is opening tonight

thanks for mentioning this vevo, i have no clue about anything ever until it takes off! anyway i created an account, that fan tribute was amazing! so simple, but sad and it made you think about his life watching it and how life gets taken away so quickly.=( like the hq videos there now. woo hoo! mj's page is nice.

too bad you cant get vevo past the U.S.
Vevo Pulls Videos From YouTube’s API: Party’s Over For Third Parties

So much for sharing Vevo love this holiday season. The much ballyhooed music video site, co-owned by UMG, Sony Music Entertainment and Abu Dhabi Media Company, has swiftly pulled its music videos from YouTube’s API. The retraction ends a very short run for third-party sites like Muziic, which stream YouTube content via its API, to be able to show Vevo content as well.
Since Vevo’s launch earlier this month, a selection of its content has been available via YouTube, which built the back end of the site and provides some hosting for it. Although Vevo is currently only available in the U.S. and Canada, the YouTube channel could be accessed by anyone, pending YouTube’s individual country-by-country arrangements with music labels............
Muziic has now removed all Vevo videos and Vevo branding from its site.
Well all I get on any of those on the official channel is:
"This video is not available in your country due to copyright restrictions."

Gee, what a surprise. It's really getting worse and worse with that.
Pretty soon I probably won't be allowed to view my own damn videos on youtube...

Oh, and when going to VEVO: "We're sorry. Currently VEVO is
not available in your country." :no:
I know what you mean. I hate it when it happens here too.

But I dont like the sounds of that....of members being able
to access MY inbox, etc.
there is a solution to area restricted sites. A tiny program named Hotspot Shield gives you a us ip address. It's a vpn, virtual private network, that assigns you an ip address that will open us sites for you like pandora, vevo, ect. Hulu doesn't open, however. It recognizes that you're using a program to disguise.