Janet Not Pleased With Paris going Into Showbiz

Some people as qbee said need to stop acting as if they know Janet personally and stop stating their opinion as fact. You have no idea how Janet would be as a parent or guardian, just because she doesn't see her nieces and nephews a lot does not mean she is incapable of raising her own or other children, and like others have said you have no idea if Janet has actually had words with Katherine already, so calling her a phony means nothing, when you have nothing to back it up with.

Totally agree. No one knows what goes on behind closed doors.

Would it make you all happier if Janet went to TMZ with an exclusive every time she spoke to Michael's children? Just because Janet isn't a fame whore doesn't mean she has little or no contact with Paris.
I dont think Janet would talk to the media about it, and without having said a word to Paris or her mother. In the end, it had no effect whatsoever anyway. :(
Totally agree. No one knows what goes on behind closed doors.

Would it make you all happier if Janet went to TMZ with an exclusive every time she spoke to Michael's children? Just because Janet isn't a fame whore doesn't mean she has little or no contact with Paris.
I have never heard of the term "fame whore" before.
I do think she's right about this but she lost a lot of credibility with me 2 years ago. I sense, I don't know, that Latoya is one of those in the background pushing Paris. She has said she's spending a lot of time around Michael's kids now, and since Latoya doesn't seem to be on the Randy/Janet/Rebbie side of things, Janet's against it. Rightfully so. Paris has no idea how dirty show business can be.

Then a very very cynical part of me wonders if Janet isn't a little scared Paris may steal some of spotlight she's gotten since 2009. The words are still right though in my opinion.
I dont think Janet is scared of the attention Paris might get. She has her own career, and despite what lots of people have been saying she seems to be doing fine. I went to the concert in Paris, it was really great. She's a very good entertainer, and she also has other projects (I'll pass on the despicable fur thing).
But the influence of Latoya is obvious. She will take advantage of the attention Paris will get. And that's all she has, now that the conspiracy theory seems to be over.
Janet Jackson is a BIG PHONEY; because she has made a conscious decision not to be bothered with spending her time assisting in the raising of her brother Michael's orphaned children: Prince, Paris, and Blanket.
I don't know why you chose the word Phony. I assume just to attack Janet in this thread because you cant really find anything wrong with her stating she wishes Paris would wait. I don't see how that makes her Phony at all because Janet NEVER claimed she is directly involved with raising the children and she has no rights legal or other wise over the decisions made for them. Michael didn't give her that power. All Janet can do as her aunt is give Paris advice which she did both privately and publicly she made it know that she wishes Paris would wait a while longer. But at the same time she understands her dreams. I would say its also very probable that before Janet spoke to Paris about it She also discussed the issue with Katherine first so she could know the details of what Paris would be involved in.
I don't know why you chose the word Phony. I assume just to attack Janet in this thread because you cant really find anything wrong with her stating she wishes Paris would wait. I don't see how that makes her Phony at all because Janet NEVER claimed she is directly involved with raising the children and she has no rights legal or other wise over the decisions made for them. Michael didn't give her that power. All Janet can do as her aunt is give Paris advice which she did both privately and publicly she made it know that she wishes Paris would wait a while longer. But at the same time she understands her dreams. I would say its also very probable that before Janet spoke to Paris about it She also discussed the issue with Katherine first so she could know the details of what Paris would be involved in.

:clapping: Exactly, but some people are so filled up with hate they choose to look over that.
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There was nothing wrong with what she said. Actually the title is also wrong. She didn't say Paris shouldn't go into show business, she says she just hopes she doesn't get hurt from this industry.

It's not her call, and she knows it. But she spoke her opinion on the matter when she was asked.
Janet Jackson is a BIG PHONEY; because she has made a conscious decision not to be bothered with spending her time assisting in the raising of her brother Michael's orphaned children: Prince, Paris, and Blanket.

I respect your opinion on Janet, but I dont think we can say she decided to let them down. Honestly we dont know what's going on there, when she's there, what influence she's got on those kids or her mother. She's also the only one who has a job, so it leaves a free spot for other evil influences. Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but she might be the only one who's never used the kids to get any media attention.
^^^ Yes I don't recall Janet using the children, or Randy for that matter and I hate to say it but also maybe Jermaine

I think that we mustn't jump to conclusions, we have no idea what has or hasn't happened behind closed doors.
Randy tried to use the kids on the first anniversary by getting them to f.l for a photo op. he does his damage behind the scenes
Yeah, I dont trust Randy so much either. The very fact that he had to tell the world when he would be at FL shocked me. I was wondering why he was there. It's like Jermaine, I feel they always have a personal agenda hidden somewhere.
Yeah, I dont trust Randy so much either. The very fact that he had to tell the world when he would be at FL shocked me. I was wondering why he was there. It's like Jermaine, I feel they always have a personal agenda hidden somewhere.

Oh yes I don't doubt the personal agenda that is crystal clear, I was only referring to using the children to promote.

@elusive, I had forgotten about that.
If Janet Jackson and Rebbie Jackson do not form a connection with Micheal's children as loving guardians, the ultimate losers will be Janet and Rebbie; because Prince, Paris, and Blanket will not learn to love and respect them as their aunts.
The choice is Janet's and Rebbie's to make. Time will tell.
After the things they have said and done id rather the kids follow their dad and keep away from the lot of them.