UPDATE : JFF to Remember MJ @ Anniversary Celebration Event / Not Estate Approved / $75 for Fans

Genevieve is probably gonna do one of her memorable lip-syncing performances. Can't wait to see this online.

I will remember MJ with friends....Thank you very much.
I have read a couple of excellent posts regarding this issue. To me it is painfully
obvious what papa Joe is doing; going around, over, above, every which way he can
to ignore and challenge Michael's Estate. I am waiting and hoping that the response
from the executors is clear and strong--this is not what Michael wanted and it will
not be tolerated. Michael's wishes are very clear in what he didn't do--and that was
to involve any of his family in his business--his life work and any financial benefit from
that work, is to go to his children, mother and charity. Period.
Re: Jackson Family to Remember Michael at Anniversary Celebration Event

After comparing $250 ticket cost for this event to an actual Michael Jackson concert ticket cost, it doesn't seem appropriate to me.

I know, right??? Why would we pay that much money? It's not like Michael will be there... :(
Re: Jackson Family to Remember Michael at Anniversary Celebration Event

Its too expensive. It makes it seem like its all about the money being brought in.

:bugeyed No!!! That can't be it! Surely, they wouldn't just be concerned with money right now.

Re: Jackson Family to Remember Michael at Anniversary Celebration Event

Urgh it didn't cost me that much more to see Michael in concert. It's too expensive and it's shameful the way they keep using Michael's name for money. His name should be used for the benefit of his children, Katherine in her lifetime and charities as his will dictates. That is what he wanted, not for his dad and brothers to make a quick buck. Branca and McClain will put a stop to this like they have Joes other 'family' ventures.

I sure hope so! Michael chose very wisely and correctly when he picked them. He was very smart. Let's hope they stop all of their money-making schemes.
Re: Jackson Family to Remember Michael at Anniversary Celebration Event

This comment left on people's site pretty much sums up my feelings about this:
Some unknown company is having a 'red carpet' celebration for the 1 year anniversary of the death of the 'Angel in our Lives' , and FANS can go -- IF they PAY $250.00?? Yeah, I'm sure Michael is Smilin down on them for this one!! HA!!!

And Inviting so-called 'celebrities' ? Are these the same 'celebrities' that went to the premier of "This Is It" crying and proclaiming their LOVE & GRIEF for MICHAEL? --- The same ones who, when asked by Michael's Attorney to come to Court on his Behalf, wanted NOTHING to do with him and turned their backs to him?

I will be Celebrating my Angel's Life with other FANS, Real People who still Grieve & Will Love & Defend Michael to ETERNITY!


:yes: Thank you! This post is PERFECT!
Re: Jackson Family to Remember Michael at Anniversary Celebration Event

^^ It's just so sad
Everybody wants to make money off of michael
All these events are just too expensive and most of the event planners are forgetting that it's not a day of celebration but day of sadness for Millions of fans.
Why cant more people be like spike lee?

I know!! The last thing I want to do is CELEBRATE Michael's passing!!! :doh: Nothing to celebrate whatsoever, except that he isn't here to have people keep using him and hurting him, treating him like crap.
Re: UPDATE : Jackson Family to Remember Michael at Anniversary Celebration Event / Not Estate Approv

If he was MY son, I'd have a problem with this stuff too with the estate. I wholeheartedly believe MJ made the right decision in his choice of executors. BUT...Joe IS his father. MJ, despite the will, always expressed his love for Joe and thanked him. He didn't understand him, but he loved him. I don't think Joe should be able to flagrantly capitalize on MJ, but on the anniversary of his death, as a parent, he should be able to honor him.

You are so right. There should be some communication between the executors and Joe, but unfortunately they have this contentious relationship and seem to avoid each other.

This ongoing crap just makes Joe AND the executors look bad IMO.

Sure, Joe can honor Michael every day by not trying to come up with more schemes to get money. It says a lot that Michael purposely left Joe and his siblings out of his will. Yes, he loved them BECAUSE they were family. But they did not have his best interests in mind, only themselves, being very selfish.
Yes, you can honor someone, but why would Joe want to celebrate his son's death? Having a party? Hmmm. No, I don't think so.
Re: UPDATE : Jackson Family to Remember Michael at Anniversary Celebration Event / Not Estate Approv

THANK YOU!! I would be ticked off myself if I was being treated by the people who are supposed to be running my dead relative's estate like the Jacksons are being treated.

Michael knew his family before Branca, McClain and any others came into his life over the years. Many people on here automatically want to dismiss the Jacksons as greedy and opportunistic when they raise certain issues or do things without the estate's say so. While some members of the family have made questionable (yeah and even stupid) comments and actions, the entire family loved Michael, they are grieving for Michael and the way they are being treated as if THEY killed Michael is totally disrespectful. And for the record, even though Michael may have been carrying the load for the family at times, alot of Michael's more serious problems came from outsiders who successfully played the divide and conquer game. They knew of Michael's problems with Joe etc. They knew Michael outgrown being part of the Jackson 5/Jacksons. Even though in the beginning, Michael had a few good people within the industry working for him, as he gotten from being just a famous singer to the most famous entertainer in the world many of these people in the entertainment industry slithered into his life taking advantage of his kindness, naievity and insecurities and put that man through hell....MORE hell than Joe could ever put Michael through. And I'm not just referring to ones who were obvious snakes, I'm also referring to the ones who were wolves in sheep's clothing. Upstanding on the outside and sinister and calculating on the inside. These ones who were smiling in Michael's face while stabbing him in the back, while setting him up, while serving as sources for alot of salacious and harmful gossip about Michael which has been spread and accepted as truth for the past 17 or more years...even NOW a year after his death.

People want to talk about Joe and the rest of the family seeing and treating Michael like a cash cow? What about these vultures in the industry, who although they had and have money, there can NEVER be too much money to have? What about Michael's OWN words when he called alot of these people "charlatans" who steal from and cheat their artists and strong arm them with a 'rule or ruin' philosophy? Not to mention the media, who were and still are willing participants and who are always on call for the next 'expose' and 'scandal' they can make on Michael for the right price. Michael has made alot of these people in the industry and in the media rich. These jerks are the ones who REALLY saw Michael as nothing but a cash cow. And don't get me started on the people who entered into Michael's life only to falsely accuse him and ruin his reputation and put his life and freedom in jeopardy. People on here are so busy spouting off and looking at the Jacksons with a critical eye, the Jacksons are the LEAST to worry about when it comes to greed and crookedness and the ability and THE MEANS to do real lasting harm to Michael. People on here can say what they want, but Michael's family did not put him in his grave. THAT is a fact!!

I had to let it out because I for one have had enough of this crap!!

Michael's will says it all, does it not? I'm tired of people saying, "But they are FAMILY!" Who cares??? Does it mean they always love you and always treat you right and always do what's best for you? One would hope, but sadly, that is NOT always the case. I do believe that they love Michael, but not as much as they love themselves and money. Their actions speak very loudly and clearly what they are thinking of, and they always have.
Michael purposely distanced himself from his family and left them out of his will, with the exception of his children and his mom. Period. What he has in his will is what should be honored. So yes, I'm with whoever honors his wishes, even if that means I'm with the executors of the estate and not his family.
Re: Jackson Family to Remember Michael at Anniversary Celebration Event

This comment left on people's site pretty much sums up my feelings about this:

Some unknown company is having a 'red carpet' celebration for the 1 year anniversary of the death of the 'Angel in our Lives' , and FANS can go -- IF they PAY $250.00?? Yeah, I'm sure Michael is Smilin down on them for this one!! HA!!!

And Inviting so-called 'celebrities' ? Are these the same 'celebrities' that went to the premier of "This Is It" crying and proclaiming their LOVE & GRIEF for MICHAEL? --- The same ones who, when asked by Michael's Attorney to come to Court on his Behalf, wanted NOTHING to do with him and turned their backs to him?

I will be Celebrating my Angel's Life with other FANS, Real People who still Grieve & Will Love & Defend Michael to ETERNITY!


This sums up exactly how I feel. Every time I attended an event to celebrate Michael it cost me barely anything as we did it out of love for Michael. We never wanted anything from him, only the opportunity to show how much we love him. And all the ticket prices, which were barely anything anything, all went to charity. It was the fans who were always there for him, never wanted anything from him, nothing. The only thing we wanted from him was him to be happy. I will be spending June 25th remembering my hero with people that love him and will love him until the end of time. No fancy events with champagne, just a couple drinks down a pub where we can share our memories, where we can mourn, where we can remember, and where we can celebrate his life together.
Re: UPDATE : Jackson Family to Remember Michael at Anniversary Celebration Event / Not Estate Approv

Actually, being a parent myself I know exactly what is meant. Parents do not own their children, period. And there comes the point where any parent has to take responsibility for their actions toward their children- respect is a two way street.

Michael has made explicitly clear that he treats his children the way HE sees fit, not the the way he was raised and not because "that's how my parents raised me". He did his own thing. If my parental conduct warrants my child to set up his will in that kind of fashion, than that's just a consequence, not the cause. People seem to get that mixed up.

He said something very interesting with Bashir. "I don't every want my children to feel that way about me." Now, I'm fully aware of the Oxford speech and again, love and forgiveness do not equal an obligation on his part to let his parents be part of the estate. Michael Jackson must have wanted someone who play bloodhound- for a reason. He did not appoint any family members to be executors of the estate and therefore the family does not really enjoy any other benefits besides their own names.

I honestly do not understand why fans want treat Michael Jackson of all people as the defiant bratty little spoiled kid that owes his parents something. Michael Jackson set up a trust- which was a smart thing to do. I'm surprised that in essence people would like Michael Jackson to behave like the eternally co-dependent child within a frame of domestic violence. End of story.
There are so many things that have happened over the course of his 50 years that he already was the bigger guy on many of these things. You can forgive certainly forgive those that trespassed against you and live an okay life with that- it doesn't obligate him to ANYTHING and certainly not to appointing his family to executors of his estate.

Michael's sibling had decades to make their own names, doors must have opened left and right for them because of their brother. What they accomplished with those possibilities is completely up to them.
Of course it's hard to be standing in someone shadow- because it means you have to be at least an equal genius.

Do any of us get airtime over and over with Larry King just because we're fans to clear the record? Some of the fan would make outstanding advocates for Michael Jackson.

And of course you can honor your late brother. Found your own charity, work for a cause that your brother would cherish as well- you can always dedicate it TO him and nobody would say a word. Just don't take a registered trademark, that's all. Do you think the estate would go after people if they were to found the "Help all orphans" foundation ("dedicated to my brother, I love you')? I don't think so.
There are several in the family who want to go by singer/songwriter. Sit down and write your own song to someone you love. Fill an evening with songs you wrote for the person you love. You can sing MichaelMichaelMichael for 5 minutes in a song and the estate won't say a word. Paint an outstanding painting that you yourself have painted.
Nobody is going after those that come up with original ways of honoring Michael Jackson, whom they loved. Just don't be a copycat, do your own thing and you'll be alright.
If Jermaine would put out a song that he wrote himself from the bottom of his own heart and soul- you bet he'd get at least initial airplay, simply because he's his brother and I would say without envy, more power to you because you created this out of your own love for your brother. I'm not saying this to beat down on anyone, I'm mentioning this because this is a family that wants built a "Jackson Family Museum" commemorating themselves- and that's why I want to see why a Michael Jackson fan should be contributing to it.

Taking an MJ emblem and putting it on a belt is neither creative nor unique. It's just cheap.

Michael Jackson is the one who in 2002 felt like setting up a very short "leash" as someone here called it. He set up the an estate for Michael Jackson, not the Jackson Family estate.

Your posts are spot on!!! :yes:
Re: UPDATE : Jackson Family to Remember Michael at Anniversary Celebration Event / Not Estate Approv

May be posted already...FYI:

Another fan club is giving out the discount codes for the $75 tickets.

My guess is that MJJC will too...???

Hopefully, MJJC will not have anything to do with this.
Re: UPDATE : Jackson Family to Remember Michael at Anniversary Celebration Event / Not Estate Approv

Michael's will says it all, does it not? I'm tired of people saying, "But they are FAMILY!" Who cares??? Does it mean they always love you and always treat you right and always do what's best for you? One would hope, but sadly, that is NOT always the case. I do believe that they love Michael, but not as much as they love themselves and money. Their actions speak very loudly and clearly what they are thinking of, and they always have.
Michael purposely distanced himself from his family and left them out of his will, with the exception of his children and his mom. Period. What he has in his will is what should be honored. So yes, I'm with whoever honors his wishes, even if that means I'm with the executors of the estate and not his family.

:clapping::clapping::clapping: Wholeheartedly agree with you.
Some people come off as ignorant and don't seem to understand what is the purpose of a will.

MJ distanced himself from his family in life...why is anyone surprised that he did not want them to have anything with his legacy or his money?

MJ was a grown man...he was free to leave his money to anyone. HE CHOSE HIS MOM, KIDS AND CHARITY.

Hopefully, MJJC will not have anything to do with this.

I hope so too...because this is not sanctioned by the estate. Using MJ's image & music without permission is considered FRAUD. I sure hope MJJC will not support fraudulent activities.
I'm confused... Joe you never change.... This one reminds me of the fan party in Japan... There's a rumor that Joe singed the contract without Michael's approval...Michael didn't want to have an expensive party there, but he couldn't help going since he didn't want to see his father get in trouble.
I also think Joe was the one who made the ridiculous 'This Is It band concert' happen.

Joe.. If you are thinking about profiting Michael's fans again for your sake, stop it....
We are TIRED of you.
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Re: Jackson Family to Remember Michael at Anniversary Celebration Event

Well I wish Branca and McClain would stop anybody wanting to tarnish MJ's image not just the family.
Genevie Jackson:
Good morning!!! soo today i have rehearsals, have 2 prepare myself 4 my performance at the Forever Michael Tribute on the 26th. very nervous about 1 hour ago via web

this week coming is going to be a very emotional week for all of us. lets keep his memory alive about 1 hour ago via web

how great he was, how loving he was, he was sending us a message thru his music. TO LOVE! to show love to one another and to the planet. about 1 hour ago via web

what a wonderful human being. you will never be forgotten and we miss you soo much. we love you about 1 hour ago via web

To know more about the tribute here is the website www.voiceplate.com

www.voiceplate.com/mj/index.php 24 minutes ago via Twitter for BlackBerry®
LOVE,emotional,save the planet,save the children...all this is kinda meaningless if actions don't follow...it only makes those ideals cheap..just like this forever MJ tribute.
thank lost child for reminding me ,they are so many money making themes going on hard to keep it up.
Joe Jackson Linked to Unauthorized MJ Memorial
Originally posted Jun 24th 2010 8:34 AM PDT by TMZ Staff
The Michael Jackson estate and others have been asking ... who's behind an unauthorized MJ memorial set to go down Saturday night at the Beverly Hilton -- now, there's a smoking gun pointed at Joe Jackson.


As we previously reported, the bash is being thrown by a website called VoicePlate.com -- but no one could identify the person responsible for pulling the strings. It's also unclear who convinced Katherine Jackson to record that awkward, scripted promotional video for the tribute.

But now -- a clue ... and it all has to do with the featured entertainment at the MJ tribute ... a band called the Chi-Lites -- they had a couple of hits in the '70s, including "Oh Girl" and "Have You Seen Her."

If you recall, just days after MJ died ... Joe Jackson shamelessly held a news conference to introduce his new business partner, Marshall Thompson ... a member of the Chi-Lites.

Think it's coincidence that the band got a brand new gig ... at an MJ event?

Didn't think so.

Follow the Michael Jackson Money Trail
Originally posted Jun 25th 2010 12:45 AM PDT by TMZ Staff
Michael Jackson's parents are giving fans an ultimatum -- don't even try to use MJ's name or likeness to [COLOR=#29a256! important][COLOR=#29a256! important]make [COLOR=#29a256! important]money[/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR]. Problem is ... they don't have the right either.


We found a document posted on the Jackson Family Foundation website -- that's the organization that's throwing a bash at the Beverly Hilton in Bev Hills Saturday night at prices as high as $500 a ticket.

The document, signed by Joseph Jackson, Chairman, and Katherine Jackson, Vice Chairman, warns fans, "Please, do not ... Use the 'Jackson Family" name 'The Jackson Family Foundation' or 'Michael Jackson' as a means to advertise the sale of commercial products, fundraisers or services of any kind."

The reality -- Michael's parents -- just like the fans -- have no right to exploit MJ's name and likeness. That right belongs solely and exclusively to the estate of Michael Jackson.

What's more, we did some digging and Joe has created a company that may well be cashing in on Michael's name. It's called the Jackson Development & Marketing Corporation, incorporated in Nevada last December, after Michael died. Joe is listed as the director and Lowell Henry, a longtime financial advisor of Joe and Katherine, is the treasurer.

And get this ... Take a look at the picture of the guy in the red tie, next to Katherine in a promotional pic for Katherine's new book, "Never Can Say Goodbye." That guy is none other than Lowell Henry.

Interesting ... in the book, Katherine thanks Lowell, Joe and the estate. We're told no one told the MJ estate about the book until its release was announced.

As for the Beverly Hilton bash, Joe's PR person tells TMZ Joe will not be profiting from the Beverly Hilton event, and that the money is all going to charity. But VoicePlate.com, which is co-sponsoring the event, tells TMZ some but not all of the money will go to charity.
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Mickey Rooney Serenades Michael Jackson Fans at Event, Corey Feldman Makes Speech
June 27th, 2010 at 12:34 AM EDT

Mickey Rooney serenaded the Michael Jackson fans at the Beverly Hilton tonight. The 85 year old entertainer was a child movie star.

Corey Feldman made a speech. :doh::doh:

Genevieve Jackson, Randy’s daughter, performed. But Randy Jackson has made proclamations denouncing the whole event tonight.

Whatever. There was also supposed to be a performance by Marshall Thompson, the remaining member of the R&B group The Chi-Lites. Thompson has become Joseph Jackson’s bucket boy, following him around and saying he’s got a record label with Jackson.

Both Katherine and Joseph Jackson showed up. Katherine didn’t sign copies of her book,…

source: showbiz411.com

apparently this person attended the vent, read her tweets http://twitter.com/SunShi9Smile

and here is the meal http://twitpic.com/20an25 :bugeyed