This Is It rehearsal pictures







The silver shoes look like sandals or is it just me?

Yeah, at first I thought too it were sandals, maybe for a female dancer, but when looking at it more carefully I'm not sure. It may just look like sandals because of the color. That's why I wanted to have a sideview on it to see what's that actually: sandals or shoes.

Does anybody know the Arab writing on the jacket?
They look like sandals, unless, they had ideas to fill the open parts with fiber/diode part, that would flash in/out, so people would see his feet moving while dancing...
Michael was very self-conscious about his feet and toes, he always covered them, I really doubt he would wear anything with open-toe/heel type of shoes...
Yeah, at first I thought too it were sandals, maybe for a female dancer, but when looking at it more carefully I'm not sure. It may just look like sandals because of the color. That's why I wanted to have a sideview on it to see what's that actually: sandals or shoes.

They are shoes. They are for Michael. I think they are for that silver crystal costume that was going to be used in Wanna be starting something. Those glasses under the shoes are also for that costume I think.
I don't like anything Zaldy did personally,he seemed obessesed with crystals