William Wagener Slanders David Walgren (Prosecutor in Murray trial)


Proud Member
Aug 22, 2007
Michigan USA
This really upsets me that he would stoop so low :( I really look up to and admire David Walgren

This is a reply to someone in the last few days by William Wagener - ( a reply under one of his youtube vids ) he is calling into question the integrity of David Walgren , the Judge and whole court system that took Murray down. I wish fans would address this intelligently. He is misleading MJ fans to promote his own stale internet conspiracy agenda ... which IMO has nothing to do with the Truth or defending Michael's legacy. It is very disrespectful and slanderous toward David Walgren, who many of us admire and respect for his work in prosecuting Murray.

William did? you ever find out more about why the term "alleged" was use in the conviction of Murray? You seemed perplexed about that term at the time and I wondered if you have looked into it.?. ..Thanks for all you do, Michele

William Wagner's reply:
yes, it appears, two others were involved to in the murder of M.J. and the crooked Legal system knew it. David Walgren knew it. The police erased a lot of surveillance? tape to keep it secret. So "Alleged" was appropriate, because they knew C.M. was a willing fall guy, and they had to cut him a "deal" to get him to be the fall guy. Can't quite prove it by Biblical standards so I have been silent. But it explains why David suddenly got a full Judgeship and refused interview with me.


Here is the link to the video he made this comment under
I'm sorry but William Wagener sounds like a nut, in my opinion.

He must be spending time with various members of the Jackson family. Especially since he likes to use the words "Fall Guy," which as we know is a favorite amognst certain members of the Jackson family.

Also, Conrad The Murderer Murray did NOT cut any deal. He went to trial and was convicted by a jury.

It is also my opinion, unless you have concrete evidence as to your claims, you should remain silent until said evidence appears. I'm about tired of folks talking about this, that, and the other thing, without showing a shred of evidence. Enough Already!

P.S. Isn't he also trying to collect money from Michael Jackson fans in order to finance one of his plans? I wouldn't give him a dime, but that's just me.

Mr. Walgren probably refused Wagener's interview invitation, because he too knows that Wagener is a nut. LOL!
Some fans are following this guy and pin their hopes on him, because he's anti-Sneddon, but I never trusted him. Especially since he wanted to collect money from fans for a supposed MJ vindicating documentary. I always felt he is trying to use fans for his own purposes and own agenda. This just confirms my initial feelings about him.
While I appreciate that Wagner is trying to blow the lid off the behind-the-scenes crap that unfairly got Michael in trouble from 2003 through 2005, what he is doing to Walgren is terrible. Can't Walgren sue him for slander? This is just not right.
How can Wagener know that 2 more people were involved in the murder, unless he wasn´t involved himself.
Murray killed Michael and Wahlgren proved it.
Wagener is aligned with Tajj and their both going of the rails with their conspiracy nonsense.There totally preoccupied with their own agenda and taking advantage of fans.

Wagner put a video up a while back claiming that Zonen said some disparaging things about the DA's office........total lie. The transcipts were posted here and Mesereau's office said it was a lie too.

I also know for a fact that he was approached by a few production company's looking to possibly fund a documentary. He didn't even want to speak with them....rather collect money from fan's to fund his "charity project"

Ironically, the charity hasn't been given non-profit 501c3 clearance "yet" which speaks volumes.
I will help Wagener in his efforts to show the corruption of the Snedon case, but here Wagener is out of order and comes across as foolish, uninformed, and ignorant. The thing I noticed about him is that certain Jackson friends who are always around the Jacksons also hang around him, so it is no wonder he has this Jackson theory about the "others." He also gets upset when people do not give him the attention he thinks he deserves. I remember that at that Justice for Michael dinner, which he and TMez attended, he spoke about how he wanted to talk to TMez during the trial and TMez walked away. When he said it, you could see he was not pleased. TMez responded that during the trial he was focused and did not want to talk to ANY reporters. Likewise during the Muarry trial, Wagener became offended again when his phone went off and the judge got annoyed. Waegner also, has a mistrust of people in the prosecutor's office due to his experiences.

What his behavior tells me is that he is insecure; thinks he can bend the rules in Michael related situations because he supports Michael; has allowed the opinions of the Jacksons to cloud his judgment; he is uninformed about the facts in the Muarry case, probably because he went into trial with the Jackson nonsense still in his head; and when his ego is bruised he becomes childish and retaliates with negative words. We all know that Walgren had started the procedure to become a judge before the trial began.

Even TMez who I adore had some nonsense to say about the Jackson family saga mainly because TMez did not sit down and look at the facts/statements/tweets. Does that mean I will not support TMez, if Michael was alive and he had to defend him? No. Therefore, I will still look at what Wagener wants to do about recreating the trial, because that is a different thing that is not based on one's opinions. As we can see, Wagener's opinions can be flawed. It is supposed to be based on the actual transcripts. As long as it is true to the transcript, I will support it. Sometimes production companies offer to fund a project, but they can stipulate how they want the project to flow, what should be emphasized, etc., so more needs to be learned about whether companies offered to fund the project and the stipulations made.
I don't know what to say to this except there are a lot of good points here. I wish people would just take a step back and realize how their actions impact their cause and credibility.

I support how Mr. Walgren prosecuted the case and his appointment to judge. People have to understand that there are things that we do not know so we really don't have any valid input if we don't know all the facts. We only have our opinion. Mr Walgen had facts. So WW needs to understand this.

Love and light,