What's the worst thing you've ever done relating to your MJ fandom?


Proud Member
Oct 30, 2022
What's the most sacrelige thing you can think of doing or saying regarding MJ, his career,
or anything else?

For me, it's probably making an edit of MJ dancing to a Drake song. That is pure cringe. It inspired this post.

Losing all my MJ physical media is maybe 2nd.
Trying to fight the world to defend him & feeling alone sometimes thinking I will never win.... but today thank God 80% of the gp knows the real truth so it's so much comforting knowing ppl help fight for the truth
Trying to fight the world to defend him & feeling alone sometimes thinking I will never win.... but today thank God 80% of the gp knows the real truth so it's so much comforting knowing ppl help fight for the truth

I wrestled with such feelings myself, for many years. I've been a fan since the '80s, but I was just 13 when Evan Chandler's accusations went out, and at first I didn't really know what to think. I'd actually been abused as a child, but I'm not sure if I'd heard the word "molestation" before, so nothing really connected at first. But very quickly, major doubts began forming in my mind, and as a fan it really sent me into despair. All these people kept saying Michael treated Jordan and others so terribly, but I didn't want to believe it...so for a long time, I was truly conflicted.

Eventually, it seemed I might be able to enjoy his music again, and then that bastard Sneddon attacked a second time. Words can't express how disgusted I felt, toward him, the press, and even myself. I really had pity on Michael, but at the same time I kept recalling the old adage "Where there's smoke, there's fire". I couldn't even watch most of the trial, because it seemed all the reporters were just repeating the same damn things, every day - it was chaos. When the first "not guilty" verdict came through, I was so relieved...but then it kept happening, over and over. By the end, I just wanted to cry in gratitude. I knew God played a major role in that, and while my mind was still pretty unsettled, reading Aphrodite Jones' Michael Jackson Conspiracy helped put a lot of that to rest for me.

After MJ's passing, it seemed like things were mostly cool for a while. I missed him of course, and often prayed for his family, especially his kids. But when Robson and Safechuck crawled out of the woodwork again, my reaction this time was complete revulsion. I wanted to tell them both, "Back down, you lying bastards. You're just doing this from greed and spite. Have you no soul at all anymore?"
WARNING: The following will have mentions of me talking about NSFW and inappropriate material. Reader's discretion is highly advised.

This is a pretty bold confession, but for me, it was writing inappropriate fanfiction when I was only 12-13 years old.

I spent way too much time on the Internet at that age, including exploring areas of the Internet that I shouldn't have. That is why I'm also adamant about children aged 11-16 having at least some kind of restrictions online. The Internet is not only dangerous, but NSFW material is literally EVERYWHERE.

And sadly, this is only the tip of the iceberg of the NSFW material I would consume on a daily basis. I looked at and looked for so much worse than just naughty fanfiction. I was actually a porn addict at 13 years old because of this. And let me tell you. No 13-year-old should ever have to deal with that. It was very debilitating and brain rotting. The amount of time I wasted watching adult videos when I could have been playing outside and hanging out with my friends is too much to even count.

Combined with this, what I also regret is making a Wattpad account at 13 years old, and later, feeling conditioned to believe that it was normal to view Michael in an adult way when I was still just a child. I joined the fray and also wrote 18+ fanfiction of my own. Thankfully, nobody ever really read it and it is now lost to time, but the memory will never leave me.

Since then, I've been a huge advocate for children's safety on the Internet and want to encourage young MJ fans (and kids in general) to stay safe, not to go to certain websites, and to be kids. So I will say that something good did come out of it.

I am 18 years old now and also have a much healthier view of my own sexuality and taking responsibility for what I post on the Internet. That is why I included a warning at the beginning of this post. And for everyone (not just the kids), it's important to be mindful of what you're navigating on the Internet and how to keep yourself safe. Monitor the time you spend online and look out for your own mental health as well.
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Planned to destroy all my MJ memorabilia/music on verdict day if he was found guilty.
Actually, I don't think that's a bad thing at all. If Michael truly was guilty and it was proven with substantial evidence, I would have done the exact same thing.

I refuse to apply the "separate the art from the artist" verdict when it comes to musicians who are (proven!) pedophiles. The money artists receive from people streaming/buying their music is not deserved at all for someone who commits/has committed such disgusting and illegal acts. I don't even consider pedophiles (+ other sexual deviants, such as necrophiles) as human. These people are monsters. They deserve no place in society except for prison. Anybody who takes advantage of a child and abuses them for their own monstrous desires is never gaining my support, no matter how talented of a musician they are. And MJ guilters have the audacity to proclaim that I'm only a fan of Michael because of his music. 💀

I was also groomed myself at age 14 and have read about so many pedophilia cases, some more gruesome than others. Child sexual abuse is completely unjustifiable. My heart goes out to all of the actual victims who have had to have their childhood stripped away from them for the pleasure of disgusting adults.

It's also terrible how Michael's accusers have taken advantage of the support systems for victims of CSA for their own personal gain and nothing more. After doing my research on Michael's cases for as long as I've been a fan, it became more and more clear that these allegations were an attempt at extortion and even an outlet to scapegoat Michael by actual predators (just look more into Victor Gutierrez and his book "Michael Jackson Was My Lover," which has a plethora of pro-pedophilia stances and propaganda).

In other words, don't feel bad about admitting this. It shows that you care about the well-being of children. That you are human. And thankfully, Michael is innocent. It has been proven time and time again that he did not sexually abuse a child nor was he the kind of person to, and that we can maintain his innocence on merit, not bias.
I also want to add something else. It's not really a specific thing I did, but generally, how my attitude used to be when I started engaging with the MJ fandom online for the first time.

Besides constantly consuming material that was not age appropriate, I also had a very poor sense of judgment in people I met online and was very emotionally immature. I deliberately tried to get myself involved in as many useless online dramas as I could to gain attention. Even as old as 17 years old, I was doing this shit. But it was also so mentally exhausting. Sometimes, I'd have temptations to harm myself because of the built-up anger that these altercations caused. So I told myself, "You have to stop. This is killing you." And when I did, I truly felt a lot more happier and at peace with myself. Life is truly so much easier when you stop caring about others' validation and do what makes yourself happy.
Trying to fight the world to defend him & feeling alone sometimes thinking I will never win.... but today thank God 80% of the gp knows the real truth so it's so much comforting knowing ppl help fight for the truth
That is not the worst thing at all. That is the exact opposite of my point actually.
Nah. It only counts if you believed the Casinos were completely authentic musically wise.
I wanted to believe they're authentic, but they didn't sound like him. I still bought the album and that makes it even worse. Buying the album was like buying rotten food. It felt so wrong.
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Buying the Michael album.
I bought the CD in 2018 and felt like a criminal LOL. But honestly, I really like the 7 real tracks on the album, I just don't like the Hollywood Tonight mix, I prefer the demo or the initial Neff-U mix.

The big problem is that these good tracks coexist with 3 others of dubious quality. The experience is ruined from the moment I have to skip tracks.
I wanted to believe they're authentic, but they didn't sound like him.
I actually re-listened to the Cascio tracks recently. I never realized how awful the vibratos are on the impersonator's voice. They sound extremely forced. It's so much easier to hear the difference now and recognize it is definitely not Michael's voice.

To be fair, at the time the Michael album came out, Michael's fans were still very vulnerable and in deep grief over Michael's death. The Michael album seemed to commemorate him and appeal to fans in the best way possible at first, but after the news of the Cascio tracks came out, it became clear that the estate took advantage. On top of that, it took them 12 years to even remove the Cascio tracks off of streaming platforms.

I don't believe it was the fan's faults for purchasing the album, but rather the fault of the estate and Sony for passing off songs clearly not sung by Michael as "authentic," even though they still had many real songs to choose from. Thankfully, they did improve things with the release of Xscape, but the damage had already been done. To this day, the Michael album sours the relationship between Michael's fans and his estate. I don't believe you should feel guilty for purchasing the Michael album way back when. Instead, continue to hold Sony and the estate accountable for deceiving fans and taking too long to hold accountability themselves.

I also own an OG copy of the Michael album, although I purchased it secondhand. (I was only 5 years old in 2010, LMAO). If you want to add the Michael album to your collection (for the purpose of listening to the real songs, of course), that would definitely be the best option.
I actually re-listened to the Cascio tracks recently. I never realized how awful the vibratos are on the impersonator's voice. They sound extremely forced. It's so much easier to hear the difference now and recognize it is definitely not Michael's voice.
I knew a song from Jason Malachi before, but back then no one knew it was him. The voice in this song sounded like the one in the Cashios. Here it is:
To this day, the Michael album sours the relationship between Michael's fans and his estate.
The worst thing for me is that this album is an expression not only of greed but of disinterest in Michael's art and life and I knowingly supported that with my purchase.
I knew a song from Jason Malachi before, but back then no one knew it was him. The voice in this song sounded like the one in the Cashios. Here it is:
Malachi was fairly known within the community in my memory tbh. That Mamacita track obviously the template.

Soon as breaking news came out it was obvious it was him instantly from the first couple of lyrics.

Michael talking about himself 3rd person in a song, yuck 🤮 ha
I am admittedly more lenient on the Casio fiasco than most people here,

But I won't ever regret enjoying Michael. First of all, because I listened to it on Rhapsody. I didn't need no CD, just streamed it.

But that albums authentic tracks were pretty valuable. Behind The Mask in particular made me a hardcore fan. So it did what it set out to do.

If they decide to "decanonize" it, by all means. Please do.
I am admittedly more lenient on the Casio fiasco than most people here,

But I won't ever regret enjoying Michael. First of all, because I listened to it on Rhapsody. I didn't need no CD, just streamed it.

But that albums authentic tracks were pretty valuable. Behind The Mask in particular made me a hardcore fan. So it did what it set out to do.

If they decide to "decanonize" it, by all means. Please do.
Behind The Mask is brilliant! Ignoring the Cascio tracks, Michael is my favorite posthumous album, only I've never assumed that before, it's strictly related to my personal taste.

I'm not a fan of Akon, but Hold My Hand is powerful, MJ's vocals are splendid. Best Of Joy is one of my favorite songs of all time, it's simple in a magnificent sense, a hymn about immortality. Much Too Soon is beautifully melancholy.
Nah. It only counts if you believed the Cascios were completely authentic musically wise.

I think a very important distinction needs to be made here, between various members of the Cascio family. First, its not fair to treat them all as liars or manipulators - father Dominic met Michael in 1984, and introduced his family. They had him over to their house for years, and never told a soul about any of it. He trusted them, and they felt the same toward him. Son Frank later became Michael's P.A. for a short time, but they fell out for a few years and then came back together. He later wrote what I personally consider to be a great book in 2011, titled My Friend Michael: An Ordinary Friendship with an Extraordinary Man.

Frank's brother Eddie is a very different story. From what I've read in Frank's book and online, the two did not always get along, both personally and regarding their views of Michael. At a certain point, Eddie teamed with James Porte to create 12 independent songs, 3 of which ended up on the original 2010 release of the posthumous album Michael. Supposedly recorded in Eddie's basement, the authenticity of the songs quickly came under fire, by fans as well as MJ's own family. The entire incident seemed to break down whatever bond Frank and Eddie originally had, and to this day I don't know if they ever reconciled.