Jackson Estate Sues Heal the World Foundation

Oh, and reading the post from Gaiaschild, I have to say: I have been of the opinion from the beginning that the current HTWF is a scam. But just to be clear: I have not been paid by John Branca or MClain to 'discredit them'. I think the 'organisation' has done enough themselves to be discredited. I'm not sure about what members you are talking Gaiaschild, but it's quite the accusation. And I do wonder what your role in HTWF is.
Herer is another report with a statement from the estate's special administrators:
Michael Jackson Estate Sues Heal The World Foundation

by Paul Cashmere - September 30 2009
The estate of the late Michael Jackson has filed a lawsuit against the Heal The World Foundation for exploiting his death by unlawfully seeking trademarks using the name `Michael Jackson` and phrases such as `King Of Pop`, `Heal The World`, `MJ`, Neverland` and `Thriller`.
They claim the charity is deceiving the public into thinking they operate the charities and are fooling fans into believing they are making donations in Michael’s name.
Michael Jackson himself set up a Heal The World Foundation in 1992 but it was disbanded in 2002. A separate charity using the name Heal The World Foundation but with no association to Jackson was started in 2008.
The lawsuit was filed in the United States District Court of Los Angeles today by Jackson Estate administrators John Braca and John McClain. "John McClain and I as Special Administrators will continue to be vigilant in protecting Michael's legacy from unauthorized exploitation and in protecting Michael’s fans from being deceived,” Braca said today in a statement.
The defendants have registered six trademarks and applied for 41 more. The lawsuit claims that the trademarks “uniquely and unmistakably point to Mr. Jackson and his persona” and are intended “to cause confusion, mistake and to deceive.”
CBS News have also been targeting the charity calling it “a magnet for fans searching for a Michael Jackson charity.”
A statement from the Jackson Estate today reads, “While Mr. Jackson did found his own Heal the World Foundation in 1992, it had no connection to the defendants and, in fact, became dormant before he died. Mr. Jackson named his legitimate foundation after his iconic song that urged peace, unity, compassion and understanding, which he would later cite as the song he was most proud of writing. Mr. Jackson performed the song during halftime at Super Bowl XXVII, and it was featured prominently at the conclusion of Mr. Jackson’s memorial service in Los Angeles on July 7, 2009”.


I find it despicable that people are exploiting MJ's death to that extent. These HTWF people are no better than the fake rabbi.


:angel:Heal The World...WE Are The World...Education IS The Key~~~
Oh, and reading the post from Gaiaschild, I have to say: I have been of the opinion from the beginning that the current HTWF is a scam. But just to be clear: I have not been paid by John Branca or MClain to 'discredit them'. I think the 'organisation' has done enough themselves to be discredited. I'm not sure about what members you are talking Gaiaschild, but it's quite the accusation. And I do wonder what your role in HTWF is.

Your posts Hoofmark are full of hatred.

You are entitled to your opinion and me mine. but accusations are something else. I just said to keep an open mind due to not understanding why MJ did not expose them when he was alive. That is a valid question, as Melissa came on this board in December 2008 to say about it, and given we know MJ cruised the forum. He would have known of HTWF existence.

There was a person registered as Jane Bond and Kate collins probs same person, that just joined to discredit HTWF. I find it strange to join a forum to spout hatred.

I have nothing to do with HTWF, I have the same user name on that forum as here, you cannot register twice on their system if I were doing what you are suggesting i would use another name. But I would not do that if I knew the foundation to be fraud as fraud and lies are something I bitterly dislike. it is just my gut instinct for truth that is all, and Branca and McClain are not people of integrity imo.

I have no idea if they are genuine or not,maybe they are not but I'm curious as to why did not Michael expose them while he was alive, that is all, if you can answer that I will be satisfied, as I trust McClain and Branca even less
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I have no idea if they are genuine or not,maybe they are not but I'm curious as to why did not Michael expose them while he was alive, that is all, if you can answer that I will be satisfied, as I trust McClain and Branca even less
was this group even doing the rounds when mj was here? and when did mj ever expose anyone. so thats hardly an argument. if u think they are fine then thats not prob.keep donating money or however esle u support them
Your posts Hoofmark are full of hatred

Well, thank you so much for complimenting me so kindly.

What I write has nothing to do with hate. Hate is a pretty strong word, and shouldn't be used so lightly.

But as you might remember, several very big discussions are held on this topic. I feel no need to repeat things in this one, as you can find them in those threads. I will only say that there are very serious question marks surrounding this 'charity', one that has no legal status at all. And I think it's only good to warn people about that, before they get tricked.

Charities that are legit have their papers/legal status in order, are open about their goals to the general public and don't hide behind registration. And have permission to use the celebrity names that endorse them. Obviously, that is not the case here and that's the reason why legal action has been taken. If they have a signed paper that allows them to use Michaels name and image, it would be a completely different story. And unless they have that, they shouldn't do it.
Well, thank you so much for complimenting me so kindly.

What I write has nothing to do with hate. Hate is a pretty strong word, and shouldn't be used so lightly.


You were accusing/implying I was associated with fraud for expressing an opinion, how else should I take it, that is how it felt to me

BTW I don't support them. I joined the forum shortly after MJ death and have followed all info , not just on this forum, but HTWF side as well for a balanced view.
Charities that are legit have their papers/legal status in order, are open about their goals to the general public and don't hide behind registration. And have permission to use the celebrity names that endorse them. Obviously, that is not the case here and that's the reason why legal action has been taken. If they have a signed paper that allows them to use Michaels name and image, it would be a completely different story. And unless they have that, they shouldn't do it.

Correct - and several points to add to your point:

1) For a charity to apply for NEW MJs trademarks which are clearly ownership of the Jackson Estate itself...

2) That MJ dismantled HTWF in 2001-2002 (presumably when the Rabid Rabbi stole money from HTK & HTWF)...

3) That the "new" HTWF was being run WITHOUT MJs consent yet used his image & likeness to garner donations for YEARS (MJ had enough problems to deal with) ...

is in a simple word: ILLEGAL.
was this group even doing the rounds when mj was here? and when did mj ever expose anyone. so thats hardly an argument. if u think they are fine then thats not prob.keep donating money or however esle u support them

I don't think they are necessarily fine. I don't support them as I am still unclear.

I'm just curious as to why it wasn't exposed when MJ was alive, that is a VALID question. Melissa anounced it on here in 2008 and Trish says MJ visited the forum. IMO he would have been aware of its existence anyway, so why wasn't it exposed by one of his people then, why now?

I can't access the site anyway now to get the piece of info I wanted on the reasons Melissa gave for acquiring the names, which seemed genuine to me, at the time,I'm not saying it is genuine, how should I know,I'm just saying some info may have been overlooked. Why does it seem proposterous that MJ may have wanted to start it up again with the concerts he was doing? HTWF is doomed anyway and I'm sure the majoirty are happy about that.
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I smell a rat.

So I want to know whether the Jackson's decided to sue or just Branca and McClain in, because I suspected all along that the reason to discredit HTWF from MJ was so HTWF would be entitiled to any money from the estate. It is questionable about whether MJ really wanted Branca as exectutor of the will , when he fired him in 2006 for realising he wasn't representing his best interests and a mystery why there is not another will, also the validity of the will is questionable, when the childrens' names aren't even correct. Also Branca and Mclain are exectutive producers of This is it movie.

I also suspected that it is possible that the two people placed around forums to discredit HTWF were paid by Branca and co to do so.

This discrediting of HTWF has been orchestrated.

I read Melissa story on how she got the names of HTWF and the phone call representing MJ and I believe this is possible. MJ knew he was doing the concerts and maybe he wanted to get it going again.

I think it is likely Michael would have said when he was alive if it wasn't, after all Mellissa came on here and said so and was very blantant everywhere while Michael was alive,we know MJ cruised the forum, so IMO he had plenty of time to have said so if it was fake.

Please keep an open mind on the tactics going on here. If this is what is going on, this is final assault on MJ legacy because of the greed of others ie Branca and Mclain.

I smell what I can only describe as ridiculous paranoia, or something worse. If the current incarnation of the Heal the World Foundation is legal and was sanctioned by MJ then these people should have the legal documentation to prove that claim, PERIOD. You don't need Johnny Cochran and the Dream Team for this one, they either have the documents or they don't. Otherwise, they are simply trying to use MJ's name to scam money by convincing people that this is an MJ charity when it in fact hasn't been so in years.
his estate is getting sue for that molestation case i read it on TMZ i was like yo what the hell didn't his advisors handle this. A damn same as for TMZ they all are a mess
his estate is getting sue for that molestation case i read it on TMZ i was like yo what the hell didn't his advisors handle this. A damn same as for TMZ they all are a mess

It's Thomas Messerau's lawyer bill.

TMZ' Harvey Levin explained succinctly - In an estate, especially when it's in probate court which lasts about 1-2 years, everyone who has to get a bill paid cannot just send an invoice to the executors and expect it to be paid.

It has to be filed in court and the JUDGE will decide on the payment of such claim.

There is no harm or foul here.

EDIT: And the reason WHY they do that is to protect the estate from false claims & people wanting to rip off the estate, like that Billie Jean Jackson lady who claimed to be Blanket's mom and sued for back child support & all MJs copyrights.
Michael rarely if ever sued anyone. He was a kind, gentle soul and he simply didn't believe in suing people unless totally necessary. That's why so many were frustrated with Michael for NOT suing. So no, Michael himself would not have sued the new HTWF.

His estate is another story.

It is their jobs to protect Michael's financial interests, his name, legacy and brand. Branca & McClain are doing the RIGHT THING in stopping any organization raising money in Michael's name. If the current owner of HTWF has papers stating that Michael Jackson sanctioned, approved, and allowed HTWF to use his name, logo, images and raise money then she (the owner) should immediately show what she has to the courts so the action can stop. Otherwise, Branca & McClain got her nailed and she will have to cease operations.
There you go. You cannot form a charity in someone's name if they do not sanction it and Michael didn't. Why are we bickering about matters that are not valid? it is illegal and that is that! Good on Branca and Mcclain for this job.
I think we should keep an open mind and see if they can show any papers or links with Michael Jackson - I remember reading she knew this was going to happen but the truth will come out.

Time will tell and let's hope, either way, it's the right thing! You can't run around saying someone is guilty when we havn't heard the other side of the story (sound familiar)?

his estate is getting sue for that molestation case i read it on TMZ i was like yo what the hell didn't his advisors handle this. A damn same as for TMZ they all are a mess
Mesereau and Yu were paid for their job during the trial, they want money for their work AFTER the trial
I remember soon after Michael passed away a suggestion was made ( can't remember for the life of me where or by whom) to donate money in Michael's name to HTWF instead of flowers at the memorial service. At first I thought this was a good idea but I remembered that Michael had disbanded the charity so I looked it up online. I was very suspicious because it didn't display a registered charity number, or have a charity mission statement or an address or phone number. I asked my hubby and he knows about these things and he said it didn't look genuine so I donated to my local chldrens hospital instead knowing that in my heart it was for Michael.
Looks like I made the right choice.
I just hope that any money donated to the charity has gone to a good cause and not just lining the pockets of these freudsters.
I think there are so many questions about Jackson Estate administrators John Braca and John McClain on one side and HTWF on another side. This is something has to be discussed. I think, it is better to keep an open mind.
This Heal the World Foundation hasn't anything to do with Michael!

So its great to see that they get problems with using his name without permission!!!
I always wondered about this. So it there actually a site for Michael Jacksons Charity?
...or is there no such thing. Sorry I am a little lost.
I'm just going to say this:

The Estate of MJ does NOT = MJ in my mind.

So, while I have nothing to say about the HTWF in its current form, I will say that just because the estate sues someone or doesn't sue someone, it doesn't really mean much to me.

In fact, I say question EVERYTHING. Question ALL motives (ON BOTH SIDES) and keep in mind, Michael ain't here to explain his side. He's been silenced.

Leave no stone unturned, and certainly do NOT give a "blank check" to anyone claiming to speak on behalf of MJ.....I don't care who it is.
I'm just going to say this:

The Estate of MJ does NOT = MJ in my mind.

So, while I have nothing to say about the HTWF in its current form, I will say that just because the estate sues someone or doesn't sue someone, it doesn't really mean much to me.

In fact, I say question EVERYTHING. Question ALL motives (ON BOTH SIDES) and keep in mind, Michael ain't here to explain his side. He's been silenced.

Leave no stone unturned, and certainly do NOT give a "blank check" to anyone claiming to speak on behalf of MJ.....I don't care who it is.

You're very correct!
I'm just going to say this:

The Estate of MJ does NOT = MJ in my mind.

So, while I have nothing to say about the HTWF in its current form, I will say that just because the estate sues someone or doesn't sue someone, it doesn't really mean much to me.

In fact, I say question EVERYTHING. Question ALL motives (ON BOTH SIDES) and keep in mind, Michael ain't here to explain his side. He's been silenced.

Leave no stone unturned, and certainly do NOT give a "blank check" to anyone claiming to speak on behalf of MJ.....I don't care who it is.

That's true...
Ok it is wrong that they are using Michael's name in this way if they have nothing to do with him anymore...but they did at one point didn't they? and what went wrong was that they didn't sumbit papers in time to renew the agreement, is that right? Or is this a completely seperate thing?

Maybe Michael didn't sue them because they are a charity! How bad would that have sounded 'Michael Jackson sues charity..his old charity'. To sue a charity, taking away money from them IF they use it in a good way to help sick children etc. probably didn't sit well with him...even though using his name is wrong.

While they're at it, how about suing that american congressman or whoever he was that came out on TV saying 'Michael IS a p..'
As thought, the current Heal The World foundation is a scam. Hmph....
I remember in August people were talking about it on here and were unsure of it. I thought it was a fishy organization, I'm glad the estate is suing.
John Braca and John McClain are not angels either, folks. Keep it in mind. I remember reading that Katherine wanted to change MJ estate administrators right after her son passed. There is something fishy about those people.
Ok it is wrong that they are using Michael's name in this way if they have nothing to do with him anymore...but they did at one point didn't they? and what went wrong was that they didn't sumbit papers in time to renew the agreement, is that right? Or is this a completely seperate thing?

Maybe Michael didn't sue them because they are a charity! How bad would that have sounded 'Michael Jackson sues charity..his old charity'. To sue a charity, taking away money from them IF they use it in a good way to help sick children etc. probably didn't sit well with him...even though using his name is wrong.

While they're at it, how about suing that american congressman or whoever he was that came out on TV saying 'Michael IS a p..'

No they are not or have they ever been associated with MJ's charity
they just took the name affter MJ' Heal The World Foundation was closed.

Also they are not up-front of what they are doing with the money
no one knows what they are doing with the money_ It is not going
to any reputable known charity .. that I have seen. They dont even
have a clear mission statement of what they do _Its very confusing.

many have been very suspicious of that charity from the begining
and when they asked questions they were banned from the site.

They may have had good intentions when they started
but something went wrong _ and they had no right to
state Michael was involved or use his name in that manner
or decieve people (fans) into thinking it was still his charity.

If they were working with Michael or any of his people
they would of had something in writing to state that fact
They had no permission to do what they are doing ..

Myself I would like to see a statement of what has
been done with the money they collected from the fans