A Letter from Bryan Loren


Proud Member
Jan 31, 2012
Hello. I hope this note finds all of you well.

As many of you know, I have been making music for a long time, both as an artist and creator of music for many other artists, including ‪Whitney Houston‬ and Sting. In the late eighties, it was my great fortune to be pursued by a very persistent ‪Michael Jackson‬, who was extremely interested in making music with me.

Michael had heard songs from an album I wrote and produced on a talented young artist named Shanice Wilson. For the next couple of years, from about ‘89 to ‘91, I worked on tracks for what would become Michael’s “Dangerous” album. Among the songs/tracks I created for this project: “Work That Body”, “Serious Effect”, “She Got It” and “Man In Black”. And there are many others. During that time, through my association with Michael, I was gleefully enlisted to write and produce the Simpsons’ track, “Do The Bartman”.

I’m not sure what MJ fans know about my history as a songwriter, instrumentalist and producer, but regarding the MJ tracks I created, these are unfinished MASTERS, not mere “demos” (as in a demonstration tape; the tracks out there are from actual MASTERS, the real thing).

The recordings are of live performances, not sequenced tracks, and I am (other than MJ) the only performer. Many long hours/days/weeks/months went into the creation of this music. MY music.

And yet, while this music has been and continues to be pirated and bootlegged, I have not profited one cent. Nothing. Even as you read this, the music is posted in forums, on YouTube, and passed around hundreds of thousands of times in many ways.

I’ve actually had people write me asking for copies and requesting--for their own purposes-- a break-down on how I created the tracks. Seemingly, they are unaware (or don't care) that they are asking me to literally hand over to them my livelihood.

Online, I have seen Ebay auctions. Of MY music. I am astonished that people so willingly attempt to profit from someone else’s life endeavors (it’s not like I’m dead).

Which brings me to this: Dear friends and music fans, I am an artist who is also a professional—meaning, my creativity is my livelihood. When you go to work, you expect to be paid. It’s no different for the creative artist.

It is in this spirit that I humbly and respectfully ask: If you have downloaded this music, shared this music, posted this music, even edited your own versions of this music (as some of you have), then I graciously ask that you please support the creator of the music.

Pay me. Something. Make a donation. Whatever you think monetarily fair.

To be honest, I’ve thought long and hard about this. Why now? Would such a request come off as tacky? Uncouth? I discussed it with friends; went back and forth about it in my head. Frankly, I was—and remain--concerned about the optics of it all.

And then I considered fairness.

For years, these bootlegged tracks that I wrote and created—which MJ’s Estate and Sony have made clear they have NO plans to release--have been distributed illegally around the world. These tracks have become the pirated, global equivalent of multi-platinum hits in their own, unauthorized right.

I have decided that some compensation from anyone who downloads, shares, and otherwise has engaged with this music, is not too much to ask.

Because of the undying interest in this work, at some point soon, I shall post clean, HQ copies of all of these tracks, including what you may not have heard. At that time, I will even answer questions and inquiries.

Meanwhile, I am presently completing new music, work that I am most excited about. I'm certain that among the new tracks to come are things MJ fans will enjoy. Stayed tuned.

I appreciate your taking the time to read and hopefully understand this letter and consider my request.

Talk soon,

Bryan Loren
A couple of stray observations:

  • Yet again, I find myself confused and irritated by the Estate's approach to Michael's unreleased music. Several of the Loren tracks ("Serious Effect," "Work That Body," "She Got It") could sensibly be used as filler on a compilation album or box set, yet they figure it's better to let them gather dust in the vault? I recognize that they never said never, but why go through the trouble of saying "we don't plan to release your music" if you're keeping the option on the table? Even the half-finished demos could be used if they ever decide to go through with the duets album.
  • This is a completely reasonable request, and I feel for Loren. I'd honestly have the same reaction if I was in his shoes.
  • It seems a bit hypocritical for Loren to say, "I've been cheated out of money for my music," then immediately follow up with "I'll be releasing some of Michael's music online in the near future, thereby cheating his Estate out of money." Unless there's some sort of under-the-table licensing agreement, I can't imagine this is a legal battle he'd want to take. At the same time, someone on the Archives reasoned that if he dropped this all for free, the Estate likely wouldn't care enough to do anything. And honestly, why would they? Unless there's some secret plan to release a box set full of incomplete song sketches, I can't imagine a leak of "Seven Digits," "Deep in the Night," and/or "Man in Black" would do any damage.

I'll probably toss some money his way. After all, this very well may incentivize him into releasing the unleaked stuff, which I've been led to believe is pretty great, especially "Deep in the Night".
How do we know this is actually legitimate and not someone using his name to get money? As far as I can see this is a brand new website with no history. Please think twice before giving him your hard earned cash.

Xscape, STR, BLUE GANGSTA, DYKWCA, LNFSG were also leaked and sony released them on XSCAPE album
Then whats the problem with Bryan Loren's work?? SHE GOT IT is a gem..... Sony Sucks..... sony doesnt care about creativity.... sony wants to make money... i am upset
Interested to see if he does share anything.
Thank you for posting this dude.
I can understand his frustration, he and Mike worked hard on these tracks. To receive no money for the time spent is unfair
Tentatively looking forward to his next move
No money? Michael didn't pay him for his time?

It's a little tasteless to tease fans with more leaks if they play ball and pay him.
Although I am happy to donate some money to Bryan for tracks I really like, I guess as fans we should take it apon us to fight for an album release. An album based around the tracks Michael did with Bryan. Bryan is still around, that's as close as we can get to an album that is at least authorized by one of the main contributors. Even if it would be just an EP with the tracks that are already leaked, even if it is just a digital release... it would mean fans get the proper versions of these songs, and Bryan would get some well-deserved money from airplay and so on. It seems only right to that. We should request it. Time and again. Over and over. This stuff is sitting there, catching dust. How hard is it to let someone Photoshop an album cover and put it out there. No remixes please. Just the stuff that is already out there. I want to pay, Sony... why do you make it so hard?
Means there will never be a Dangerous 30 edition? John Branca said they are thinking about this. Would mean he couldn‘t put the songs on this edition

The good thing about it is that we will eventually hear Men In Black. The bad thing is that he destroys the chances for Dangerous 30.

Otherwise I guess his songs have simply no chance to be on a Michael Jackson album. They wouldn‘t sound modern if they want to do another Xscape. And I don‘t think there will ever be a outtake or demo or whatever compilation album
No money? Michael didn't pay him for his time?

It's a little tasteless to tease fans with more leaks if they play ball and pay him.
Obviously he paid his musicians, collaborators, the B team, Greg Philliganes, etc. for their time. They weren't just jamming around for free. And probably paid them very well, as many of these people have discussed.

This is what happens when a song happens to end up in the cutting room floor, or shoved back in the vault. If a song isn't released or end up on an album, there are no additional royalties.

I'm sorry that people have leaked them, or people have listened to leaks-but this just sounds like he wants money.
I've heard deep in the night its really nice.
I hope he does release some demos. It'll be nice to hear something actually new.
It gives me something MJ related to look forward to, which is more than I can say for the Estate the last couple of years...
Seeing that the Loren tracks have been around for some time now, I would be happy to give $ to Loren if he released the multitracks for the songs. I really dont see the harm in that now. He isn't going to make any money off those tracks anyway.
The good thing about it is that we will eventually hear Men In Black. The bad thing is that he destroys the chances for Dangerous 30.

The Estate has no problem releasing previously issued and/or leaked songs. Don't forget, the lead single off Xscape had been publicly circulating for eight years before its release, and 6 of that album's 8 songs had popped up online between 2010 and 2013. (They also gave us a remixed version of "The Way You Love Me," a song we've had for ten years, on Michael.) The Loren tracks are also only a small percentage of the material recorded for Dangerous. There's plenty of other music that could be chosen.

Loren could drop everything he had right this minute, and (a hypothetical) Dangerous 25 wouldn't be bruised. Sure, he might screw himself out of inclusion, but I seriously doubt that sort of a leak would jeopardize anything.
I honestly agree with everything he has said, I'll be making a donation to him by the end of this month when my salary comes

He deserves it
AlwaysThere;4219500 said:
Hello. I hope this note finds all of you well.

As many of you know, I have been making music for a long time, both as an artist and creator of music for many other artists, including ‪Whitney Houston‬ and Sting. In the late eighties, it was my great fortune to be pursued by a very persistent ‪Michael Jackson‬, who was extremely interested in making music with me.

Michael had heard songs from an album I wrote and produced on a talented young artist named Shanice Wilson. For the next couple of years, from about ‘89 to ‘91, I worked on tracks for what would become Michael’s “Dangerous” album. Among the songs/tracks I created for this project: “Work That Body”, “Serious Effect”, “She Got It” and “Man In Black”. And there are many others. During that time, through my association with Michael, I was gleefully enlisted to write and produce the Simpsons’ track, “Do The Bartman”.

I’m not sure what MJ fans know about my history as a songwriter, instrumentalist and producer, but regarding the MJ tracks I created, these are unfinished MASTERS, not mere “demos” (as in a demonstration tape; the tracks out there are from actual MASTERS, the real thing).

The recordings are of live performances, not sequenced tracks, and I am (other than MJ) the only performer. Many long hours/days/weeks/months went into the creation of this music. MY music.

And yet, while this music has been and continues to be pirated and bootlegged, I have not profited one cent. Nothing. Even as you read this, the music is posted in forums, on YouTube, and passed around hundreds of thousands of times in many ways.

I’ve actually had people write me asking for copies and requesting--for their own purposes-- a break-down on how I created the tracks. Seemingly, they are unaware (or don't care) that they are asking me to literally hand over to them my livelihood.

Online, I have seen Ebay auctions. Of MY music. I am astonished that people so willingly attempt to profit from someone else’s life endeavors (it’s not like I’m dead).

Which brings me to this: Dear friends and music fans, I am an artist who is also a professional—meaning, my creativity is my livelihood. When you go to work, you expect to be paid. It’s no different for the creative artist.

It is in this spirit that I humbly and respectfully ask: If you have downloaded this music, shared this music, posted this music, even edited your own versions of this music (as some of you have), then I graciously ask that you please support the creator of the music.

Pay me. Something. Make a donation. Whatever you think monetarily fair.

To be honest, I’ve thought long and hard about this. Why now? Would such a request come off as tacky? Uncouth? I discussed it with friends; went back and forth about it in my head. Frankly, I was—and remain--concerned about the optics of it all.

And then I considered fairness.

For years, these bootlegged tracks that I wrote and created—which MJ’s Estate and Sony have made clear they have NO plans to release--have been distributed illegally around the world. These tracks have become the pirated, global equivalent of multi-platinum hits in their own, unauthorized right.

I have decided that some compensation from anyone who downloads, shares, and otherwise has engaged with this music, is not too much to ask.

Because of the undying interest in this work, at some point soon, I shall post clean, HQ copies of all of these tracks, including what you may not have heard. At that time, I will even answer questions and inquiries.

Meanwhile, I am presently completing new music, work that I am most excited about. I'm certain that among the new tracks to come are things MJ fans will enjoy. Stayed tuned.

I appreciate your taking the time to read and hopefully understand this letter and consider my request.

Talk soon,

Bryan Loren

His attitude here is unsurprising to me and seriously, it's a wonder that others like him are not saying the same thing. I raise my eyebrows every single day at what I see within the fandom, in relation to what some fans do with other people's intellectual property and their hard work. Many fans have a sense of entitlement; almost as though if something is out there, it's fair game....some even think they can improve on whatever they get their hands on.

muhammed;4219578 said:
I honestly agree with everything he has said

I agree with him, too, in principle. That being said, I doubt that anyone will pay him, but at least now, he has asked.

I don't like any of these songs: “Work That Body”, “Serious Effect”, “She Got It” and “Man In Black”. Just because he created these songs with Michael, it doesn't make them automatically incredible. Lol. So unless he releases something else that really is amazing, he's not getting a cent from me.
I just donated to the address he provided. I received a message saying that I have sent a donation to BRYAN HUDSON at thesoundzshoppe@yahoo.com. WTH?
Maybe this is a scam as a previous message had suggested.

We removed the paypal link a little while ago. We don't really want MJJC associated with appeals for payment (from anyone), or with "scams", if that's what this is.
I just donated to the address he provided. I received a message saying that I have sent a donation to BRYAN HUDSON at thesoundzshoppe@yahoo.com. WTH?
Maybe this is a scam as a previous message had suggested.
If you do a two second Google search, you'll see the following on his Wiki.

Bryan Loren Hudson (born 1966) is an American singer-songwriter, recording artist and record producer. Hudson is professionally known as Bryan Loren, although he started his music career using his given name, and has significant accomplishments credited as Bryan Hudson, and Bryan "The Wiz" Hudson as well. When Hudson was offered a solo recording contract, he began professionally using Bryan Loren for his attributions. This became the moniker Loren used throughout his music career into the present day. Loren's credits include the number one single "Do the Bartman" (1990), and the number 23 R&B single "Lollipop Luv" (1984). The latter stayed on the R&B chart for 17 weeks. In addition to Loren's success as a solo artist, he has also collaborated with superstar-performers such as Michael Jackson and Whitney Houston.
Ok thank you for finding that info. I was worried for a minute but it looks like that might be a legit address then.
Mikky Dee;4219598 said:
His attitude here is unsurprising to me and seriously, it's a wonder that others like him are not saying the same thing. I raise my eyebrows every single day at what I see within the fandom, in relation to what some fans do with other people's intellectual property and their hard work. Many fans have a sense of entitlement; almost as though if something is out there, it's fair game....some even think they can improve on whatever they get their hands on.

I agree with him, too, in principle. That being said, I doubt that anyone will pay him, but at least now, he has asked.

I don't like any of these songs: “Work That Body”, “Serious Effect”, “She Got It” and “Man In Black”. Just because he created these songs with Michael, it doesn't make them automatically incredible. Lol. So unless he releases something else that really is amazing, he's not getting a cent from me.

Agreed im not a fan of these tracks but deep in the night is good
Who’s heard Deep In The Night? Or is there an article somewhere detailing the song. Don’t remember reading about it.
AmitLal92;4219608 said:
Who’s heard Deep In The Night? Or is there an article somewhere detailing the song. Don’t remember reading about it.
It's amazing! I've heard it.
So he was one of the people that Michael worked with for the dangerous album? If I want to know more about him and hear his work, should I look up some recordings by Shanice? Anybody know what he did for for Whitney?

I've heard of him talked about in serious music discussions, but no idea of his work.