Defense Tactics: Look what TMZ is this going to be the defense in the trial?

It did.. the coroner said MJ was healthy. Murray doesn't have a leg to stand on.. Besides if MJ was in failing health, he was his personal physician he should've known it and stopped the shows

Let us say for a moment that Michael was not feeling well. ( for me....that is possible )
Do you think THEY would stop the machinery going and cancel the shows ?!
Of course not. Their most important job was to make it matter what. To care about Michael ?!
THEY were pretending to be blind. Those damn shows costed Michael his life.
Enter Karen Faye.. this is sickening.. she is saying same things that Murrays defense are..

Karen is a nutter and a liar. Karen has always said that Michaels was not doing okay in the beginning but that his absolute best rehearsals were the last two ones and then everyone thought he would be able to pull it off... but now she recently she said on twitter how everything was great in the beginning but not in the end. Total contradiction of what this nutcase has been saying. Cant we find proof of this and throw it in her face? Someone needs to shut her up.

Below is the very first thing Karen wrote on her facebook June 2009 after MJ had passed.

""I want you to know he was full of love for all of you. He was looking forward to making everyone smile, and unite in these difficult make the world a better place."

"he was working so hard...and he was so happy when I left him on Wednesday night...this is so difficult"

"I know how painful it is to loose this beautiful man....I can barely speak, but I must share with you his reason for getting on stage once again. It wasn't for money or to relaunch his was to send the message that we must HEAL THE WORLD, before it's too late. He wanted to let us know that we have a four year window to get it right, to start walking the highest path, or we will loose the earth."

Yeah. And then what she said on 20/20 After Life last year how she thought Michael was going to die that it was No surprize to her.. She made me sick in that interview!!! For someone who knew Michael for all these years - she had NO Faith in him it sounds like!

Starting at 3:17 (I bet this video will disappear from youtube now.)

That interview is so messed up. First they say Michael looked sad & unhealthy & Then they turn around and say he looked on top of the world and then back to michael being awful. I can't stand this interview.
Then they expect Michael's rehersal performance to look just like it did back in what 96-97? C'mon man!
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Even if this is gonna be the defense for murray, it makes him look even more guilty.

If murray knew mj's health was failing then why did he not help him? ..thats right i forgot he thought propfol was the answer :rolleyes:

Murray & his defense are being idiots LOL
Even if this is gonna be the defense for murray, it makes him look even more guilty.

If murray knew mj's health was failing then why did he not help him? ..thats right i forgot he thought propfol was the answer :rolleyes:

Murray & his defense are being idiots LOL

Exactly.. the prosecution will rip him a new one.. My first question would be why if your patient was in failing health did you allow him to continue to work? why didn't you as a personal caretaker tell AEG he was weak and couldn't go on? why did you tell AEG and Kenny that MJ was fine and healthy? why did you tell the insurer MJ was fine and healthy? Did you think propofol and sedatives were the cure for your ailing patient?
Exactly.. the prosecution will rip him a new one.. My first question would be why if your patient was in failing health did you allow him to continue to work? why didn't you as a personal caretaker tell AEG he was weak and couldn't go on? why did you tell AEG and Kenny that MJ was fine and healthy? why did you tell the insurer MJ was fine and healthy? Did you think propofol and sedatives were the cure for your ailing patient?
Well said. I agree. :agree:
Nice article from the 'LA Examiner' (If I've got that right?)

Hinting at how they intend to get Dr. Conrad Murray off the hook, his defense team continues to float trial balloons of how they’ll plant reasonable doubt in jurors’ minds. Dying from a Propfol overdose at age 50 June 25, 2009, pop singer icon Michael Jackson was on the threshold of restarting his brilliant career, winning him more Grammies, platinum albums and praise from a worldwide audience. When he hired 57-year-old Trinidad-Tobago-born physician Dr. Conrad Murray in May 2009 for $150,000 a month, he thought he was in good hands. Preparing for a 50-concert British Tour, Jackson had just finished a powerful dress rehearsal at Los Angeles’ Staples Center the night before he was found dead in the morning of June 25. Murray treated Jackson’s insomnia by administering Propofol, a common short-acting anesthetic used by qualified anesthesiologists in certified operating rooms.

Murray set up an intravenous drip in Jackson’s bedroom, administering various doses of Propfol to keep Jackson asleep, without proper training or monitoring equipment. Never before had Propofol been used to treat insomnia. Only Murray’s distorted thinking and poor judgment created such a high-risk procedure, acceptable to no one but him. When his patient died from his gross negligence and incompetence, he scrambled to cover his tracks, fleeing from the crime scene, until the Los Angeles Police Department tracked him down. Now facing trial for felony involuntary manslaughter, Conrad put the blame on Jackson, not on himself. When Michael finished hours of grueling dress rehearsals, no one questioned his fitness. Only after Murray overdosed Jackson does his he want to blame the mishap on Jackson’s failing health and history of drug abuse.

Showing their cards, Murray’s lawyers seek to blame Jackson’s death on (a) his failing health and (b) on a voluntary self-administered Propofol overdose. Consistent with Los Angeles County Coroner Feb. 8, 2011 findings, the Murray’s defense claims Jackson had Profofol in his stomach, signaling the pop singer drank Propfol from a bottle without the doctor’s knowledge. Murray pleaded not guilty Jan. 25, 2011 to involuntary manslaughter charges, despite Los Angeles Superior Court Judge Michael Pastor’s finding that there was sufficient evidence to proceed to trial. Murray told police that Jackson “craved” Propofol, referring to the drug as his “milk,” something related to the drug’s milky appearance. Traces of Propofol in Jackson’s digestive tract doesn’t automatically mean the pop singer swallowed it himself or, for that matter, that Murray is off the hook.

Murray’s self-concocted insomnia machine, hooking Jackson up to an IV and administering Propofol without any medical precedent or proper training, constitutes gross negligence, warranting the more severe charge of voluntary manslaughter or even second degree murder. Regardless of Murray’s intent, acts of gross negligence that result in the death of innocent patients warrant more that involuntary manslaughter. Given the Los Angeles County District Attorney’s decision to try Murray for involuntary manslaughter, there’s plenty of evidence for conviction. Murray’s defense team hopes to hang the jury with enough “reasonable doubt” with respect to the coroner’s findings. When Jurors hear testimony from medical experts at how utterly outrageous Murray’s Propofol insomnia treatments crossed the medical line to gross negligence, trace amounts in Jackson’s stomach won’t matter.

Whether the coroner found trace elements of Propofol in Jackson’s stomach has nothing to do with gross negligence by treating insomnia with fast-acting anesthesia. Murray had no business giving Jackson Propofol or creating a dangerous, untested treatment that resulted in Jackson’s death. He can’t argue with a straight face that Jackson killed himself when he engaged in such gross negligence, no matter how well intentioned, or, for that matter, whether Jackson asked or begged for the treatment. No responsible physician gives a patient dangerous treatment simply because of patients’ demands. “Jackson could have swallowed Propofol,” said anesthesiologist Dr. Barry Friedberg,” signaling at Murray’s defense. Whether Jackson “self-ingested” Propofol or not doesn’t excuse Murray from engaging in the egregious gross negligence that caused Jackson’s death.

When Murray found Jackson lifeless in the morning of June 25, 2009, he did everything in his power to cover-up the crime scene, dispose of evidence and escape police questioning. Now that he’s about to stand trial for involuntary manslaughter, his defense team led by Atty. Ed Chernoff seeks any way to find reasonable doubt. “I’m curious as to how ‘safe’ Dr. Friedberg thinks a doctor must be to prevent a patient from injecting himself or drinking as drug when he leaves the room,” asked Chernoff rhetorically, floating too much info before trial. Chernoff must convince a jury that Murray—without proper training, equipment or medical precedent—did not engage in gross negligence, administering Propofol for Jackson’s insomnia. Diverting jurors’ attention on what the coroner found in Jackson’s stomach doesn’t excuse Murray’s gross negligence and guilt.

Continue reading on Dr. Conrad Murray's Insulting Defense - Los Angeles City Buzz |
Exactly.. the prosecution will rip him a new one.. My first question would be why if your patient was in failing health did you allow him to continue to work? why didn't you as a personal caretaker tell AEG he was weak and couldn't go on? why did you tell AEG and Kenny that MJ was fine and healthy? why did you tell the insurer MJ was fine and healthy? Did you think propofol and sedatives were the cure for your ailing patient?

I agree. And here is something that bothers me so much on top of everything else. Murray's lawyers claim to know all this stuff about Michael. But yet Murray is not charged in what would go along with what they are claiming to know. Why hasn't he been charged accordingly since he claims to know or to have at least suspected all these things about the condition of Michael's health and yet Murray still went ahead and loaded Michael up with that crap. As a doctor, Murray could and should still be held accountable for it IMO. He also tried to cover up the treatment he was giving Michael according to preliminary testimony. Why isn't he charged with obstruction of justice as well?
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I agree. And here is something that bothers me so much on top of everything else. Murray's lawyers claim to know all this stuff about Michael. But yet Murray is not charged in what would go along with what they are claiming. Why hasn't he been charged accordingly since he claims to know or to have at least suspected all these things about the condition of Michael's health and yet Murray still went ahead and loaded Michael up with that crap. As a doctor, Murray could and should still be held accountable for it IMO. He also tried to cover up the treatment he was giving Michael according to preliminary testimony. Why isn't he charged with obstruction of justice as well?

Good questions.. besides Murray told AEG, the insurer and Kenny Ortega that MJ was fine and healthy so he's screwed. How can he now say MJ's health was failing yet he told everyone involved that MJ was healthy. And also did Murray even give MJ a physical exam before he loaded him up with meds? It was his responsibility to give his patient what he needed. If he saw that MJ was ailing and sick, he should've stopped the tour
Dr. Murray's Defense: MJ Was In Failing Health
2/8/2011 12:55 AM PST by TMZ Staff

Michael Jackson was in such a weakened state before he died ... it's unfair to blame his death on Propofol ...and we've learned this is precisely what lawyers for Dr. Conrad Murray will argue to a jury.


Sources familiar with the case tell TMZ ... Dr. Murray's team will argue that at the time of his death, Jackson's body was failing him ... partly because he was "driven over the edge" by AEG to rehearse for his upcoming tour.

We're told Murray's lawyers will call witnesses to testify that Jackson was not showing up for rehearsals -- and when he did show, he was exhibiting "clear signs" of failing health.

The upshot of the defense ... even if jurors believe Dr. Murray administered the fatal dose of Propofol, Jackson was already in failing health.

But as TMZ has already reported ... Dr. Murray's lawyers will argue Jackson himself administered the fatal dose of Propofol to himself when Murray was out of the room.

The trial begins in April.

I think it is a very FALSE statement to say that Michael's health was failing. Wasn't it confirmed that he was in a complete and total healthy state, setting aside the whole weight issue? He may have been weak at that time due to the stress of the rehearsals and other things, but there's no way he was so weak that his health was failing. As far as we know, Michael was perfectly healthy at the time of his death. He was no way on the verge of death. In my opinion, watching the rehearsals and seeing pictures of his last few months in '09, he looked fine. I never found him to look sickly or unhealthy. Thin, yes. Sickly? Absolutely not.

And to use this as a defense is ridiculous. Just because it may appear that someone's health is failing (talking hypothetically) doesn't give a reason to kill them. That's basically saying it's ok that Murray killed him because his health was failing anyway. No, it's not ok. Nobody is ever 100% healthy. All of our healths are gradually failing during every minute that passes. That doesn't make it ok for someone to kill us because of it...

Also, wasn't Michael asleep when Murray left the for "two minutes?" If Murray was only out of the room for two minutes, there certainly wasn't enough time for Michael to wake up and administer the drug himself.
Let us say for a moment that Michael was not feeling well. ( for me....that is possible )
Do you think THEY would stop the machinery going and cancel the shows ?!
Of course not. Their most important job was to make it matter what. To care about Michael ?!
THEY were pretending to be blind. Those damn shows costed Michael his life.

God, Michael should not have signed any fucking contract with AEG (or any other) for these shows. His life was more important than any crappy of concerts. :( He'd still be here.... :cry:
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Dr. Murray's Defense: MJ Was In Failing Health
2/8/2011 12:55 AM PST by TMZ Staff

Michael Jackson was in such a weakened state before he died ... it's unfair to blame his death on Propofol ...and we've learned this is precisely what lawyers for Dr. Conrad Murray will argue to a jury.


Sources familiar with the case tell TMZ ... Dr. Murray's team will argue that at the time of his death, Jackson's body was failing him ... partly because he was "driven over the edge" by AEG to rehearse for his upcoming tour.

We're told Murray's lawyers will call witnesses to testify that Jackson was not showing up for rehearsals -- and when he did show, he was exhibiting "clear signs" of failing health.

The upshot of the defense ... even if jurors believe Dr. Murray administered the fatal dose of Propofol, Jackson was already in failing health.

But as TMZ has already reported ... Dr. Murray's lawyers will argue Jackson himself administered the fatal dose of Propofol to himself when Murray was out of the room.

The trial begins in April.
The autopsy refutes this, Michael ahd some health issues but the coroner said he had no illness that contributed to his death. he died directly from what Murray administered. this trial is a waste of time an money, this man is guilty and all he'll get is a slap on the wrist.
God, Michael should not have signed any fucking contract with AEG (or any other) for these shows. His life was more important than any crappy of concerts. :( He'd still be here.... :cry:

Yes, I believe so. Who knows what was going on behind the scene...
I also believe that Michael wanted to do 10 concerts and then wait and see .
Of course, he expected a more demands..there were so many stories going around that were truth but then suddenly it became a lie.
People around Michael , once again, became greedy and wanted more and more. Leeches and sharks.:puke:
Preparing for a 50-concert British Tour, Jackson had just finished a powerful dress rehearsal at Los Angeles&#8217; Staples Center the night before

Huh??? i thought he did not rehearsed a dress rehearsal.. they would do that in london right??
Ingelief;3238566 said:
Preparing for a 50-concert British Tour, Jackson had just finished a powerful dress rehearsal at Los Angeles’ Staples Center the night before

Huh??? i thought he did not rehearsed a dress rehearsal.. they would do that in london right??

He rehearsed the last night in his Ed Hardy pants, several layers on his upper body to keep him warm.. you can see it in the movie. Earth Song were one of the last songs he did. He got the "curls for my girls" t-shirt on June 23 and wore it June 24.

So no dress rehearsals for him, but the dancers had their Thriller costumes on.
Thank you, Souldreamer7.

The Jacksons are not interested in pointing fingers to Tohme, it seems.
He rehearsed the last night in his Ed Hardy pants, several layers on his upper body to keep him warm.. you can see it in the movie. Earth Song were one of the last songs he did. He got the "curls for my girls" t-shirt on June 23 and wore it June 24.

So no dress rehearsals for him, but the dancers had their Thriller costumes on.

That's what I was wondering. What dress rehearsal??? The only one in costumes where the dancers.

The only thing that looked costumish were the gold pants and then the gold jacket that he briefly wore in "I'll be there". Maybe the floating coat in 'Beat It', but single elements are not a dress rehearsal.
I think there was NO "complete dress-rehearsal," at all. If there had been, it would have been in the movie. In TII, there was not ONE complete, unedited song by Michael. Only those rapid edits. You can tell that, by the different clothing he was wearing. I'm not saying that means anything, or does not. BUT, there was not even ONE complete song.

Moving right along. .
Yeah. And then what she said on 20/20 After Life last year how she thought Michael was going to die that it was No surprize to her.. She made me sick in that interview!!! For someone who knew Michael for all these years - she had NO Faith in him it sounds like!

Starting at 3:17 (I bet this video will disappear from youtube now.)

That interview is so messed up. First they say Michael looked sad & unhealthy & Then they turn around and say he looked on top of the world and then back to michael being awful. I can't stand this interview.
Then they expect Michael's rehersal performance to look just like it did back in what 96-97? C'mon man!

I think it is a very FALSE statement to say that Michael's health was failing. Wasn't it confirmed that he was in a complete and total healthy state, setting aside the whole weight issue? He may have been weak at that time due to the stress of the rehearsals and other things, but there's no way he was so weak that his health was failing. As far as we know, Michael was perfectly healthy at the time of his death. He was no way on the verge of death. In my opinion, watching the rehearsals and seeing pictures of his last few months in '09, he looked fine. I never found him to look sickly or unhealthy. Thin, yes. Sickly? Absolutely not.

And to use this as a defense is ridiculous. Just because it may appear that someone's health is failing (talking hypothetically) doesn't give a reason to kill them. That's basically saying it's ok that Murray killed him because his health was failing anyway. No, it's not ok. Nobody is ever 100% healthy. All of our healths are gradually failing during every minute that passes. That doesn't make it ok for someone to kill us because of it...

Also, wasn't Michael asleep when Murray left the for "two minutes?" If Murray was only out of the room for two minutes, there certainly wasn't enough time for Michael to wake up and administer the drug himself.

Although the autopsy report said he was healthy, to have these 3 people - not just Karen Faye, but especially Bush - will be compelling witnesses for Murray's defense of MJ was in ill health. KF tweets & fb comments have been all over the place & certainly the vid with "shanti, shanti, shanti" at the end is way :doh:??? - but I think with Bush & Dennis Tompkins' testimony, it makes a good case for a jury.

Bush says "he was like bone thin, he grabbed me by the arm - you promised me you wouldn't tell what I"m seeing" ; "to me it was blatant- there was just these tell tale signs, when is someone going to pay attention? "

Karen Faye quotes: "all that fear, all that doubt"; "fear in Jackson's eyes"; alot of pressure. Karen stated "I was extremely concerned with Michael's well being"; I feared that Michael was physically unable to do the shows";
Karen was asked"Did you think he was vulnerable enough that he might die? and Karen responds "yes".

The jury will have to conclude that all 3 of these guys are lying, imo. Not sure if they are all witnesses, but probably. When I watch the vid, to me they are lying.

Did anyone notice when watching TII movie - it was towards the end, but it looked like it was Bush that was hanging besides the stage on the right. To me that was a little odd, but could be nothing. You would think he would want to watch the show in front. I should watch it again
Although the autopsy report said he was healthy, to have these 3 people - not just Karen Faye, but especially Bush - will be compelling witnesses for Murray's defense of MJ was in ill health. KF tweets & fb comments have been all over the place & certainly the vid with "shanti, shanti, shanti" at the end is way :doh:??? - but I think with Bush & Dennis Tompkins' testimony, it makes a good case for a jury.

Bush says "he was like bone thin, he grabbed me by the arm - you promised me you wouldn't tell what I"m seeing" ; "to me it was blatant- there was just these tell tale signs, when is someone going to pay attention? "

Karen Faye quotes: "all that fear, all that doubt"; "fear in Jackson's eyes"; alot of pressure. Karen stated "I was extremely concerned with Michael's well being"; I feared that Michael was physically unable to do the shows";
Karen was asked"Did you think he was vulnerable enough that he might die? and Karen responds "yes".

But all these comments just put Murray in a bad light. He had a patient in poor health and he continued to pump his system with benzos and propofol for weeks. Even if he was only giving him small propofol doses as he said, that wasn't a treatment for the health problems that are being suggested. I don't see how MJ's supposed frail health and Murray's actions put Murray in a favorable light at all. If anything, it further proves his negligence. AEG wasn't the doctor. He was. Regardless of any pressure AEG was putting on him, he saw his patient's condition and flagrantly ignored any signs for that $150K he was going to get.

But the main point is, it wasn't frail health that killed MJ. MJ could have recovered from frail health. He didn't have a chance to because of Murray's gross lack of care. Frail health didn't have anything to do with Murray not having the right equipment in that room and worse his leaving MJ unmonitored to talk to some woman.
Although the autopsy report said he was healthy, to have these 3 people - not just Karen Faye, but especially Bush - will be compelling witnesses for Murray's defense of MJ was in ill health. KF tweets & fb comments have been all over the place & certainly the vid with "shanti, shanti, shanti" at the end is way :doh:??? - but I think with Bush & Dennis Tompkins' testimony, it makes a good case for a jury.

Bush says "he was like bone thin, he grabbed me by the arm - you promised me you wouldn't tell what I"m seeing" ; "to me it was blatant- there was just these tell tale signs, when is someone going to pay attention? "

Karen Faye quotes: "all that fear, all that doubt"; "fear in Jackson's eyes"; alot of pressure. Karen stated "I was extremely concerned with Michael's well being"; I feared that Michael was physically unable to do the shows";
Karen was asked"Did you think he was vulnerable enough that he might die? and Karen responds "yes".

The jury will have to conclude that all 3 of these guys are lying, imo. Not sure if they are all witnesses, but probably. When I watch the vid, to me they are lying.

Did anyone notice when watching TII movie - it was towards the end, but it looked like it was Bush that was hanging besides the stage on the right. To me that was a little odd, but could be nothing. You would think he would want to watch the show in front. I should watch it again

i thought i saw karen and bush?? two times in the movie. one when he was singing *i thought human nature* and the other in the cirkel he is hugging her there i believe..

i dont know.. i dont know what to believe anymore.. but what i do know is whatever the true is, murray is always quilty a healty michael or a frail michael.. he was death wrong..
But the main point is, it wasn't frail health that killed MJ. MJ could have recovered from frail health. He didn't have a chance to because of Murray's gross lack of care. Frail health didn't have anything to do with Murray not having the right equipment in that room and worse his leaving MJ unmonitored to talk to some woman.

Right. I can't see that "frail health" would be any sort of defense for Murray, at all. He was the DOCTOR. He would be in better position than anyone to know if Michael's health was poor, and his responsibility should have been to his patient, and no one else.

And, IF Michael's health was "frail," all the more reason not to do such a risky thing as administer propofol in his home! Michael's death was ruled as being due to "acute propofol intoxication," with no mention of "frail health," at all. So if that is Murray's defense, then WHAT are his lawyers thinking?
Thank you, Souldreamer7.

The Jacksons are not interested in pointing fingers to Tohme, it seems.

Actaully...I apologise..I posted that video clip in the wrong thread. Although I do still wonder what Tohme was/is up to..what ever became of him?

on what basis for Tohme?

I know this wasn't directed at me..but I don't think Tohme will be called during the trial,will he?
Right. I can't see that "frail health" would be any sort of defense for Murray, at all. He was the DOCTOR. He would be in better position than anyone to know if Michael's health was poor, and his responsibility should have been to his patient, and no one else.

And, IF Michael's health was "frail," all the more reason not to do such a risky thing as administer propofol in his home! Michael's death was ruled as being due to "acute propofol intoxication," with no mention of "frail health," at all. So if that is Murray's defense, then WHAT are his lawyers thinking?

True... that defense makes Murray look even worse.. If he's claiming his patient was in frail health yet he continued letting him rehearse even lying to everyone saying he was fine and healthy then what does that say about him? and also if his patient was in frail health what exactly was propofol and sedatives doing to help him?
elusive moonwalker;3189893 said:
shouldnt have to boycot them cause ppl shouldnt be on their site to start with. i read the Justice4mjj ppl are prety pally with TMZ and were even talking to one of their cameramen on the phone at the court house

Apparently someone from justice4mj is friendly with Kim Kardashian & must be a writer as she/he
posted this on their site:

My interview in Bazaar with Kim Kardashian came out!!! 2 days ago · reply
Right. I can't see that "frail health" would be any sort of defense for Murray, at all. He was the DOCTOR. He would be in better position than anyone to know if Michael's health was poor, and his responsibility should have been to his patient, and no one else.

And, IF Michael's health was "frail," all the more reason not to do such a risky thing as administer propofol in his home! Michael's death was ruled as being due to "acute propofol intoxication," with no mention of "frail health," at all. So if that is Murray's defense, then WHAT are his lawyers thinking?

I know from experience as I am in my 40's and I was rushed to the hospital on the 16th last month due to respitory problems, I have to deal with asthma which in my case is I never know what will set it off. On the day I got sick, I had shortness of breath and if it is not treated asap. I had exhausted all of my inhalers and had had 2 breathing tratments which did not help. My blood pressure goes up as a result of these meds.
My husband got me to the emergency and they took me in immediately. Once there, and treated the doctor would not let me leave until my breathing stablized. I know from experience how quickly my body can spiral out of control and I was in distress for a week. I was thinking about MJ all during that time and my husband and son was there with me to make sure the doctors were taking gook care of my condition.

I didn't spell check anything so I hope you guys can understand what I am saying.