behind the scenes/on the set

Does anyone have these without watermaks?

ooo ! ver estas fotos como de los detras de camara es espectacular me fasina
oh i remember this video
saw it on TV many years ago. great mtv, kiss baby!

is it later than "remember the time"...
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These pics totally cracked me up!! :lol:

First pic:

Michael: "OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Is he picking his nose in front of me??? OMG!!! He is TOTALLY picking his nose in front of me!!! That's NASTY!!!!! :puke: OMG!!!!!!!!!" :bugeyed :bugeyed :bugeyed :puke: :puke: :lol: :lol:

Second pic:

Slash: "High five, Mike!!"

Michael: "Uh....eeerr.....yeeeaaahhh....." *thinking* "Dude, you just PICKED your NOSE....stay away from me...don't TOUCH me...!!!" *takes a step back* :lol:

Third pic:

Slash: *smoking and talking to MJ* "Blah blah blah blah blaaaah...."

MJ: *not listening to Slash...thinking to himself* "I can't believe he picked his nose in front of me...I gotta keep my eyes on his hands so that he won't touch me...eeeww eeewww eeeewww...I wonder if there are boogers on the guitar! *shivers* Eeeeeeeeewwww!!" :puke: :puke:




:hysterical: :hysterical: :hysterical: :hysterical: