Was I in the wrong for cussing her out? :


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
So, on a certain Website, there was tension between me and an Admin. I was being ragged and dragged, and I saw that she was an Admin. I asked her for help and she threatened to ban ME. I was confused and stunned. Even other Posters were like,"That's REALLY fuced up that the Admin threatened to ban the VICTIM who was being ragged and dragged and asked her for help!

There was a thread about a guy who said he saw someone win a Jackpot in a Casino. The guy said something like,"This guy pulled out his Player's Club Card and offered me to split $4000 with him if I switched seats with him and claimed I was the Winner, not him and filled out paperwork. We made the switch and the Casino Staff came by and I gave my personal information, got paid, and gave him $2,000 when the Casino Staff left. I am now wondering if I should have declined to claim I was the Winner, because it is a bit shady this complete Stranger offered me $2,000 to claim I was the Winner of his Jackpot. Why would he not want his entire $4,000?"

Another Poster responded something like,"He could owe $4,000 in Alimony. I don't even know what Alimony is, but it sounds awful."

I(Karice) responded,"Alimony is something you pay your ex spouse after Divorce. I've always hated the idea of Alimony. Why should I have to financially support another ADULT I am no longer legally or blood binded to anymore? Especially if the reason for the Divorce in the first place is because my ex Spouse cheated on me? So I have to pay someone who cheated on me? No, just no!"

Another Person responded something like,"My Friend's ex wife cheated on him and he didn't get a Prenup before marriage, so they divorced, and half of every paycheck goes to pay Alimony for her. Sad really." I (Karice) responded,"Alimony sucks! It should be outlawed!"

The Admin soon said something like,"You have hijacked this thread by mentioning Alimony. This thread is about a guy trying to hide the fact that HE won a Jackpot, and asked a complete Stranger to claim the Jackpot for $2,000. It has nothing to do with Alimony. You have received a Two Week Suspension for hijacking." I honestly thought she was talking about one of the People who brought up Alimony first, but I was confused and stunned she was talking about ME. She even did the dastardly thing and quoted only MY responses, unfairly making it look like I brought up Alimony out of the blue.

One particular Poster said something like,"Karice didn't hijack anything. She was responding to Posters who brought up Alimony first. You've done worse. You seriously need to reinstate Karice and give her a full apology for this unfair Two Week Suspension you imposed on her when she did absolutely nothing wrong."

Other Posters stood up for me after him saying something like,"This is one of the most unfair Suspensions I have ever seen. Karice didn't deserve this at all. She was responding to Posters who brought up Alimony first."

The Admin still made me serve the unfair Two Week Suspension for the Alimony thing when I didn't hijack anything. I was responding to Posters who brought it up first. I'm still pissed off to this day about that! šŸ¤¬šŸ˜”

After I was reinstated two weeks later for this unfair Two Week Suspension, Posters were like,"Karice is a stronger Poster than I would have been. I would have left permanently on my own after that unfair Two Week Suspension."

This Admin harassed and insulted me for three years, while I politely smiled. She continued to look the other way while I was ragged and dragged by other Posters. One day, she unfairly accused me of hijacking a thread again, and I cussed her out, telling her I was sick of her harassing me and insulting me while I smiled politely when I really wanted to cuss her out. I called her every single cussword I could think of, even the C Word. I was expecting a one month Suspension for cussing her out Poster was like,"You really should delete this post quick, but even he was like,"No , actually, Karice is right. The Admin is completely and unfairly mean to her and gets no consequences for being unfairly and completely mean to her. " Many other Posters agreed with the guy's post st pointing out how unfairly and completely mean the Admin was to me.

The Admin PERMANENTLY banned me even after I apologized multiple times on connected Websites. I apologized because I wanted to be reinstated, not because I was genuinely sorry for cussing her out. She was a Bitch to me and deserved that cussing rant I gave her. Treat someone like a punching bag for three years, and don't be surprised when you get at least a punch right back.

Was I wrong to cuss her out? I feel she deserved it. She pushed me for three years while I smiled politely before finally going off on her in a well deserved cussing rant.