Our Crystal Hour ๐Ÿ”ฎ


Proud Member
Jan 12, 2008
Please mods.. move this if a thread has been created already or if this thread is in the wrong section.

This thread is for those of us who appreciate being around Crystals.
[I'm going to add to this welcoming post since the thread is in immaculate conception currently]
Meanwhile post your favourite Crystals and use thread for discussion or it can simply be a place to reflect. / meditate for you

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๐Ÿ˜ Good that it all makes sense now, or I thought I was going to explode with curiosity ๐Ÿ˜…
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๐Ÿ˜ Good that it all makes sense now, or I thought I was going to explode with curiosity ๐Ÿ˜…
Well. that's what Crystals are all about @hope Curious little babies. I don't know everyone's energy level with them, .so just starting from the beginning. I hope the thread works out for all. We will be experts in no time. :)

Especially This. This is such a beautiful video. Thanks you for it.
How about kryptonite?
Kryptonite is known for being the one weakness of Superman and other Kryptonians - it has an effect on them that depends on the color of the mineral. Due to Superman's popularity, the word "kryptonite" has largely become the accepted equivalent of the expression "Achilles' heel".
But the most important thing is that it doesn't exist in our universe)))))
The malachite
The name is nice.. reminds me of my fave name as a child [Malachi] i loved that name so much when i first heard it.
is especially beautiful here.๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜ It's mesmerizing,
Yes he has a good skin ha
you want to see all the patterns. Although I prefer light transparent stones.
Though It seesm to be a very difficult stone for me to work with . he is headstrong and we clash. me and green boy- we don't work that well lol He is very male to me this green one. but that hate might be because unintentionally i feel it too much - heal emotional pain by absorbing the pain into itself
The name is nice.. reminds me of my fave name as a child [Malachi] i loved that name so much when i first heard it.

Yes he has a good skin ha

Though It seesm to be a very difficult stone for me to work with . he is headstrong and we clash. me and green boy- we don't work that well lol He is very male to me this green one. but that hate might be because unintentionally i feel it too much - heal emotional pain by absorbing the pain into itself
Here's what I found. A much-needed crystal.

"How does malachite affect a person?
The mineral is a symbol of the ancient Greek goddess Juno, who blessed and gave love and good luck to all women who wore malachite products. The gem gives excellent mood, peace and cures anxiety, aggression and excessive passion and ardor."
Now i feel the very need to post lots of Malachi here ugh lol

This deep and beautiful stone is mined from several parts of the world, the main areas being Africa, Russia and Mexico. It is a stone of higher value on the market, so it ...forget the value- just want the energy. & boy , does he provide this.

Alright green stones. & i do love jade.

Here's what I found. A much-needed crystal.

"How does malachite affect a person?
The mineral is a symbol of the ancient Greek goddess Juno, who blessed and gave love and good luck to all women who wore malachite products. The gem gives excellent mood, peace and cures anxiety, aggression and excessive passion and ardor."
You know @hope that is really needed thanks for this post. I wonder why we clash then :unsure:
It can be so telling !
Green Aventurine.
Green Aventurine is a comforter and heart healer. It is used to clear and activate the Heart Chakra for general well-being and emotional calm.

It is also a powerful protector of the Heart Chakra, providing a shield to block entry from those who would "tap in" and use the energy of another.
Green Aventurine is known to help you to overcome negative emotions, such as fear and depression

Green Crystals can settle negative emotions and thoughts bringing emotional calm.
It aids in meditation and enhances spiritual exploration. Serpentine assists the retrieval of wisdom, helping to regain memory of past lives. It clears the chakras and stimulates the crown chakra, opening psychic abilities. Serpentine assists the conscious direction of healing energy toward problem areas
Love the color, it's so delicate. ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜
Do you fancy a night with crystals again ? like you , zin , bluemoon [i think bluemoon joined us - it was crazy that night !] n me did on the other thread . if so -we could work something out if works with people
Do you fancy a night with crystals again ? like you , zin , bluemoon [i think bluemoon joined us - it was crazy that night !] n me did on the other thread . if so -we could work something out if works with people
Can't be here long, I'll get in trouble if I don't get enough sleep tonight. I have a very stressful work week right now. I'll be able to enjoy this beauty in the morning. These theme nights are very cool๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜