More NEW MJ music on the way? (New Album? news thread?)


Proud Member
Jan 9, 2005
Lots of questions here as I'm not sure this has already been posted but those familiar with rap/hip hop will be aware of J.Cole and his recent '2014 Forest Hills Drive' album. One of the producers featured on the album has an Instagram page and recently posted this;

The caption reads; "At the airport working on Michael Jackson's new single ft Jay-Z , Drake, Kanye, Prince and The Beetles.... And this happens????guess it wasn't meant to be??.. Next stop TORONTO???"

I didn't post it in the news section because I don't feel it is news just yet, but the page is 100% genuine, could this 3X Grammy winning producer be doing some new Michael Jackson material?
''Greatest beat ever...... Get the **** outta here, pffft'' LMFAO, but seriously.. this would be so cool! i'm really not sure what song he may be working on, it won't be a new album i don't think.. could be working on a charity single? like 'I Have This Dream'? or guest appearances on a anniversary edition of 'Heal The World'? intrigued, yet waiting for more ;)
I think he was joking. I'd believe it if he didn't put Beatles on the list. He went too far.
haha, that was actually funny. Lol Zakk you already went ahead and planned the whole thing :D
Sorry guys. I know new Kanye/Jay- Z albums are coming so I thought it could have been legit.
Some people jump to conclusions too quickly (not you specifically, dam2040! I would be confused too!).

A slight hint that someone is working on a Michael Jackson song, and suddenly, "MAYBE IT'S THIS! MAYBE IT'S THAT!" Gosh.
Some people jump to conclusions too quickly (not you specifically, dam2040! I would be confused too!).

A slight hint that someone is working on a Michael Jackson song, and suddenly, "MAYBE IT'S THIS! MAYBE IT'S THAT!" Gosh.

dude said 'new single'. as he's a legit page and a genuine producer I thought that 'new single' = 'new album' which is usually how music works. all cool though, apologies for making the thread as I said before.
dude said 'new single'. as he's a legit page and a genuine producer I thought that 'new single' = 'new album' which is usually how music works. all cool though, apologies for making the thread as I said before.

Oh no, no need to apologize! I wasn't taking a shot at you! Like I said, if I caught this first I would probably have started a similar thread. I'm just laughing at those who immediately begin guessing song titles or release dates before any solid information is made.

Sorry if that post came off a little cocky! Honestly not my intention :)
Some people jump to conclusions too quickly (not you specifically, dam2040! I would be confused too!).

A slight hint that someone is working on a Michael Jackson song, and suddenly, "MAYBE IT'S THIS! MAYBE IT'S THAT!" Gosh.

dude, i turned my excitement into a joke! why continue with it?
Oh no, no need to apologize! I wasn't taking a shot at you! Like I said, if I caught this first I would probably have started a similar thread. I'm just laughing at those who immediately begin guessing song titles or release dates before any solid information is made.

Sorry if that post came off a little cocky! Honestly not my intention :)

All good on my end. no need for you to apologise either :)