Merged: Psychics channel Michael

So, amygrace, you had one of those Avatar religious experiences I've been reading about. Wow, what is it with this film? I really want to see it. Don't know what to do about the 3D vs English problem though :(

Gina_Marie - thanks for sharing your skiing with Michael dream :D Yeah, maybe the wolves represented your desire to protect him and his legacy.

Mrs Music, Funkeyjay, Amygrace (hope I didn't forget someone)... about the hoax theories. Yeah. I've watched some of that stuff and, like that 50=02 thing, all I can think of afterwards is 'you're kidding, right'? I saw something that was trying to say the setlist contained clues, like the order of songs and lyrics... such as beginning with WBSS. Huh? Bordering on delusion is definitely one way of looking at it. There's another one out there that goes on to list about 50 totally normal, everyday images that many people enjoy (earth from space, butterflies, trees, on and on) as being evidence that MJ was the victim of secret government mind control since he liked to use these concepts in his work. I truly am not trying to offend anyone when I say this, but all I could think of is the movie A Beautiful Mind. In that movie (true story) John Nash believed all these complicated and paranoid fantasies and papered everything with supposed secret Soviet messages and clues that only made sense to him at the guise of imaginary friends... because he had a serious problem, God bless the poor guy. And so when I read some of this stuff about MJ I don't know whether to laugh or cry. I really think you could begin to lose your sanity if you kept going deeper into that.

And a part of you wants sooo badly for Michael to still be here, to "come back", that you start thinking... hmm.... what if.... what if??!! But then I think about his children, about all the pain among the fans, the ones who killed themselves even... I cannot imagine that Michael would ever do that, even under extreme circumstances. To put everyone through that, to leave his kids. He could have run away during the trial. Talk about having his life on the line. But he didn't. Ok, I won't go on about it. It's just aggravating and I'm afraid I'll be listening to this stuff the rest of my life. He'll 'come back'... next June 25, next Christmas, at the Grammy's in 2016, on some random date like March 19th, 2022 supposedly leaked by an "insider" in 2021... when does it end? I know we all want the TRUTH. God, do I want the truth! I pray for it all the time. So do those who believe in conspiracies and hoaxes. The problem is... what if the absolute truth is simply that Dr Murray f***ed up royally? Are we all willing to accept the truth when it's presented to us? I can answer that: no, we're all not. People will doubt it and the theories will go on and on... and on and on... :(
Hey guys!
I had a dream with Michael in it last night. :wub: I don't remember most of it ...but I do remember the end. I was sitting in a car with Michael, it felt like we were maybe on a date...and we were about to lean in and kiss eachother...ON THE LIPS!!! :dropdead: But then I realized I needed to brush my teeth :)lol:) So I ran off to do that...and then the dream just took on a whole other direction. Damnit! :doh: I realized I was dreaming soon after and was like and Michael were going to have an intimate moment! Must...go....back.... ... so I tried to imagine it back but it just wasn't the same. LOL. Figures. :smilerolleyes:
OMG :swoon:! :lmao: lolol about the brushing your teeth thing! That's so dang funny!
I also find this whole thing hilarious because yesterday evening I got kind of tired and daydreamy on the couch and all I could imagine was Michael... kissing him and we were cuddling and stuff. LOL. I was like, ok, stop this now, come on. It just came out of nowhere and was so vivid and it kept going, lol. What the heck? :lol: Which always leaves me with the question... a) does MJ know about it? lol :blush:, b) am I bad, because I am married?! (Although hubby kind of accepts MJ as my other man, lol)

Oh! I also had an MJ-related dream last night... will post in a few
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Here's my dream from this morning :D
Had a dream this morning that I went to what felt like summer camp with a group at Neverland. I felt kind of like a kid (well, maybe a teenager) and my younger sister was there as well. We were to stay in a building a ways away from the main house (one that doesn't exist in reality) and it was a mess inside, like stuff lying around, etc. Like no one had really bothered tidying up before we arrived, lol. There were two men that were chaperoning us and making sure we didn't venture outside the allowed area and that we cleaned up (dishes, garbage out, etc!), lol.

I knew Michael was there at Neverland. We were told we'd get to meet him at some point. I kept thinking of how that moment would be (!), but also told myself that I'm here... at Neverland! Michael's surely been everywhere here, so I'm walking in his footsteps, touching what he's touched. I doubted a bit that we'd really get to meet him, so thinking like this gave me some comfort.

We were given a tour around the area (perhaps via train? or bus?) and at one point we saw a HUGE amusement park, but not like one ever seen before. I can't even explain it because it was so fantastical I can't properly visualize it now. It was almost fluid architecture, like rounded and odd shapes, domes, mushroom-like houses, smooth maybe metallic-ish surfaces that reflected brilliant colors of iridescent green and purple and pink and blue. It was something straight out of a fantasy, but indescribable really, and sooooo huge it must've been a mile wide. My mouth was just open, like... uhhh! I've never seen anything like this before!

That's about it. After that we went back to the building and were just hanging out, hoping we'd meet Michael tomorrow. Then I woke up
^ Cute dream! If only! :D

Hey guys!
I had a dream with Michael in it last night. :wub: I don't remember most of it ...but I do remember the end. I was sitting in a car with Michael, it felt like we were maybe on a date...and we were about to lean in and kiss eachother...ON THE LIPS!!! :dropdead: But then I realized I needed to brush my teeth :)lol:) So I ran off to do that...and then the dream just took on a whole other direction. Damnit! :doh: I realized I was dreaming soon after and was like and Michael were going to have an intimate moment! Must...go....back.... ... so I tried to imagine it back but it just wasn't the same. LOL. Figures. :smilerolleyes:
Awww this is so adorable! :wub: Lol @ that brush your teeth part. Hahah.

I hear is all too much. I won't even look into those kinds of conspiracy threads anymore though...about him still living because it's just inconceivable to me, no matter how many "clues" or "signs" they see. I understand people have a hard time accepting that Michael is really gone, and I always try to keep an open mind about all things presented to me....but the lengths that this has reached is bordering on delusion to me. I don't want to get sucked into that.

Yeah. :cry: ....
That's what I'm trying too, have an open mind towards everything but it just doesn't feel right. He wouldn't do this for many, many logical reasons that everyone should know. I'm wondering why people who are into that stuff are putting so much time and effort in all these hoax theories, they seriously are looking into so much and are overthinking every little detail that doesn't even has to do with it often.
Feel actually sorry for them that they are in such belief...:no:

Mrs Music, Funkeyjay, Amygrace (hope I didn't forget someone)... about the hoax theories. Yeah. I've watched some of that stuff and, like that 50=02 thing, all I can think of afterwards is 'you're kidding, right'? I saw something that was trying to say the setlist contained clues, like the order of songs and lyrics... such as beginning with WBSS. Huh? Bordering on delusion is definitely one way of looking at it. There's another one out there that goes on to list about 50 totally normal, everyday images that many people enjoy (earth from space, butterflies, trees, on and on) as being evidence that MJ was the victim of secret government mind control since he liked to use these concepts in his work. I truly am not trying to offend anyone when I say this, but all I could think of is the movie A Beautiful Mind. In that movie (true story) John Nash believed all these complicated and paranoid fantasies and papered everything with supposed secret Soviet messages and clues that only made sense to him at the guise of imaginary friends... because he had a serious problem, God bless the poor guy. And so when I read some of this stuff about MJ I don't know whether to laugh or cry. I really think you could begin to lose your sanity if you kept going deeper into that.

And a part of you wants sooo badly for Michael to still be here, to "come back", that you start thinking... hmm.... what if.... what if??!! But then I think about his children, about all the pain among the fans, the ones who killed themselves even... I cannot imagine that Michael would ever do that, even under extreme circumstances. To put everyone through that, to leave his kids. He could have run away during the trial. Talk about having his life on the line. But he didn't. Ok, I won't go on about it. It's just aggravating and I'm afraid I'll be listening to this stuff the rest of my life. He'll 'come back'... next June 25, next Christmas, at the Grammy's in 2016, on some random date like March 19th, 2022 supposedly leaked by an "insider" in 2021... when does it end? I know we all want the TRUTH. God, do I want the truth! I pray for it all the time. So do those who believe in conspiracies and hoaxes. The problem is... what if the absolute truth is simply that Dr Murray f***ed up royally? Are we all willing to accept the truth when it's presented to us? I can answer that: no, we're all not. People will doubt it and the theories will go on and on... and on and on... :(
Amen to that....:angel:Those 'comeback' dates will go on and on I'm afraid. Though like you just said, the truth can prevail but closure we all will never get I'm afraid...there's been too much going on and MJ is too deep in our hearts to ever forgive or forget about someone or some people who made his life like hell. We can't forget how his life is taken away in a matter of minutes, minutes of a life that was so important, so special to be here on earth. :( It's just not fair, and the fact that so many people are 'angry' about this is feeding all the speculation in these theories as well. Wonder what the future might's good to know though how some of us, like in this thread, can still have this connection and comfort through Michael.

LOL. I was like, ok, stop this now, come on. It just came out of nowhere and was so vivid and it kept going, lol. What the heck? :lol: Which always leaves me with the question... a) does MJ know about it? lol :blush:, b) am I bad, because I am married?! (Although hubby kind of accepts MJ as my other man, lol)
Lollll, and how funny..your other man. :lol: I always wonder that 'would Michael know' as well....last time when we did the meditation all together, I kissed Michael on his lips...remember? After that I was so embarrased while in the meditation it just felt like the right thing to do and he actually 'asked' for it (I now remember he didn't talk, interesting!). Ah well...guess Michael doesn't mind a little love. :wub: :shifty:
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So, amygrace, you had one of those Avatar religious experiences I've been reading about. Wow, what is it with this film? I really want to see it. Don't know what to do about the 3D vs English problem though :(
Haha...yeah. Well when the movie comes out on DVD, surely it will come out in 3D think they will have english ones where you are at? I'd much rather see the 3D version at home than a 2D one in the theater.

It's just aggravating and I'm afraid I'll be listening to this stuff the rest of my life. He'll 'come back'... next June 25, next Christmas, at the Grammy's in 2016, on some random date like March 19th, 2022 supposedly leaked by an "insider" in 2021... when does it end? I know we all want the TRUTH. God, do I want the truth! I pray for it all the time. So do those who believe in conspiracies and hoaxes. The problem is... what if the absolute truth is simply that Dr Murray f***ed up royally? Are we all willing to accept the truth when it's presented to us? I can answer that: no, we're all not. People will doubt it and the theories will go on and on... and on and on... :( pinned it all right here. I don't really have much more to say even...just...yeah. (sigh)

mjbunny said:
OMG :swoon:! :lmao: lolol about the brushing your teeth thing! That's so dang funny!
I wonder if it was saying "Amy, if you always feel like you're not "worthy" or "not ready"...then you will miss out on magical moments". Because like...I often feel like I'm not someone worthy of Michael visiting... or sometimes I even feel like I just look like crap so I hope he doesn't visit me while I look like that...and therefore that pushes his energy away. LOL. Or, maybe I'm just thinking too much on it all...and the dream was just funny brain banter. :lol: I sure wish I hadn't ran off though...'cause man, it was building up to be one of those really special you see in movies. :wub: I could feel the chemistry.

mjbunny said:
I also find this whole thing hilarious because yesterday evening I got kind of tired and daydreamy on the couch and all I could imagine was Michael... kissing him and we were cuddling and stuff. LOL. I was like, ok, stop this now, come on. It just came out of nowhere and was so vivid and it kept going, lol. What the heck? :lol: Which always leaves me with the question... a) does MJ know about it? lol :blush:, b) am I bad, because I am married?! (Although hubby kind of accepts MJ as my other man, lol)
Hahaha...I wonder if Michael knows about some of the stuff I think about too...oh my :girl_love: ... funny how your hubby has to accept that Michael is just your "other man"...:lol: that's the way it's gonna have to be for any guy I meet too. Poor fellows...competing with Michael. :giggle:

mjbunny said:
at one point we saw a HUGE amusement park, but not like one ever seen before. I can't even explain it because it was so fantastical I can't properly visualize it now. It was almost fluid architecture, like rounded and odd shapes, domes, mushroom-like houses, smooth maybe metallic-ish surfaces that reflected brilliant colors of iridescent green and purple and pink and blue. It was something straight out of a fantasy, but indescribable really, and sooooo huge it must've been a mile wide. My mouth was just open, like... uhhh! I've never seen anything like this before!
OMG...:shock: I wanna dream of a place like that! Wow...I hope it really exists. Well, I'm sure it does...afterall "anything your mind can conceive of is possible"... :wild:
I think those fans who believe Michael's alive really should ask themselves, would he really do that to his family? His children? His fans? Did their grief not seem real to them? I guess not. I really feel sorry for those fans. I really do.
She heard geniun, but I dont want to believe, he must be in peace, in heaven, not between us, wanting to be heard, is so sad.
Lollll, and how funny..your other man. :lol: I always wonder that 'would Michael know' as well....last time when we did the meditation all together, I kissed Michael on his lips...remember? After that I was so embarrased while in the meditation it just felt like the right thing to do and he actually 'asked' for it (I now remember he didn't talk, interesting!). Ah well...guess Michael doesn't mind a little love. :wub: :shifty:
LOL Yes, I did think about your kiss on the lips meditation incident :lol: And remember, Funkeyjay (wasn't it her?) saw the kiss happen! I had something like that in a meditation, oh when was that... like September maybe? It was in the meadow and MJ was sitting under the tree reading a book. He asked me to sit down with him and we sort of talked a bit and then he looked at me and we kissed :wub: ... and I mean kissed :lol:. And it was good. A-hee-hee! lolol :blush: Afterwards I was thinking... what was that?! ;D
Haha...yeah. Well when the movie comes out on DVD, surely it will come out in 3D think they will have english ones where you are at? I'd much rather see the 3D version at home than a 2D one in the theater.
I'm assuming the DVD will be 3D, yeah. I wonder about a trip to the Netherlands in two weeks when hubby's got vacation, lol. Over there they play movies with subtitles instead.

I wonder if it was saying "Amy, if you always feel like you're not "worthy" or "not ready"...then you will miss out on magical moments". Because like...I often feel like I'm not someone worthy of Michael visiting... or sometimes I even feel like I just look like crap so I hope he doesn't visit me while I look like that...and therefore that pushes his energy away.
Whoa, deep interpretation. You could be right, yeah. In the end it's all what we think about ourselves and about who we really are inside, not like you don't know that already, lol. I know in my dreams and meditations I never look like I unfortunately do at this point in time. If so, that would totally ruin everything, lol.

I sure wish I hadn't ran off though...'cause man, it was building up to be one of those really special you see in movies. :wub: I could feel the chemistry. Hahaha...I wonder if Michael knows about some of the stuff I think about too...oh my :girl_love: ...
Haha. Omg, one night 'someone' posted a excerpt from her new book on her website, claiming that she and Michael... ummm.... you know, a couple of times. And the girl went into detail. I'm like :eek: as hubby read this to me. She claims it's true, but I can't help but doubt it. If it happened, that's bad taste to tell everyone. If it didn't, wow what a fantasy. In any case ... let's just say parts of my brain will never be the same again.

OMG...:shock: I wanna dream of a place like that! Wow...I hope it really exists. Well, I'm sure it does...afterall "anything your mind can conceive of is possible"... :wild:
It was... like I said, indescribable. I mean, it was like... if gigantic raindrops formed into buildings? Just so weird I can't even begin to explain it. And I had the feeling then like I'd been there before. I think I dreamed of a similar place a couple of years ago? Not the same, so maybe it just reminded me of it. I was thinking... Michael had all this built? WHOA, I never knew about this! Otherwise the whole dream just seemed like wine country CA.

I think those fans who believe Michael's alive really should ask themselves, would he really do that to his family? His children? His fans? Did their grief not seem real to them? I guess not. I really feel sorry for those fans. I really do.
Me too.
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LOL Yes, I did think about your kiss on the lips meditation incident :lol: And remember, Funkeyjay (wasn't it her?) saw the kiss happen! I had something like that in a meditation, oh when was that... like September maybe? It was in the meadow and MJ was sitting under the tree reading a book. He asked me to sit down with him and we sort of talked a bit and then he looked at me and we kissed :wub: ... and I mean kissed :lol:. And it was good. A-hee-hee! lolol :blush: Afterwards I was thinking... what was that?! ;D
Yeah that was FunkeyJay, too funny! :lol: How cute your cool how often we get those similar places in our many trees/fields and stuff.

Gee guys, I just got a confirmation that I REALLY sense things and can feel it coming before they actually happen. My mom's been acting weird all past weeks...I continuously asked why she was so 'out' and not paying attention, thought there must be something wrong. No reasonable answer. My dad was irritated at us, like usual, so didn't think much about that. But I just FELT that there was coming something, something strange to happen. So mom and dad wanted to talk to me and my sister....they're breaking up, my dad's leaving. BAM. Just like that, bye bye family. :mello: So, not a surprise for me since I already had a feeling this might happen since I was 8, but still....very interesting how I could feel this coming again and how I can put these pieces together and already knew this. My sister is in big shock now....really sad. And for me; bye bye faith in men, didn't have much left so thank you dad. *sigh* How one night can turn your thoughts of the future upside down. What's up with this earth lately man?! It's really becoming scary.
Sorry for the vent..once again. :scratch:
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Yeah that was FunkeyJay, too funny! :lol: How cute your cool how often we get those similar places in our many trees/fields and stuff.

Gee guys, I just got a confirmation that I REALLY sense things and can feel it coming before they actually happen. My mom's been acting weird all past weeks...I continuously asked why she was so 'out' and not paying attention, thought there must be something wrong. No reasonable answer. My dad was irritated at us, like usual, so didn't think much about that. But I just FELT that there was coming something, something strange to happen. So mom and dad wanted to talk to me and my sister....they're breaking up, my dad's leaving. BAM. Just like that, bye bye family. :mello: So, not a surprise for me since I already had a feeling this might happen since I was 8, but still....very interesting how I could feel this coming again and how I can put these pieces together and already knew this. My sister is in big shock now....really sad. And for me; bye bye faith in men, didn't have much left so thank you dad. *sigh* How one night can turn your thoughts of the future upside down. What's up with this earth lately man?! It's really becoming scary.
Sorry for the vent..once again. :scratch:

Oh honey, :better: I'm so sorry about all this. I'm sending you positive energy and hugs. I can imagine it's a shock even though you figured something was up. I don't know what to say, but know that I'm here for you. However awful it feels now, you will get through it.
I have had the most hellish day. So much travelling to and from classes on the train, wasting time commuting! I only finished properly at 6pm. Ahh so tired & so much to catch up on!

Kira - Good to see ya back girl! We've missed you! :hug:

Everyone's been having such cool dreams. Thank you so much for sharing them. I would comment on each individual dream but I'm so tired, I hope you understand. I really enjoy readin' em though :)

About all that hoaxy stuff. I did want to believe it was all a major hoax, but I physically can't understand how Michael would go about doing it all legally, put his friends and family though it etc.. Although I don't see a problem with people investigating the events of June 25th. Cos something is definately up. I just hope we find out the real truth.

Mrs.Music - So sorry to hear that about your family! :hug: Sending my love to you and your sister. We're all here for you, and we mean it. :huggy:

I think MJ was in my dream last night, but it was a brief glimpse of him. Today I was watching the short film Bad lol, I had an urge. It just made me smile, and particuarly the bit where he's sittin on the train, and someone stuffs something down his top and he like says no, but in that giggly way, aaaaaahhh that made me squee with cuteness. :wub:
Michhhhhhhhaaaeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeel, please come back! Pleaaaaaaaase. :(
I'm feeling a bit disconnected with all things spiritual today, I think it's cos I'm tired lol. I had some other things to say, but you know silly brain :doh:


edit: How could I forget? I'm hopefully going to the MJ exhibition on Feb 14th, valentines daaay! Since I have no bf to speak of, what better way to spend it than viewing MJ stuff, on the day of L.O.V.E. :heart:
I'm real excited, but also I think I will get rather choked up :( seeing all his stuff, when he should be there in person.
Avatar was THE best movie I've ever seen!!! ...
Gosh, I really need to watch, don't I? LOL. So many people are telling me how great it is, and I haven't managed it yet to see it. Will soon :)

Man...I didn't want that movie to end. It was a sad experience leaving the What I would give to live in their reality. I went to the grocery store hours after I had seen it...and it was an interesting experience. I was standing in the checkout line just watching people. It was one of those moments when you feel completely disconnected from the human condition or 'bubble' or what have you. Just realizing the way we live... with all these buildings and streets disconnected with nature and with ourselves even. Looking at all the fluorescent lights, machines, and hundreds of people just going through life like zombies...focusing on materialistic crap, ...

I love this feeling. Without seeing the movie, I have it sometimes too. Everything becomes so clear, but it doesn't mean you can answer everything lol It's just a BAM feeling that hits you and you see how everything works with this disconnected feeling. I love it!

Hey guys!
I had a dream with Michael in it last night. :wub: I don't remember most of it ...but I do remember the end. I was sitting in a car with Michael, it felt like we were maybe on a date...and we were about to lean in and kiss eachother...ON THE LIPS!!! :dropdead: But then I realized I needed to brush my teeth :)lol:) ...

Aaaaawww... what a cool dream!! :D
Oh you guys can be so happy to dream about Michael. I think my last time was in November. So long ago. And sometimes I don't even remember my dreams, that's really annoying, I don't know if I missed something important.

Mrs Music, Funkeyjay, Amygrace (hope I didn't forget someone)... about the hoax theories. Yeah. I've watched some of that stuff and, like that 50=02 thing, all I can think of afterwards is 'you're kidding, right'? I saw something that was trying to say the setlist contained clues, like the order of songs and lyrics... such as beginning with WBSS. Huh? Bordering on delusion is definitely one way of looking at it. There's another one out there that goes on to list about 50 totally normal, everyday images that many people enjoy (earth from space, butterflies, trees, on and on) as being evidence that MJ was the victim of secret government mind control since he liked to use these concepts in his work. I truly am not trying to offend anyone when I say this, but all I could think of is the movie A Beautiful Mind. In that movie (true story) John Nash believed all these complicated and paranoid fantasies and papered everything with supposed secret Soviet messages and clues that only made sense to him at the guise of imaginary friends... because he had a serious problem, God bless the poor guy. And so when I read some of this stuff about MJ I don't know whether to laugh or cry. I really think you could begin to lose your sanity if you kept going deeper into that.

And a part of you wants sooo badly for Michael to still be here, to "come back", that you start thinking... hmm.... what if.... what if??!! But then I think about his children, about all the pain among the fans, the ones who killed themselves even... I cannot imagine that Michael would ever do that, even under extreme circumstances. To put everyone through that, to leave his kids. He could have run away during the trial. Talk about having his life on the line. But he didn't. Ok, I won't go on about it. It's just aggravating and I'm afraid I'll be listening to this stuff the rest of my life. He'll 'come back'... next June 25, next Christmas, at the Grammy's in 2016, on some random date like March 19th, 2022 supposedly leaked by an "insider" in 2021... when does it end? I know we all want the TRUTH. God, do I want the truth! I pray for it all the time. So do those who believe in conspiracies and hoaxes. The problem is... what if the absolute truth is simply that Dr Murray f***ed up royally? Are we all willing to accept the truth when it's presented to us? I can answer that: no, we're all not. People will doubt it and the theories will go on and on... and on and on... :(

Exactly! I wish I could show them / tell them what they are actually doing to themselves. I try to actually. Which doesn't mean I go to forums or videos like that and always tell each and everyone my opinion, I mean, it would be the same if someone who doesn't believe in spirituality comes here and tells us how insane we are. But sometimes these fans answer me (on yt vids) and I try to disprove their comment ... long story... actually I just wanted to say that I agree with you 100 %. They will find excuses that Michael won't appear this year, I can hear it already "He wasn't ready ... it wasn't safe... definitely next year, ... he loves you...." And there are people who believe it. It's so sad, they are using their energy for something wrong. I remember one woman who told me she believed it too that Michael is still alive, it was the TII time, and she said she is convinced that there were doubles in the movie, after I told her that it can't be true, because sometimes he lost his glasses and you could clearly see that it is Michael, she didn't know what to answer... geez! Some people are just as worse as the people who believe in tabloids, they read & eat it without overthinking it. Sorry, it's hard to stop myself on this subject, it's annoying the hell out of me.

I think those fans who believe Michael's alive really should ask themselves, would he really do that to his family? His children? His fans? Did their grief not seem real to them? I guess not. I really feel sorry for those fans. I really do.

I read enough to answer this: Some of them doubt that Paris' emotions were real and that she acted, they say that his family knows about it and that he just wanted to tease us fans.
Isn't that a sick way of thinking?

For all those interested in the Intention Experiment, it's tomorrow/Saturday at

9amPacific / 10amMountain / 11amCentral / noonEastern / 17:00 GMT / 18:00 CET

But you have to register with them beforehand because you have to be logged in and then they'll explain exactly what to do while you look at a picture or something. Register at and you can read more about it at

Experiment sounds always interesting, but I have no idea what it is. Thanks for the link, I'll check it out. :)


Gee guys, I just got a confirmation that I REALLY sense things and can feel it coming before they actually happen. My mom's been acting weird all past weeks...I continuously asked why she was so 'out' and not paying attention, thought there must be something wrong. No reasonable answer. My dad was irritated at us, like usual, so didn't think much about that. But I just FELT that there was coming something, something strange to happen. So mom and dad wanted to talk to me and my sister....they're breaking up, my dad's leaving. BAM. Just like that, bye bye family. :mello: So, not a surprise for me since I already had a feeling this might happen since I was 8, but still....very interesting how I could feel this coming again and how I can put these pieces together and already knew this. My sister is in big shock now....really sad. And for me; bye bye faith in men, didn't have much left so thank you dad. *sigh* How one night can turn your thoughts of the future upside down. What's up with this earth lately man?! It's really becoming scary.
Sorry for the vent..once again. :scratch:

First: I just saw your mail tonight, it was in the spam folder...rrggh..
I'm sorry about your parents. I know how that feels, mine broke up in 2001, I knew it was better but it was strange, because we have always been a family and now just Mum and/or/and Dad?! It's strange. But if your parents didn't get along well it's really the best, the beginning will be strange but it'll work out fine and for example it helped me to get along better with my dad after he moved out .. it wasn't possible before. If you wanna talk about it, just send me a mail here, fb or hotmail :huggy:
Ok, first I'm gettin really tired... so I dunno if it was real but weeeeell, in the corner of my eye I just saw this flash light again (I start to see them since yesterday again, haven't for too many days imo), but this time it wasn't like a flash, it looked more like moving very fast from right to left (but on a small space, like a meter)... difficult to explain, but i hope you know what I mean... it was only there for less than a sec.. ooooh hopefully I feel connected very soon! :angel:
So mom and dad wanted to talk to me and my sister....they're breaking up, my dad's leaving. BAM. Just like that, bye bye family. :mello: So, not a surprise for me since I already had a feeling this might happen since I was 8, but still....very interesting how I could feel this coming again and how I can put these pieces together and already knew this. My sister is in big shock now....really sad. And for me; bye bye faith in men, didn't have much left so thank you dad. *sigh* How one night can turn your thoughts of the future upside down. What's up with this earth lately man?! It's really becoming scary.
Sorry for the vent..once again. :scratch:
Ohhhh... :hug: That's too bad :( I think this has happened to many of us. I hope you and your sister can still have a relationship with him, although I know it will be different...

edit: How could I forget? I'm hopefully going to the MJ exhibition on Feb 14th, valentines daaay! Since I have no bf to speak of, what better way to spend it than viewing MJ stuff, on the day of L.O.V.E. I'm real excited, but also I think I will get rather choked up :( seeing all his stuff, when he should be there in person.
Nice that you'll get to go. I really want to, but guess there's just no way to do it. I can't think of a better day, though, than Valentine's Day. How fitting. L.O.V.E. & Michael :angel::heart:

Exactly! I wish I could show them / tell them what they are actually doing to themselves. I try to actually. Which doesn't mean I go to forums or videos like that and always tell each and everyone my opinion, I mean, it would be the same if someone who doesn't believe in spirituality comes here and tells us how insane we are.
You mean like when someone added 'mental institution' and 'delusion' to the tags on this thread? :smilerolleyes:
But sometimes these fans answer me (on yt vids) and I try to disprove their comment ... long story... actually I just wanted to say that I agree with you 100 %. They will find excuses that Michael won't appear this year, I can hear it already "He wasn't ready ... it wasn't safe... definitely next year, ... he loves you...." And there are people who believe it. It's so sad, they are using their energy for something wrong. I remember one woman who told me she believed it too that Michael is still alive, it was the TII time, and she said she is convinced that there were doubles in the movie, after I told her that it can't be true, because sometimes he lost his glasses and you could clearly see that it is Michael, she didn't know what to answer... geez! Some people are just as worse as the people who believe in tabloids, they read & eat it without overthinking it. Sorry, it's hard to stop myself on this subject, it's annoying the hell out of me. I read enough to answer this: Some of them doubt that Paris' emotions were real and that she acted, they say that his family knows about it and that he just wanted to tease us fans. Isn't that a sick way of thinking?
It's annoying me too and I agree it's a misuse of energy. I guess it's just denial and mistrust of the world (not like I don't have that, lol) taken to an extreme. It's easier to believe in 90% impossible/99% implausible hoaxes than that something this painful could happen out of the blue. Teasing the fans....omg :doh:... are we talking about the same MJ? That's not teasing. That would be emotional abuse, breaking of trust, just cruel. He wouldn't do that :no:

P.S. You know, when I think about the last bit of what I wrote I feel even more that it's imperative that we focus on MJ the humanitarian, on spreading love, on healing the world. I'm afraid that the hoax/ conspiracy stuff (which is 'fun' to believe, in the sense that you get to think you're smarter than the rest of the world and have figured out the hidden 'clues' that all the others missed... it's like a game in some way) will be louder than the message of L.O.V.E. and what he has stood for. Sorry, but to me it almost makes it out to be a farce then. I don't think it is right now to those still in pain, but in the long run we'd have the crap the tabloids and haters have said about him and the wacky theories... when MUSIC and LOVE should be what the world remembers most! :cry:
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You mean like when someone added 'mental institution' and 'delusion' to the tags on this thread? :smilerolleyes:

oh geez, I haven't seen that yet. How mature.

It's annoying me too and I agree it's a misuse of energy. I guess it's just denial and mistrust of the world (not like I don't have that, lol) taken to an extreme. It's easier to believe in 90% impossible/99% implausible hoaxes than that something this painful could happen out of the blue. Teasing the fans....omg :doh:... are we talking about the same MJ? That's not teasing. That would be emotional abuse, breaking of trust, just cruel. He wouldn't do that :no:

It's crazy, isn't it? The only explanation I have for myself about the teasing statement is that these fans are young fans, fans that haven't heard much about him before, etc, otherwise I can't understand how someone how followed Michael over the years would ever think that he would tease us like that and risk that someone could commit suicide.
omg you guys! Its a full moon tonight and it looks so pretty out my window. The moon is really glowing tonight :)
Yeah that was FunkeyJay, too funny! :lol: How cute your cool how often we get those similar places in our many trees/fields and stuff.

Gee guys, I just got a confirmation that I REALLY sense things and can feel it coming before they actually happen. My mom's been acting weird all past weeks...I continuously asked why she was so 'out' and not paying attention, thought there must be something wrong. No reasonable answer. My dad was irritated at us, like usual, so didn't think much about that. But I just FELT that there was coming something, something strange to happen. So mom and dad wanted to talk to me and my sister....they're breaking up, my dad's leaving. BAM. Just like that, bye bye family. :mello: So, not a surprise for me since I already had a feeling this might happen since I was 8, but still....very interesting how I could feel this coming again and how I can put these pieces together and already knew this. My sister is in big shock now....really sad. And for me; bye bye faith in men, didn't have much left so thank you dad. *sigh* How one night can turn your thoughts of the future upside down. What's up with this earth lately man?! It's really becoming scary.
Sorry for the vent..once again. :scratch:

..................Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwww hun:(:better:
So sorry to hear that:no::better:
Mrs music im so sorry to hear bout your parents :hug:

Having my parents divorcing yrs ago, i understand ur pain.
its sad! michael must be very worried, I dont like to hear the he is still between us, he should be in heaven now, but I found it dificult since he left so much here
its sad! michael must be very worried, I dont like to hear the he is still between us, he should be in heaven now, but I found it dificult since he left so much here

I think he has been in heaven , but he properly comes to fans just to let us know hes okay.
I think he has been in heaven , but he properly comes to fans just to let us know hes okay.
Yes, that's the total impression I have had as well. He's fine. Over and over people have had dreams and visits with the message that he's alright. And I don't know if he even comes to fans (and family and friends) per se. I guess it's just that we don't know how it all works. Perhaps it's more of a connection than anyone actually going anywhere. Does that make sense? When you get past space and time, like on the other side, there may not be a need for a spirit to personally go to see someone, but that two can connect via mind/energy and the person here will feel something or hear something, have a dream visitation, etc. But then again, I think sometimes they do show a presence...:angel:

P.S. As soon as I finished typing that ^ I turned my mp3 player on (it's on shuffle, so I didn't know what would play) and it was right at the very beginning of "Carry Me in Your Dreams" by Kejsi Tola, which goes ... "When I miss you and long for your care, I close my eyes and you're there.. You feel my thoughts even when you're not here, I close my eyes, close my eyes and I feel you're there... Take my love, take my heart, carry me with you in your dreams! No, no, never let go, wonder of love, magical glow! .... Search for me in your dreams -- search for me, it's where I'll be!" (Just thought that was a nice 'coincidence' :))
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You're so's just awful all these theories they're making up. However, I do think there's a lot more to his death than just one stupid doctor, but it's not that I believe these hoaxes and stuff...not at all so don't get me wrong haha...but it's so irritating that they are made up because we have so many questions about all that happened. These fans are in such deep denial that I think they might be falling hard when they find out what's the truth. This waiting for the LAPD research and stuff is taking way too long as well. It's just hard to 'accept' it all when there's such a chaos still all around us.:(

This thread was not about Michael faking his death. This thread was about fake picture of him in ambulance. That’s all. Most of fans on IU do not believe that Michael is alive hiding somewhere. Nobody there in deep denial like you said.It is not true.
Yes, that's the total impression I have had as well. He's fine. Over and over people have had dreams and visits with the message that he's alright. And I don't know if he even comes to fans (and family and friends) per se. I guess it's just that we don't know how it all works. Perhaps it's more of a connection that anyone actually going anywhere. Does that make sense? When you get past space and time, like on the other side, there may not be a need for a spirit to personally go to see someone, but that two can connect via mind/energy and the person here will feel something or hear something, have a dream visitation, etc. :angel:

Yes i totally understand what u mean there. I think alot of spirits dome come to their loved ones per say cuz they think their loved ones might be afraid to experince that. So they tend to go their dreams to let them know that everything is ok and to help their loved ones move on.
omg you guys! Its a full moon tonight and it looks so pretty out my window. The moon is really glowing tonight :)

It's so beautiful! I attempted to go outside to take a picture, but it's positively subzero out there. I slammed the door shut as soon as the air hit my face, haha.

I don't know exactly what it is, but every time there's a full moon I think of Michael.

I missed this thread, I haven't been in here in a while.
So sorry to hear about your parents, Mrs. Music. :(
I havent seen a blue moon in ages :(

I hope to see one someday soon
This thread was not about Michael faking his death. This thread was about fake picture of him in ambulance. That’s all. Most of fans on IU do not believe that Michael is alive hiding somewhere. Nobody there in deep denial like you said.It is not true.

It's not my style to interfere but she was just answering my comment on the fans that believe Michael faked everything 100 % ;) It was not about the IU. Everything is fine :)
Haha. Omg, one night 'someone' posted a excerpt from her new book on her website, claiming that she and Michael... ummm.... you know, a couple of times. And the girl went into detail. I'm like as hubby read this to me. She claims it's true, but I can't help but doubt it. If it happened, that's bad taste to tell everyone. If it didn't, wow what a fantasy. In any case ... let's just say parts of my brain will never be the same again.
LOL...yeah I've ready some pretty wild fanfics myself...and was like :bugeyed...woah. haha. I feel somewhat dirty after reading those...I don't really like them. Yet, I'm perfectly ok having my own fantasies in my own time...:shifty:

Mrs. Music said:
Gee guys, I just got a confirmation that I REALLY sense things and can feel it coming before they actually happen. My mom's been acting weird all past weeks...I continuously asked why she was so 'out' and not paying attention, thought there must be something wrong. No reasonable answer. My dad was irritated at us, like usual, so didn't think much about that. But I just FELT that there was coming something, something strange to happen. So mom and dad wanted to talk to me and my sister....they're breaking up, my dad's leaving. BAM. Just like that, bye bye family.
Wow girl, that's pretty crazy. You definitely have a sense about things when the energy has shift or is preparing to. Sorry to hear about the whole ordeal though. :better: I will echo what everyone else has said and that is that we are all here for you if you need support. Really. Sending positive and healing energy to you and your family hon.

darlingdear said:
Today I was watching the short film Bad lol, I had an urge. It just made me smile, and particuarly the bit where he's sittin on the train, and someone stuffs something down his top and he like says no, but in that giggly way, aaaaaahhh that made me squee with cuteness.
Michhhhhhhhaaaeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeel, please come back! Pleaaaaaaaase.
Aww I love his smile in that part too.
LOL...yeah I've ready some pretty wild fanfics myself...and was like :bugeyed...woah. haha. I feel somewhat dirty after reading those...I don't really like them. Yet, I'm perfectly ok having my own fantasies in my own time...:shifty:
:eek:...! I'm shocked! Nah, nevermind :lol:. The one I refer to is supposedly not fanfic, lol, although I find it doubtful. Speaking of things kinda like that ... I wandered over to the macros thread (I can't believe how far behind I am! :bugeyed) and I found this at the link below. BillieJean1984 made it. Think of Major Love Prayer... I simply couldn't resist ... :hysterical: I suppose I could be good and just think of it in a beautiful spiritual manner :innocent: If you were to it take that way it's kind of touching, actually...

I guess it would inappropriate, though, to put it in my siggy next to the mlp banner, lol
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