MJ Estate Sues Howard Mann and business partner Henry Vaccaro - Settlement reached

Re: MJ Estate Sues Katherine Jackson's Business Partner Howard Mann

lol, I am asking myself the same things as many of you ... Does Katherine really understand what this court case against Mr Mann is really about? Why doesn't she accept that the estate executors are the people Michael wished to run his affairs? Is she really as naive as she seems? What about her other children? are they making a financial commitment to care for her?

And I will say one thing ... Katherine is an 80 something year old woman ... and it is fairly easy to confuse people at that age ... generally people at that age also don't seem to grasp / understand things so well as younger people do ... also, although she is mother to the Jackson 5, that does not mean she understands important things like copyright law, she (as best as I am aware) never studied law / to become a lawyer and although she may have played a role in managing the J5, I understood it was Joe who usually handled the negotiations & more likely than not, when it came to registering / copyrighting songs & other items, it would have been either the J5, Joe or their record label who handled that. Additionally those laws probably would have changed between then and now and what people could have probably gotten away with back then, they can't now.

All of the above can be partially responsible for Katherine's apparent naivety in this case.

As for the other kids, all I can say is those who are in debt, probably are not financially supporting their Mother but for those who are not in debt, I hope they are not leaving the full financial burden on MJ's estate ...

Also, this whole rumor about binding MJ's kids ... I wonder ... I don't think it's legal ... and I wonder if she realises that if hard evidence of this comes to light, it possibly might give child welfare services a reason to ask the judge to revoke her guardianship of the children.
Re: MJ Estate Sues Katherine Jackson's Business Partner Howard Mann

Well this isn't just about the book ( 5 sketches), there's more to the lawsuit than just the book.

Us? Estate didn't name Katherine as a defendant so does this mean that Mann will drag her into the lawsuit?
I'm sure he has threatened her with it and its obvious he's trying to hide behind her.
Re: MJ Estate Sues Katherine Jackson's Business Partner Howard Mann

I'm sure he has threatened her with it and its obvious he's trying to hide behind her.

Yes he is hideing behind Katherine skirt he his a low life coward that is using a grandmother to rip off her dead son.
I hope the estate deal with and the judge throw the book at him.
Re: MJ Estate Sues Katherine Jackson's Business Partner Howard Mann

I think the real tragedy here is that at one time Michael was close to his family. The bond they formed when they were the J5 was real, as while as the unity they showed on stage and with their mother.

But in time, greed and the lust for power seemed to have destroyed Michael's family until only shadows remains. I can't help but wonder if Michael kept supporting them because he secretly blamed himself for what has happened. It was him that led them to the great success and that family's addiction to money and fame.

In some ways, I think that entire family would had been better off if they haven't made it. The majority of them were obviously never equip to handle money and fame.

Sometime I feel the same when you see the end result the sad ending for MJ and his children it's heart. Braking mj died alone god know how with a mad doctor feeding him drugs to perform very sad.
Re: MJ Estate Sues Katherine Jackson's Business Partner Howard Mann

Also, this whole rumor about binding MJ's kids ... I wonder ... I don't think it's legal ... and I wonder if she realises that if hard evidence of this comes to light, it possibly might give child welfare services a reason to ask the judge to revoke her guardianship of the children.

It's not a rumor - the contract has been posted online by TMZ and RF. and no it's not legal.

I'm sure he has threatened her with it and its obvious he's trying to hide behind her.

It seems like he'll be using her to get the estate back down from the lawsuit.

well said and she and rebbie had the gaul to call themselves J.W

Please refrain from such comments. It can be insulting to people that are JWs.
Re: MJ Estate Sues Katherine Jackson's Business Partner Howard Mann

I think katherine is still too shocked about Michael's death. I don't think she is seeing the whole picture with Mann because of her grief.
Re: MJ Estate Sues Katherine Jackson's Business Partner Howard Mann

I think katherine is still too shocked about Michael's death. I don't think she is seeing the whole picture with Mann because of her grief.

yet...she sees the $$$$$$$$$ signs.

Re: MJ Estate Sues Katherine Jackson's Business Partner Howard Mann

what did he enjoy? His last 15 years were miserable on this earth apart from his kids' birth's there was no joyous occasion, how did he get to enjoy himself? When he was the one who died young? He was given only 12 years with his oldest kid, and not even 10 with his last one.
His brothers 'suffered' because they werent able to keep it in their pants.
it was not michaels fault that his siblings were destined to fail. it was not his fault that they lost whatever money they had because they chose to live above their means.
his siblings enjoyed the luxury of decades long leeching while he paid the ultimate price for his success,

I think it is really unfair to say his last 15 years on earth were miserable. You sound like Michael would had been happier if he had died back in 93 because things were so terrible.

He had his share of terrible events, no one is going to argue otherwise. But to say that his kids were his only joy is unfair to the life Michael led. No life is perfect, but I do think he grew into a better person through the trials he had to endure and although he he died fairly young, I would never called his last 15 years misery or in vain.

And he did get to enjoy himself by the fact he did have kids. He also still made his music and travel the world instead of moping around and crying about what was done to him. Maybe because you're still fairly young, but I do think you can understand what I mean one day.

The brothers did suffer because they turned out the way they did because they weren't equip to handle fame and the fact they model themselves after they abuser father, which is what usually happens. Yeah, some are strong and come out like Michael, but despite his own words he is the exception not the rule.

Btw, unlike most here, I don't see Michael's success of what killed him. In the end, it was his doctor who did the deed, aided by Michael's own choice.
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Re: MJ Estate Sues Katherine Jackson's Business Partner Howard Mann

I think it is really unfair to say his last 15 years on earth were miserable. You sound like Michael would had been happier if he had died back in 93 because things were so terrible.

He had his share of terrible events, no one is going to argue otherwise. But to say that his kids were his only joy is unfair to the life Michael led. No life is perfect, but I do think he grew into a better person through the trials he had to endure and although he he died fairly young, I would never called his last 15 years misery or in vain.

And he did get to enjoy himself by the fact he did have kids. He also still made his music and travel the world instead of moping around and crying about what was done to him. Maybe because you're still fairly young, but I do think you can understand what I mean one day.

The brothers did suffer because they turned out the way they did because they weren't equip to handle fame and the fact they model themselves after they abuser father, which is what usually happens. Yeah, some are strong and come out like Michael, but despite his own words he is the exception not the rule.

Btw, unlike most here, I don't see Michael's success of what killed him. In the end, it was his doctor who did the deed, aided by Michael's own choice.

Love your post, but do you really know what his choice was? Do you think that you are understanding his "choice" through the voice of another?

Back on topic, I hope someone explains to Katherine why she is being sued. It does not seem to me that she understands the legal points.
Re: MJ Estate Sues Katherine Jackson's Business Partner Howard Mann

yet...she sees the $$$$$$$$$ signs.

$10,000 monthly minimum plus a % of the sales. I wonder if this last

interview will be considered by Mann as one of the required appearances

by contract.
Re: MJ Estate Sues Katherine Jackson's Business Partner Howard Mann

I wonder where her lawyer is, this Straisand (sp?) guy, who is supposed to advise her.
Re: MJ Estate Sues Katherine Jackson's Business Partner Howard Mann

Katherine Jackson -- MJ Estate Lawyers are 'Greedy'

17 minutes ago by TMZ Staff

Katherine Jackson is unloading on the lawyers overlooking Michael Jackson's Estate -- calling them "greedy" ... and claiming they're filing lawsuits left, right and center just to make a quick buck.

In a recent interview from the Michael Jackson Secret Vault, Katherine says, "All these lawyers that are involved in Michael's business since he passed -- there's a lot of them -- I think they're trying to create different lawsuits and things because they're greedy and they want to get paid."

As we previously reported, the Estate is currently suing Katherine's business partner Howard Mann for allegedly profiting off MJ's name and likeness without their permission -- an accusation Katherine took very personally.
Re: MJ Estate Sues Katherine Jackson's Business Partner Howard Mann

Katherine your the greedy one roaming around with shady characters exploiting an image you have no right to, making a mockery out of ur dead son on television, binding his minor children ur supposed to protect and care for to porn folks. That's greedy, Those estate lawyers are doing their jobs, I know it's hard to understand for u as to why he didn't choose ur ex con son Randy to run his empire.
Re: MJ Estate Sues Katherine Jackson's Business Partner Howard Mann

I hope they can stop Howard Mann... no matter who... just stop him and kick him far away.

Katherine just proved no good judgement (and/or desperate greed) in getting into business connections with a guy like him.

However I don't wanna see future projects of this guy in connection with the name Michael Jackson.

So I guess in this, one can say I support the MJestate wholeheartedly!
Re: MJ Estate Sues Katherine Jackson's Business Partner Howard Mann

This woman is cussing the estate out because they dared to sue her porn pal, this is incredible the outrage she is showing, you would think they sued one of her deadbeat sons.
Re: MJ Estate Sues Katherine Jackson's Business Partner Howard Mann

Re: MJ Estate Sues Katherine Jackson's Business Partner Howard Mann

ooooooooooop! lmfao
Re: MJ Estate Sues Katherine Jackson's Business Partner Howard Mann

Re: MJ Estate Sues Katherine Jackson's Business Partner Howard Mann

This is unbelievable. Is Kathrine scared of Howard Mann? Or is she pushed by Joe Jackson... still believes MJ's Will and Estate could be illegal? Or has she no insight what happens? Or is she greedy, I doubt that? Or who is it that puts her under pressure?
The way she acts seems not normal at all to me?

What is really happening to her?
I think she is scared... and to me it looks like she HAS TO "PERFORM" like she does to protect... herself, the children, something else?
Re: MJ Estate Sues Katherine Jackson's Business Partner Howard Mann

Yes he is hideing behind Katherine skirt he his a low life coward that is using a grandmother to rip off her dead son.
I hope the estate deal with and the judge throw the book at him.

I'm afraid you got it right...
Re: MJ Estate Sues Katherine Jackson's Business Partner Howard Mann

The Estate ain't playing. They gotta keep on keeping on.
hopefully this will stop the children being used aswell
Couldn't agree with you more.

This Katherine interview makes me sad in so many ways...How come she says things like, "...when the estate is suing Howard Mann, they're suing me"?:no:
Re: MJ Estate Sues Katherine Jackson's Business Partner Howard Mann

Personally, I think that the people that Katherine is involved in business with are filling her head with nonsense about the Estate and that's the reason she's acting like this. It's very possible IMO that they are whispering in her ear that they just want to preserve Michael's legacy and that the Estate is being unjustly mean when really the people she's dealing with are using her as a cover to do things they should not be doing. I don't like what is going on with her. Because to me, it seems to only be causing more problems. But still, the above scenario is possible IMO.
Re: MJ Estate Sues Katherine Jackson's Business Partner Howard Mann

$10,000 monthly minimum plus a % of the sales. I wonder if this last

interview will be considered by Mann as one of the required appearances

by contract.

Yes she sign to it so the have to do and say like it or not.
Re: MJ Estate Sues Katherine Jackson's Business Partner Howard Mann

She's the weakest member of the family now because she's the only one who has a lot to lose,and she's pressured and manipulated by both shady characters like mann and his own family members.I blame her for allowing this to happen and at the same time I'm afraid she's "losing it" she won't sustain this situation,she's old now and too many things had happened and there's too much to handle for an old lady who lost a son and seems very confused and uninformed.That family is a mess.

Can't they realise how bad they are as businessman?after decades of failures and financial problems...they are not able to manage their non existent careers but they feel entitle to control an empire like Michaels with the help of someone who started in porn ffs.The few things they organised they did it poorly and cause more damage and embaressment then anything.They simply suck as showman and businessmen,but they just won't give up...
Re: MJ Estate Sues Katherine Jackson's Business Partner Howard Mann

How did mj deal with all of this bs and to think from his own mother?
How can she call the executor greedy for protecting MJ affair? those " greedy " men could have sell off MJ asset to pay his 300million dollar business debts but they chose to fight it through yes they are selling everything but MJ belongs to make money.
Katherine is not in need they pay off the loan on the house she is living in buy her a new car I see the estate bending liver to please KJ and it's not enough.
Out of respect for Michael I won't call her greedy but its very hard not to.
Know we see what mike had to live through he was fight off greedy people from all side include his own family, unbelievable .
Re: MJ Estate Sues Katherine Jackson's Business Partner Howard Mann

From the latest interview

Katherine: Putting a book out, I don't think I have done anything wrong at all. Michael's my son. I got a right to write a book about what I think about it. and the thing about it what I had put out had nothing in it but little stories about Michael when he's growing up. And why they are fighting me about this book I don't know. Because there are many books out there on Michael. They haven't tried to fight anyone else about their books. But when I write a book then they try to stop it and I don't understand this.

From this quote from Katherine it's very obvious that she has no clue or understanding about this lawsuit. and it looks like she's also unaware of the additional claims outside the book.

Estate isn't suing against the book per se. They are suing the use of 5 copyrighted drawings and making it sound like it's an official estate product. If Mann never included those drawings and made the disclaimer "we are not authorized by the Estate / we are separate from MJ estate" when he was asked by the cease and desist letter from the Estate, he wouldn't be sued. and I hope somebody can explain Katherine what this lawsuit is really against.

Plus : These videos is produced by Mann who has Katherine under a contract to make appearances and is being sold to/through ABC.
Re: MJ Estate Sues Katherine Jackson's Business Partner Howard Mann

From this quote from Katherine it's very obvious that she has no clue or understanding about this lawsuit. and it looks like she's also unaware of the additional claims outside the book.

I agree and said as much the other day.

WHERE ARE KATHERINE'S ADULT CHILDREN? I'm sorry, no offense, but Katherine Jackson is embarrassing herself, in my opinion. Are they all so self-absorbed that none of them can see that their ELDERLY mother needs help.

One of them needs to step to Howard Mann and put his behind in check.

I realized the Katherine Jackson is 80 years-old, but when she continues to speak about HER book being the cause of this lawsuit, she sounds uninformed and FEEBLE, in my opinion.

I would be so embarrassed to see my mother on television talking such nonsense in association with some PORN guy and I would be fighting "tooth-and-nail" to get that creep away from her!
Re: MJ Estate Sues Katherine Jackson's Business Partner Howard Mann

wow, Katherine is completely clueless. I think it was Mann who explained the nature of the lawsuit to her and then told her to record this interview.
Re: MJ Estate Sues Katherine Jackson's Business Partner Howard Mann

From the latest interview

Katherine: Putting a book out, I don't think I have done anything wrong at all. Michael's my son. I got a right to write a book about what I think about it. and the thing about it what I had put out had nothing in it but little stories about Michael when he's growing up. And why they are fighting me about this book I don't know. Because there are many books out there on Michael. They haven't tried to fight anyone else about their books. But when I write a book then they try to stop it and I don't understand this.

From this quote from Katherine it's very obvious that she has no clue or understanding about this lawsuit. and it looks like she's also unaware of the additional claims outside the book.

Estate isn't suing against the book per se. They are suing the use of 5 copyrighted drawings and making it sound like it's an official estate product. If Mann never included those drawings and made the disclaimer "we are not authorized by the Estate / we are separate from MJ estate" when he was asked by the cease and desist letter from the Estate, he wouldn't be sued. and I hope somebody can explain Katherine what this lawsuit is really against.

Plus : These videos is produced by Mann who has Katherine under a contract to make appearances and is being sold to/through ABC.

Thanks Ivy! I bolded the text that explains a lot and big part of it is new info for me. Thanks!
Re: MJ Estate Sues Katherine Jackson's Business Partner Howard Mann

Well, I feel vindicated...She is a greedy as Joe. LOL...I knew that..you all knew that.
