What are you doing this very second?

Right now watching Michael's Billie Jean performance from the Munich Dangerous Concert.

I just love that performance it is one of my favorite Billie Jean performances. Then again all of Michael's Billie Jean performances are my favorite.

Right now going to get myself something to eat. Since I am feeling a little better now. While I watch the Olympics.
Just crying over Michael again. But right now I think I am going to go get some sleep. I am not feeling well. :no:

I just love that performance it is one of my favorite Billie Jean performances. Then again all of Michael's Billie Jean performances are my favorite.

Right now going to get myself something to eat. Since I am feeling a little better now. While I watch the Olympics.
I also love that Billie Jean performance. :wub:
(ughhh i'm thinking people's so tragedy... i didnt mean their own life is a tragedy---whatever if they think it sweet, that's ok, i mean people invovled birdshow, i mean they forced those people that had a different lifeway fighting with them----------there's real sth. very tragedy here)
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Listening to 'Gone Too Soon' and wondering just that.....why did Michael have to go so soon? It's so unfair....... :weeping:

I don't know how you can handle listening to that song. That is one of Michael's songs I don't even dare go back and listen to. And I feel the same way.

Right now I am watching this program on the HIStory International Channel. About the 1960 Chilean Earthquake.
Just listening to Michael. While being sad, miserable, and very depressed over how much I miss him.

I don't know how you can handle listening to that song. That is one of Michael's songs I don't even dare go back and listen to. And I feel the same way.

Right now I am watching this program on the HIStory International Channel. About the 1960 Chilean Earthquake.
It's realy hard not to get emotional to that song now. :weeping: Earlier today I just sobbed while listening to "Gone Too Soon". All that was going through my head was "You're gone? How could it be that you're not here? How did this happen?" I'm still struggling to come to terms with the fact that my beloved Michael is dead. I just...don't even know. It's too hard for me to get my head around. :weeping: