Paris Jackson begins acting career - Lundon's Bridge - Summary of the book @pg42

VERY interesting:!/dennishchristen
Alaina Rose ?@RoseAlaina
@dennishchristen I'm afraid of what people will say after the movie about Michael's paternity...

22h Dennis H Christen ?@dennishchristen
@RoseAlaina A movie is make-believe, an actress just plays roles free from life. Michael's paternity is real life and cannot be changed!
8:28 PM - 30 May 12 via web

Alaina Rose ?@RoseAlaina
@dennishchristen Have u thought about more mixed people to play Paris' mom or dad if the other is fully white?

21h Dennis H Christen ?@dennishchristen
@RoseAlaina The role of Lundon is a mixed blood role. Half Hispanic half White. Roles r not real. Actors play all different kinds of roles.
9:07 PM - 30 May 12 via web

Dennis H Christen ?@dennishchristen
Guys, I have to keep MJ's paternity issues and the movie totally separated. One is real and the other is a fantasy. We are making a movie!
3:15 PM - 31 May 12 via web

Experiment 626 ?@PJaysArmy
@dennishchristen Will the movie be able to start filming on the June 18th if you haven't cast most of the roles yet?

3h Dennis H Christen ?@dennishchristen
@PJaysArmy The actors we need for late June start have been cast. We are finishing up getting the director we want. We'll announce him soon.
3:19 PM - 31 May 12 via web

Dennis H Christen ?@dennishchristen
The animation part of Lundon's Bridge won't begin 4 several more months. We're still designing characters but that won't stop live-action.
3:23 PM - 31 May 12 via web

Susanne ?@BellolinaLove
@dennishchristen I have to ask - didn't you choose Paris cuz she is Michael's daughter? Or...did that help her?

40m Dennis H Christen ?@dennishchristen
@BellolinaLove WHY Paris is famous didn't matter. It is that she IS famous and that she can act that mattered. Producers pick famous ppl.
5:55 PM - 31 May 12 via web

Thrill ya (or not?) ?@4MJonly
@dennishchristen "MJ's paternity issues" !??! what do you mean pls. !?

36m Dennis H Christen ?@dennishchristen
@4MJonly MJ is her father but that has nothing to do with this movie. She can act and she is famous, and she is also a really neat person!
5:59 PM - 31 May 12 via web
Wow That was stupid IMO. Why shoudl someone bring up Michael or Paris paterinity. It has NOTHING to do with this fantasty role paris is playing in a movie. I found that ignorate myself. I thought Dennis handled /explained that one well .. considering ..
The only reason paternity issue was raised because some people had a problem with white actors as father and they believed the father should be black or mixed. However Dennis is right, Lundon character is not Paris and Lundon's father is not Michael. So race is quite irrelevant. In the book Lundon's father is Irish American and her mother is Mexican / Hispanic Immigrant.

that being said

"The actors we need for late June start have been cast. We are finishing up getting the director we want. "

Both Lundon's father and mother is live actors and they would need to cast them before the filming is over unless they'll shot Paris's scenes alone and then combine the two. The other roles such as Hank Hammerhead is just a voice over role, which can be done at any time in the future.
OK, Lundon’s Bridge Fans, here is our 'Wish List' for the role of “Madam Lafee” in LUNDON’S BRIDGE AND THE THREE KEYS. Tell us what you think either here on our Facebook Page or on Twitter @dennishchristen. We’d love to hear your thoughts. These names are not in any special order. These actors have not been contracted. They are merely a wish list of possible selections that we may or may not approach.

MADAM LAFEE (The Keeper of the Gate between the Land and the Sea)
• Halle Berry
• Queen Latifah
• Gladys Knight

Actors for other roles will be introduced each evening, until all the needed roles have been displayed. Please give us a shout as to who you would most like to see in each role. Select the choice you like best.

I don't agree re paris' racial background not being an issue. Just as lundon's age had to be changed from 8/9 yrs in book to 13/14 in movie to suit paris, so why not someone's racial background? Actors can play many parts but they are almost always usually cast to suit a gender, age and racial profile. It might be a fantasy film but lundon is a real life girl with parents. Christen seems to regard mexican/african as being from the same ethnic group which they're not. As he tactlessly let slip in his twitter there are 'paternity issues' re paris and he deserves to get flak for not thinking about it - getting paris jackson might get his project recognition but it comes with baggage as well.
I'm rooting for Cube Gooding Jr., Gladys Knight and Matthew McConaughey. I chose Matthew McConaughey because I like Lake McConaughy in Nebraska! :beach:
OK, Lundon’s Bridge Fans, here is our 'Wish List' for the role of “Princess Pom Pom” in LUNDON’S BRIDGE AND THE THREE KEYS. Tell us what you think either here on our Facebook Page or on Twitter @dennishchristen. We’d love to hear your thoughts. These names are not in any special order. These actors have not been contracted. They are merely a wish list of possible selections that we may or may not approach.

PRINCESS POM POM (The Royal Princess of the Sea)
• Miranda Cosgrove
• Emma Watson
• Victoria Justice

Actors for other roles will be introduced each evening, until all the needed roles have been displayed. Please give us a shout as to who you would most like to see in each role. Select the choice you like best.

I don't understand why they are having this 'popularity poll'. It is very unlikely that they will be able to contract 'the most popular' ie most voted for actor, as popular actors have busy lives and are usually contracted months to years ahead...aside from the issue of whether they would actually want to take the role. The result may be that whoever DOES get the role will end up feeling second-best .
OK, Lundon’s Bridge Fans, here is our 'Wish List' for the role of “Tenoch” in LUNDON’S BRIDGE AND THE THREE KEYS. Tell us what you think either here on our Facebook Page or on Twitter @dennishchristen. We’d love to hear your thoughts. These names are not in any special order. These actors have not been contracted. They are merely a wish list of possible selections that we may or may not approach.

TENOCH (Ex-Aztec Warrior turned Squid who is the Protector of the Royal Family)
• Sylvester Stallone
• Vin Diesel
• Michael Clarke Duncan

Actors for other roles will be introduced each evening, until all the needed roles have been displayed. Please give us a shout as to who you would most like to see in each role. Select the choice you like best.

Iffy and unprofessional. If this movie never gets made, I'll be happy for Paris. She deserves so much better, provided she has the talent others have confirmed of her including Dennis Christen.
Do this actors in the wish list have any knowledge of this or CD is just sending indirect messages to them?
Hi Ivy.

I just want to know with not being familiar with the film making process what exactly is the purpose of making a "wishlist".

If fans express a preference for a particular actor there is no guarantee that person will be available to appear in the movie.

So what is the point?
OK, Lundon’s Bridge Fans, here is our 'Wish List' for the role of “Varkor” in LUNDON’S BRIDGE AND THE THREE KEYS. Tell us what you think either here on our Facebook Page or on Twitter @dennishchristen. We’d love to hear your thoughts. These names are not in any special order. These actors have not been contracted. They are merely a wish list of possible selections that we may or may not approach.

VARKOR (Captain of the Royal Guard of the Ocean)
• Al Pacino
• Robert De Niro
• Ray Liotta

Actors for other roles will be introduced each evening, until all the needed roles have been displayed. Please give us a shout as to who you would most like to see in each role. Select the choice you like best.

This movie is a joke :mello: I cant believe Katherine is allowing her to go through with this! This guys is obvious crazy- like he really thinks he can get these people for the movie? :unsure:
Hi Ivy.

I just want to know with not being familiar with the film making process what exactly is the purpose of making a "wishlist".

If fans express a preference for a particular actor there is no guarantee that person will be available to appear in the movie.

So what is the point?

To keep the fans hooked. I sent some of this wish list nonsense to my friends and they all said this is nothing but a scam to make the fans think they are involved in some way.

No credible film goes about things the way this film has.
Hi Ivy.

I just want to know with not being familiar with the film making process what exactly is the purpose of making a "wishlist".

If fans express a preference for a particular actor there is no guarantee that person will be available to appear in the movie.

So what is the point?

well there are some options

- if you believe the people on the wish list to be realistic / can be hired for the role - then the wish list serves to keep people engaged and a part of the selection process. It can also be a motivation for the people listed to join the movie (seeing the interest in them)

- if you believe the people on the wish list to be not realistic / possibly cannot be hired for the role - then it can be again kinda like teasing, creating interest to the film . It can be seen as a little fun game.

Now there's also the negative approach. They have been saying they will announce the cast soon and people have been calling them about the promise to announce the cast as the film start date is approaching. They suddenly started this "wish list" announcements. So it can be a way of announcing people when they aren't announcing anyone. It can be smoke and mirrors.

You are all going to make your own conclusions about what do you think is going on.
OK, Lundon’s Bridge Fans, here is our 'Wish List' for the role of “Rolley” in LUNDON’S BRIDGE AND THE THREE KEYS. Tell us what you think either here on our Facebook Page or on Twitter @dennishchristen. We’d love to hear your thoughts. These names are not in any special order. These actors have not been contracted. They are merely a wish list of possible selections that we may or may not approach.

ROLLEY (Longtime Friend and Neighbor of Kevin O’Malley)
• Dwayne Johnson
• Jackie Chan
• Antonia Banderas

Actors for other roles will be introduced each evening, until all the needed roles have been displayed. Please give us a shout as to who you would most like to see in each role. Select the choice you like best.

We only have two more roles to show you after this one tonight. Please make your voice heard to who you would like to see in these roles.


OK, Lundon’s Bridge Fans, here is our 'Wish List' for the role of “Ida” in LUNDON’S BRIDGE AND THE THREE KEYS. Tell us what you think either here on our Facebook Page or on Twitter @dennishchristen. We’d love to hear your thoughts. These names are not in any special order. These actors have not been contracted. They are merely a wish list of possible selections that we may or may not approach.

IDA (The Evil Kidnapper)
• Julie Louis Dreyfus
• Rhea Perlman
• Amy Poehler

Actors for other roles will be introduced each evening, until all the needed roles have been displayed. This is the second from last role to be shown. Please give us a shout as to who you would most like to see in each role. Select the choice you like best.

This movie is a joke :mello: I cant believe Katherine is allowing her to go through with this! This guys is obvious crazy- like he really thinks he can get these people for the movie? :unsure:

Maybe he's following the template of the steve martin film 'bowfinger' where a smalltime producer fails to land a bigtime movie star (eddie murphy) so improvises by getting his actors just to walk up to the star in the street to say their lines and hopefully getting the right reaction shot, and when that stopped being effective, they hired lookalikes. In bowfinger, it all works out fine.

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Let's keep the faith!

Paris Jackson *Rare Version* Behind The Scenes PhotoShoot for Lundon's Bridge And The Three Keys

Paris Jackson
A Girl Who Believes
Lundon's Bridge And The Three Keys
The Power of Love And Belief
included in the video is the song, "You Are My Life."!/dennishchristen

Your bitch, baby.. † ‏@IDoNotWantGrow
@dennishchristen : Paris & Michaela are good actresses ?

5h Dennis H Christen ‏@dennishchristen
@IDoNotWantGrow Yes, Paris has been studying for more than a year now and is doing very well. Michaela has been acting for many years now.
3:36 PM - 12 Jun 12 via web

Prince Paris Blanket ‏@PPB_Forum
@dennishchristen I loved the video that they showed in the interview with Oprah of rehearsal the movie Lundon...

11 Jun Dennis H Christen ‏@dennishchristen
@PPB_Forum The boy in the rehearsal with Paris is the actor that will play Waxer.
8:43 AM - 11 Jun 12 via web
If they're rehearsing, have they got a director? I see christen is writer, producer,actor, casting director, location scout etc etc but he doesn't mention directing. Or has there been a poll to choose between spielberg/coppola/scorsese.