Did MJ Find Love In The Dark (continued)

Gotcha! hahaha I knew that would get a rise out of you. I felt in a funny mood, and just HAD to write that. But hey, you NEVER know. If you're Michael's beloved he would have taught his girl how to play the disguise game, both in public and online, lol. Anyway, luv ya girl, and I totally understand about not being able to get on so much during the day. Most of my stuff happens in the middle of the night, like right now! But I sure hope you get to go to at least one of his concerts (if he ever tours US again), and that if you ever get the chance to meet him again that he will remember you...but, lol, if your Michael's beloved he knows you already! hahaha :) I know, kooky me. :p
:bugeyed AllforMJs been holding out on us. Good detective work mjroxworld!

All this time she was right under our noses. Tsk tsk tsk for not spilling the whole story ;) lol actually good on you for it. We shouldn't know it all. Parts need to be left to the imagination.

(sorry I had to get in on the teasing fun too.. and I LOVE that smilie and wanted a chance at using it)

I'm still sitting back waiting to hear the new album whenever it may happen to drop. I imagine when it happens this thread will be booming again. He's just being really quiet lately again. Which is probably good. It must mean that he is getting his privacy at the very least. I hope he and his children are having a wonderful Christmas season.
Good lawd!! You guys are too much!! I'mma tell my mommy on you!! :lol: :lol:
Are you going to let us be bridesmaids? Are ya huh? huh? Pwetty pweeeeezeeeeeeee *bats eyelashes and gives you a puss n boots (Shrek) look*
Well... To satisfy everyone she has to be mixed race, o'k?
one of her leg will be black, other - white.
With long black hair ( the head, I mean )
She has to be very well built, like Brooke Shields... so, if any paparazzi will bother them, she will be able to use kung fu.. and kick them all out :)
She should be able to cook a lot of yummy stuff for Mr. Jackson.... :p ..............Or..... smart enough to order it all :lol:
She will give a birth to a smart boy and will call him MJJC and AllForMJ will be a godmother.

:lol: vbmenu_register("postmenu_1711887", true);
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Why Fujon....You just described her perfectly!
How did you do it? You must know her I think. :p

(btw...I think I can speak for us all that we aren't trying to mess up the thread or make light of something serious, just having some fun with it till we have serious stuff to add maybe? :) It's nice in here :D )
So, MJ's in love w/ a Beautiful Giiiirl...ladadadaladadadadada
She helps him feel like he's flying over the walls to freedom (and flying to San Fancisco to go see AllFor MJ ;) )
And his love he promises is For All Time. Tadaaaa!
You guys are TOO funny!! And y'all KNOW you are trippin'!! :lol:

And Ape, in answer to your question...

Of courrrrrse you all can be bridemaids in my imaginary wedding! Of course you can! It will be the EXACT type of imaginary wedding that MJ is telling that girl at the Virgin Megastore he'll see her at.


MJ at "Invincible" autograph signing at the Virgin Megastore in Time Square


See you at the wedding! *waving* :rofl:

Gonna surf the net now for pictures of limos from the '70's so Mr. Man can close the door and stop freezin' by the bay. lol
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Something elese about the 2 latest (back to back) statements from Michael in November:

In the first one dated 11/10, what is the very first word he uses?,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"I".

In the 2nd statement dated 11/11, what is the 1st word he uses?,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"You".

What is a little different about those statements?,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,he ends one with saying:
Michael Jackson and Family, implying more than he, us aka-"We".

Does this sound familiar to you?

Allow me to refer you back to the poem, " I You We", from Dancing the Dream. If you look closely at the message in that poem, it more than relates to the theory of this thread, it even uses a few words that WE have started to pick up on and use to describe what we are seeing taking place from Michael's own clues.

Words like:mystery and wings

Go and reread the poem,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Does the zorro movie have romance init? i forgot? If so, then the recent pics of MJ shows more signs of MJ possibly being in love..hence the zorro mask.
But hey, you know, Zorro was a masked man, with mystery, intrigue, mystique, things that girls go ga-ga over. He made his mark wherever he went. MJ does the same thing, whether he has masks on or not. He's an intriguing lady-magnet. ;)
^^ yes so true.. :yes: I was trying to get that point across, what you said. But my words came out wrong :lol:..opps!
Hey Everybody, miss coming here. Been trying to finish up my Christmas shopping .

About the Zorro Movie, its been centuries, lol since I have seen that movie. It sure has been redone by different actors over and over but if my memory is any good, the only thing I can think of is this:

The Zorro movie indicate: Mystery of a man, fighting, enemies all around, love story between a man and woman who by the way didn't agree to zorro's lifestyle but in the end Zorro won her over.

One may argue the links but MJbabe21 you brought up a very interesting point.
Hey Everybody, miss coming here. Been trying to finish up my Christmas shopping .

About the Zorro Movie, its been centuries, lol since I have seen that movie. It sure has been redone by different actors over and over but if my memory is any good, the only thing I can think of is this:

The Zorro movie indicate: Mystery of a man, fighting, enemies all around, love story between a man and woman who by the way didn't agree to zorro's lifestyle but in the end Zorro won her over.

One may argue the links but MJbabe21 you brought up a very interesting point.

haha thanks. Thats exactly what i was pointing out.. Zorro was a man of mystery, kind of like Mike! :)

And damn - doesn't he look good in that black mask or what?? PJs or no pjs...

Yes, he sure does :yes:
LindaC781, He look exactly like the meal I wanna eat for my Christmas dinner!

Hell yeah!!

I was just reading over the lyrics to "Someone In The Dark"...

All alone wishing on stars
Waiting for you to find me
One sweet night I knew I would see
A stranger who'd be my friend

In other words, he was alone. Very lonely. He wanted a true friend. Not some stranger...he wanted someone who he could connect to and be with. I think he's found that now.

When someone in the dark reaches out to you
And touches off a spark that comes shining through
It tells you never be afraid
Then somewhere in your heart you can feel the glow
A light to keep you warm when the night winds blow
Like it was written in the stars I knew
My friend, my someone in the dark was you

This passage tells me that not only did he find a true friend, but a love too. That he doesn't need to be afraid anymore. This person truly loves him for him. And he feels that from this person. This person really really cares about him, and not who he has become. This person loves him for the unique individual he is. The shy, sensitive person that he is. Nothing more.

Promise me we'll always be
Walking the world together
Hand in hand where dreams never end
My star secret friend and me

This is curious. He says "My star secret friend and me". This makes me wonder who the friend is. Someone that is a star, but that we have no idea who? And why should we? Is this any of our business or not? But I do so love a good love story, that's for sure!

When someone in the dark reaches out to you
And touches off a spark that comes shining through
It tells you never be afraid
Then somewhere in your heart you can feel the glow
A light to keep you warm when the night winds blow

Look for the rainbow in the sky
I believe you and I
Could never really say goodbye
Wherever you may be
I'll look up and see
Someone in the dark for me
Wherever you may be
I'll look up and see
Someone in the dark for me

Though you're gone star far away
Each time I see a rainbow
I'll remember being with you
Smiles coming through my tears

This part gets to me. He found his friend, but now the friend is far away. He is still happy to have known that she exists, but she now lives far away. Maybe this was during that time when he was in love with Diana Ross? I dunno....but I do know that he does still see that rainbow, and he still does think about her whoever she is...

When someone in the dark reaches out for you
And touches off a spark that comes shining through
It tells you never be afraid
Then somewhere in your heart you can feel the glow
A light to keep you warm when the night winds blow
Look for the rainbow in the sky
I believe you and I
Could never really say goodbye
Wherever you may be
I'll look up and see
Someone in the dark for me
Wherever you may be
I'll look up and see
Someone in the dark for me!

I can see every thing you guys were talking about in that song...and I don't care if it was written for ET the Extra-Terrestrial.. To me, he was singing to us fans.....so what we're a little on the height-challenged side of things...
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Yes, Linda those lyrics to Someone in the Dark are very touching and even more deep.

Since Michael's own clues have been revealing more and more things, I don't feel the lyric about the '"star secret friend" indicates she would be a star or celebrity. I think the word Star in this song is representative of a deep spiritual love between the two. Also a star is bright, its shines ,gives light and direction . Michael doesn't come across as a materilistic kind of fella, nor does he brag so he wouldn't be referring to his lady as a celebrity.
The word Star here mean something much more deeper to Michael when he is referring to her and their love.

Also in this lyric Michael is telling us this was a secret relationship, remember if our theory is correct and this relationship has a long history, if it were a celebrity wouldn't there be significant clues linking her to him in all this time? We would have figured it out long before now and so would the media.
The way I see it , Mr.Jackson & this secret friend felt like they were all alone, had no one to talk to, no one they could trust...and no one that they felt understood, understands them...

When they reached out for each other in the dark
And touches of those sparks came shining through
It told them, they never have to be afraid anymore
In their hearts they felt, feel... THAT glow
That light to keep them warm when the night winds blow
Like it was written in the stars they knew, know
Their friend, was that someone in the dark they have been searching a lifetime for has finally come home~~~

:angel: Star + Celestial + Fate = Destiny
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I think Someone in the Dark is about what the storyline of the movie was about, befriending and extraterrestrial named E.T.
The way I see it , Mr.Jackson & this secret friend felt like they were all alone, had no one to talk to, no one they could trust...and no one that they felt understood, understands them...

When they reached out for each other in the dark
And touches of those sparks came shining through
It told them, they never have to be afraid anymore
In their hearts they felt, feel... THAT glow
That light to keep them warm when the night winds blow
Like it was written in the stars they knew, know
Their friend, was that someone in the dark they have been searching a lifetime for has finally come home~~~

:angel: Star + Celestial + Fate = Destiny

Very beautiful Sdeidjs.
Originally..? Absolutely..!

Well since I don't know his original intentions other than it being a song for a movie about an extraterrestial I guess everyones interpretations can be left up to ones opinions, hopes, fantasies and imagination...:)
Well since I don't know his original intentions other than it being a song for a movie about an extraterrestial I guess everyones interpretations can be left up to ones opinions, hopes, fantasies and imagination...:)

Yes that is very true...:yes:

For what ever reason (s) sometimes people can't talk directly to each other...therefore, they tend to utilize the beautiful compositions of music...to tell their story to each other and, or the people around them...:wub: