Different years, similar pictures

If it weren't for vitiligo, the press wouldn't have hardly even noticed the minor changes from the Thriller era until about 2000 when he seemed to have one nose surgery too many and something happened to his lip. In 2002 it seemed he had his nose built back up slightly with cartilage. His nose was slightly more up-turned in this era and the bridge slightly thinner, but that's about all.

There were slight changes, but biggest change, as has been stated and proven in this thread was vitiligo. That, makeup, hair and eyebrow shaping.

Small changes, some to do with age. Nothing drastic AT ALL!
"Tons" of plastic surgery, YEAH RIGHT!
I just see his nose which had to be reconstructed (reconstructive surgery and plastic surgery aren't the same thing) because lupus destroyed its tissue over time and the dimple in his chin.

Small changes, some to do with age. Nothing drastic AT ALL!

is that really age...or intimidating ultimate hollywood gary cooper hollywood chisel to go with the fountain of youth? this may have threatened a lot of men..(in fact, i'm sure of it) but Michael seemed to be touched by God, to where, what was reported as devastating negatives were fairy dusted into magical surpluses, that were unprecedented. much like anything Michael..the otherworldliness, yet very earthly combo was too threatening for some to face in the way of formulating in the way of words.
As people have said, the biggest change is his skin due to Vitiligo. However I am still sceptical about his lips, there was something done towards the late 90's which I can't put my finger on. Before 1998/1999 he would smile and show all of his top teeth, after that his lips (or just his top lip) did appear different and he would smile and only show the bottom part of his top set of teeth.

Don't wan't to speculate as to why that is but there is something there. Also seems like he had his eyebrows and lips tattooed which I think was stated in the autopsy report.

We know about the dimple in his chin and as far as his nose is concerned I think it has been exaggerated. It's the same size in pictures with a difference of 20 or 25 years in this thread with minor changes.

Everything else is down to diet, vitiligo, make up and age.

The change is exaggerated a lot by the media, but I'm not going to say there isn't much change because that isn't true. It's a big difference in appearance for one person even considering that a lot of it isn't his fault. But again, massively exaggerated by the media.
...i still don't see it. i have to say..what shows up on other people, i just can't see on Michael.
I'd like to set the record straight right now.

I have never had my cheeks altered or my eyes altered. I have not had my lips thinned, nor have I had dermabrasion or a skin peel. All of these charges are ridiculous. If they were true, I would say so, but they aren't. I have had my nose altered twice and I recently added a cleft to my chin, but that is it. Period. I don't care what anyone else says, it's my face and I know.

I'm a vegetarian now and I'm so much thinner. I've been on a strict diet for years. I feel better than I ever have, healthier and more energetic. I don't understand why the press is so interested in speculating about my appearance anyway. What does my face have to do with my music or my dancing?

"...I can't help but pick up on some of the criticism leveled at me at times. Journalists seem willing to say anything to sell a paper. They say I've had my eyes widened, that I want to look more white. More white? What kind of statement is that? I didn't invent plastic surgery. It's been around for a long time. A lot of very fine, very nice people have had plastic surgery. No one writes about their surgery and levies such criticism at them. It's not fair. Most of what they print is fabrication. It's enough to make you ask, "What happened to truth. Did it go out of style?" ~Michael Jackson

It just so obvious to me that he only had his nose done, nothing else aside from some muscle relaxers in the early 2000's. This s non surgical, I can see it round his mouth because I am familiar with what this does. Many people do it, there is nothing wrong with it, I only think that actors should avoid it because it makes their faces less expressive and can affect their performances.
Oh and the chin, but I see no other differences.
The supposed "drastic" change (according to the media) between the Thriller and Bad era's...

All picture in this thread should be posted in a big media outlet somewhere.
i didn't know that this thread would still have success when I started it almost 2 years ago !!!
Thank you for sharing all those pictures