gives me a weird feeling. Makes me wonder if MJ had any ideas what he wanted the song to sound like, but just never got around to actually putting it down.
Just been thinking that reading lyrics that were possibly never recorded always gives me a weird feeling.
I understand your point although it made me feel a little tearful. Like when I come across a thread here from when Michael was still alive.

Ghostly traces is how I think of it. Not scary ghostly, just wispy traces of the essence of the person. The essence stays imprinted somehow and influences everything through time. Michael was writing lyrics, beginning the process of shaping reality, somehow bringing together yesterday and today and tomorrow.

Makes me wonder if MJ had any ideas what he wanted the song to sound like, but just never got around to actually putting it down.
This is what I mean by 'ghostly traces'

Oh dear! SG, you've got me started now, lol. I need a cup of coffee! :ROFLMAO:
Just been thinking that reading lyrics that were possibly never recorded always gives me a weird feeling. Makes me wonder if MJ had any ideas what he wanted the song to sound like, but just never got around to actually putting it down.
Just realised I posted almost this exact post on the previous page, me and my horrid memory, lol!
These lyrics remind me of Patches by Clarence Carter which Michael references in Moonwalk. If I could interview Michael I'd want to ask him if there was any connection between them or if it was just coincidence.

Either way, awesome lyrics. He was such a good storyteller. I keep on saying it but it's true.
I assume Chico's a blend of "Patches", Michael's own life experience (the burdens he had to take while still being a child/teen) & his own imagination.

"I had always shouldered a lot of responsibility, but it suddenly seemed that everyone wanted a piece of me. There wasn't that much to go around, and I needed to be responsible to myself. I had to take stock of my life and figure out what people wanted from me and to whom I was going to give wholly. It was a hard thing for me to do, but I had to learn to be wary of the people around me. God was at the top of my list of priorities, and my mother and father and brothers and sisters followed. I was reminded of that old song by Clarence Carter called 'Patches', where the oldest son is asked to take care of the farm after his father dies and his mother tells him she's depending on him. Well, we weren't the sharecroppers and I wasn't the oldest, but those were slim shoulders on which to place such burdens. For some reason I always found it very difficult to say no to my family and the other people I loved. I would be asked to do something or take care of something and I would agree, even if I worried that it might be more than I could handle"
It's known that spelling wasn't one MJs top skills, yet isn't "politican" informally correct in the US? 🤔
Mm, no, not that I’ve ever heard of? Used to be ‘polititian,’ though.

I was more thinking of why Michael thought of Tom Sneddon as a politician, when in reality he was a district attorney.
I was more thinking of why Michael thought of Tom Sneddon as a politician, when in reality he was a district attorney.
The line "he's SBDA" (Santa Barbara District Attorney) refers to TS' actuall job. Maybe MJ wanted to highlight TS' (political?) motivation for hunting MJ.
The line "he's SBDA" (Santa Barbara District Attorney) refers to TS' actuall job. Maybe MJ wanted to highlight TS' (political?) motivation for hunting MJ.
That’s a good point!
As a side note: I remember during the trial in 2004 or 2005 a trustworthy source saying (based on unconfirmed hearsay) TS being developed from an unreleased instrumental idea that dates back to the 80s.
“He’s politican” 🤨
During Thriller, Joe said that Bambi had Dyslexia. Usually I would suggest to everyone to try to ask Joe personally now to repeat it again, but of course that isn't possible. He told that to one of his family friends so I don't have any other details on that except from what the family friend said. I don't remember his name because I don't know that guy. 😂

I'll search for his messages later and edit this once I find his name again. But, it checks out from all the times that I've seen Michael struggle a bit with his writing. He was also extremely smart which causes us to write fast as hell, too. So that just added to everything. Poor Bambi was fighting for his life out here! 🤣 Y'all have to understand! 😭

I still love reading his chicken scratch because it's so Michael coded. Nobody else I know writes like him. 💖 The only thing is that I don't mix lowercase and uppercase together like he did, but we both mix our print and cursive together. 💀 Everything we wrote always looked like a bunch of scribbles on some old, ancient scrolls. 📜 Real bad! 😭

On the bright side, Bambi naturally loved to read which greatly helps those experiencing symptoms caused by Dyslexia. I read somewhere that people with Dyslexia are often great storytellers and are better at thinking outside the box than most (which both apply to Michael) 🧠 There were a lot of times he'd write something and then be like: "🤭 I don't know what this says." And I'd always be like: "But YOU the one wrote it-- 😭" I also have that problem though so I could never really clown him too bad. LMFAO! 🥴 Sometimes I have NO CLUE on things I've written. 💀 Michael was a soldier for real. He was forced to go through a lot in life and tried his best to not let it all stop him. 🌹

Please give him grace and compassion when reading his writing. But some of it is still funny though so Michael would laugh, too. He was a very good sport lol. ✨ Of course, when he was writing things for himself like lyrics and notes then his writing would be pretty bad; and then when he wrote things for others he'd take his time and make it all as nice as he could.

EDIT: The family friend's name is R DeAngelo on the account where I read his messages. However, since then, he hasn't been active for over a year now. He was friends with Joe from 1970 to Joe's passing and even got to watch all the Jackson kids grow up. But; it's been a long time since he's posted anything, so I hope the old guy is alright. 🥺
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