Russell Brand insults MJ @ Eddie M tribute

@respect77 People like Russell and others are not even interested in spending time in the internet looking and reading info about what went on 93. I kind of understand it, nobody spends time for someone they don't care about,
but what they don't understand that their words hurts MJ children, fans, family, friends.

If these people are not interested in finding out the truth about those allegations then they shouldn't comment about them. Russell Brand seems lilke one of those people who don't research the allegations, refuses to do it but still talks like he knows everything about it
And even if they think Michael did it, how can they think joking about child abuse is funny? For what kind of people talking about "f*cking children" is a source of entertainment that they expect people to laugh at?

^Exactly, how do people find this funny. If he believes that the allegations are true then he must believe there are victims out there - he obviously doesn't care about their feelings.

And honestly how random is that?? Why even bring MJ up - the event had nothing to do with him. If anyone was gonna bring it up, I would have bet on it being Chris Rock .. he can't seem to stop mentioning MJ. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if he also tries to crack a "joke" about it in his segment.

To Eddie's credit, at least he didn't laugh.
I hope none of the attendees laughed at his so called joke, and obviously that might have been the case as at the end of his "joke" seem to be a little bit defensive side.

I think many of these so called comedians got caught with hype when it was fashionable to make fun of Michael, but it is not fun anymore and not appropriate. So much have come out since he died, more and more people knows to truth from lie and can find relative info if they are interested in finding the truth.
Russell should know that tabloids can and will twist the facts, but obviously he thinks that everything written about Michael is true, whereas everything written about himself is rubbish.

@respect77 People like Russell and others are not even interested in spending time in the internet looking and reading info about what went on 93. I kind of understand it, nobody spends time for someone they don't care about,
but what they don't understand that their words hurts MJ children, fans, family, friends.

If anyone want to post a link to Russell to read (short as his attention span is very short) where he can read a bit what happen 93, here is his twitter account info:

my guess is he blocked his twitter from public reaction..but..if he comes in here to see that..which he can't..he'll see stuff about telling him to research the truth. Still..we should go for it on his twitter, so thank you.
Oh god this guy is so lame. NEVER was a fan of this guy always ignored him cause he is just NOT funny! I think he got more famous when he married the 5 number 1 singles like bad cheater Kerry Perry. Sadly their divorced now.
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Just out of curiosity. do these comedians made the same comments about Sandusky or the guy from the Who group?
Unfriggin believable! I am so sick of these @*!#~*! taking pot shots at MJ even after death!

me too... may they all rot in hell... I really believe in God but he needs to get to work.. These folks are downright cruel and evil and there seems to be no recourse for their evil actions. I just don't get it. Mike was a good man with a good heart and he's gone and he gets tortured and these evil fools continue on spreading their hate and evil. I just don't get it.
That is the problem with many of Michael's friends--they seem to be wishy washy--not taking a clear stand in his defense. Together with the wince (which is a mild from of distaste), they should show by their facial expressions complete horror and disgust so that this guy would feel uncomfortable. They should have made a shocked sound and act the way the audience acted when West took the microphone from Taylor. We all remember the outcry. Where is the outcry for Michael from his friends in the industry. I get the feeling this guy mentioned Michael because he knew that Eddie was a friend, so he was not only insulting Michael, but Eddie too.
If these people are not interested in finding out the truth about those allegations then they shouldn't comment about them. Russell Brand seems lilke one of those people who don't research the allegations, refuses to do it but still talks like he knows everything about it

All the fairness, don't we (I confess, I do :blush:) all give an opinion sometimes that we know nothing or our info is limited.

Secondly Russell is english tabloid junkie, and most likely his info is from The Sun and other tabloids.
I'm not defending him in any way, but there are thousands if not million of people like Russell that think what is printed on tabloids is true. It just shows how stupid he is, and seemingly he has no problems to display it in plain sight.
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Michael's 'friends' need to step up and be counted, no way should they have let comments like this slip. Loser!
That would require them to put their reputation on the line and it's been more then clear for a long time now most of them wouldn't even dare. Sad but, true. Or they do worse and put out the wrong info.
I found little bit more info regarding reaction from Eddie and the crowd:
Russell Brand Bombs with Michael Jackson Joke:

What Russell Brand didn’t know is that Michael Jackson, child molestation jokes never went well with black audiences. Now after his untimely death, they really don’t go well. Brand launches into what he thinks is going to be a knee slapper, but the crowd thought otherwise,

“Michael Jackson is a genius, and you have to separate their genius from their hobbies, I’m just saying $20 million is a lot of money to give to a child he didn’t f***.”

WHOMP WHOMP. That joke got a wince from Eddie and a groan from the crowd.

Russell must have been on crack or something to even think that it is appropriate to make a jokes of Michael in event that is full of Michael's friends. That to me shows that he didn't do any research of attendees or even the person they were making tribute to, before he decided to make old jokes of Michael. If had he done some research, he would have found out at least half of the people there were Mike's friends. After reading some of the tributes others paid to Eddie, they were telling how Eddie has influenced on them or other similar stuff, and then comes Russell telling Michael jokes? What that got to do with Eddie and his influence to Russell? Nothing, stupid eejit.

I'm ready to do some serious arse kissing, if for once Michael's friend/s stand up for him and defend him in public.
I so wish they could stand up for him just once:sad2:

I kind of wish they don't cut away Russell's joke from the program, so audiences reaction can be seen and heard by the public, then again I don't want him to get any airtime. If anything, Eddie could ask producers to cut away Brand's lame jokes, that would show him that MJ jokes are not appropriate.
Russell Brand seems to have the opinion of ''Michael payed Jordan Chandler hush money'' which i really stupid because the case was settled AFTER everything leaked out into the media and most of the general public knew about those false allegations. If Michael was guilty and was gonna pay Jordan ''hush money'' he would have done it BEFORE everything leaked into the media
I'm ready to do some serious arse kissing, if for once Michael's friend/s stand up for him and defend him in public.
I so wish they could stand up for him just once:sad2:

At least they did not laugh and made their dislike for the "joke" clear enough for people to see it.
I wonder if Russell drew any conclusive thoughts of the reaction from audience?
Perhaps it is time to give up Michael Jackson jokes?
Eddie should have said something like "Thats not cool" or "Not funny" "Not true" or something :/ eh I would have blurted it out
^^ I agree, at least one of them should have stood up and say enough with MJ jokes. I'm sure if one of them had stood up, many others would have joined in.
The audience should have started a slow hand clap and kept it up until this horrible man left the stage with his tail between his legs.
I always say to people " if evan chandler was so worried bout jordy why on earth would he accept money off the man who he alleged molested him"?! that lately has really shut ppl up. Its about time ppl wake up & realise mj never was a child molestor and leave him alone
If we take Michael completely out of the picture, the fact that a "comedian" is using an old played out joke that was trendy almost 20 years ago is pretty pathetic in of itself. Perhaps it's time he starts working on some new material, maybe something original and/or funny for a change?
^^ You should tweet that to him:hysterical:
He is relatively new to comedy scene, he probably thinks he is funny with 20 year old jokes.
This has really upset me for the last two days and I read all the comments about ignoring it, or tweeting Russell Brand and I just don't think that would do any good at all-he can block people. I'm sure he could care less, given his past history.

But I was on Spike TV's web site tonight reading about the tribute airing on the 14th and about 7 or 8 people have already commented and demanded that this be edited from the special. In my opinion, we should all do the same. THAT might do some good.
Eddie doesn't rly care about MJ. I remember seeing an article where he declined to comment after Michael left us... He's just another so-called comedian like Chris Rock. Another note is his brother Charlie said some nasty things about MJ as well.
Thats why i was surprised when i read eddie winced because i do remember he hasnt really stood up for michael lately.
I've never liked that douche..I don't see why Eddie couldn't stand up for Mike.. :trish: this bs upsets the hell out of me.