What are you doing this very second?

Relaxing on my bed playing my Sims 3 game. While watching some you tube videos on my iPad. Right now it just some paranormal and cryptid related videos. Might be doing that all day. Since there is absolutely nothing to watch on tv today.
In MJJC Chat waiting, watching "TaleSpin" thru Watchcartoononline and checking out Candysan site (Japanese snacks).
Just relaxing in my bed wishing I could get some more sleep. It is 3:38 am here. But thanks to what that evil monster did to Michael. I have gotten quite used to having insomnia now. As well as living with depression. So I am just going to watch some Ancient Aliens episodes. As I go back to my Sims 3 game.
at work, ready to run out and run to the gym... Leg day!! arrrrrr..
Reading useless stuff on the internet because I don't want to sleep and go to class tomorrow. :girl_tantrum::tease:
Watching "Netoge no Yome wa Onnanoko ja Nai to Omotta?" on Watchcartoononline and Rescue Rangers (Japanese Dub) on NicoVideo.
Drinking coffee and trying to get myself together to go into work.
Just relaxing and listening to my bird Ivan sing to the dishwasher while its on. :cheeky:
Just relaxing on my chair in my room. While playing my Sims 3 game. And watch some non MJ related videos on You Tube. Since there is nothing worth watching on tv. Then again I prefer the tv off mostly anymore. Mainly because I won't see or hear anything or anyone that could be MJ related. And it won't upset me again.
Listening to Smooth radio :blush:
Looking outside to see the Builders at work.
Browsing MJJC Forum :D

Oh and munching Breakfast :candy:
My Michael Jackson-Anime Night.

Wembley 88' DVD and "Gonna Be The Twin-Tail!!" (watchcartoononline)
Relaxing after helping and swimming. I need to take my arm easy because of the physical stress I put with my arm helping the wooden boards earning 3 little bruises.
Just relaxing my chair listening to these last 3 MJ songs. While trying very hard to keep myself from crying over him again. And it is not easy. I told myself that I was going to listen to 7 songs of his. Seeing what day it is. Thankfully I had listen to 4 MJ songs earlier today. After these 3 last MJ songs. I am putting my Bollywood music back on. To help cheer myself back up again.