Murray Trial- Day 17 - October 25

LMAO, a million people are right when they say NO MATTER what the Jackson's pull you will NEVER people will NEVER see anything wrong in it, and GOD KNOWS they have exhausted everything so far. There is barely anything left for them to do now. The reasons you gave were definitely NOT VAILID. For someone like Jermaine maybe, who actually makes sense on Twitter while talking about the trial, the witnesses and the reason whey HE couldn't be present. But folks like LATOYA had NO REASON. There is NO REASON for her to continue ignoring these facts, the woman is SIXTY not SIX. Some actions are INEXCUSABLE whether or not you consider them Gods or nor not.

It's not valid that she was sick with the flu? And that's why she wasn't in court? Really? Something tells me if she showed up coughing and sneezing interrupting court you would have a problem with that not to mention everyone around her whom she more than likely would've spread the virus to. And she did comment on twitter about the trial while she was home prior to her tweets about Randy Phillips as you yourself stated when you mentioned her tweet about Dr. Shafer. And she's 55 years old not 60. For the record I am not a fan of Latoya but I do believe in fairness which is why I explained why certain family members weren't in court after you commented about it. She would probably be much better off (along with the rest of us) if she just kept her mouth shut.