The Best Michael Jackson reaction vidoes on Youtube - share your favourites and help spread MJs music

This guy tells an adorable story of how he as a boy passed out during a BAD concert right at the beginning when Michael came on stage and pointed into the audience :ROFLMAO: :love:

at 6:55 especially
The reaction videos can be hit or miss , some are cringe due to how OTT they get. I prefer the genuine reactions and not just those looking for views.

Real fans reacting to the Childhood recording sessions. I love this.

He did Thriller

Hearing those stacked harmonies 😭😭😭😭😭
Michael as a wolf / his wolf howls a completely adorable 🥺😆😍

Love love love the Rhodes here! Magical 🌟🌟🌟
One of my favourite instruments ever!
I was always lukewarm about RWY and I was never very interested in these Chris Liepe videos until he dropped the RWY vid a couple of months ago. Instant U-turn on my part, lol. :ROFLMAO: Awesome stuff!

Posting bc can't see it on the thread.

23m 45s


My favorite "reaction" YouTuber, always has good things to say about Mike. Show him some love! :)
I was watching him react to the Dangerous album earlier today, great reaction and the album itself sounded fantastic.
I was always lukewarm about RWY and I was never very interested in these Chris Liepe videos until he dropped the RWY vid a couple of months ago. Instant U-turn on my part, lol. :ROFLMAO: Awesome stuff!

Posting bc can't see it on the thread.

23m 45s

Chris Liepe is an MJ STAN :LOL: I love his reactions to Michael´s vocal technique and adlibs (as seen in the thumbnail :LOL:(y))
Chris Liepe is an MJ STAN :LOL: I love his reactions to Michael´s vocal technique and adlibs (as seen in the thumbnail :LOL:(y))
The first few vids I tried didn't work for me bc he interrupted too often with his own singing and it annoyed me. I know he has to break it up so the vid doesn't get taken down, I'm completely fine with that, but I don't really need to hear his voice that much, lol. But I watched RWY and then I went back and caught up with the 2Bad one and I was a convert. Very happy! :D