Who else is LGBTQ+ here? Also Happy Pride Month!


Proud Member
Jan 7, 2020
Hey y'all! Wishing everyone a happy Pride month, even with the layers of layers of things happening around the world. I've been thinking about this post for a long time and I'm finally just going to go ahead and bite the bullet :fear:

Anyone else here a gay woman who is still head over heels for Michael? Normally, I can just tell that a guy is attractive and move on but Michael has my heart like :heart:! It's kinda a weird place to be in, to be so wholeheartedly into him but be like "nah" to any other guy. I was also figuring out my sexuality when I was first really invested in another MJ online forum, so it made for a really interesting time.

I just wanted to open this up and see if anyone else could relate! :D
Asexual (and non-binary) here! I know some people get all in a snit if you say ace people are part of the community, but too bad about those people. In the ace community, we have a thing called a "squish" where you love someone, but there's no romantic or sexual aspect to it. Michael is definitely my squish. :love:
Yeah I can totally see that happening haha! Squish is a fun word, I haven’t heard it in quite some time, but I love that it’s applicable for you! I have such a mix of emotions about Michael that sometimes it’s easier to be like okaaayyy we’re going to take a quick break with something else and we can come back to this later.
Female to male tg...a human puppy and pony
Tho I discovered this thread just now lemme say after the pride is BEFORE pride!
We are Michael's rainbow squad, aren't we???*???
Demi sexual here, the joke of the community I know but Happy Pride Month anyway 😁😁🖤🖤

I have never heard of this before. I had to look it up, so thanks for educating me. :)
I'm bi, good to see some representation on the forum. We know MJ was always very accepting of all people
Gay/ace-spec gal here☺️ Used to crush so hard on MJ when I was 8-9 years old, I watched the music videos in awe, but didn’t really know much about MJ as a person. 10 y later I’ve found my love for him again and I’m learning (way too late!) what an incredibly kind and pure human being he was. I adore him more every day but since figuring out my sexuality/romantic orientation, my crush has turned into more of a squish. Buut my brain will sometimes be like: ok we’re gay but straight for MJ😅

This is just my train of thought, but I really don’t think it’s uncommon for gay people to be head over heels for celebrities (or fictional characters) of the opposite gender! I mean, since they’re unobtainable you can distance yourself from them. You might like the idea of being with them and fantasize about it, but you avoid the actual romance and intimacy. 😊
I'm asexual, and have never found humans sexually attractive [realizing how that sounds but no nothing else either XD] but HOLY F**K I have always found Mike to be the absolute single sexiest person I've ever seen. and I'm still not sure what it's based on because I seriously mean that about him in every stage of his look change, from 1976 to 2009 he was always so highly attractive XD but no one else, ever, and not even lookalikes. I don't feel anything when I look at a lookalike or a tribute artist. well I think they're cool but I don't feel the attraction LOL.
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