[Discussion] Sexual Abuse Claims Against MJ Estate - Robson/ Safechuck/ Doe

Re: [TMZ/CNN ] New child molestation claim by Wade Robson/ Estate Pg16 -#230 /Wades Atty Pg 28 -#40

To be honest I am not following TMez's logic at all and an allegation that AEG somehow put Wade Robson up to this feels like a real stretch.

I don't know. But in my opinion this new development has the potential of doing real, serious and lasting damage.
Re: [TMZ/CNN ] New child molestation claim by Wade Robson/ Estate Pg16 -#230 /Wades Atty Pg 28 -#40

elusive moonwalker said:
What connection does wade have to aeg other than being a chorographer (sp) on a tour that aeg promoted. thats hardly a major connection. he worked with alot of stars and in 99% of cases its gonna be a show promoted by either aeg or live nation. hes working for the artist not the promoter.

Lol, isn't that type of issue the subject of a lawsuit going on in la at the moment. Robson's last known job is for working with aeg live, the defendants in a multibillion lawsuit started by the family of the guy he's accusing. You might not see it as a connection worth mentioning, but others wd disagree. There is a massive question mark as to why robson has suddenly changed his previous 20 yr staunch defence of mj into an attack on him by claiming 7 yrs of sex abuse - just at the time of a huge lawsuit involving mj's reputation. Of course there are going to be connections made.
Re: [TMZ/CNN ] New child molestation claim by Wade Robson/ Estate Pg16 -#230 /Wades Atty Pg 28 -#40

Lol, isn't that type of issue the subject of a lawsuit going on in la at the moment. Robson's last known job is for working with aeg live, the defendants in a multibillion lawsuit started by the family of the guy he's accusing. You might not see it as a connection worth mentioning, but others wd disagree. There is a massive question mark as to why robson has suddenly changed his previous 20 yr staunch defence of mj into an attack on him by claiming 7 yrs of sex abuse - just at the time of a huge lawsuit involving mj's reputation. Of course there are going to be connections made.

Making the connection without evidence is a well-known logical fallacy. It has a Latin name [Post Hoc] but in English it is "After this, therefore because of this." You have 2 events and one happened before the other. Therefore you conclude b/c one thing happened before the other it is the cause of the other, but actually there is no causal connection other than time.

His last known job is working for AEG Live. He has now made allegations against MJ. Therefore, his allegations are because he worked for AEG. NO. not logical.

signed, Mr. Spock

Post hoc ergo propter hoc
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Post hoc ergo propter hoc, Latin for "after this, therefore because of this", is a logical fallacy (of the questionable cause variety) that states "Since that event followed this one, that event must have been caused by this one." It is often shortened to simply post hoc. It is subtly different from the fallacy cum hoc ergo propter hoc, in which two things or events occur simultaneously or the chronological ordering is insignificant or unknown, also referred to as false cause, coincidental correlation, or correlation not causation.
Post hoc is a particularly tempting error because temporal sequence appears to be integral to causality. The fallacy lies in coming to a conclusion based solely on the order of events, rather than taking into account other factors that might rule out the connection.

The form of the post hoc fallacy can be expressed as follows:
A occurred, then B occurred.
Therefore, A caused B.
When B is undesirable, this pattern is often extended in reverse: Avoiding A will prevent B.

From Attacking Faulty Reasoning by T. Edward Damer:[1]
"I can't help but think that you are the cause of this problem; we never had any problem with the furnace until you moved into the apartment." The manager of the apartment house, on no stated grounds other than the temporal priority of the new tenant's occupancy, has that the tenant's presence has some causal relationship to the furnace's becoming faulty.
From With Good Reason by S. Morris Engel:[2]
More and more young people are attending high schools and colleges today than ever before. Yet there is more juvenile delinquency and more alienation among the young. This makes it clear that these young people are being corrupted by their education.
Re: [TMZ/CNN ] New child molestation claim by Wade Robson/ Estate Pg16 -#230 /Wades Atty Pg 28 -#40

From Frank Cascio

Dementia has come at a early age for W.R.His false claims are sick&pathetic http://t.co/x7BvUuYw6v M.J was NOT a pedophile . Please let him R.I.P

A Tweet by @fdcascio
Re: [TMZ/ CNN ] New child molestation claim by Wade Robson/ Estate weighs in Pg16 - Pst#230

Wade was born in 1982, so according to their allegations MJ molested him between 1987 and 1994. So yeah, while he was dating LMP, while the Chandler allegations were ongoing and everything... Okkay...

Didn't Wade only move to the US in 1990 or somewhere around then?
Re: [TMZ/ CNN ] New child molestation claim by Wade Robson/ Estate weighs in Pg16 - Pst#230

Didn't Wade only move to the US in 1990 or somewhere around then?

I was wrong with the math (too tired). It's 1989-1996 they apparently claim the abuse happened.

So while the Chandler allegations were going on he did not stop abusing Wade? So while he was married to LMP he did not stop abusing Wade? So while he was planning to have his own family, own kids he did not stop abusing Wade?
Re: [TMZ/CNN ] New child molestation claim by Wade Robson/ Estate Pg16 -#230 /Wades Atty Pg 28 -#40

1993..2003..2013..seems like it's become a pathetic ritual every 10 years to accuse Michael of such filth..
Re: [TMZ/ CNN ] New child molestation claim by Wade Robson/ Estate weighs in Pg16 - Pst#230

Didn't Wade only move to the US in 1990 or somewhere around then?
According to Wikipedia they moved there when he was 9, which would therefore be in 91 or 92.
Re: [TMZ/CNN ] New child molestation claim by Wade Robson/ Estate Pg16 -#230 /Wades Atty Pg 28 -#40

I'm not going to lose sleep because of this nonsense because we all know what this is really about: MONEY.

Wade Robson hasn't been hot in recent years and got desperate. Like Alexander O'Neal sang: I found out something new, you're a fake, baby! You can't conceal it. If he needed money that bad, he could've gone on "Dancing With The Stars," or use his talents on other ventures. But, NO! He ain't nothing but a fake-ass chump.

In a way, I'm glad Michael doesn't have to deal with that anymore.
Re: [TMZ/ CNN ] New child molestation claim by Wade Robson/ Estate weighs in Pg16 - Pst#230

According to Wikipedia they moved there when he was 9, which would therefore be in 91 or 92.

I guess MJ first met them in Australia while on tour, so I think they will claim the first abuse happened then - during Bad Tour.
Re: [TMZ/CNN ] New child molestation claim by Wade Robson/ Estate Pg16 -#230 /Wades Atty Pg 28 -#40

If it's a case of repressed memory, how do we know Wade isn't a victim? There are lots of controversy linked to the repressed memory. We need to know how his psychiatrist worked, what was Wade original problems.

This can be one of the answers: he suffers from some mental or psychiatric problems because of his personal failures and simply can not deal with it..., is he clear? No drugs? No addictions?... I hope we will know soon.

Is it true that he no longer has his dance studio? Is it true that he has filed for bankruptcy? Is it true he is going through a divorce (very expensive in California)? You can't have much of a career going for yourself if the only iron in the fire you have is Demi Lovato (she's not touring stadiums around the world).
Re: [TMZ/CNN ] New child molestation claim by Wade Robson/ Estate Pg16 -#230 /Wades Atty Pg 28 -#40

If it's a case of repressed memory, how do we know Wade isn't a victim? There are lots of controversy linked to the repressed memory. We need to know how his psychiatrist worked, what was Wade original problems.
A victim of whom and what?
Re: [TMZ/CNN ] New child molestation claim by Wade Robson/ Estate Pg16 -#230 /Wades Atty Pg 28 -#40

Sad. I hope people see through his crap.
Re: [TMZ/CNN ] New child molestation claim by Wade Robson/ Estate Pg16 -#230 /Wades Atty Pg 28 -#40

A victim of whom and what?

The psychiatrist, there were lots of allegations during the eighties-nineties because of repressed memory.
Re: [TMZ/CNN ] New child molestation claim by Wade Robson/ Estate Pg16 -#230 /Wades Atty Pg 28 -#40

Michael was abused as a child. That scarred him for life. He said once to Oprah that his father scared him and he would even throw up if he saw him. He would never hurt a child or anybody. This guys lawyer is saying horrible things about Michael. His kids will see that. Michael treated people with love and respect and open his home to them. How can they do this to him and to his kids? All for money? I know some people will see through this but I also know there will be people who will believe it and that causes the damage.
Re: [TMZ/CNN ] New child molestation claim by Wade Robson/ Estate Pg16 -#230 /Wades Atty Pg 28 -#40

The best thing we can do now is point out the fakeness of the whole thing. Some may choose to believe it but then again those who still believe it are probably the type that believe anything.
Re: [TMZ/CNN ] New child molestation claim by Wade Robson/ Estate Pg16 -#230 /Wades Atty Pg 28 -#40

I see this as a good thing because it means that most people are seeing through his B.S and are sending him tons of hate messages and he can't handle that so he shuts his website down.

To be honest i'm really surprised by a lot of people's reactions to this. I was expecting most people to just automatically point the finger at Michael without thinking but for the most part that isn't happening this time.

It's true what you say. This morning I heard on the radio that this parasite was doing it for money, that's what most people are saying. It seems more people believe now the accusations were only to get money from Michael. And probably that has to do with the recordings presented in Conrad's trial, people had the opportunity to hear Michael talking with pure & innocent love & care for children.

Was Wade in contact with the Jacksons after Michael's death?
Re: [TMZ/CNN ] New child molestation claim by Wade Robson/ Estate Pg16 -#230 /Wades Atty Pg 28 -#40

That lawyer should be arrested for being a fool. Wade collapsed last year and 9 months ago he was giving verbal awards to Michael. I told you guys last night that these shake downers never remember to keep their story straight. They forget to dot all the i's and cross all the t's. They need to go & check back all the places Wade was too & make sure that the day they claim Wade collapsed, he was not at some public event. His hospital records better show he was not there for something else too. Now as we know you can get a lawyer to do anything, so obviously this one expects some big money. Did TMez ever go to the news to trash the kids in the case during or pre trial? NO, because he knew the truth will be more powerful. This attorney is a low life & will not see a penny.
Re: [TMZ/CNN ] New child molestation claim by Wade Robson/ Estate Pg16 -#230 /Wades Atty Pg 28 -#40

I seriously detest this dude. :no:

Stacy Brown ?@StacyBrownMed ia 12h
@muzikfactoryTWO heads up, there's another big molest story coming up.
Re: [TMZ/CNN ] New child molestation claim by Wade Robson/ Estate Pg16 -#230 /Wades Atty Pg 28 -#40

I'm hoping this bullshit ends up soon knowing money hungry, backstabber defended Michael for 20 years and now suddenly changes his mind saying the opposite "curiously" when he filed bankruptcy. How couldn't I see this on him? :doh:

Some friends are like shadows, you only see them when the sun shines. But my fans sustained me even in the dark days. I owe them everything. ~Michael Jackson

Re: [TMZ/CNN ] New child molestation claim by Wade Robson/ Estate Pg16 -#230 /Wades Atty Pg 28 -#40

There is another story coming?
Re: [TMZ/CNN ] New child molestation claim by Wade Robson/ Estate Pg16 -#230 /Wades Atty Pg 28 -#40

If Michael was still alive he would not survive this... SMH
Re: [TMZ/ CNN ] New child molestation claim by Wade Robson

This is all thanks to the Jackson family and this billion-dollar lawsuit against AEG. Call it a hunch, but something tells me we wouldn't be discussing Wade Robson right now if it weren't for this lawsuit.

Good job Jackson family. Michael's name is getting dragged through the mud yet again all in the name of money. Wasn't leaving Michael's integrity intact more important?? Obviously not.

You took the words right out of my mouth. It always comes down to money! Be it for the Jackson clan or less than scum like Robson. Money, money money . It makes me soooo sick!!! Ugggg this is so unreal- can't they leave Michael in peace????
Re: [TMZ/CNN ] New child molestation claim by Wade Robson/ Estate Pg16 -#230 /Wades Atty Pg 28 -#40

If Michael was still alive he would not survive this... SMH

No he wouldn't. I keep thinking about that.
Re: [TMZ/CNN ] New child molestation claim by Wade Robson/ Estate Pg16 -#230 /Wades Atty Pg 28 -#40

I seriously detest this dude. :no:

Stacy Brown ?@StacyBrownMed ia 12h
@muzikfactoryTWO heads up, there's another big molest story coming up.

What?? Another so-called victim? This is beyond ridiculous.:no:
Re: [TMZ/CNN ] New child molestation claim by Wade Robson/ Estate Pg16 -#230 /Wades Atty Pg 28 -#40

If there will be another there's no way this is not organized and orchestrated. Would be a bit too convenient for AEG too...

But since it's Stacy Brown I wouldn't take his words at face value. He tweeted this 12 hours ago and we haven't seen another allegation yet.
Re: [TMZ/CNN ] New child molestation claim by Wade Robson/ Estate Pg16 -#230 /Wades Atty Pg 28 -#40

If there will be another there's no way this is not organized and orchestrated. Would be a bit too convenient for AEG too...

But since it's Stacy Brown I wouldn't take his words at face value. He tweeted this 12 hours ago and we haven't seen another allegation yet.

Yeah, he's hardly a credible source. But if I wake up tomorrow and see TMZ breaking the story of another victim... it would almost be laughable (if it weren't so sad).