Swedish Fans?

have to be more tho. so where are the rest of u svennar?
I wonder where my acquaintances from back in the day (mostly early 2000’s) are? 🤔
There must be more than the five of us? It’s a weak number…
du glömde bibliotekarien 🤓
Menar du att det vore bättre med 'Bibliotekarieflickan'? Missen i alfabetiseringen är redan åtgärdad.

Tillägg: Alfabetiseringen var fortfarande felaktig. NU ska det vara åtgärdat.
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Nämen hallå mina bröder och systrar! There has to be more of us here lurking around. I know there are some of our fellow Scandinavians in this forum. For example “Norwayblues” I believe his user name is.
Nämen hallå mina bröder och systrar! There has to be more of us here lurking around. I know there are some of our fellow Scandinavians in this forum. For example “Norwayblues” I believe his user name is.
I wonder if "Oyvind" has ever joined this forum. He run website in the early internet days, where people could vote for downloads.

If memory serves correct, he was from Norway.