Are there fans who think he can't do all these shows?

If Michael and his team didn't think he could do all these shows then they wouldnt have been booked in the first place

true, consider the costs of refunds and rescheduling the crew. they wouldn't have booked these shows if he couldn't do it.
my god I'm dying to see this and I'm not even going. I'm just dying to see a video of it. I wont be able to wait for it to be pay per view. I'll have to watch it online, but I'll only do it if there is a professional surround sound hi def version of it online we can watch. Otherwise I'll wait for the pay per view event if there is one, which we know there will be. no financial incentive not to. especially because with all that direct tv services so many people use there are dozens and dozens of channels mostly showing the same stuff over and over again.

Man I can't wait. Less than a month now.
He'll do them all. One or two may be rescheduled, but he'll do them all.
hes doing fifty shows over a 6MONTH period. after september hes off until january. i swear,people act as if hes doing 50 shows back 2 back 2back. Gosh
hes doing fifty shows over a 6MONTH period. after september hes off until january. i swear,people act as if hes doing 50 shows back 2 back 2back. Gosh
Good point. If the 50 shows WERE set back to back to back, we would be worried cuz we care for the man as well as his performance, but the reality is that there's a break.
I think he will try to do all 50 shows, and I have all confident that he wants to do these 50 shows. But I however think that he will cancel a few. Everyone gets sick once in a while and these shows take a lot of your enegery, so I think it's more than logical that he probably will be struck with some hot fever once in a while and needs to cancel some. So it's not because he doesn't have the overall strenght or will to do it, but even if he was 25 he probably will be affacted by the flu or something now and then.
I of course do hope that he's not going to be sick.
shaun, hushy...damn

every concert tour that has happened has had sick days, cancellations and issues...on every tour....for th emost part....more often than not, a few dates get switched around. it's called life.

and vnc...yea it was a mod thing but can have a name like that if u request a change
shaun, hushy...damn

every concert tour that has happened has had sick days, cancellations and issues...on every tour....for th emost part....more often than not, a few dates get switched around. it's called life.

and vnc...yea it was a mod thing but can have a name like that if u request a change

lmao. well they act as if hes doing the 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 and so forth. it gets annoying after the 1st million tabloid stories and now from a fan.
um u mean from a 'fan' lol and's not hard to think that it's in the realm of possibility that he may not do all of least not on their scheduled dates. if he gets sick or something happens...things get pushed back.

at least we know he won't suffer a, jan forgive me, but a janet effect where she put off dates due to the 'economy' and then scrapped the whole tour.
LOL... y'all are funny. Anyway shaun's got a point; he's not doing straight consecutive dates, so Mikey Mike can relax some. It's getting near to two more weeks left, we gotta wait to see :lol: