Am i the only one who....


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Always seem to screw upp the words in human nature? :p I have watched and heard MJ performing that song so many times with diffrent lyrics that i no longer remember what comes first:p

I sometimes say "reaching out across the night time, city's heart begins to beat" then sometimes i begin with " Reachig out i touched a stranger, city winks a sleepless eye"

Haha i always manage to mix/mess up the words. Does this happen to any of you?
Yes I forget lyrics all the time when singing Mjs songs. I know most of them by heart, but sometime I get confused.
Especially If I dont sing them often. Human nature is one of my favorites to listen to and sing :wub:
Don't worry, Michael did that all the time with Human Nature too :D
I seldom forget MJ lyrics....But the odd time I do, I surprise myself and am quite embarrassed...How DARE I forget the lyrics?? :lol:
I always do too, as did MJ.
I know all the words, but forget the order a lot. Though, it's the only song that when you mix and match, it will still make sense.

-Loooking out, into the night time, the city heart begins to beat

-Reaching out, across the morning, electric eyes are everywhere

-see that girl, she knows i'm watching, i'm dreaming of the street.

It all works out in the end somehow.
I hardly remember MJ lyrics. I'm bit better remembering Queen lyrics somehow. MJ is so funky and light most of the time and his pronounciation is often MJ-ialized, so yeah. When I do remember, I most probably mess up the order.
I am SO glad somebody brought up "Human Nature"-for years and years I've been trying to figure out what Michael is singing in the background-it sounds something like "playground", but I still can't figure it out. I've used all sorts of speakers to listen to it and still can't. In "TII", he singing parts of it-and he says "turn around, turn around"-but it's just a bit. I've thought about writing Daryl Phinnessee in care of DWTS to see if he can tell me.
I think it was followers who said that Michael had forgotten lyrics for songs he had sang so many times.
I thought that´s naturally when your 50 and haven´t sang them for a long time.
I use to say it get´s crowded in the brain when you get older, there are so many memories and knowledge there, it can takesome time before you find what you are looking for.
For example lyrics of a song , a name
MJ was at his best when the music was taking him, and the lyrics are all over the place. He always said he followed the music. Human Nature is a song that you can easily get lost in, da da da da da da da da :)