The Last Dragon (1985)


Proud Member
Jul 27, 2016
Around the holiday season some people watch The Sound of Music, while others watched Its a Wonderful life....but my go to film was a classic from the 80s The Last Dragon (1985) and this year for my B'day I finally got it on Blu-Ray cloud9 :wild: In a nuttshell its about a young man who searches for the "master" to obtain the final level of martial arts mastery known as The Glow. Along the way, he fights an evil martial arts expert named Sho'nuff (the Shogun of Harlem) and rescue a beautiful VJ Laura Charles from an obsessed music promoter Eddie Arkadian. I know it was made on a low budget, it was cheesy and most of the performances are over the top. But it was a memorable film because it had a lot of great one liners, a cool soundtrack, a hot leading man in Taimak :wub: and it had Vanity in it :happy: and finally a great message that we all have the glow within. I have lost count how many times I've seen this film and out of 5 I give it 5 (y) Its a guilty pleasure and I highly recommend it.

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