I'm having SO many Michael dreams lately. Does this mean something??


Feb 28, 2023
I can't believe this.

In the past two days (two days!!), I have had several dreams about Michael in a ROW. Why is that strange, you ask? I don't dream about him often, as crazy as that sounds. But, beginning on Friday night, I had two dreams about Michael that night.

I just woke up now (from yet ANOTHER michael-related dream!) and I'm too exhausted (and hungry) to share all the details, but I will at a later period. Thankfully, I am able to recall many details of my dreams VERY well. The first dream involved Thriller era, and the second one involved Off the Wall era.

Then yesterday, I took a 5-hour nap where I had another Michael dream. Two-part dream, actually! I don't remember the second part, but the first part I can remember clearly. The first part showed Dangerous era (he actually wasn't IN the dream, but I saw him in pictures), and the second part showed Thriller era (although I do not remember what occurred in that part).

And now, last night, falling asleep at midnight and miraculously waking up at 7:30am, I had a dream about mature era that was like a MOVIE. It had a whole story, and it was very odd, but it was beautiful, as he said my name and I got to hug him in this dream. 🥺 ❤️

I've also been having a very rough week this week, so these dreams couldn't have come at a better time. But, as someone who actually doesn't dream of Michael often, I can't help but wonder if this means something significant. I don't even tend to try and analyze my own dreams often, as they are usually super weird and nonsensical. Of course, like most people, I went to Google for answers on why I'm dreaming of him so much (e.g. "what does it mean if you dream of someone who passed away"), but I'm getting nothing clear. So instead, I feel like it would make more sense to ask another fan's perspective. What does it mean to YOU if you have a lot of Michael dreams? How often do you dream about him? Also, if you want, you can share your Michael dreams here! (No details of sexual dreams here though. Sorry! 😭 I KNOW SOME of y'all have had some sexual dreams about Michael, lmao. BUT let's keep this thread safe for work, please. Thank you!)

~ DJ