The Psychology of Pedophilia


Proud Member
Nov 15, 2010
A Place With No Name, Australia
Hey guys! Great to be back!
Im on holidays atm, Uni is crazy and fun and awesome. But i thought i would share something i did for a Thesis before the term break. As some of you may or may not know, i am doing a course in Psychology. Last term we did Psychological profiling, probably the most interesting part of the course to date. Being an MJ fan and being a lover of the truth, i needed to profile Michael, obviously the evidence isn't fantastic either way, so i decided to have a look into it... here are my findings in layman's terms.

NOTE: If you dont like this kind of topic, dont read it. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED

Many people have a very black and white view of what a "pedophile" is, most people think it's that creepy neighbor that collects boats, or that weird fella that hangs at the playground. However, like all criminality, it is far more complex than that.

Michael Jackson lead an extraordinary life, some might say he can't be profiled because his background and life was so unique. The reason this is a false claim is because the brain is like a a glass, filled with a reactive substance. A normal guy like me might have a normal clear glass, Michael might have a colorful glass with inbuilt LED's, however the glass itself has no impact on the chemical reaction. So it is with this reasoning that i believe that it is very possible to use what we know to give an indicator into Michael's psychology.

There are a few different types of Pedophilia, all with their own characteristics and background traits.

The first group is known as "Situational Offenders", these are broken up into the following:

Regressed Pedophiles: These are "stress" offenders, they generally have a wife and kids. Have had a consistent sexual orientation all their life, usually lives in a stable household with a good job. However they don't deal with stress well, they generally use drugs or alcohol to help with their every day stressors, but when things get a little too stressful... they turn to children as an outlet. These people usually have low self esteem and will generally return to their normal sexual orientation once stress has subsided.

Morally In-discriminate Pedophiles: These are general all round abusers, not just of children, but women as well. They will experiment with anyone who seems weaker and unable to defend themselves. They generally try sadistic and violent practices with their victims and will involve anyone that they can get their hands on... including partners, siblings and even their own kids. These people are the worst kind of people, they have no remorse and are very clever.

Naive Pedophiles: These offenders usually suffer from some kind of mental illness that inhibits their ability to distinguish right from wrong in SOME cases. They have a reputation for being bizarre or strange. They are generally loners, this is because they struggle with establishing connections with other people and usually cannot fit in with most adult recreation. Their sexual exploits with children doesnt enter any kind of penetration and stays with in the bounds of fondling and general molestation. They prefer children due to their easier nature and lack of judgement, they find it hard to deal with adults.

The second group are what's known as Preferential offenders, they have two catagories:

Mysoped Pedophiles: These offenders have no love for children, they generally have no connection to their victims and usually spend time stalking the child. Once they choose to make their move, they will try befriending and then seduction, if that doesnt work then they will generally abduct the child by force. They premeditate and methodically plan each attack and will always kill their victims after they have raped them. Can return to the scene for a "repeat" or "re-imagining".

Fixated Pedophiles: These offenders have little or no sexual activity with people their own age. They are usually considered immature and are uncomfortable around adults. These offenders are very childlike in the way they act and live and has a deep "love" for children and will spend time building a relationship with a child over a long period of time by buying them gifts etc. Oral sex is the norm and is only followed by penetrative sex if the "bond" has been formed for long enough.

So reading through cases of such offenders, Michael could fit in one of two categories:


A. Naive Pedophile or
B. Fixated Pedophile

Although this process was uncomfortable, i needed to think about every case Michael was accused in, look at all the evidence presented by the alleged victims and try and get a sense on what profile he COULD be. Note, at this point i had to remind myself to not block anything out as it could affect the results of my thesis.

In my estimates, due to no victim suggesting any kind of penetrative sex and also due to Michael's Hetero-sexual porn collection. I had to settle with Naive Pedophile as the most likely candidate. Now was the moment i anticipated and dreaded at the same time, i had to ask myself to look at all the evidence and decide whether or not MJ was a pedophile, using the techniques i have learned.

I assumed that all evidence submitted in the 05 trial was true and went with that as a basis for his alleged actions. I then looked into his past to try and get an idea of the kind of child he was.
As i looked through the evidence, the answer to my question became very clear.

A Naive Pedophile was SEXUALLY abused as a child (usually by another offender of the same category). As far as we know, Michael was NOT sexually abused.
Naive Pedophile's ALWAYS collect totems or "evidence" of their crimes and keep them in the same location, no matter what the circumstance. NO such evidence has been found.
Naive Pedophile's show abnormal psychological development as a child. This was NOT the case for Michael Jackson.

And the best evidence of the lot was, quite simply that these offenders would NOT allow any kind of contact in the presence of adults as they UNDERSTAND the taboo nature of their crime. This, again was NOT the case of Michael Jackson.

In fact, Michael's interviews that has destroyed him in the eyes of so many people... have actually vindicated him on this issue. Because even if my initial profile was wrong... NO Pedophile, of ANY category would EVER go on camera with their victim and ALLOW them to speak on their own behalf, let alone say that they slept in the same room or even HOLD HANDS on camera! Pedophile's are too smart for that and Michael's actions showed a blatant disregard for wrongdoings that no Pedophile would risk.

So my conclusion was simple, Michael could NOT have been a Pedophile. Even with the lack of direct evidence, the openness about his relationships with children prove that his mind was in fact, not in a heinous place at all.

Michael Jackson was NOT a Naive Pedophile... i simply think he was Naive full stop. He had a good heart, but he was Naive to think that people would take anything he said on board at all... it's a sad, sad truth to one of the greatest people who ever walked this earth.
Thanks, Larry for posting your Thesis on this matter. It's very interesting and it looks like you put a lot of thought, evidence and concern into your study to come to that conclusion. ( The right conclusion ) :)
Nice read, I'm going to sixth form and studying psychology as an A level (and hoping to study it in Uni too!) so I was very interested to read this.
Because even if my initial profile was wrong... NO Pedophile, of ANY category would EVER go on camera with their victim and ALLOW them to speak on their own behalf, let alone say that they slept in the same room or even HOLD HANDS on camera!
I think this is the key, a real paedophile would be more discreet about their relationships with the victims and wouldn't be open about it. Michael, on the other hand, clearly saw nothing wrong whatsoever with his relationship (and rightly so!) because there was no crime involved. One could argue that this was because he didn't see sexual relations with children as wrong... But I also know this cannot be the case as he has spoken about paedophilia negatively. He agrees and knows it's wrong and also understands how it would hurt a child.

That right there was the deal breaker for me. We know Michael could never stand hurting a fellow innocent creature; there was even a time when he stopped a show to save a bug from being stepped on! Poor Mike was just a victim of the ever-hungry tabloid media who don't care about who they crush as long as they get their money (plus the parents who bullied their kids into falsely accusing him to get cash). What saddens me the most is that it's actually believed by some.
Nice read, I'm going to sixth form and studying psychology as an A level (and hoping to study it in Uni too!) so I was very interested to read this.

I think this is the key, a real paedophile would be more discreet about their relationships with the victims and wouldn't be open about it. Michael, on the other hand, clearly saw nothing wrong whatsoever with his relationship (and rightly so!) because there was no crime involved. One could argue that this was because he didn't see sexual relations with children as wrong... But I also know this cannot be the case as he has spoken about paedophilia negatively. He agrees and knows it's wrong and also understands how it would hurt a child.

That right there was the deal breaker for me. We know Michael could never stand hurting a fellow innocent creature; there was even a time when he stopped a show to save a bug from being stepped on! Poor Mike was just a victim of the ever-hungry tabloid media who don't care about who they crush as long as they get their money (plus the parents who bullied their kids into falsely accusing him to get cash). What saddens me the most is that it's actually believed by some.

Thats the same conclusion i came to. A Pedophile KNOWS the implications of their actions becoming public knowledge and thats why on top of everything else, thats the biggest evidence in his support that i have
For me, what makes it impossible to even listen to any pedophilia claims is how in tune to suffering he was. He was in no way aloof to what might cause suffering to someone, and he was especially in tune to children.

I'm really interested in trying to better understand Michael and his way of thinking.. I think more people should try to be like him.. I'd love to be as purely selfless as him.

"When meeting or even around Michael, there was certainly an aura. It was quite incredible. And it wasn't just when meeting him, it often continued afterwards too. I distinctly remember after a meeting with him in Tenerife, I just had this tremendous sense of love for everyone. I just wanted to love people. Michael hadn't spoken directly about this to me, but it was almost as if that aura around him had somehow rubbed off on me, if that makes sense? " -

For your study, what I might suggest to change is referring to the pedophile's spouse as a wife, or to their sexual partners as women, since pedophiles can be women, and they can also be gay.
Now was the moment i anticipated and dreaded at the same time, i had to ask myself to look at all the evidence and decide whether or not MJ was a pedophile, using the techniques i have learned.

I don't think anyone can base a verdict of guilty or not guilty on an analysis like this. I think psychoanalyzis can have its place in some criminal cases but it has to be considered together with all the other evidence, testimonies and circumstances.

I think these categories are only useful to categorize a pedophile AFTER it's been established based on other, less subjective EVIDENCE that he is indeed a pedophile. Alone based on these kind of descriptions no one can be declared a pedophile, nor anyone can be declared innocent of being one. I mean a lot of people can be loners, socially awkward, considered strange by others etc - but that does not make them more suspect of being pedophiles. A lot of non pedophiles have many of the characteristics listed above. And also there may be pedophiles who would not fit in any of those textbook categories.

So when deciding if Michael was guilty or not I would stick to more factual evidence than psychoanalysis. I meant no offense, so I hope it would not be taken as such, I just find this kind of amateur psychoanalysis always very problematic and to be honest very subjective.

By the way, Tom Mesereau made a point in his closing argument about the fact that the prosecution never put a pedophila expert on the stand and that you have to ask yourself why...
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Thanks for the information I did take the time to read it and concluded too Michael did not fit into any of the categories. His innocence was so childlike and too many either thought he was guilty or weird. What a heart he had I just wish people could see him as we did pure at heart. I didn't say he did no wrong or even said things that may have made some feel uncomfortable. But Michael hardly wanted to even step on a bug.
I agree with your analysis, however I think it's kind of dangerous territory to pigeon hole pedophiles into different categories because human behavior is very individual and personal. Like Respect77 said above, anyone could fit into those categories, but not be a pedophile. But that's the nature of psychology I suppose, to categorize things, and it's more subjective. I definitely agree though that looking at Michael's behavior from that psychological lens, having his "victims" on camera is a good argument for his innocence as a pedophile wouldn't risk doing that.

But I don't think it's really the strongest way to defend Michael's innocence as proven facts are.
For me, what makes it impossible to even listen to any pedophilia claims is how in tune to suffering he was. He was in no way aloof to what might cause suffering to someone, and he was especially in tune to children.

I'm really interested in trying to better understand Michael and his way of thinking.. I think more people should try to be like him.. I'd love to be as purely selfless as him.

"When meeting or even around Michael, there was certainly an aura. It was quite incredible. And it wasn't just when meeting him, it often continued afterwards too. I distinctly remember after a meeting with him in Tenerife, I just had this tremendous sense of love for everyone. I just wanted to love people. Michael hadn't spoken directly about this to me, but it was almost as if that aura around him had somehow rubbed off on me, if that makes sense? " -

For your study, what I might suggest to change is referring to the pedophile's spouse as a wife, or to their sexual partners as women, since pedophiles can be women, and they can also be gay.

Although this CAN be true, it generally isn't. The statistic is hugely biased. A massive 96% of Pedophiles are male. Of those 98% are white and around half of that are married. Its extremely rare to find women pedophiles or gay pedophiles. In fact it's so rare, that finding cases about such people are hard to do. There are more Women Pedophile's then gay pedophiles... but the number is obscenely small by comparison.
To those pointing out the subjectiveness of the categories. People ARE indeed individual, but Pedophilia is a tendency that has traits, these traits can be categorized. And while it maybe true that people who are not pedophiles, but are socially aloof for example, may show similar tendencies (and they do), these markers shouldnt be used to judge everyone you meet, they are used by a psychologist to determine IF someone who's been accused of pedophilia could be a pedophile and if so how this knowledge can aid in finding actual EVIDENCE. You cant have just an analysis and no evidence, but you also need the analysis ontop of the evidence, because with things like this, you need to be as accurate as you can about the person.