Goodnight Michael

Your arms

Lets close our eyes
and hold our hands
we will feel the breeze
I can feel the sand
tell our secrets
and snuggle tight
I only wanna be in your arms tonight

Make me laugh
touch my face
kiss me sweet
I love your embrace
lets watch the stars
and see the light
I only wanna be in your arms tonight
Michael, my lovely one, I thought about you endlessly today as always. I miss you, and I love you so much, more than you will ever know. How I wish I could fall asleep in your arms. :wub: Please Michael, spend time with me in my dreams tonight. I need you, and I love you so much. Goodnight sweetheart, sleep well. I am forever yours my love.
Michael my sweet eternal L..V.E. I will be going up to bed really soon. And try and get some sleep though I don't know why I even bother since I can't sleep like I used to anymore. So goodnight and sweet dreams my L..V.E. I miss and L..V.E. you so very much. :heart: :wub:

If I could hold you - just for a second.
I'd lock the memory up, and keep it, forever.
Just a fleeting moment maybe,
- but still for me,
a private treasure.
That I could never explain with words.
Michael, my love, I love you so much, and I wish you were here with me right now. I am going up to bed now my sweet love. I am just really, really tired right now. I will be thinking of you, and I hope you will be in my dreams. :wub: I love you, always and forever. Goodnight, my love.
I'm not ready to say goodnight and certainly not ready to say goodbye.
Michael Jackson, your name is always on my mind, on my lips, and in my heart.
I am NEVER going to say goodbye.
:sun:MJ you are the sun- you make me shine. Always and forever.
My dearest Michael... :heart:


I think about you every day and my heart hurts a lot miss you. :cry: But do not worry... You will always be present in my life, my heart and my thoughts... forever. I love you my angel... :wub: :heart:


OMG! It is the first time I come to this thread. :wub: This thread is very similar to this:

If Michael Was Reading This Thread...What would you say?

Michael my sweet eternal L..V.E. I had missed you so much today as I always do. But it was earlier tonight where I really started to cry over you and just how much I still miss you. So I may or may not go to bed tonight my L..V.E. I just don't see what is the point when I can no longer get the amount of sleep that I used to get when we still had you. And always waking up feeling more tired than I was when I went to bed. And just spend the entire day just being really tired. But I have no choice but to be used to it. So goodnight and sweet dreams my L..V.E. And as always I forever L..V.E. and miss you. :heart: :wub:
Slow dancing

Dance with me tonight
In the summer breeze.
I'll be in your arms -
Kiss me if you dare.
Hold me close to you,
Show me that you care,
Whisper in my ear,
Gently stroke my hair.

Take me to the floor,
Show me how to dance.
Hold on to my waist,
And let us explore -
The rhythm, the beat
While we ask for more.
Slow dancing tonight
Couldn't feel more right.
Michael, my sweet love, I need to try to go to bed now. I feel really tired, and I am not feeling well right now. Please come and give me a kiss in my dreams tonight. I need you, my love. I love you with all of my heart for all time. Goodnight , my lovely one.
Le mie parole nascono dai tuoi occhi


le mie parole
nascono dai tuoi occhi.
anime intrise d'amore,
corpi vuoti
che si colmano
di luce, di calore, di vita...
ci amiamo.
Con te
divento roccia,
forza, saggezza.
Con me
diventi passione,
dolcezza, sorriso.
stretti in un abbraccio
fin dove nessuno
è stato mai.​
Michael, my sweet love, I though of you endlessly today, and I never get tired of doing so. I love you so much, and I always will. Goodnight, my love. I love you always and forever.
Michael, my sweet love, your birthday is now over and I should really try to get some sleep. I am sorry for crying so much, but I can't help it - I love you and I want you back!! :boohoo: It isn't getting any easier, Michael. I hope you had a lovely birthday and I hope you enjoyed watching all your fans celebrating your day in their own ways. There is so much love on this earth for you my love. Goodnight, Michael. I love you, always and forever.


Michael, questa torta è per te... ti amo con tutto il mio cuore e la mia anima. :give_heart:
Michael my eternal sweet L..V.E. I hope your birthday up in Heaven was really wonderful. I so wish that I could have celebrated your birthday better than I did. But it is still just so hard for me to do that. Several times or so today I had just really cried over you. Even though I told myself I wasn't going to do any crying over you on your birthday. But I just couldn't help it my L..V.E. I am glad though it was a clear night tonight. So I did some star gazing and thought about you. And when I think how I had celebrated your birthday last year by spending like half of it in bed sleeping. Just so I didn't think about it. I so wish I could go and celebrate your birthday like I used to. When you were still with us. Maybe next year I'll try again but I really don't know yet. Goodnight and have the most sweetest dreams my L..V.E. I L..V.E. and miss you so extremely much. As I always forever will. And I still wish so much that I was with you now. The world really is no longer the same without you here with us. :heart: :wub:
My dearest Michael.... :heart:


I feel so much your fault and yesterday was his birthday.... was so sad to me. I could not celebrate. Sorry. :cry: I am very happy that the other fans celebrated you in a way so beautiful and happy. I know you smiled a lot.... :heart: I just want to say I'll celebrate you my way, having you in my heart forever and thinking of you every day of my life. :wub:

I miss you so much my angel.... :cry:

I love you... FOREVER!!! :wub:


Michael, questa torta è per te... ti amo con tutto il mio cuore e la mia anima. :give_heart:
You made this pie? Wow, she looks sooooooooo delicious. :wild:
Ti amo Amore mio

____*#####* Ti Amo per come mi parli
___*########* Ti Amo per come ridi
_*###########* Ti Amo per come sei
_*############* Ti Amo da quando i tuoi occhi hanno incontrato i miei
_*#############*_________*##* Ti Amo da quando le tue mani mi hanno sfiorato il viso
_*#############*_____*#######* Ti Amo da quando ogni tuo gesto mi fa battere il cuore
_*#############*___*##########* Ti Amo per tutti i momenti passati insieme e che ancora passeremo
__*#############*_*###########* Ti Amo perchè tu dai luce ai miei giorni
___*#############*############* Ti Amo per la tua dolcezza
____*########################* Ti Amo per la tua grinta
_____*#######################* Ti Amo perchè fai parte di me
______*#####################* Ti Amo in ogni tuo pregio
________*##################* Ti Amo in ogni tuo difetto
_________*################* Ti Amo perchè mi fai ridere
__________*#############* Ti Amo perchè con te sono la ragazza più felice del mondo
___________*##########* Ti Amo perchè i miei giorni sono scanditi dalla tua costante presenza
____________*#######* Ti Amo perché sei il Mio tenero cucciolo
_____________*#####* Ti Amo perchè ogni volta che ti vedo ho i brividi
______________*###* Ti Amo perché le nostre vite saranno legate per Sempre!!!
_______________*#* Ti Amo perché mi hai fatto conoscere la felicità!!!
I miss you, Michael.

Today was a difficult day. It's always sad to see some of those who love you be so lost, so totally lost and so far away from what you wanted us to be. I am sorry those you once trusted keep leaking info about your private life and your personal problems to reach your fans. I am sorry those fans you once trusted so much are now divided.

I miss our good old quiet days. I really do.

But I keep holding on to the promise of another tomorrow.
I love you, Michael Jackson.
We need you so much right now.

You ?

It's been so long with you inside my heart

and through my dreams you have crossed

thousands of miles

through each walkable mile you have

brought me a million smiles

you bring to my heart confidence through fear

and laughter amid my saddest tears

I believe you shine the sunlight along my night

you travel the world through this loving mind

you invade not the world of my thoughts

you invade even what's behind

With you even sorrow feels full of delight

for with the sense of you, and love of yours

this world I can defeat, and happily fight
Michael my sweet eternal L..V.E. I had missed you so much today. As I always do of course. But for once I didn't cry over you until nearly 2 hours or so ago. When I decided to listen to you. I still so badly wish I could go back to watching and listening to you like I used to. I just so miss doing that so much now. Just like I miss getting the amount of sleep that I used to get when we still had you. It is pretty late here my L..V.E. And I should be going up to bed now. But I don't think I am even though I am just so very tired right now. But ever since what had happen to you I still have such trouble sleeping. Which is something I had gotten quite used to anymore. Goodnight and sweet dreams my L..V.E. I L..V.E. and miss you so extremely much. And I still so very much wish I could be up in Heaven with you now. :heart: :wub:
I love you, Michael!!!!!!!!

I really do!!!! Whish you were here to let you know this, to try to reach to you and tell you I am doing this, while keeping all my love for you.
May we meet someday, dear Michael. Hope so from the bottom of my heart.

I love you, I love you, I love you!!!
Momenti per amare

E quando mi perdo nel sognare il tuo viso
mentre i brividi scivolano lieti
come un bimbo che si incanta nel suo paradiso
finalmente senza divieti,
assaporo la speranza perduta in passato
e mi gusto la magia dei miei momenti segreti.

D'improvviso le angosce sono un lontano ricordo
i vecchi errori non portan reclamo
tanta voglia di non perdere un istante gagliardo
il bisogno di confessare quanto ti amo.

Consapevole di fare i conti col destino beffardo
sento dentro di me un'orchestra suonare
con la fiducia che non sbagli qualche accordo
di questa musica che non smetterò mai di ascoltare.
Michael, my sweet love, I am really sorry that I haven't said goodnight to you in the last couple of days. I have just been so tired, that I wasn't on here very long. I love you, and I wish you were here to just hold me tight and comfort me all night. I would love to fall asleep in your arms. :wub: But all I have are dreams and wishes and memories. Nothing to hold on to. Nothing solid next to me. I sometimes can almost feel your breath, your heart beat. Solid. Comfort, safety, love. Tonight, any night. I wish, but you aren't here, and never will be. I wish and wish... and sometimes hope that soon, one day soon, I can join you. But, as the night passes, and the silence is broken with the sounds of the world coming back to life, I know that will not happen. The business of the days don't make the nights any easier. The errands and running don't make the nights pass any faster. And I still wish for more than a whisper in a dream. :weeping: Goodnight, my lovely one. I promise to love you forever, there is no other man I want to be with forever but you, my heart is yours and your alone!