Was Dangerous Rehearsed?

They never completely rehearsed the whole show. It was a few songs the last day.
^ theres video of this dude saying omg morphine and then u hear dangerous being perform.. it was doing when they rehersal at the fourm
^ theres video of this dude saying omg morphine and then u hear dangerous being perform.. it was doing when they rehersal at the fourm

Maybe they used "You may now apply, your 3D glasses" before the 3D part. :D
this would be awesome! morphine intro and then dangerous FFS release it already
In "Meet the dancers" , you can see they did the 2bad routine without Michael and Will you be there.
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Dangerous has been confirmed over and over again to be have rehearsed.

I would have loved to see that performance. - One day we will I believe!
Would be nice if they would at least give a statement about their release plan.

I can easily imagine they won't release it within the next 30 years...
I spoke to travis payne at the hmv dvd blue ray signing....i asked him about dangerous and he said it was rehearsaed and they are saving it for later....
I really hope they release much more.

I would happily buy all 100 hours of footage!

SONY makes money, yes sure, but MJ Estate makes the most, and I would get to see a lot more MJ. So I think that's one way making everyone happy!

PLEASE release much more footage! YANA, SIM, DD, HTW and Dangerous please release it SONY!

I just hope I don't die before they release more!

You know what? That thought arised to me several times from March to June... I thought it was too good to be true to see Michael perform once more. And I learnt I should've been concerned about Michael instead of me...
I'm starting to think that maybe Sony realized that since MJ used Dangerous at multiple award shows and tours, that routine was popular amongst fans, so they decided to keep it and then dangle it at us like a lolly to a kid :p

This kid wants the lolly sooo bad!! :p
Maybe they start a whole new marketing strategy, realising say a new 30 seconds of "Dangerous" on each new release, so to have it complete we must buy ten other editions...
All i know Dangerous was definitely performed , with or without Michael i'am not sure , but its clear in meet the dancers featurette ,the dancers are rehearsing the song a couple of times and twice on stage with the green electric waves in the back , which was supposed to be the "brain scan" stage setting , also there shown rehearsing will you be there , I just like to know if MJ did actually even once rehearse with them those 2 songs , i doubt it.
All i know Dangerous was definitely performed , with or without Michael i'am not sure , but its clear in meet the dancers featurette ,the dancers are rehearsing the song a couple of times and twice on stage with the green electric waves in the back , which was supposed to be the "brain scan" stage setting , also there shown rehearsing will you be there , I just like to know if MJ did actually even once rehearse with them those 2 songs , i doubt it.

He did, he rehearsed them both