Merged: Psychics channel Michael

Hi everyone :heart: MLP is Wednesday! Please don't forget. The world needs us desperately, I think. Things are a mess :(

Hi Asedora, glad you're back safely :) Yes, about the service in Europe... I remember paying 15 Euros for "breakfast" that consisted of a cold roll with a slice of salami and a piece of lettuce on it with a cup of coffee the size of a dixie cup in France near the Belgian border. We were on a bus tour, so there wasn't much choice... that or starve. Or the 8 Euro thimble of crappy coffee by the Eiffel Tower, lolol. :rolleyes2:

Hi mjbunny! A long time no see :) I got you about the service and little coffee for 8 Euros :doh: We have small, large and medium sizes here in each coffee shop you go and it costs like no more than 2 dollars but usually it is less. The average price is 1.5$.
Anyways , I am glad that I came back safe. Well, because like I said before I think I know how I will die, so it is kinda logical that my trip was safe :giggle:
However a plane on the way from Nice to Amsterdam went through a crazy turbulence zone. I was scared to death but I was thinking, well I know I am not going to die from a plane crash and tried to relax. I really could not relax but in fact everything was OK with me:)
I am happy that you have your MJ dreams back. I do not have any of them yet but a feeling of Michael came back. On vacation I did not feel him however I was listening my iPod all the time. Nothing helped. As soon as I came back the MJ feeling slowly but shortly started to come back. But the problem with this "coming back Mj feeling" is that I have been in tears for 4 days straight now. :cry: I cannot control it. It is the first time I have experience such thing.
Think about it... My mother passed on June the 5th this year and I am in tears over Michael still? How strange is that? :doh: I have no explanation. I cannot control it, period... .
I love your dreams. I wish I could have something like that too.;)
However some crazy synchronicity happened again as soon as I came back. I paid attention to those things while being in Europe but nothing happened there. I think it is weird .
I missed you guys and I hope everybody is doing fine.:huggy:
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I had two dreams about Michael this morning. I've continued having MJ-themed dreams, just not very often that he himself is actually in them. Neither of today's were the real vivid kind. More like just plain dreams. Well, the first I can't really remember and am unsure of if it really happened or not. I just remember vaguely remembering through all my dreams that I had to remember that I'd just dreamed about Michael. Does that make sense?
I mean that I think I dreamed about MJ very early after falling asleep and I was afraid I'd forget the dream, so I sort of carried the memory of this one dream throughout the other dreams until I finally woke up hours later. So dang complicated
Anyway, the dream had a fairly dark room, Michael standing or sitting in front of me. We were looking at each other. And then he said to me, "I love you."
I wish I actually remembered this instead of remembering a memory . In the second dream, which I do remember, I worked at a record store. We had just opened for the day and I hadn't yet turned on the main lights yet and Michael (looking mostly like the 80's, I guess) came in and was browsing through Jacksons' albums. He looked at Destiny, Triumph, Victory and was talking about record sales for Thriller
We had a convo at the cashier's desk, but I can't remember it
! And then dreams just continued like nothing important had happened, lol.

I think my subconscious has become non-chalant with MJ dreams! Instead of being "Omg! That was Michael!" it's just... oh, then there was Michael, so what?
Makes me wonder just how often I dream of him and just don't remember because my mind no longer thinks it's a big deal!

Ohhh yummy 80s mj came to u nom nom nom :icecream:
Hi everyone.
I've not been on this thread for a while. Just thought I'd touch base and say Hi to all. :)
Hope you are all going on ok ish! :wub:
As for me? I care for my adult son who has OCD and is troubled by 'unwanted' thoughts. :(
Same old same old here. I love him to pieces but it's so draining and exhausting to live with OCD day by day.
Anyone here know what OCD is like? Either as a sufferer or a friend or relative of someone who has it?
Be good to hear from you.
Thanks for being a shoulder. :angel:
Hi everyone :heart: MLP is Wednesday! Please don't forget. The world needs us desperately, I think. Things are a mess :sad: @ MJ Bunny

I did my own private praying at 10pm UK time on 25th August.
Sent my prayers up. For MJ, his parents, his children and brothers and sisters all over the globe. Hope you felt my tiny contribution?
Was said from the heart.
^ :hug: I know they are. But we're changing it :yes: :heart: Thanks so much for remembering MLP. It was really special this time. Sorry... I'd write more but I've been up all night and have to sleep :doh: Hope everyone's doing alright! :group:
I will be praying for mj for sure tomorrow, its his bday here our time tomorrow.
Hi everyone.
I've not been on this thread for a while. Just thought I'd touch base and say Hi to all. :)
Hope you are all going on ok ish! :wub:
As for me? I care for my adult son who has OCD and is troubled by 'unwanted' thoughts. :(
Same old same old here. I love him to pieces but it's so draining and exhausting to live with OCD day by day.
Anyone here know what OCD is like? Either as a sufferer or a friend or relative of someone who has it?
Be good to hear from you.
Thanks for being a shoulder. :angel:

Yes. I know what it feels like. I have OCD as well, along with my other mental health problems (all due because of serving in the military during war time. 6 years later and I'm still trying to recover from everything. I'm very lucky to even be alive). I believe Michael had OCD as well along with his health problems. I think it kind of goes with people who are extreme perfectionists. Which I know I am, and we all know Michael was.

Hey guys, I've been so busy and exhausted, but I've been praying and crying my heart out all day yesterday, and I will most likely do the same today. Unless Michael decides to come along and tell me NOT to think so negatively, of course. :p

:heart: You all!!
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I had a fream a few days ago. I was thinking about Michael and I felt the covers being pulled off of me. It was a tug, it wasn't like they just fell off. It felt like an actual tug and mind you, I sleep under a big comforter, even in the summer, and it hit the floor. It almost seemed like one of his practical jokes.

I'm not psychic but I am sensitive. And I had a dream last year that he was calling for his son Prince to help him on his last day and this was before the story broke in the tabloids that Prince might have been called upstairs to witness him dying.
I had a fream a few days ago. I was thinking about Michael and I felt the covers being pulled off of me. It was a tug, it wasn't like they just fell off. It felt like an actual tug and mind you, I sleep under a big comforter, even in the summer, and it hit the floor. It almost seemed like one of his practical jokes.

I'm not psychic but I am sensitive. And I had a dream last year that he was calling for his son Prince to help him on his last day and this was before the story broke in the tabloids that Prince might have been called upstairs to witness him dying.

WHOAH. That is extremely eerie. :shock:

Michael loves pranks, so it could've definitely been him or some other mischievious entity messing with you. Just ask him. :)
I'm not psychic but I am sensitive. And I had a dream last year that he was calling for his son Prince to help him on his last day and this was before the story broke in the tabloids that Prince might have been called upstairs to witness him dying.

:eek: :cry: Poor prince
Looks like nobody is here anymore? :(
Well, I came across one article today and the whole idea of this article is opposite of what we were discussing here.
I am not sure what to think but something deep inside tells me that Mr. Hawking is not that confident himself. Personally, I do not believe him.

Here is the article:

LONDON (AFP) - God no longer has any place in theories on the creation of the Universe due to a series of developments in physics, British scientist Stephen Hawking said in extracts published Thursday from a new book.

In a hardening of the more accommodating position on religion that he took in his 1988 international best-seller "A Brief History of Time", Hawking said the Big Bang was merely the consequence of the law of gravity.

"Because there is a law such as gravity, the Universe can and will create itself from nothing. Spontaneous creation is the reason there is something rather than nothing, why the Universe exists, why we exist," he writes in "The Grand Design", which is being serialised by The Times newspaper.

"It is not necessary to invoke God to light the blue touch paper and set the Universe going," added the wheelchair-bound expert.

Hawking has achieved worldwide fame for his research, writing and television documentaries despite suffering since the age of 21 motor neurone disease that has left him disabled and dependent on a voice synthesiser.

In "A Brief History of Time", Hawking had suggested that the idea of God or a divine being was not necessarily incompatible with a scientific understanding of the Universe.

But in his latest work, Hawking cites the 1992 discovery of a planet orbiting a star outside our own Solar System as a turning point against Isaac Newton's belief that the Universe could not have arisen out of chaos.

"That makes the coincidences of our planetary conditions -- the single Sun, the lucky combination of Earth-Sun distance and solar mass -- far less remarkable, and far less compelling as evidence that the Earth was carefully designed just to please us human beings," he wrote.

Hawking argued earlier this year that mankind's only chance of long-term survival lies in colonising space, as humans drain Earth of resources and face a terrifying array of new threats.

He also warned in a recent television series that mankind should avoid contact with aliens at all costs, as the consequences could be devastating.
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I had a very strange dream last night. It looked like I went to MJ house which did not look like his in my dream and I did not find him there. I just saw his daughter and I saw his empty bad. It looked like somebody recently was sleeping there. I had this kind of sense. And in my dream I sort of knew that he is no longer there because he was rushed to the hospital and then he died. :cry:
I was just staying there looking at his empty bad with sadness. That's all. Then I woke up. A few hours later I looked at the calendar and it was September the 3th. I was not sure what was the date when I woke up.
I think this dream was sort of reminder of his funeral date. I do not know.:( Probably he wants me to remember his funeral date but I did not keep it in my mind till I looked at the calendar later today.
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Hello everyone! Just checking in!! :D

:heart: :group: :heart:​

I hope everybody in this thread is doing okay. I know that Michael and I have been extremely close and playful because our birthdays are just a few days apart--and I told him I wanted to celebrate our "Virgo-ness" till Libra comes around, LOL. He's totally all for that idea and wants us to enjoy this time together.

I pray that others in this thread are having and loving their Michael experiences, too. I know they probably are, but maybe don't feel like they're that big a deal or something to share in here. PLEASE. Don't hesitate to share your experiences no matter how big or small they may be to you. It warms my soul reading everyone's experiences. It just makes me very, very happy... and love Michael so much more and more each day.

I'll admit that I've been backing away from this thread for a little bit because I know that with my 'abilities', there is always something going on... But I don't want it to be all about ME. I want it to be about EVERY SINGLE ONE OF US. We are all very, very special beings. We are all "Indigo Children."

The answer is always and only "LOVE." Remember this, and keep it with you always... :angel:

:heart: I love you all very, very much. :heart:

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Seems like everybody left this thred. There is only me and you mostly, but that's OK.:huggy: :)
I have some paranormal stuff going on. For the last two days I had only one word in my mind. It was very annoying and very clear. I have never heard this word before and I had no idea if this word even exists.
So this moning I decided to check it on Google. This word sounded in my head like "NIBIRU" and I HAD NO IDEA what is that and how exactly to spell it.
So, I was shocked that this word really exists and it comes from ancient Sumerian and Babilonian texts .
Besides, this word means Earth accident and they call it "Nibiru Collision" and all theories they have now linked to 2012 phenomena.:mello: I have never ever read in my life something with THIS word in it.
I do not know what to think now. It is getting scarry... I decided to share it here because it might be an important message for ppl. It does not feel that it is just for me.:mello:

There are some links about Nibiru I found on Google:
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I haven't been in this thread for a while cos I've not had any Michael dreams or experiences at all for months now :( I miss him, and I hope to see him in my dreams again soon.

:hug: to you all.
Not sure if wrote bout this dream i had a few nights ago but here it goes:

Two ppl are sitting down on a couch and they start singing along to mj's "girlfriend" while its playing in the background. The strange part was the two ppl were the two oldest kids from the show a different strokes. Also in that very same dream i was reading a book that seemed to be written by mj and it was abiut the allegations.
hi :)

Yesterday I asked Michael if he had a message or anything he wanted to say, pressed shuffle on my iPod and the song that played was called "Everything Is Alright" :wub:

I hope everyone is keeping well :heart:
hi :)

Yesterday I asked Michael if he had a message or anything he wanted to say, pressed shuffle on my iPod and the song that played was called "Everything Is Alright" :wub:

I hope everyone is keeping well :heart:

Awww that was sweet :wub:
Hi girls!

Mundy, Zenab,darlingdear I am glad that you came back to this thread. :flowers:
^ :huggy: I have been checking but it didn't really seem worthwhile posting when the thread was so quiet.

It used to be the reason I'd log onto MJJC. It's kinda like looking around the shell the house you grew up in after everything has been moved. It's sad.

Ok enough of that ;) I don't have anything to share. I haven't been dreaming about Michael as far as I can recall.

Hugs to everyone :heart::group::heart:
Guys, there is a strange article from tabloid. I know tabloid is crap and the style how they give an information just terrible but I had to post it here in order to keep anything related to a spiritual subject here. I am not sure what to think about this "chenneling" :mello:



By Mike Parker in Los AngelesANGRY Michael Jackson has been speaking from beyond the grave after his ghost made a series of appearances across Los Angeles.

A psychic reckons the star won’t rest until he’s battled a string of injustices – including having $1million stolen from his home on the day he died.

The star’s ghostly presence has been felt by friends and family regularly since his death last year.

Now a celebrity psychic in the States has tracked down *****’s restless spirit.

In an astonishing hour-long session with the Daily Star Sunday, *celebrity medium Melodie *lifted the veil over the dead * singer’s search for peace and justice in the *afterlife.
At one stage, after *meditating *silently then apparently *making contact with Jackson, she *declared: “You can talk to him through me. Ask him anything you want.”

During the remarkable *exchange that followed, the “spirit of *Jackson” *revealed the cash was *stolen from his rented *mansion immediately *after his death, aged 50, on June 25 last year.

He also *revealed he speaks to his kids regularly and blames his personal *physician Dr *Conrad Murray for his death. But he believes it was an *accident and has forgiven him.

Melodie declared Jackson was “amused” by the séance – his first despite an attempt “by a man in the Middle East” to make *contact.

Melodie, who claims to be a “spiritual *adviser” to several major celebrities, has appeared regularly on US television.

She has aided the LAPD on several *high-profile criminal cases – including the *murders of which OJ *Simpson was *acquitted.

She said: “He is not a *vengeful spirit but he wants the truth to be told. He is perfectly happy and is tied here by the love he has for his children. Outside of them and his mother, he had few friends in the world.
“He told me, ‘I knew a lot of people and had many *acquaintances but I only feel truly close to my *beautiful children and my mom’.”

Referring to the theft of cash, which he had stashed in *unlocked *drawers, he named the *perpetrator, *although for *legal reasons we *cannot.

Dr Murray, the cardiologist *accused of *giving Jackson the fatal dose of anaesthetic *Propofol, is awaiting *trial in LA for *involuntary manslaughter.

*****’s “spirit” said: “I forgive him. I am not seeking *vengeance but justice. I believe he should give up practising medicine.”*
Well, I have to quote myself here. I posted this message a few days ago...

I have some paranormal stuff going on. For the last two days I had only one word in my mind. It was very annoying and very clear. I have never heard this word before and I had no idea if this word even exists.
So this moning I decided to check it on Google. This word sounded in my head like "NIBIRU" and I HAD NO IDEA what is that and how exactly to spell it.
So, I was shocked that this word really exists and it comes from ancient Sumerian and Babilonian texts .
Besides, this word means Earth accident and they call it "Nibiru Collision" and all theories they have now linked to 2012 phenomena.:mello: I have never ever read in my life something with THIS word in it.
I do not know what to think now. It is getting scarry... I decided to share it here because it might be an important message for ppl. It does not feel that it is just for me.:mello:

There are some links about Nibiru I found on Google:

I find it pretty weird that today I was reading this article on yahoo :mello:

Astronauts want plan ready for asteroid hits Sun Sep 5, 4:00 AM
Mundy, that was cute ("Everything is Alright") :)

I still come by here too :hug: Not leaving MJJC, just have been busy on other things. Like some others, I've had things, dreams and such, but nothing that I've felt compelled to share. Does that make sense? Seems like a lot of one-on-one work going on for me, with spirit guides and so on, more private stuff.

Asedora - My friends and I were all freaked out about the Nibiru stuff about 7 to 10 years ago :lol:, all the channelings from the 'Galactic Federation' and the like. That's when realized the Daewoo car logo looked like alien eyes and one of their cards was called Nubira. (Just a spooky fact ;)) Honestly, I don't know what to make of it all, but it's very interesting you got that word when you didn't previously know it! I've been getting a lot about DNA changing, energy shifts and such and know others who've gotten "ET" messages. Interesting goings-on ;)

That article... at first it sounded a lot like info I got last year, but then I thought... wait... this is for a TABLOID and then she said that MJ hadn't contacted anyone before and that just one guy from the middle east had tried? Ok, that I don't buy. I think that spirits are well aware from over there just who they are contacting and it would seem a strange choice from Michael to pick the chick who'd go to The Star Daily, huh. :doh:

Asedora - My friends and I were all freaked out about the Nibiru stuff about 7 to 10 years ago :lol:, all the channelings from the 'Galactic Federation' and the like. That's when realized the Daewoo car logo looked like alien eyes and one of their cards was called Nubira. (Just a spooky fact ;)) Honestly, I don't know what to make of it all, but it's very interesting you got that word when you didn't previously know it! I've been getting a lot about DNA changing, energy shifts and such and know others who've gotten "ET" messages. Interesting goings-on ;)

That article... at first it sounded a lot like info I got last year, but then I thought... wait... this is for a TABLOID and then she said that MJ hadn't contacted anyone before and that just one guy from the middle east had tried? Ok, that I don't buy. I think that spirits are well aware from over there just who they are contacting and it would seem a strange choice from Michael to pick the chick who'd go to The Star Daily, huh. :doh:

WOW, you know about Nibiru:doh: Sounds crazy! But how crazy that TODAY after I heard this word in my head I came across this article about austronauts trying to be prepared for this kind of space collision? :mello: I had no idea that there are some real things being done by officials. I find it weird!

About "chenneling" MJ article from tabloid. I agree with you. Mj contacted many ppl in different ways. Also, I think that spirits would not care that much about money anymore.:lol: What a material ppl who published this article!

Much love to everybody :love:
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Hi everyone! Its been a while since I visited. I missed you all very much :hug: Everyone ready for MLP, 2 more days!!