Organizing chat group/Facebook group to stay in touch

I'd also highly recommend that some of you work on capturing a list of names of people from this Support Forum? Then when people apply to the new board, you'll know who were posters here? Once this forum goes down, those names will vanish, so best to make the list NOW? Just a suggestion, but it's important.
Can someone put a thread in General discussion (and update the first post as and when the list is updated?) so we can start to get names in? I've still got half hour at work but should be able to dedicate time after 7pm GMT.
If you guys decide on a non-facebook group I will be in, but I don't have FB if not.
Can someone put a thread in General discussion (and update the first post as and when the list is updated?) so we can start to get names in? I've still got half hour at work but should be able to dedicate time after 7pm GMT.

Did you and Nova decide between the formats? Are you guys ready to reveal the web address?
Can someone put a thread in General discussion (and update the first post as and when the list is updated?) so we can start to get names in? I've still got half hour at work but should be able to dedicate time after 7pm GMT.

I'm not sure if the mods will allow such a thread in General Discussion, actually? I'd suggest posting a sign-up thread in here, and I can post the link in the "Transitioning out of the Support Forum" thread. I'd also suggest capturing every name from the thread in here of those willing to help, asap. They already have posted their contact information. Also look at the "How re you all coping now" thread? It takes some work, but you all could divide it up? Just get the names!

Also, the board does not have to be in a final form to put it up. Adjustments can be made later. What's important is a basic format, and names of those who to invite/admit? SOON!
I'm becoming concerned that some have not really understood what taking down the Support Forum MEANS? It means. . it will be GONE. Not visible, not even in an archive. There are people who are still suffering greatly, and it's important to support and keep talking to them.

Divide it up? Some capture the resources material to your desktops. Some work on lists of names. Get at least a shell of a board UP and running. You don't need a lot of staff. There will be little modding to do, because it will be a private board. Hopefully? What is more important is to be sure all time-zones are covered, i.e. there will be someone on the board at all times. So be sure there is someone from the East coast of the U.S., someone from the West coast (three hour time difference), and someone from Asia/Australia? Not necessarily as staff, but just folks who can be online at different times.

I'm very impressed by the work and ideas thus far. But. . . . keep going with all possible haste? Please?
Okay, I'm writing down the people in the 'list of those to contact if you need to talk thread'.
Since I subscribe to the How Are You Coping thread (daily email digest) I have all the email records of the people who posted, no worries about that. I will also print out the pages of all the contact info for people who said they would help in this thread and in the sticky "people to contact" thread.
You are not alone or Hold My Hand

let me know if you need any help.. and I think it should be a private group so the haters cant get in thanks

I think Hold My Hand.

edit: ohh ideas have moved along, i need to catch up.

anyway just so u know, im in
I've already suggested this idea to Nova in PM. How would people feel if we kept both designs and used one for the Eastern World (mainland europe to Australia/New Zealand) and the other for the Western World (UK to the Americas)? Do people think this is a viable idea? Let us know asap :)
We haven't decided yet.
Here's the link to mine:
Here's the link to thrillerchild's:

I like both.. the first has a nice design.. the second is a bit more clear.
Which one has been chosen?

I'd be happy to give "unofficial" recommendations. Here they are:

I'd suggest a board that is not too complicated, but where you can add categories as needed. (Maybe the two who designed boards can collaborate on the final one?)

Capture some of the material here and have a "resources" section. The hotlines, grief counseling site, and anything else you need. Add additional resources as needed.

Put up a legal disclaimer. Be sure you say the board does not replace professional counseling.

Have a "statement of purpose." Such as, "This board is a sanctuary to provide mutual comfort and support for those who continue to grieve about Michael's passing, and also to find ways to embrace the positive, once more." Something like that? Your choice. . . .

Cut-and-paste the more significant threads from here, giving credit to MJJC as the original site for those. At least some of the "How are you all coping now" thread, for updates on how everyone is doing.

A private board is best. Using the same screen-names will help with clarity about who is who. (If you make it a public board, you will attract trolls and haters.)

Select your leadership. It's better to have two administrators, at least, and not just one. Have "mod-controls," although there will probably not be much need for modding since this is a "self-selected" group.

Be sure and have a "positive" thread. I'd suggest a group project, when you are ready for that. Maybe making something to send to Michael's children and/or family? Just a thought, but it would help to memorialize Michael and think about the future. (Remember the quilt that was a group project Shannon designed, here on MJJC? Something like that, where each person contributes some part of it?)

Take care of each other. You are very special people.

Thats GREAT advice.

I'd like to be involved.. do we need to write lists of people who visited the forum for help?

I've already suggested this idea to Nova in PM. How would people feel if we kept both designs and used one for the Eastern World (mainland europe to Australia/New Zealand) and the other for the Western World (UK to the Americas)? Do people think this is a viable idea? Let us know asap :)

If I'm honest I think we should all be in one place.
Try very hard to make this uncomplicated. While you are doing this, there are people who still are in great need of support.

You can do whatever you choose, of course, but I'd highly recommend ONE board, with members from different locations.

Yes, I'd recommend that you write lists of people who visited the forum for help. This is VERY unofficial advice, but there are some on MJJC who have visited here rarely if at all, and who tend to be very aggressive. Please be careful about that, ok?
Fair enough. Can someone start a poll and set a deadline for tomorrow evening/ early wednesday morning please? I'm on the bus now but this needs to be decided fast.
I am compiling my best list of Support Forum users this afternoon in the next few hours. I will share this list with thrillerchild and Nova for approvals. I understand Victoria's concept that not all MJJC users are frequent users of the Support Forum.
Wednesday morning is too late, and I'm not sure if you have time for a poll. Just put a board UP, ok? Please? Consider this to be a triage situation? There are some who've been suffering terribly, and that suffering did not STOP for this discussion. I'm very concerned. If you can get a board UP, and the names listed, hopefully you can work out details later? But, at least you'd have a place to go, and those who are in severe distress could continue conversations and receive support.
Yeah, I agree there is not time for a poll, plus the difference really between the two forums is not very big, truthfully since it is the content that will make the place special. The subforum categories can always be editted anyway. And if you two agree to be co-moderators, I don't think it matters really which board is chosen, right? Can one of you guys concede to the other, pretty please? :) We can get moving then and work as a team on the important part of getting people registered. :)
You have the rest of today, and MAYBE tomorrow. I hope you understand, ok? Pick one. You can switch boards later if you decide to, but at least you'll have a place to continue to talk when this board goes away. The Support Forum is going to ENTIRELY vanish, and there is no other place on MJJC to have these discussions.

PICK ONE! Please? If you are unable to decide, just go with whichever board was created first? Just a thought?
Go with Nova's forum :) I'm walking home now but the members who need help must come first.
^^Cool -- you can type while walking, love it! Yay, we have a decision. I'll keep compiling names.

Nova, I see you're online -- can you make the announcement within the support forum? I suggest asking people to sign up with their MJJC names so you know who is who when approving them. Is that cool?
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Go with Nova's forum :) I'm walking home now but the members who need help must come first.

That is extremely kind of you! :clapping:

Once the board is up, you-all can make any adjustments you want, or even create a new board collaboratively. The point is to have SOMETHING so you can offer continuous support.

You are very wonderful people, here. I really mean it!
Right, okay. I'll make a new topic. Stephen, when you sign up, I'll make you an admin. Anyone who wishes to volunteer as global moderators is more than welcome. We need to cover as many timezones as possible.
Right, okay. I'll make a new topic. Stephen, when you sign up, I'll make you an admin. Anyone who wishes to volunteer as global moderators is more than welcome. We need to cover as many timezones as possible.

Nova, you've GOT it, and thanks! Please don't feel you must do this in any sense on your own, though. Enlist as much support as you can, ok? Put it UP, and sort it out from there.

Thank you everyone, for taking responsibility and for taking such good care of each-other. Really, really impressive!
Go with Nova's forum :) I'm walking home now but the members who need help must come first.

..............Awwwwwwwww,thats really sweet of you!:better::D:yes:
You both have wonderfulforums,so it will be smooth as silk:yes::D:yes:
Nova, you've GOT it, and thanks! Please don't feel you must do this in any sense on your own, though. Enlist as much support as you can, ok? Put it UP, and sort it out from there.

Thank you everyone, for taking responsibility and for taking such good care of each-other. Really, really impressive!

...........MJ fans ruleZzZ!:D:punk::D:yes::cheers::wub:
Nova, you've GOT it, and thanks! Please don't feel you must do this in any sense on your own, though. Enlist as much support as you can, ok? Put it UP, and sort it out from there.

Thank you everyone, for taking responsibility and for taking such good care of each-other. Really, really impressive!
Okay. I will definitely be hiring as much support as possible. :)
I've already got a legal disclaimer up and the post you made to suicide hotlines. I credited you and MJJC. And I'll credit for anything I use from here. I will add more resources for support as soon as I can.
Okay. I will definitely be hiring as much support as possible. :)
I've already got a legal disclaimer up and the post you made to suicide hotlines. I credited you and MJJC. And I'll credit for anything I use from here. I will add more resources for support as soon as I can.

You are amazing! Thank you so much, for taking care of people. Everyone here who has worked so hard on this deserves major respect!