Did MJ Find Love In The Dark (continued)

Hi again, Lorraine!!! (Ape, that wasn't meant fo you, I'm gonna stick with either Ape or Apers for you, with maybe an occasional "hey you" thrown in there) XP

Talking about all these names lately and what name is for who, and usernames that are used instead of real names, and all of that...well, it got me thinking about MJ and his dream girl.

I have just spent sometime looking for a post of Favoritetune's and the way FT worded something and I apologize for not being able to find it, and therefore probably getting his wording not perfect, but I believe he was saying something having to do with...

MJ having a dream girl who he prayed for to God and God made her for him.

Now that isn't the way I see how a Love so Divine would necessarily work, personally, but let's stay with this...it's been discussed before in here and it's a good theory.

So I'm staying with this idea that she starts off to MJ not being "real"... she's come to him either in a dream or in his head, but she is very real to him and he believes God can make her fo him. In other words, she's somewhere out there becoming the woman of his dreams, by God's hand.

It seems then she does not have a name yet....to MJ anyway. She's not a real person yet. He hasn't met her yet. So back to names...I am wondering if MJ assigned her a name. Or even if he eventually did see her or meet her, he used always a code name for her. He is very protective, and in the beginning lyrics we mentioned from SPYHO he says he never tries to talk about, he only thinks about it, because he knew no one would receive what he's sayin' (cause she's a dream girl) and sooo...he would protect her and his dream by always using a made up name for her, so no one would know what's really up.

You know, like in High School someone might have a crush on a movie star or a boy in school, and when you have a crush you think about them all the time, right? And it is too hard to resist writing that name all over your notenbook while in class. But if you write out the name of your hidden crush everywhere or anywhere, you're at risk at having the kids who sit next to you see, or even a sibling at a later time when maybe you toss your notebook on the kitchen counter...can't have that...you're not that big of a fool, so if you use a code name...you can write the name all you want, no one can figure out who you are talkng about and it's you're own little private joke. Do you know what I mean?

Could MJ have come up with his own code name for the secret love in his heart? Did he assign her a name of his choice? And if he ever said the name in whatever context, did people say, "Who are you talking about" and he'd say simply, "Oh someone..."

And Ash, btw, I did enjoy the film, Hugo. :) Thanks for asking. :)
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ASHTANGA...I think you're bringing a PARTY in here! :jump:

~ ~ Par-teh, Par-teh... Par-teh in the LITD thread!~ ~ :punk:

:holiday: *throws confetti* :holiday:


Could MJ have come up with his own code name for the secret love in his heart? Did he assign her a name of his choice? And if he ever said the name in whatever context, did people say, "Who are you talking about" and he'd say simply, "Oh someone..."

Certainly he did this and spoke in code (which only he knew) with the other people... thousands of times. I once said here that after what I saw and heard after June 25, which I feel is that Michael never showed himself completely for others. -_- One part about himself and only he knew, no one else. I'm sure he did not share many things (very private) about yourself to others. It was only with him. It is a fact, people in this world NEVER talk all about itself to others. Why Michael would be different? :shifty:

So one can never say you know everything about someone, why you do not actually know... Something or many things remain hidden and only the person knows, nobody else. People never reveal everything about itself to others. One part has to remain very private. :fortuneteller: :shifty: Or not???? :thinking: Maybe I've said a lot of bullshit? :p :fear:

And Ash, btw, I did enjoy the film, Hugo. :) Thanks for asking. :)


Me too! :D
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Peek-a-boo, everybody!! LOL!!

I had a heck of a time trying to log back in, but the time period that I was unable to log in ended up being used for some stuff that was pretty unexpected. It all worked out though! Sooooo glad I had posted the things that God had revealed to me about Murray's trial before I had trouble logging back in. God is SO amazing as I will later show you all with what God pointed out pertaining to Murray's trial.

Any whooooo. Nice to see you guys again!

qbee, thanks again for your help getting logged back in! *Muuuuuah*:flowers:
i'm still lost and still don't understand this thread i reading some comments i don't know if i am right but i see some MJ tea in this thread??? and all that popcorn looks good i will be back to bring you all some good old bake chicken mac N cheese etc
thetruthbetold...I think there is some MJ tea goin' on here. :)

Yay! AllForMJ! :clapping: So good to see you in here! And qbee...thanks for helping our fearless leader to be able to return to us!

I just wanted to clarify what I was meaning about why I was thinking 'A Love So Divine" might mean something other than MJ praying to God for a certain type of dream girl and then God because of the prayers started making "her" for MJ.

It's just that I believe that it could be more possible that if there are two people that are meant to be together in a divine way, then God before the beginning of time "wrote it in heaven" sort of speak, before either of the two were even born. You know the saying "A match made in heaven", somehting like that. God's word says He knew us before we are even born.

So I am thinking it isn't that MJ would have started asking God for her and God said, "Oh, okay, since you've asked so nicely...you've talked me into it, I'll put in your order and make her for you." haha. Instead, I believe, He already planned outside of time to give her to him and was waiting for MJ to pray "aligned with His will or purposes." In other words, MJ would be praying for the very thing God wants to give him anyway and always meant to. Sometimes God waits on the timing, but also waits to see if we will persevere and keep praying, and praying without giving up for something, in faith...so He can show us our faith level (He doesn't need to be shown it, He wnts ot show us...He already knows our faith level, at any given time).

This is how it works with our "desires of our hearts" because the Bible says God is the one who gives us the desires of hearts in the first place.

So no matter what the desire of the heart is, it works the same in the acting out of our faith through persistence in prayer. In MJ"s case, as we are discussing in here, it would be for "a love so divine" for someone else it may be something else totally different. If you have a desire in your heart about something, something that has real meaning to you, keep going to God about it and keep asking!

If God knows ahead of time the number of days we will be here on earth, and He knew that before we even breathed our first breath, than he would know before MJ and the LITD girl were born that He woud bring them together. He decided it, and destined it. It's written in heaven.

And we have hoped that God did in some way, on some level, bring them together, before MJ passed away.

~ now I can take that break, happily, and let AllForMJ direct her thread. :D I feel relief! Thank you, Lord!
Yeah basically saying the same thing over a few times in different ways with another perspective. I can't see it being so much that God heard his prayers and whipped up a batch of woman for MJ, specific to his requests...lol. Time is what we get so caught up in here. It's hard to wrap my head around it once I get thinking about it though... ok phone is ringing, ill get back to this
Regardless of who the baby was, to get back on track...

what I believe SoS's point was...is considering that Michael is one who would be thrilled about another baby to have and to love, once learning one was on its way, he would understandably walk around noticably happy. And SoS, I believe, was responding to the post of AllForMJ's that Favoritetune just reposted, where AllForMJ says this:

A coming-soon-baby, and after the arrival of said baby, might be another, or perhaps the only and true, reason MJ was seeming to glow in 2002.

Is that all you were trying to point out SoS?
Its hardly a mystery. He even told Bashir he had a relationship with his baby's mother.

just saying...its fairly obvious why MJ was beaming in 2002
:wild: You mean AllForMJ and the rest of the old school gang are really starting to return? I should do more of calling those things that are not as though they were!

Speaking of God, I have to tell you that He sure knows what we need and how to make us feel better. And He has quite the sense of humor, too! As you all know, I have been waking up with certain tunes in my head, and some may have pertained to this thread. Well, one morning I woke up with a very strange tune in my head that I think was meant especially for me from God Himself to make me smile. Now, I may be dating myself here, but it was actually the theme song from The Mary Tyler Moore Show! As funny as it may seem, it really did make me feel better - so much so that I would like to dedicate it to all of you ladies here in this forum (including you lurkers) because I feel that you are all so very special (not that you guys in here aren't special, but you must understand that us women sure take a beating by society and it can really bruise our self-esteem). All you younger girls probably don't remember that show, but I'm sure you will still appreciate the tune. ( I just wish I could've done that cool hat toss she does at the end!)

So ...

Ladies of the LITD thread ... this one's for you!


Who can turn the world on with her smile?
Who can take a nothing day, and suddenly make it all seem worthwhile?
Well it's you girl, and you should know it
With each glance and every little movement you show it

Love is all around, no need to waste it
You can have a town, why don't you take it
You're gonna make it after all
You're gonna make it after all

How will you make it on your own?
This world is awfully big, girl this time you're all alone
But it's time you started living
It's time you let someone else do some giving

Love is all around, no need to waste it
You can have a town, why don't you take it
You're gonna make it after all
You're gonna make it after all
Okay, did I really see AllforMJ? YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I gotta go right now but I couldn't not show my excitement that you stopped in AllforMJ. Looking forward to reading your posts! im gonna write some soon ladies. Read some nice posts

edit here
Love your peekaboo and waiting for a peek at your next post.

AllForMJ;3616921 said:
Peek-a-boo, everybody!! LOL!!

I had a heck of a time trying to log back in, but the time period that I was unable to log in ended up being used for some stuff that was pretty unexpected. It all worked out though! Sooooo glad I had posted the things that God had revealed to me about Murray's trial before I had trouble logging back in. God is SO amazing as I will later show you all with what God pointed out pertaining to Murray's trial.

Any whooooo. Nice to see you guys again!

qbee, thanks again for your help getting logged back in! *Muuuuuah*:flowers:

Hey Ape this was deep
"We sat and listened to the songs he’d recorded for Invincible. We still had to decide which would make the album and which would not. That night, I wanted to listen to “You Rock My World,” but Michael said, “Please, we are going to listen to that song all day tomorrow. Let’s not listen to it now.”

As we played various tracks that night, Michael said, “People will not understand this album right now. It’s ahead of its time. But trust me, Frank, ten years from now they will understand and the album will live on forever.”

Neither of us suspected that ten years later he wouldn’t be around to see if his prediction came true. But I believed in the timelessness of his music, believed that all of his albums—Off the Wall, Thriller, Bad, Dangerous, HIStory, Invincible —would live forever. I believed it then, and I believe it now. -Frank Cascio's book"

I find a lot of meaning in those words.

Lisha, There's a scripture that says God know what we have need of even before we ask but then it tells us to ask. I think when we pray for God's will then we get break throughs and when i say mj likely prayed for this girl i think God was working on her to be what He God wanted her to be and God already knew who HE intended to be in mjs life. I think what I was saying is that God is alsways fixing His people up to be what He created and its a constant work i think.

Wasn't feeling so well last time i stopped in but had to leave you ladies a hello and yes Ash 800 pages! That's quite a lot of good reading in here.
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Hi everyone! I've always been confused with this thread! What is it about exactly? Are you all analysing MJ's lyrics? Well I will definitely have a read and try and find out!

I've decided I'm going to analyse MJ's songs and lyrics myself. I've posted the first one here:

It's a detailed analysis of Someone Put Your Hand Out-

I would love love love all of your opinions of the song too...you all seem very talented!
Oh boy i can see theres a lot of catching up to do on this thread but i think i will do it tomorrow as it is getting late here
Hello everyone new and old from here :) .

Stranger, it is a little of everything in here. I'm off to read your thread soon.

I was curious if anyone had anything to say about the Michael Album cover.

(P.S. Can anyone tell me what my signature is from??? It's my little contest for everyone. First one to guess WINS a Fabulous prize of bragging rights and smug satisfaction ;) ) NO CHEATING with searching the web.. I want to see if anyone actually recognizes it.
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i'm still lost and still don't understand this thread ...

Hi everyone! I've always been confused with this thread! What is it about exactly? Are you all analysing MJ's lyrics? ...

Basically, in a nutshell, it is a thread dedicated to investigating whether or not MJ may have possibly had a "love in the dark" by analyzing the lyrics in his love songs. The word "dark" basically means secret, although it could also be taken literally, as in the dark of night, according to some lyrics. Some say "dark" could also refer to the "dark" times in his life. The title of the thread was inspired by his song, "Someone in the Dark."

Ape, I had been wondering about your siggy. It does sound familiar, but I can't figure out where I have heard it before. I will not be able to cheat and search for it, so I guess I will lose! Funny, but at first I thought you were sending a message to your daughter who goes by the username, "bored" in reference to this thread! lol!
(P.S. Can anyone tell me what my signature is from??? It's my little contest for everyone. First one to guess WINS a Fabulous prize of bragging rights and smug satisfaction ;) ) NO CHEATING with searching the web.. I want to see if anyone actually recognizes it.
Ape, I had been wondering about your siggy. It does sound familiar, but I can't figure out where I have heard it before. I will not be able to cheat and search for it, so I guess I will lose!


Movie "Funny Girl":

:p :fear:
Ape;3618699 (P.S. Can anyone tell me what my signature is from??? It's my little contest for everyone. First one to guess WINS a Fabulous prize of bragging rights and smug satisfaction ;) ) NO CHEATING with searching the web.. I want to see if anyone actually recognizes it.[/QUOTE said:
I dont even see your signature on here...
Lisha, There's a scripture that says God know what we have need of even before we ask but then it tells us to ask. I think when we pray for God's will then we get break throughs and when i say mj likely prayed for this girl i think God was working on her to be what He God wanted her to be and God already knew who HE intended to be in mjs life. I think what I was saying is that God is alsways fixing His people up to be what He created and its a constant work i think.

I think this is very well put. I think you are so right that it takes constant work for us to become the people we should be (reminds me of that line from the song, "Put your hand in the hand of the man who stilled the water....")

And how magnificiently special it would be, I should think, if the LITD girl(if she exists) learned one day that for years MJ was praying for her to become the woman of God she was always intended by God for her to be. That's powerful. It would show that MJ not only loved her for her personality and her heart, as the Lord showed him, but that he was also the lover of her soul. I hope she was the lover of his soul as well.

And MP, those lyrics really do have a good message for us all. :)
This thread always amazes me. PS Hi to Lisha! Thanks for mentioning my name! :) Hi to everyone else as well!
it says my post is too short but it seems pretty long to me!
UOTE=MysteriousPhoenix;3618739]Basically, in a nutshell, it is a thread dedicated to investigating whether or not MJ may have possibly had a "love in the dark" by analyzing the lyrics in his love songs. The word "dark" basically means secret, although it could also be taken literally, as in the dark of night, according to some lyrics. Some say "dark" could also refer to the "dark" times in his life. The title of the thread was inspired by his song, "Someone in the Dark."

Ape, I had been wondering about your siggy. It does sound familiar, but I can't figure out where I have heard it before. I will not be able to cheat and search for it, so I guess I will lose! Funny, but at first I thought you were sending a message to your daughter who goes by the username, "bored" in reference to this thread! lol![/QU

i cant see what im writing cause im on a tablet & it doesnt work as well as a comouter. i was trying to ddo the multi quote too but messed that up. ill try to say what i wanted to say. Mp its ok. you dont seem like the bragging type anyways so the bragging rights would be wasted ;) you do get some brownie points for coming up with what you had regarding my daughter thiugh. i hadnt even thought of that. Ashtanga wins!,!!!!! i happened to be watching funny girl one night, all impressed with Barbra Streisand and she said that line and i loved it. shes so cute in the movie. beautiful too. so ithought id us it as a signature.

Movie "Funny Girl":

:p :fear:[/QUOTE]

I dont even see your signature on here...

Why not ? its typed underneath her post that you just quoted ? .. look again ;D

My dear friends..... :blushing: :heart:




I hope everyone has a blessed Easter :angel: :heart: and of course, that is also full of chocolates! :wild:



:hungry: :woohoo:

Ashtanga wins!,!!!!! i happened to be watching funny girl one night, all impressed with Barbra Streisand and she said that line and i loved it. shes so cute in the movie. beautiful too. so ithought id us it as a signature.


I also love this movie. I have the dvd! :wild:
Ah, Ape! That's where that quote is from. Good one! :clapping:

Isn't this the height of nonchalance...
Furnacing a bed in restaurants
A little generousity never hurt

Haha. I used to love to sing all the songs from Funny Girl. I really like that film! Thanks for posting that poster pic, Ape; yes, Barbra looked so attractive throughout that movie. Such pretty skin, I remember thinking. My favorite song to sing from that is when she's on the roller skates...I'd rather be blue, and my fav part of the song to sing:

Will I be good, will I be bad...don't be a fool, you fool.
Our little flat, I'm turning back into a Sunday school
While you're away, I'm here to say, they'll be no iceman there
Singin the blues, I'm gonna use, nothing but Frigidaire!

(Yes, I was singing it while I was typing...haha)

Cute bunny on that Easter picture, Ash. Thanks for the nice Easter Wishes and Blessings! :hug:

I was thinking about the song, SPYHO, and actually there is a good discussion now going on about it in another thread, which is nice..go check it out all. I was thinking about that line "someone put your hand out" and also remember in here quite a few lyrics having been brought up about "holding my hand" or "Hold my Hand" and we know how much it meant to MJ, for he said it himself, when some girl he liked grabbed his hand to hold it. It was "magic." :)

And I was thinking about how, if the LITD girl (if she exists) was kinda cut out of the same cloth as MJ, sort of speak, how she, like him, would have known deep and sad loneliness. :( And probably the loneliness was around for many years. Maybe different things kept her busy, like different things kept MJ busy, but probably she kept coming back to the thought, "Is there really anyone in this world for me?"

Today a certain song kept coming into my head. it's one that touches me very deeply, and I had forgotten about it for years, for it is a song I knew of as a child. This Christmas I rewatched "Mr. Magoo's A Christmas Carol." I remember liking all the little songs from it, but this time listening to them this one stood out...and it came to visit me today, I'm All Alone in the World



This line,

A hand for each hand was planned for the world why don't my fingers reach.

He can't seem to get his fingers to reach far enough to find the hand that fits his. Kind of sounds like what maybe the song SPYHO could be partially saying.

And these lines,

Where is a voice to answer mine back? Where are two shoes that click to my clack? I'm all alone in the world. :(

Did MJ first, a long time ago, try calling out within his spirit to her, but heard no reply? Did she try calling out to him that way, too? But the connection wasn't strong enough yet? If so, they must have continued to feel so lonely. Each, all alone in the world.

I thought of another film that made me think of MJ and the LITD girl, and that is Wall-E. It made me wonder if MJ was loving her for awhile without her getting that he was.

There is a part in Wall-E where Eve, who he calls E---va, where she becomes sort of "shut down" like as a computer she'd put in some type of slumber mode. So this makes Wall-E worried, but he never leaves her side. And even though she is unresponsive, in a way he woos her, but she can't see. And he takes care of her, never leaving her side. She has no idea, she has been unaware of him, his love, and what he has done for her.

Later in the film, she stumbles on film footage that shows all he did for her and his devotion, and the revelation finally comes to Eve what love is, sacrificial love really, and how Wall-E has shown this kind of love towards her. Could the LITD girl have had her day of revelation as well?

Also, all Wall-E has wanted from the first time he saw her, was to hold her hand. Here's that holding the hand theme again. He tries but she would have nothing to do with it. When she watched the footage, see also comes to understand why he wanted to hold her hand. In the end, it is Wall-E who is not himself, a little mal-function took place, and he now is unaware of her. But she takes his hand... (some Wall-E videos)



She finally put her hand out. :)

Another video catching some highlights of their journey towards each other...



Maybe it was quite a journey for MJ and his LITD girl before she finally took his hand. And if she couldn't do it literally, well one way we can figuratively take another's hand is by praying for them. It's a start, anyway. :) Maybe she started there.

One day maybe somehow MJ's fingers reached hers and she'd be able to change the words (and MJ, too) to that song I find so touching,

I'm -not- alone in the world!
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Thanks for the pictures. This chocolate Easter egg and sweets look so delicious!
aha, seems the tread is continueing. Some days ago I received some spam or scam love letter, it seems it was copied from some source in internet, translated into different languages by electronic translator and spread by a robot. It made me think if MJ ever wrote some love letters to his LITD girl except than in songs. Well, we should develop this thread, don't we?

Thought I saw you today
You were standing in the sun then you turned away
And I knew it couldn't be
But my heart believed
Oh it seems like there's something every day
How could you be so far away
When you're still here
When I need you you're not hard to find
You're still here
I can see you in my baby's eyes
And I laugh and cry
You're still here

I had a dream last night
That you came to me on silver wings
And I flew away with you on a painted sky
And I woke up wondering what was real
Is it what you see and touch or what you feel
'Cause you're still here
Oh you're everywhere we've ever been
You're still here

I heard you in a stranger's laugh
And I hung around to hear him laugh again
Just once again
Thought I saw you today
You were standing in the sun then you turned away
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AllForMJ? Are you out there still? :flowers:

It made me think if MJ ever wrote some love letters to his LITD girl except than in songs.
Hi Magicgirl! (I smile whenever I see your username, for when I was really little I made up a fantasy world that existed in the clouds! The queen of this realm had a daughter that me and my sister named Magic Girl. There were many characters that we made up and we would play pretend all the time being the different characters of my made-up place...even if we were at the beach playing in the waves. I might be Magic Girl and she'd be some other character and we'd stay in character the whole day. Haha. Wherever we'd go. Seems silly now, but Sweet Nostalgia. :) Why did you name yourself Magicgirl?).

So, Magicgirl, regarding a love letter...It seems like it would have maybe been too much of a risk. Wouldn't be good if the wrong person got a hold of something like that...worse, the Tabloids got a hold of it. Probably keeping his "love speak" within his songs was a safer route. Can you fathom how careful MJ had to constantly be? What a strain on someone. I have always felt for him in regards to this.

That was a great song choice. And it stays well with the whole "feeling one another" in a spiritual way idea. Which, while we are waitng for AllForMJ to post, I think I will take some time to talk about. It's this whole idea of they're having (MJ and his LITD girl, if she exists) a strong spiritual connection between each other.

~ This idea came up pretty early on in this thread, and to be honest, I had some major trouble with it. True, while in Rome do what the Romans are doing, could be said of me, for I have joined in all along with the discussion of these two individuals being able to sense and even "hear" each other, even though they are not exactly "in" each other's life. I had to agree the concept is totally romantic. And I cannot deny that several of his lyrics really do seem to be talking about this kind of thing going on. So I enjoy talking about it as a possibility even if the whole thing gave me personally a big pause.

The reason why I had such a big pause is because it was outside of my grid. I have not been able to support it as anything that God would actually do between two people. I cannot find an example of it in the Bible. And I had never heard of a personal account of it from anyone who I know is part of the family of God. In fact, if some "soulmate" of mine, if there was someone out there like that, tried to "talk with me" in the Spirit, and I started hearing some voice in my mind, I'd start "rebuking it!" or saying like Jesus did to Peter in the Bible, 'Get behind me Satan!" haha, because I would assume it couldn't be from God. Poor soulmate of mine, huh? haha, He'd have such a challenge! In other words, I'd be too closed to the concept to allow him access in that way, I should think.

So when this "theory" first came up, what over three years ago in this thread or something, I remember I asked God if it was something that He would do, to show me an example within His church body.

I had forgotten I had asked this. But, I just last week visited a prayer group at a church I had belonged to years ago. While I was sitting there amongst them, they were starting to pray for people in a particular country that God was given them a heart for, and the leader of the group told everyone to really try to listen in God's Spirit. He said if we would then the prayers would become one smooth continuous flow, from one prayer to another, as if one would hear what the other would say before they even pray it. And then he said, "You know it is possible to hear another "in the Spirit," not only through talking with audible words." And then he brought up an individual that I had been aware of through this church long ago who is extremely giftd in the prophetic.

This man's mother before she became pregnant was told she would never have a child for she was filled with cancer and she was going to die. But God showed her she would not die and would become pregnant and have a very special gifted boy that would be used by God in Prophetic ministry. And, of course, God did heal her completely and she had her son. And they had a tight bond always. She lived to in her 100's. But towards the end of her life, (we were told this part here by the prayer meeting's leader...) she came to be deaf and unable to talk. But she and her son God enabled to communicate with each other through the Spirit. Woah!

There was my example that I had needed way back when from God, but I had to wait for it. :)

MP has said in here before that because of Michael's unique situation and his strong faith in God where he could believe for the impossibe, that God could have decided to allow MJ to be able to spiritually connect with this girl MJ felt was his love so divine. MJ maybe could even have prayed to God, "if this is divine, then can you let me sense her, or see her with my spiritual eyes even though I don't know where she is and can't see her in the physical?" Maybe he asked God if MJ could "go be with her" at times, through his spirit.

The songs Speechless and You Are Not Alone really make me think of this as having happened with him. Look at some of the lyrics keeping this idea of a spiritual connection in mind:

Nothing's real, but all is possible if God is on my side

Though I'm with you I am far away and nothing is for real

When I'm with you I am in the light where I cannot be found
It's as though I am standing in the place called Hallowed Ground

^ The reason why these last two lines stand out to me is how they can tie in with these lyrics from YANA,

I can hear your prayers

Consider that when we pray to God we are entering His "throne room" in heaven, because when Jesus died on the cross, that which separated us from God and kept us from being able to intimately be "with Him", was removed, as figuratively illustrated through the curtain being torn in two that was separating the Holy of Holies, the inner room in the Temple, from access. But now, we can go boldly and freely to the throne room with our prayers, because Jesus made the way, and when we do, it is like we have entered the Holy of Holies, and therefore, when we pray we are on Holy Ground.

When we pray we may not "feel" in our spirits like we are entering Holy Ground, but if we are coming to God with a pure heart, we are.

So, if MJ could hear her prayers, like in YANA, he was being connected in the spirit with her while she was on Holy, or Hallowed, Ground. He joined her there. In the Spirit.

When their connection took place in this way it is like a rightside up triangle, with God at the top, and the two of them both connecting to God, while connecting also with each other. Can you picture that? Picture a triangle.

We have learned that when MJ worked with another song writer that he would often brief them on what he would like the subject matter to be within the lyrics. I think it is possible that he gave R. Kelly the premise for YANA as he having a sense and connection with a woman through the Spirit, even though she was far away and he could not be with her. I know it seems uncomfortable for us because YANA came about during his marriage to another woman, but there must have been such a strong pull for him towards the LITD girl, and since he felt this was happening due to the Divine, he believed it somehow could work out to be in line with what God was doing. He probably just kept handing it over to God, not fully understanding, but trusting.

So when did this spiritual connection begin? Some have felt it started not long after Someone in the Dark. Some think that Thriller era could be the starting point. Perhaps it was the Bad era, because lyrics in I Just Can't Stop Loving You, could point to two people hearing each other in the spirit. And now here I bring up YANA and 1995...or Speechless...2000, 2001? Obviously, it is hard to pin down. But it seems MJ had the kind of faith to believe if he had a Love So Divine that God could give him and that girl this special gift of communicating in and through God's Spirit.

I think I'm a believer now. I guess it really could be possible. What do you guys think? Do you have a grid for it?
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Thought I saw you today
You were standing in the sun then you turned away
And I knew it couldn't be
But my heart believed
Oh it seems like there's something every day
How could you be so far away
When you're still here
When I need you you're not hard to find
You're still here
I can see you in my baby's eyes
And I laugh and cry
You're still here

I had a dream last night
That you came to me on silver wings
And I flew away with you on a painted sky
And I woke up wondering what was real
Is it what you see and touch or what you feel
'Cause you're still here
Oh you're everywhere we've ever been
You're still here

I heard you in a stranger's laugh
And I hung around to hear him laugh again
Just once again
Thought I saw you today
You were standing in the sun then you turned away

:cry: *big sigh*