New pictures.MJ out shopping

I'm happy to see that he's able to walk the street without SO MANY people rushing him..
Oooh, nice pix. I like Mike's style. But it isnt strange seeing him without body guards. I think he's done it before...just not with fans chasing so

I just hope he wasnt too scared.
I'm happy to see that he's able to walk the street without SO MANY people rushing him..
yeah because not so many ppl figured out it was him or had the time to do so. we have many photos of him getting out of the shop and heading to his car but the whole thing prob took a min or so
Thank-you MJJC for making threads like this not publicly viewable, even when the rest of the net ISN'T.

I am saddened that what should have been a simple little shopping trip, had to end up on the net.. GRR!

Our darling just wants his privacy, off work.

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That video makes me feel Sad for MJ some people have no respect for him what so ever and i'm not just talking about the people who don't like him i'm also talking about Fans aswell
That is heartbreaking...especially that video.
Can't people just leave him alone, for goodness sake!
On the comments on that Youtube clip ppl are arguing over "Just trying to be like you" ?? Ugh! You know, he means he's trying to live a normal life.

And also, that "fan" who Michael begged not to tell...Is he really a fan?!?!?!?!
^ no hes not. a fan would never ever talk that way about his appearance and would never talk to the media and other ppl about sth that michael told him.
also a real fan would never ask for an autograph in such an occasion
You know, he already did that in the video for "Leave Me Alone", back in 1988. So, it probably wouldn't do much of anything to shut people up, lol. It was still cool how he did it though.

I know, I just get so annoyed .........;)
Might be good to do it again, even if many doesn`t catch the joke.............Oh, will never end, anyway...
I love to see him out and about shopping and things but I hope that he does'nt get hurt when he goes out with out bodyguards:mello:
^ i hope he wont do it again :no:

the guy in the beginning of the video who said "sign my doll i dont even listen to ur music just sign the doll" pissed me off lol :doh:
Michael can,t go anywhere in peace so sad he can,t even shop in private. . If he wanted us there he would of let us know. About the bandages i don,t believe it . Its nice to see him out just to bad he has to be followed. Guess thats why he is Michael everyone whats a piece of him. :)
sign my doll and i sell it on ebay... bloody vultures
I am not even gonna lie but the guys that were bothering Michael are wearing some really tacky clothes. Isn't it funny that MJ has been bashed for his clothing taste and he is out and about wearing something casual and those knunkleheads are not?

Anyway, Moist is a mens and womens store. I went to their website and I am not too fond of the clothes they have for men and women. A bit too tight for my taste. LOL.

It is upsetting to see MJ being harassed like that, but that is the price of fame.
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There's some really good video of it on TMZ. And it's actually pretty positive!;) fans actually act as bodyguards for Michael and try to shield him from the cameras as they help him find his car. And Michael even says "wait Grace" so he can sign more autograghs. Michael was even laughing and talking to the fans who were around him:) I'm glad to see it was'nt as scary as I thought it was for him when I first seen the pictures. So the person who first gave that account of what happened to that first article about this outing of Michael shaking with fear and begging for it be kept quiet completely lied. Michael seemed pretty comfortable eccept for the cameras. He then said he could'nt sign anymore autographs because the paps kept taking his picture.
I am so surprised they mentioned.. a woman is with him.. times are a changing...

on one really tabloidy blog.. some non-fans were saying that Evan Ross (Diana Ross' son look like Michael's illegit child)...I was smiling..when I read that .. for soooooooooooo many reasons...

I am not trying to add fuel to any rumors, but that is odd because when I saw him on a recent awards ceremony tributing his mother, Diana Ross, I immediatelt too thought the same thing. Wow! What an uncanny resemblance and he even speaks softly like a Jackson, primarily Mike. That's cool. Never really know.
Yes that other video was cool
But I hate TMZ and the comments
placed in that article about MJ

The video showed these guys helping MJ
to his car and sheilding him from the Paparatzi
so then he singed autographs for them but still
tried to sheild his face from the camera men -
the guys called him MR Jackson and were very
respectful to him ..
also a real fan would never ask for an autograph in such an occasion

I am not saying that a real fan should, but I honestly don't feel that any of us could say 100% certainly how we would individually react to being that upfront and personal before Michael Jackson. I always thought the fans who act like crazed fanatics screaming and fainting had less a chance of meeting Michael than a calmer more safe reacting fan, but when I saw MJ in person in Gary and within a couple feet I lost my mind in the frenzy. Yes, it is a scary life I am sure for MJ and I feel sorry for him of coarse. But that is on most occassions the price of fame unfortunately.
I love to see him out and about shopping and things but I hope that he does'nt get hurt when he goes out with out bodyguards:mello:

Yes that is a very valid concern, because people do get obsessed regardless what spectrum of the coin they are on, like him or not. That is probably why he didn't want the paparrazzi and attention. His advisors probably come down on him about such unsafe tactics, but then I realize his dilemna wanting normalcy. He has always done things like this even during the Thriller era scouting for the Jahovahs Witnesses. walking alleys and even has said publicly as an adult that he loves Trick or Treating LOL. I am sure sometimes he gets away with it and it is a rush. I love you MJ. God bless him :)
^ i hope he wont do it again :no:

the guy in the beginning of the video who said "sign my doll i dont even listen to ur music just sign the doll" pissed me off lol :doh:

I would have kicked his ass had I been there. I am not even the violent type, but rudeness is disrespectful. Besides I feel so sheltering toward Michael like I would my parents, my spouse, my children or my my grandparents. You don't funk with these people! Grrrrrrrrrrr!!! Angry!:mad:
I am not trying to add fuel to any rumors, but that is odd because when I saw him on a recent awards ceremony tributing his mother, Diana Ross, I immediatelt too thought the same thing. Wow! What an uncanny resemblance and he even speaks softly like a Jackson, primarily Mike. That's cool. Never really know.

LOL. You know what? I was watching a local tv program in Philly and Evan Ross was one of the guests. He was promoting the movie Pride. When the hosts introduced him, he came out to the stage and he had this walk like MJ and he almost looked like him. I was so in awe of the whole thing because the firstthing that I thought was, "He is so much like Mike." When he was a guest on the Tyra Banks show, it was the same way. LOL. A lot of people believe that funny rumor about him and MJ, but it is just a rumor. Evan looks just like his father.

I apologized for being off topic. On topic: I watched the TMZ tv show and they showed the video of MJ shopping in the Unica store. Eva Longoira just missed him. If she would have turned around, she might have recognized MJ. Anyway, the show had footage of MJ trying to find his SUV, telling the camera to kind of get away from him. It seemed like he was bothered by them. The voiceover was kind of annoying, but it was alright. They try to say something about the store Moist and the men that were around him. I was like, "they better not go there".
His nose looks beautiful and how would they expect Michael to look like in the Ebony? The man wasn't shooting he was shopping...geez, they need to get a life!

I can't believe that wearing lipstick is now an indication of someone being other than a heterosexual. Oddly, I thought as an artist and maybe even vitiligo that's what he was exactly wearing. Never would I quetion an artists sexuality by something as common as makeup use in his professional industry. Geees LOL :rolleyes:
Wow.....the man can't even go shopping without the 'circus' around him!

What probably started out as good shopping trip, turned uncomfortable!
And even through all that, Michael still had the courtesy to say, "watch your hands, watch your hands" as he closed the door, to make sure they were out of the way... :)

According to TMZ (the TV show) which showed portions of the video and was actually overall very positive about it, Michael bought a $400 belt and a $125 shirt for Grace.