Picture of Michael Jackson 8/08 [HQ pics in post #44]

Re: New picture of Michael Jackson (finally, a real one!) [HQ pics in post #44]


This picture of Michael is a welcome surprise and I'm just amazed that he has given us this present the day before his birthday! :wub:

Is that the sweetest of sweet or what :wub:

"I will love you anyway, even if you can not stay, I think you are the one for me, here is where you ought to be ....oh woah sweet thing :listeningtomusic: boy you know you're our every - thang - ah yes you are

yes you arrrrrrrre :D

(old school song by Chaka Khan kiddies :giggle: )
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Re: New picture of Michael Jackson (finally, a real one!) [HQ pics in post #44]

funny thing is..his face and hair in these pics looks exactly like he looks in the ebony shoot..and how his face and hair look on the pic at the top of this mjjc site, taken from ebony.

it's funny how MJ can look the same, and people can still interpret it differently.
I agree. I have looked at the pictures again and I have changed my mind. I believe he look slimmer because of the loose fitting Pj's and the angle of the camera.
Re: New picture of Michael Jackson (finally, a real one!) [HQ pics in post #44]

and no, sorry I can't agree this is the time or place for dietary advice or cosmetological crtiques :lol: that's cr ... silly

Michael its ya birthday!

its ya birthday!!

50th :dropdead: oh my God (that means i'm old)
Re: New picture of Michael Jackson (finally, a real one!) [HQ pics in post #44]

Thats a ridiculous thing to say. It is fact that he has dramatically lost weight. Check out pics of him at that bday party, his trip to see the Troops in Japan, Audigiers suprise appearance.

As for the weight, I personally (thats right MY opinion) thinks he could do with easting a few more buckets of KFC lol but I also believe the weight loss is from training and dancing (or at least i hope)

err r u for real ? he was wearing more clothes at that bday party and the jacket made him look more fat. he looks no different to me than any other time.

seriously though he looks absolutely great. very healthy and happy and tomorrow he has his bday. why the negativity and the b*tching ? cant we ever be satisfied and happy ? blah
Re: New picture of Michael Jackson (finally, a real one!) [HQ pics in post #44]

Uhh... the hair you guys... you DO notice it's shorter and nice looking, rgiht?

Don't make yourselfs sick over lil tidbit stuff like that, cuz that's what it's gonna do. I'm sure everyone only wants the best for him, can't we at least do that?
Re: New picture of Michael Jackson (finally, a real one!) [HQ pics in post #44]

when there are FACTS opinions have no place whatsoever. when there are NO facts then opinions do have place. its a fact that michael has always been skinny. so to say that hes lost weight is simply false. now to say u dont like his pj's is a different matter. its ur opinion and u have every right to express it.

im very happy we FINALLY have pics of mikey. about damn time lol. he looks absolutely stunning :wub:
Yes, Michael has always been skinny. But that doesn't mean he cannot lose weight... he is a human being you know?

If they think hes lost weight then they are entitled to think that. If they think he looks unwell then guess what... THAT'S THEIR OPINION! Just like your opinion is that he is perfectly perfect and fine. If you can spread your opinion, then why can't someone else spread theirs?
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Re: New picture of Michael Jackson (finally, a real one!) [HQ pics in post #44]

From Planet Hollywood in Las Vegas; August 27th.


Thank you TSCM and Sihame for psoting.
Really good to see MJ!
Happy birthsday boo.
Re: New picture of Michael Jackson (finally, a real one!) [HQ pics in post #44]

Is it impossible for you guys to have a thread and NOT start arguing with each other?

We all have our personal opinions, and we are all free to state them, as long as they don't offend anyone else and we follow MJJC rules then it's all good, but some of you refuse to listen.
Re: New picture of Michael Jackson (finally, a real one!) [HQ pics in post #44]

Is it impossible for you guys to have a thread and NOT start arguing with each other?

We all have our personal opinions, and we are all free to state them, as long as they don't offend anyone else and we follow MJJC rules then it's all good, but some of you refuse to listen.

that's the trick of it. most peoples' opinions do offend other people. the offender, of course, never sees it that way, though. and that's how the vicious cycle continues.
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Re: New picture of Michael Jackson (finally, a real one!) [HQ pics in post #44]

Can someone post that picture from a different site please (instead of just think link i can't see at work cuz the site is blocked) where someone said it's been stretched and he doesn't look as thing? it was a few pages back.....i want to see the difference.....

Michael is extremely thin in these pictures - if you don't think so you're just wrong and I'm guessing not a fan for very long because this is not typical Michael. Yes he has always been thin, blah blah blah....but THIS is unusually thin even for him.

Even the general public sees it. Google "Michael Jackson Planet Hollywood" and see what's being said. Not that I give a crap what other people are saying but c'mon, he IS THIN in this pics and everyone can see it (except some fans on this board?!?) And the reason why some people are saying it's photoshopped and he looks disproportionate is because when you are THAT THIN you DO look disproportionate - your head always looks too large for your body.

I still think he looks great though - because he is smiling and has a nice happy glow. I just hope he is alright. Pretty sure he is though. His weight always fluctuates somewhat - this is just a little extreme.

I could care less about the pajamas. That's Michael :) I love that about him. Do your thing!!
Re: New picture of Michael Jackson (finally, a real one!) [HQ pics in post #44]

I don't see the value in the link but its posted so here it is.


JACKSON family stalwart PHOENIX fears MICHAEL JACKSON's upcoming 50th birthday will be a quiet affair - because pop's first family can't schedule a big celebration with the reclusive pop superstar.
The former family publicist-turned-biographer Phoenix is constantly in touch with siblings Jermaine and Tito and their mother Katherine and reveals they're desperately trying to plan a kin reunion to mark Michael's half-century celebrations this coming Friday (29Aug08).
Phoenix, who now fronts Jackson 5 tribute band The Dancing Machine Revue, says, "I spoke to Tito two weeks ago and he said the family wants to spend time with Michael, but, due to Michael's schedule and the fact he's been a little under the weather, it looks unlikely. They're trying to get everyone's schedules to fit so they can have a celebration with Michael.
"They're not big on birthdays but this would be a big family thing. It's a historical moment for the family. They can't believe that the little brother is turning 50 this year."
But Phoenix is sure reclusive Michael will be planning something special for his fans: "He will acknowledge the fans. If nothing else, he'll send out a press release thanking fans all around the world for supporting him on his birthday. And there will be an address where fans can send gifts and presents and letters directly to Michael. That's important to him."


I'm praying and trusting that you're fine as your face shows in that pic.
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Re: New picture of Michael Jackson (finally, a real one!) [HQ pics in post #44]

yall can think whatever you want to .. all I was asking was for us to celebrate the man on the eve of his 50th Birthday and not pick apart the PJs, hair, shades etc. A comment that he looks skinny is fine...discussing his health is not allowed, whether it is his birthday or not. If the community members and or the Staff members would like to address/edit the current rules...that is an entirely different subject and NOT the topic of this thread :chichi:
Re: New picture of Michael Jackson (finally, a real one!) [HQ pics in post #44]

MJ's looking painfully thin, yeah I know he's always been skinny, but damn, he needs to eat something! lol I'm sure he's okay though, just very thin. On the bright side, I think the hair is a bit of an imrovement. Not the best, but it's better than a lot of the recent hairstyles i've seen him with.
Re: New picture of Michael Jackson (finally, a real one!) [HQ pics in post #44]

Is it impossible for you guys to have a thread and NOT start arguing with each other?

We all have our personal opinions, and we are all free to state them, as long as they don't offend anyone else and we follow MJJC rules then it's all good, but some of you refuse to listen.

I agree.And many people here think that the right to say:

"Shut up!"

What?This is respect?
Re: New picture of Michael Jackson (finally, a real one!) [HQ pics in post #44]

Sorry to say that - yes, he looks young & fantastic - with pyama or not;-) But it frightens me really that he has become too thin. And I mean extremely:-:)no:

I believe, he works at the moment very hard.

Re: New picture of Michael Jackson (finally, a real one!) [HQ pics in post #44]

When you violate MJJC Forum Rules you are being disrespectful not only to MJJC of which you are a member of but to all the other members on the board.

I've already stated the rules several times and now Chi has asked politely. Do we really have to throw people into the mod que over this? What's the sense?
Re: New picture of Michael Jackson (finally, a real one!) [HQ pics in post #44]

catherine, to answer your question,

its called, if you can't say something nice about a person don't say anything at all

and its called if you can't say something nice about a person before their birthday, don't say anything at all

and its called, if you can't say something nice about a celebrity on his fan board don't say anything at all

You are as much fan as anyone I'm sure and your opinions are your right in the right place on a fan board, at the right time.


This picture of Michael is a welcome surprise and I'm just amazed that he has given us this present the day before his birthday! :wub:

Is that the sweetest of sweet or what :wub:

"I will love you anyway, even if you can not stay, I think you are the one for me, here is where you ought to be ....oh woah sweet thing :listeningtomusic: boy you know you're our every - thang - ah yes you are

yes you arrrrrrrre :D

(old school song by Chaka Khan kiddies :giggle: )

I don't think anyone who said they are worried that he looks so thin were being mean. And I don't know why you can't say he looks AWFULLY THIN.

It scares me that so many people think that being that thin is perfectly normal and healthy. But maybe that's a reflection of our society right now. If everyone's too thin, there's nothing to worry about. Scary.
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Re: New picture of Michael Jackson (finally, a real one!) [HQ pics in post #44]

I'm closing this briefly so ya'll can find some prospective.
Re: New picture of Michael Jackson (finally, a real one!) [HQ pics in post #44]

i am not going to listen to the "censorship" bullshit. we have been very NON-controlling ever since MJJC was formed. We made a specific effort to move away from the "censorship" that was always touted at us on MJJF. Yall done got used to being able to say almost whatever you wanted around here. Now when we ask you nicely to refrain from something, yall pull out the damn "censorship card"... it aint about controlling people just to control them...or following Michael Blindly, none of the staff worships Michael or holds him as a God. Yall got it twisted. All I wanted was some common courtesy displayed in a damn thread, if that is too much to ask then I am out of here. Yall can have at it cuz I aint playing this game with yall anymore :chichi:
Re: New picture of Michael Jackson (finally, a real one!) [HQ pics in post #44]

The problem ChiChi, is that there are certain members here who will not allow a difference of opinion without it being called an attack or claiming that the other member is a bad fan for sharing concern. Shit, Michael looks painfully thin and I, along with any other member have that right to express it without being labeled as a hater or being jumped on. The members need to work it out amongst themselves and leave the staff of MJJC out of this. This board isn't censoring anyone. There are members who are doing that very job to other members.

Grow up and allow for other opinions. This isn't the MJJ Worship Board, this is MJJC where all respectful opinions are welcomed.
Re: New picture of Michael Jackson (finally, a real one!) [HQ pics in post #44]

Ok, listen up the thread is a little cleaner of the personal attacks. MJJC does not condone attacking one another for their opinions. MJJC does not condone discussing or spectulating on Michael's health. MJJC does want everyone to respect Michael, respect MJJC and respect each other.

Now please respectfully continue. It is ok to be concerned and love Michael. Lets have some patience with one another.
Re: New picture of Michael Jackson (finally, a real one!) [HQ pics in post #44]

I don't see the value in the link but its posted so here it is.


JACKSON family stalwart PHOENIX fears MICHAEL JACKSON's upcoming 50th birthday will be a quiet affair - because pop's first family can't schedule a big celebration with the reclusive pop superstar.
The former family publicist-turned-biographer Phoenix is constantly in touch with siblings Jermaine and Tito and their mother Katherine and reveals they're desperately trying to plan a kin reunion to mark Michael's half-century celebrations this coming Friday (29Aug08).
Phoenix, who now fronts Jackson 5 tribute band The Dancing Machine Revue, says, "I spoke to Tito two weeks ago and he said the family wants to spend time with Michael, but, due to Michael's schedule and the fact he's been a little under the weather, it looks unlikely. They're trying to get everyone's schedules to fit so they can have a celebration with Michael.
"They're not big on birthdays but this would be a big family thing. It's a historical moment for the family. They can't believe that the little brother is turning 50 this year."
But Phoenix is sure reclusive Michael will be planning something special for his fans: "He will acknowledge the fans. If nothing else, he'll send out a press release thanking fans all around the world for supporting him on his birthday. And there will be an address where fans can send gifts and presents and letters directly to Michael. That's important to him."


I'm praying and trusting that you're fine as your face shows in that pic.

I hope this is not off topic, or can we move this one to the News thread (I didn't see it there)...But if that were true )the part I put in bold and enlarged)...that would be AWESOME!!! I hope we get an address for gifts!! :clapping:
Re: New picture of Michael Jackson (finally, a real one!) [HQ pics in post #44]


The Sun have picked up on this story, and even complemented his hair LOL... well kinda
Re: New picture of Michael Jackson (finally, a real one!) [HQ pics in post #44]

He's a lot thinner
Re: New picture of Michael Jackson (finally, a real one!) [HQ pics in post #44]

Oh our sweet angel looks so good. MJ is sooo cool. I love his outfit :D . He rox! Bless him.