LMP on Oprah 21/10/10 All Discussion Here - UPDATE Video's Start On Page 63

Have you gained respect for Lisa after watching this interview? Do you forgive/understand her now?

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I believe the following statement to be truthful:

CHERUBIM, I do not know what happened to the rest of your post:

However,hat could be the case also. I do not think she needs therapy. She gave a reason about her father, and since I do not know if that is the real reason, I cannot suggest therapy. Also, I am not trained in that type of therapy.

There were too many comments in the media after Michael died linking Michael and Elvis' deaths. I do not know if Lisa knew about this and formulated rationals about her actions to fall into those comments.
Yes, I agree with you. She appears to have some difficulty in letting him go "Mentally," of course, because she physically walked away. I do not know if this difficulty is due to the fact that Michael was good in bed, she loves him more now, still angry with him, regret, wanting to tell him something but cannot, Michael was the most amazing person she met, or God knows what else. I guess only Lisa knows.

Well, I'm not surprise one iota she has difficulty letting him go "Mentally." We're talking Michael Joseph Jackson here! I can't let go of him mentally, and I didn't even have a one on one relationship with him. It's the MJ effect. He just does things to your head. Now if he had been doing them to my body, too. Lord, I don't know what i'd be like. Maybe like Lisa. Or Debbie. Or whatever fortunate person who got to get that close.

But with MJ, there doesn't even have to be anything physical involve.

The man was just literally MIND BLOWING!!!!!!!!!
Well, I'm not surprise one iota she has difficulty letting him go "Mentally." We're talking Michael Joseph Jackson here! I can't let go of him mentally, and I didn't even have a one on one relationship with him. It's the MJ effect. He just does things to your head. Now if he had been doing them to my body, too. Lord, I don't know what i'd be like. Maybe like Lisa. Or Debbie. Or whatever fortunate person who got to get that close.

But with MJ, there doesn't even have to be anything physical involve.

The man was just literally MIND BLOWING!!!!!!!!!

"intoxicating" royal Mikegasms for everyone! :cheers:

LMP hasn't exactly had an easy life, losing her father at a young age, the drugs, etc. But I do believe that she loved Michael dearly and did want what was right for him. What she has said on Oprah in the past yes I clearly was not thrilled about for obvious reasons. All I hope is that she can get some closure.
All I hope is that she can get some closure.

I want closure!!! :timer:To be honest i am not exactly sure what that means. I can understand why it is difficult for LMP. Missing Michael alllll the time...
I think when you have behaved the way LMP has behaved toward a former loved one, it's very difficult to get closure or forgive one self. To think about all the bs she was spewing for years, jumping from one talk show couch to the other, behaving like an immature 15 year old, despite being in her late 30s, it was just sad to see, her actions were and still are inexcusable, granted she was frustrated, even angry and mad, but still when relationships come to an end they rarely come to an amicable end, normally there is always hurt and anger involved, yet nobody takes it as far as she did. She has to live with her guilty conscious now, knowing full well that her b'tchy attidtude toward MJ was totally uncalled for. The things she does now and says do not matter anymore, Michael is gone forever, he has left this place b/c he was fed up of it, there is only this a man can take. And Michael had to bear more than enough during his lifetime. She needs to focus on those twins she has got now, everything's been said and done already there is no way going back. Like Stevie Wonder said, at least I know that I held to him, with that I can live, God forbid if I had flip flopped on him like she and many others did.
Well, I'm not surprise one iota she has difficulty letting him go "Mentally." We're talking Michael Joseph Jackson here! I can't let go of him mentally, and I didn't even have a one on one relationship with him. It's the MJ effect. He just does things to your head. Now if he had been doing them to my body, too. Lord, I don't know what i'd be like. Maybe like Lisa. Or Debbie. Or whatever fortunate person who got to get that close.

But with MJ, there doesn't even have to be anything physical involve.

The man was just literally MIND BLOWING!!!!!!!!!

That post--you are my new hero; it was Dip before, but you won me over!!!

TWINKLE, Your above post was excellent. There was too much hurtful comments being spread in the former interviews, which have left a lasting impression on our media. Further, this new interview has given the media much negative information to keep them happy for a few years. I shudder to think what would happen if most divorced couples behaved in this fashion. I can say though, that I am sorry for her hurt and hope this is the last "I want to spill my guts" interview.
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Has anyone read this today? Crazy Faye is at it again. Seems that all her e-mails where she speaks badly and ill of Lisa have leaked. Fans of Lisa and Michael are bringing this up to Karen on twitter. Because Karen epically fails at hiding her past and lies over the years, she blasts and blocks those who question her on twitter. I guess she doesn't want the image of Lisa and herself as BFF's to be tarnished. lol

I wonder all the crap she said about Lisa on facebook will be leaked soon?

I don't think Lisa would want anything to do with her and knows how unstable Karen is. I don't see Lisa defending Faye anywhere on Facebook or myspace. Anyway, didn't want to create a new thread since it's Lisa related and all, so here's the link

You fans are so funny but sweet just having a big laugh with some of you guys post especially the one by Diplomate..lol
I try not to judge anyone. We all have our 'opinions' about things.
I cried through watching this interview.
So many emotions.
When Lisa said that Michael was 'piddling' about the bedroom in wee small hours, unable to sleep- how sweet was that? :wub:
Could almost imagine it!
She also said that he was so dynamic, and he was intoxicating. If he let you 'in' if he let you see that side of him. :angel:
Read an interesting blog spot on LMP interview. Food for thought! One womans observations of it.
Will post the link to it. This is not my blog, just read it!
Will edit this post to include the link to the blogspot! :yes:
Sorry it appears that the blogspot I wanted to share has been deleted!!
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Has anyone read this today? Crazy Faye is at it again. Seems that all her e-mails where she speaks badly and ill of Lisa have leaked. Fans of Lisa and Michael are bringing this up to Karen on twitter. Because Karen epically fails at hiding her past and lies over the years, she blasts and blocks those who question her on twitter. I guess she doesn't want the image of Lisa and herself as BFF's to be tarnished. lol

I wonder all the crap she said about Lisa on facebook will be leaked soon?

I don't think Lisa would want anything to do with her and knows how unstable Karen is. I don't see Lisa defending Faye anywhere on Facebook or myspace. Anyway, didn't want to create a new thread since it's Lisa related and all, so here's the link


Oh God... :doh:

KF.... :smilerolleyes:
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Well, I think the fans have a right to call Karen out! She wrote how evil Lisa was to Michael to the fans when they were married and then when MJ dies she tells the fans to not judge Lisa but, try to understand her...o_O I see why both she and Lisa have become friends they make no sense!

My guess MJ knew Karen might have written those things cause it was written in 07?!

Honestly, I side with MJ only! He said what he truly felt about Lisa on those Rabbi tapes! The rest can go tripped over their guilt as far as I care!
I allways felt Michael"s presence was overwelming eventhough I never saw him in person. He just has that incredible aura...like noone else.
He needed to be careful of who can he trust. So...if a person like that lets you into his world with an open heart and mind....it is something beyond special.
I can not understand how Lisa didn"t know and apreciate that before, I honestly can not.
Anyway, her behaviour after divorce was disgusting. And yet , she said they were seeing eachother for 4 years after that. Strange.
She said he proposed to her on his knees. As I remember...she said before that he actualy proposed to her on the phone saying : " if I ask you to marry me, would you do it ? ". Hm.
My opinion about her didn"t change one bit.
Has anyone read this today? Crazy Faye is at it again. Seems that all her e-mails where she speaks badly and ill of Lisa have leaked. Fans of Lisa and Michael are bringing this up to Karen on twitter. Because Karen epically fails at hiding her past and lies over the years, she blasts and blocks those who question her on twitter. I guess she doesn't want the image of Lisa and herself as BFF's to be tarnished. lol

I wonder all the crap she said about Lisa on facebook will be leaked soon?

I don't think Lisa would want anything to do with her and knows how unstable Karen is. I don't see Lisa defending Faye anywhere on Facebook or myspace. Anyway, didn't want to create a new thread since it's Lisa related and all, so here's the link

Wow. That's one crazy e-mail. It just completely contradicts everything we've seen and what has publicly been said by both MJ and LMP. The only part that seems like it could have some truth to it is her trying to get *some* of the people around MJ fired ("everyone" seems, well, crazy) -- considering the vampires/spiders she mentioned in the Oprah interview. But other than that, who in their right mind can take something like this seriously? Seems to me that Karen was the one who was jealous...
She said he proposed to her on his knees. As I remember...she said before that he actualy proposed to her on the phone saying : " if I ask you to marry me, would you do it ? ". Hm.

well he could have bought the ring after that conversation and present it to her officially :) after all, she did have a huge ring, and it wasn't given to her over the phone :)
well he could have bought the ring after that conversation and present it to her officially :) after all, she did have a huge ring, and it wasn't given to her over the phone :)

Yeh that could have been what happened.
When Lisa said that Michael was 'piddling' about the bedroom in wee small hours, unable to sleep- how sweet was that? :wub:

Sorry but what does it mean " piddling about the bedroom in wee small hours " ?

English-american is not my first language, I'm french. I understand words but not all the sentence.

Can someone can explain please because I don't understand this sentence.
Sorry but what does it mean " piddling about the bedroom in wee small hours " ?

English-american is not my first language, I'm french. I understand words but not all the sentence.

Can someone can explain please because I don't understand this sentence.

Imagine a little penguin walking around the room and the sound of his feet on the floor. *flop flop flop*


In the very early morning hours he was up and about, say 3-5am, walking around. "pacing the room" would be another expression.

Or in Michael's case:

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Means he was wandering around or walking around likely doing things. In the very early morning hours.

Imagine a little penguin walking around the room and the sound of his feet on the floor. *flop flop flop*


In the very early morning hours he was up and about, say 3-5am, walking around. "pacing the room" would be another expression.

Or in Michael's case:


Thanks guys!
I was thinking about it last night. LMP followed Mike in paris in 1997 right. Prince was already born right?? Notice well how groupies she was. And Debbie was already pregnant of Paris. As i know paris was born in Paris. So now i understand why LMP was always Jealous of DR. I mean i would put my finger in fire ,that Mike didn't done any second of attention to LMP during this year. I mean Mike was too busy playing with his son , that LMP wanted not give him.I was always wonder why Debbie didn't seem bother with LMP. Now i get my answer , because DR knew the truth that Mike didn't care about LMP anymore after their divorce.I know she gave an interview where she was saying that Mike was still in love with LMP. I read this interview many time.What i'm trying to says it's i think it was Mike who had send Debbie to tell that kind of words about and LMP.Because Mike wanted to protect Debbie. Remember DR was pregnant of Paris , so i guess Mike wanted not all media behind DR , that could cause to lost the children again.Can you imagine if Debbie had state Mike and Lisa wasn't together anymore?? All medias would be behind DR. And i don't think Mike wanted to do this to DR.The reality really slaped on her face when Debbie was pregnant of Paris , in this time LMP kneww that Mike never take her back again.I mean Mike like the game of hide and seak. He knew how to fool people. Some answers you are looking about him , are just in front of you. But you should read bwt his words, and btw the words with the People who was really close to him. I don't think he was private person , but he wanted to play with us. I mean he was always hinting us , he didn't need to tell us directly , but with his a few words , we can find the answer that you are looking.If you notice well DR never left MIKE during the years that he supposed to be with LMP. DR was with them in London, was with them in Paris , was with them in South Africa. My question is if Mike didn't care about DR , because he was busy with LMP; why DR was always with them?? Don't you think he coudl left Debbie in USA? At the sametime Mike wanted to show us , that LMP was just a groupie to him nothing other.
And another Question LMP said that she was still with him until 2000 right?? Mike and Debbie divorced in 1999. My question is if they were still together don't you think after his divorce with Debbie , he could have Blanket with LMP? Instead waiting until 2002? Mike knew what was going on , that's why i believe he did this tapes in 2001 instead in 1999. I mean he could do that before , but he did it one year before Blanket born. This was another hint.

if we look deeper into Michael's actions, we'll see that everything was done on purpose, really, before doing something he thought how to protect the real important people in his life. It's true. LMP was ready to do everything to please Michael and if he wanted to be with her then nothing and nobody could put a crimp into their relationship and of course LMP would be Blanket's mother, but she isn't, so we can make our conclusions. And pay attention that not only Debbie and Prince were always close to Michael at that period of time, but also Omer... It's interesting, because it gives us the opportunity to suggest that Michael didn't want to be with LMP in face to face situation all the time, he needed other people to be around him.
Michael knew how to shift focus and confuse media.

Ok i'm done now.
What do you think.
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I was thinking about it last night. LMP followed Mike in paris in 1997 right. Prince was already born right?? Notice well how groupies she was. And Debbie was already pregnant of Paris. As i know paris was born in Paris. So now i understand why LMP was always Jealous of DR. I mean i would put my finger in fire ,that Mike didn't done any second of attention to LMP during this year. I mean Mike was too busy playing with his son , that LMP wanted not give him.I was always wonder why Debbie didn't seem bother with LMP. Now i get my answer , because DR knew the truth that Mike didn't care about LMP anymore after their divorce.I know she gave an interview where she was saying that Mike was still in love with LMP. I read this interview many time.What i'm trying to says it's i think it was Mike who had send Debbie to tell that kind of words about and LMP.Because Mike wanted to protect Debbie. Remember DR was pregnant of Paris , so i guess Mike wanted not all media behind DR , that could cause to lost the children again.Can you imagine if Debbie had state Mike and Lisa wasn't together anymore?? All medias would be behind DR. And i don't think Mike wanted to do this to DR.The reality really slaped on her face when Debbie was pregnant of Paris , in this time LMP kneww that Mike never take her back again.I mean Mike like the game of hide and seak. He knew how to fool people. Some answers you are looking about him , are just in front of you. But you should read bwt his words, and btw the words with the People who was really close to him. I don't think he was private person , but he wanted to play with us. I mean he was always hinting us , he didn't need to tell us directly , but with his a few words , we can find the answer that you are looking.If you notice well DR never left MIKE during the years that he supposed to be with LMP. DR was with them in London, was with them in Paris , was with them in South Africa. My question is if Mike didn't care about DR , because he was busy with LMP; why DR was always with them?? Don't you think he coudl left Debbie in USA? At the sametime Mike wanted to show us , that LMP was just a groupie to him nothing other.
And another Question LMP said that she was still with him until 2000 right?? Mike and Debbie divorced in 1999. My question is if they were still together don't you think after his divorce with Debbie , he could have Blanket with LMP? Instead waiting until 2002? Mike knew what was going on , that's why i believe he did this tapes in 2001 instead in 1999. I mean he could do that before , but he did it one year before Blanket born. This was another hint.

if we look deeper into Michael's actions, we'll see that everything was done on purpose, really, before doing something he thought how to protect the real important people in his life. It's true. LMP was ready to do everything to please Michael and if he wanted to be with her then nothing and nobody could put a crimp into their relationship and of course LMP would be Blanket's mother, but she isn't, so we can make our conclusions. And pay attention that not only Debbie and Prince were always close to Michael at that period of time, but also Omer... It's interesting, because it gives us the opportunity to suggest that Michael didn't want to be with LMP in face to face situation all the time, he needed other people to be around him.
Michael knew how to shift focus and confuse media.

Ok i'm done now.
What do you think.

I remeber someone send me a website of Omer and he had pictures of debbie and Michael i never seen before and then they were taken down.. And i have pictures of them that were sent to me but a MJ fan. At the end of the day the world knows that MJ and Lisa loved each my thing is why do u have to always remind and try to prove that if you love someone dearly then you take the love both of you had for one another and rock out with those memories. Real talk I watch Lisa interview three times to get a clear understanding and I am not being a hater because I know the real deal and refused to put it on this forum for a lot of reasons. That interview was good until she said what she had to say reguarding his kids they was not a act of Revenge it was out of love out of I feel MJ pain he needs to be a dad he needs to be a father. I really wish Lisa would of kept it real about the real reasons why she didn't give MJ children it had nothing to do with her no wanthing Kids from him. Her family even express how they felt about MJ when they were married why Oprah didn't ask her about that no she was so bussy focusing on his "sopposely habbit" I am not trying to come for Lisa head but I was so upset that she didn't keep it real that shit didn't bodied the right people who didn't want her MJ together one more that kill me about the interview Every body and their mama knows Brooke was way before Lisa him and brooke where serious lisa came along and the rest was history I won't even waste time saying no more cause I don't even want to be back and fourth addressing this man's business may he rest in peace hopefully Lisa at peace within her self.

I agree.. I think race played a major role. There is no way Priscilla and her family would've approved of Lisa having a Black child.
I remeber someone send me a website of Omer and he had pictures of debbie and Michael i never seen before and then they were taken down.. And i have pictures of them that were sent to me but a MJ fan. At the end of the day the world knows that MJ and Lisa loved each my thing is why do u have to always remind and try to prove that if you love someone dearly then you take the love both of you had for one another and rock out with those memories. Real talk I watch Lisa interview three times to get a clear understanding and I am not being a hater because I know the real deal and refused to put it on this forum for a lot of reasons. That interview was good until she said what she had to say reguarding his kids they was not a act of Revenge it was out of love out of I feel MJ pain he needs to be a dad he needs to be a father. I really wish Lisa would of kept it real about the real reasons why she didn't give MJ children it had nothing to do with her no wanthing Kids from him. Her family even express how they felt about MJ when they were married why Oprah didn't ask her about that no she was so bussy focusing on his "sopposely habbit" I am not trying to come for Lisa head but I was so upset that she didn't keep it real that shit didn't bodied the right people who didn't want her MJ together one more that kill me about the interview Every body and their mama knows Brooke was way before Lisa him and brooke where serious lisa came along and the rest was history I won't even waste time saying no more cause I don't even want to be back and fourth addressing this man's business may he rest in peace hopefully Lisa at peace within her self.

Well for me this interview wasn't good for Mike, but was good for herself. As i said she is just a liar. If she's not why she didn't mention her date John and Luke?? She was dating John in 1997 to 1998. If she is not a liar why she didn't say if i left him it was because i wanted not have his children. If she is not a liar why she didn't say i was talking to Kate and Janet to try to talk to Mike , if he could take me back?? Because she knows the true , the fact after their divorce Mike wanted not her anymore. Mike had said himself his heart was closed after their divorce. Of course today everybody prefer to believe her than what Mike had said about her in the past. Sorry but i don't believe any crap that she said about him. And as i said his actions speak more than two thousands words. When i look well what he did after this divorce i get my answer.

Another thing.

most fans dont understand that interviews r always pre-done, ppl act like oprah just went all the way over there set her camera crew up and started the interview right then and there NO!lol thats not the way it goes ppl... whenever celebs do interviews they know exactly what the journalist is gonna ask they do a pre interview before the interview is even taped so they can rehearse and alot of times the celebs arranges what questions they want them to ask and what not to tlk about, so most of the questions oprah asked lmp was what lmp told oprah to ask and bring up.... do u really think oprah cared to bring up debbie rowe?!?! she brought her up because lmp told her to make sure she ask her about debbie cause shes clearly still bitter and jealous and wants ppl to think that debbie was this horrible person who was tryna break up there marriage and once again its "oh poor lisa... if it wasnt for debbie" lmp knew the questions oprah was gonna ask... she practically wrote them herslf, they had been rehearsing the interview for along time

I'm sure Murray is dancing now. Well the jury they have their proofs now. Of course thankx you LMP. Seriously she needs a therapy , and mind to her own business. She should stop playing his widow because she's not. I remember the 13/6/05 when all world was against him. I remember when everybody was making funny about him , because he was wearing a pyjama. I remember when everybody was making funny about his photo of identite. I remember watching OP show.

I will never forget this word Holy mother god.never. So now she should shup up her mouth. Yes i don't hate ,but i don't like her. Who she's without Michael Jackson?? She only gets attention when she talks about him. I wish one day she would come in Africa.
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exactly, all the questions and answers were well planned , and she was sure to make a date for her actions to fit the media reports and her past interviews , the Hawai vacation was brought up because it was mentioned in her previous interview and she was so proud of it before MJ's death....although it was well known that this vacation was before their interview with Dyian Swyer and MJ was not upset about it at all ! NOw she made up that MJ was jealous of Danny REALLY!!

ALSO, the date 2005 was brought up with the word " indifferent " becuase this word was mentioned in Lary King interview and she wants to show the fans that she regret this word and that MJ was in tears because she did not love him at one point which is highly suspcted due to MJ's pride , he will never beg anyone for love!

especially the drug stories including 1995 when she was fired from the hospital and she was trying to show in the interview that she was with the doctors all the time although she was not allowed inside !

so yes , the interview was well planned and nothing was mentioned Spontaneously !
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