Invincible appreciation thread


Proud Member
Nov 18, 2012
I've noticed on the forum everyone seems to talk about all of MJ's other albums but almost never about Invincible. I'd like to make this thread to show my appreciation and support for the extremely underrated album invincible. What is everyone fav song on it?
Yay! An Invincible thread.

Now all we need is for the News to have some stories about Trump or Brexit and my life is complete.
My fav song from the album is the lost children

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I've noticed on the forum everyone seems to talk about all of MJ's other albums but almost never about Invincible. I'd like to make this thread to show my appreciation and support for the extremely underrated album invincible. What is everyone fav song on it?

You surely win a prize as I think this is the one-millionth Invincible thread! Ding ding ding ding ding ding!!!!
Phew! It's been a whole ten minutes since we've had another Invincible thread. I was getting worried for a second
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I've noticed on the forum everyone seems to talk about all of MJ's other albums but almost never about Invincible. I'd like to make this thread to show my appreciation and support for the extremely underrated album invincible. What is everyone fav song on it?
Heehee Genius! :lol:

Between Break of Dawn and Speechless. Love Unbreakable also.
I don't really like to discuss this album, I prefer to keep my opinions to myself. I'm shy like that.
We have encouraged you time and again to open up about this deeply private and personal album you keep bottled up inside like a vault. It's unhealthy Matty. We're here to listen.
Ran into this thread like

However, I don't really think I can choose one fave song from Invincible .
I love them all for different reasons.
Heartbreaker, Break Of Dawn, and 2000 Watts are a few of my absolute faves from the album tho.
The older I get, the more I see my favourite artists catalogues as just one long continuous piece of music, just split into different chapters. Especially with an artist like MJ, who very much had his own sound. I mean, nobody else could get away with a song like The Lost Children or Speechless. Those are Michael Jackson songs through and through. And those songs could've been on HIStory or Dangerous and they'd have fit right in. Same with Unbreakable or Whatever Happens.

Too much focus is put on pitting albums against eachother and the only thing that suceeds in doing is limiting your own enjoyment of an artists work.

To me, YRMW is a natural continuation from a song like RTT. Songs like Break of Dawn and Butterflies are from the same school of classy soul as Human Nature and Lady In My Life. The opening three Darkchild cuts are like a modern 00s take on the hard-hitting NJS songs which occupy the first half of Dangerous. Speechless belongs in the canon of great, orchestral, almost showtune-esque MJ ballads along with Childhood and She's Out Of My Life.

This is how I see MJ's work these days. It's not about "this is an Invincible song, this is a Thriller song." They're all just Michael Jackson songs to me. Some I enjoy more than others, but take away the shortfilms and try and detach yourself from the nostalgia and I think you'll find that Invincible has just as many worthy additions to MJ's catalogue as any of his other albums.
I hear ya! I don't actually have a favorite MJ album, I don't even have a favorite MJ song but the 6 albums and BOTDF all have wonderful memories and come with eras that matched their brilliance. After hearing Invincible on MOV I do now hold it in much the same regard. MJ's albums were always sonically unlike anything else I ever heard, even Bad, as 80's and as dated as it sounds, in 87 much of its appeal was its innovate sonics.

Mastering and mixing each track so all the different layers come to life is part of what made them so incredible to me. I do now feel that the work was put in in the studio but the rushed mastering, the loudness from the translation to digital disc diminished the aural quality. Quincy took his time mixing, Dangerous and HIStory are also mixed to the point where it's an art form within itself.

Of course structerally, melodically I know what makes a good tune but MJ always went beyond it. Invincible is brick walled and most won't even know this unless a proper remaster were to happen. Regardless of all of this, and removing nostalgia and lifelong memories I do now feel most of the material on Invincible is as good as past albums.
|I've noticed on the forum everyone seems to talk about all of MJ's other albums but almost never about Invincible.I'd like to make this thread to show my appreciation and support for the extremely underrated album invincible. What is everyone fav song on it?

You're new here right?
I think Invincible was ahead of its time...

When Invincible was release it didn't get a very good welcome by critics. - Had Invincible been released in 2009 before MJ died - or 2016 had MJ still lived - I think it would have been a different story. Much music released 2010-2017 has the sound Vince has. - MJ was just ahead of his time some how...

I hope you get what I mean, I can't explain it really. But Invincible sure is a great album - and it has some of the best outtakes of all albums. - So it really shows MJ was not finished at all. He was still able to write songs like before, sing and produce and all.
Invincible is a good album that I loved and still love to this day ??.
While I am listening to it, I don't immediately think I am listening to an album released in the early 2000s, except for maybe one or two songs (2000 watts and Heartbreaker) ; I definitely think this album is ahead of its time. "Unbreakable", "Break of Dawn", "You Rock My World" or "Whatever Happens" could have been released today and most people would have enjoyed them.

Edit : Didn't Michael had coproduced some songs of this album, too ? The songs Darkchild produced for Invincible don't sound exactly like the songs he produced for other artists such as Whitney Houston or Destiny's Child.
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The melody for The Lost Children really gets stuck in your head. Out of all the ballads on the album, I think that's the most catchy
I really didn't care for the rap parts on Unbreakable, Heartbreaker and Invincible. I wish they were cut out to be honest
I can't believe that made the album, but Xscape and We've Had Enough didn't.

Yes indeed. It makes no sense that anyone would here those three songs and choose Privacy.

Actually I've just remembered that I hate Don't Walk Away more than Privacy!
Yeah I know....see post above ;)


What? WHAT?

I can't believe that made the album, but Xscape and We've Had Enough didn't.

That's what baffles me the most about Invincible. I don't know of any other album where so many outtakes are so greatly superior to the final album...

APWNN, Xscape, We've Had Enough, Hollywood Tonight, Another Day and that's just off the top of my head right now.
HIStoric; said:
That's what baffles me the most about Invincible. I don't know of any other album where so many outtakes are so greatly superior to the final album...

APWNN, Xscape, We've Had Enough, Hollywood Tonight, Another Day and that's just off the top of my head right now.

I know, I'm probably on my own here, but in terms of pure musical enjoyment, I rate Xscape massively better than Invincible.