Where Are Michael's Ancestors From?

Chapter 15

Touring The US.

In the meantime in the USA they began to report more details about our foreign tours, and there has come time again to go accross America so that our fans did not think, that we have forgot about them.
So in July, 1973 we have gone on tour across America that ended in September in Honolulu. Then we promoted 2 new albums of Jackson 5, and Jackie has released his first solo album. When there has come 1974, the group has taken part in the Rose Bowl Parade and has performed in Sonny and Sher show. In couple of days there was one more performance on TV, this time for CBS. Then we were on tour abroad, stopped to perform in Chicago and Los Angeles, and again to Europe. Than home again - performances in several tvshows.
In May of this year television performance of Jackson 5 on channel ABC in the program "Free to be … you and me" has received the premium "Emmy" as the best tvshow for children. In June Stevie Wonder's album was released in which the group participated in. Other concerts and shows in Las Vegas have begun then .
You can imagine to yourselves, how many forces were needed for all of that, besides we didn't do any breaks. On the contrary, we already prepared for the following American tour. Pittsburgh followed New Jersey, State Fair in Trenton, then Richmond, Buffalo and finally New York.
In New York we performed in Madison Square Garden. Fans all the night long besieged our hotel and indefatigably shouted: " We love you, Jackson 5. We love you ". Michael threw autographes from the window, fans sent air kisses to my sons .
When there came the time to go on a concert, we hardly could get out of the hotel. My sons stood on a stage in front of 20 thousands of shouting fans. Next day New York Times has written, that Jackson 5 were magnificent. They praised up to the skies.
For real the tour began only after New York, we had 65 concerts without a single break. It was a real achievement.
After our concert the storm in the south has burst. I did not want to get on in the plane at all, children too were afraid to do it, when they saw my reaction. But then we've been told, that the pilot will start only when the bad weather will pass. So we have ascended aboard. Each of my sons has received a small gift from the airline - a ripe melon which they have put under the seats.
A little later a storm got easier, and the machine has started. But it shook and shaked as abnormal. Some passengers shouted of horror, and even stewardesses looked scared. I still never flied in such storm and thought: " My God, if I will leave from here alive and safe, I will never get on the plane if there will be the slightest signes of a rain ".
Unexpectedly the sky has brightened up also turbulence has decreased. I have made sure, that melons are well stacked and have not suffered, and has asked the stewardess to cut one. A man that was sitting near to me has asked, whether it is impossible for him to have a slice. " Well certainly ", I have answered him and have given the instruction to the stewardess, to cut off to each passenger who wants, on a slice. When we at last have landed and were in safety, there were no clods in the sky, and from ours 5 melons remained nothing.
By the way about safety: during the American tour the problem which never arose abroad has appeared. We began to receive threats.
For example, once we have received a message, that there was a bomb in the hall , just when my children were on a stage. Certainly, I wanted to take them away as soon as possible and place them in a safe place. Therefore someone with a calm voice has declared in the microphone, that now there will be a small interval (if we would tell, that there was a bomb under the stage, there would be panic and people would sqweese each other to death).
Boys have got down from stage, and the security service has engaged in searches of the bomb. But they have found nothing. .Some has probably joked.
Such or similar incidents happened so frequently, that we soon got used to them, but I also in future continued to watch, that my sons did not risk in vain.
All concerts in America were a success, and our American fans are true to us till now. We depend on the fans - without them we would not sell any record. But on the other hand, if my children were not such good artists, they wouldn't have so many true fans.
Music is the universal language connecting all the people, it helps to establish love and peace.
Chapter 16.


Africa is our "historical native land " because some of my ancestors were born there. I knew about it, as well as my sons, only from the books, but I very much wanted to visit there someday because I wanted to see the black history had begun from. Therefore I planned performances of Jackson 5 in Africa.
In the beginning 70s I have got acquainted with an East-African MaMa Do Johnny Seco - a tall, well dressed moslem with a very dark color of the skin. He was unusual, and all of us loved him.
MaMa Do was a great promoter, and he very much wanted to bring Jackson 5 to Africa. He, certainly, discussed the details of the contract with me - my sons were still minor.
In Africa we prepared for concerts especially well, and flown from New York to Senegal. Boys could not wait, to see the native land of our ancestors.
When we have landed in Dakar, we were met with admiring crowd. People sang, beat in drums and scanned: "Jackson 5! Jackson 5! ". Then they have stood in a circle and started to dance. They invited my sons in the circle one by one to dance together. Michael was the last, therefore he had enough time to observe their movements. And when he has come in a circle, he started to dance as an african. It was surprising, and people of their accepting committee were very much glad about this. They at once have apprehended Michael as one of them, and since this moment we felt like at home and have understood the whole meaning of the words: " Welcome to Africa! "
We enjoyed each minute of our stay. Banners with our names were hanged all over the city, people danced on the streets to our music. Again and again we heard: " Jacksons, Jacksons - we love you ".
We felt flattered and in the same time, happy, that they were so are glad to our arrival.
We have stayed in Senegal a week, boys performed on Demba Drop Stadion. Probably, the African atmosphere effected them so, that they danced better, than ever.
Then we were invited there where the then president of Senegal was born, Leopold Sedar Senghor. On the road there we saw a lot of woodcarvers and other handicraftsmen which sold their creations right on the street. The more we moved away from the city the more primitive the atmosphere had seem to us. The president has invited us to a supper in his native village and we enjoyed hospitality of our new African friends.
Next day we made trip on the Gore island . From there the slave-sellers forwarded our ancestors on ships to America, and uncountable number of people died during the moving. Already when we have left from the ferry, I got scared and when we have come in a former dungeon where slaves were attached to the walls in past , I became really depressed. It became cold, I shivered, and boys also were terrifyed. The translator told to us such an awful stories about how they treated these unfortunate people that a Jackie has burst into tears. Others too have been deeply touched.
they have made a goodbye present for us - one of the parts of the circuit by which slaves have been chained to walls of prison. It was painfull to me to hear, how barbary they were treated. Nevertheless I will never forget this day.
In Dakar, the presedent of Senegal has handed me over,a silver medal because I have arrived to his country as " the ambassador of art ". In my thankful speech I have expressed desire, that " the connection between Africans and Americans would become stronger". I consider it a great honor to have this medal. The only other artist who has received it, was Duke Ellington.
When we were leaving, the crowd of Senegaleses again has gathered at the airport and danced for us. Before entering the plane, I have once again inhaled the African air.
During the long flight home we delightfully examined the little figurines made of wood that were givan to us. We liked everything in Africa: joyful people and their surprising gift of singing and dancing, the legends transmitted from the father to the son from generation to generation, and a smell of Atlantic ocean at Senegalease coast.
When we have landed in New York, we have understood, that we will never forget Africa. At the airport tens of reporters waited for us, put microphones to our faces and asked silly questions.
They wanted to know, whether we saw savages, and whether danger threatened our life! We have tried to explain to them, how friendly people were there and what a great country Senegal is. It is strange, that still in the beginning of 70s the majority of Americans thought, that Africa is occupied by hunters on heads which cook tourists in boilers alive. Partly it was because of the racist films. Fortunately there come more of such film directors as Spike Lee that show blacks as they are.
Anyway, after that first travel I wanted very much to return to Africa and to see everything on this continent. My biggest desire - to organize a Jackson 5 tour in all the African countries.


Chapter 17

Moving to California

Our moving to California was delayed. As well as the majority of artists which were beginners in this business, we at first lived in cheap motels. Has passed many years before we could afford a hotel like Ritz. Earlier the Motown artists had to pay for everything by themselves. First Berry has put us in "Tropicana", then we have moved to "Hollywood motel " which too was not anything special.
But I had a Dream, therefore me and the guys have concentrated on work. At first Katherine had to stay in Gary she had to take care of the rest of the children. For the first time in our marriage we lived separately, and it was very hard for me. It was uneasy to all of us to leave our family, I most of all missed the night conversations with my wife, but I have decided to become successful together with my sons, therefore have reconciled with the inevitable.
The first sound recording studio in Los Angeles where we worked, was called Crystal Sound Studio. Usually, during these infinite sessions of recording there was present only 8 people: producer Bobby Taylor, ours technitian Andy, he with the his red head of hear and red cheeke looked like such a simple guy, the 5 of my sons and I. Without resting, we worked on the first album of the group.
When many years later there were a series about our family on ABC channel, there was a very srange scene with Barry: he explained Michael how he had to sing "I' ll be there", a song from this album. For real it never happened. Barry has charged that to Hal Davis which was with us in the studio and became the producer of this songs. Michael precisely knew, how he has to sing, and he remembered the lyrics. Besides there in fact was I, and I was engaged in all of it. Barry from the very beginning has understood, that no little thing will escape from me, and never appeared during the recordings.
This first sit-round gatherings in the studio are the most dear memories for me. My dream came true, and we received huge pleasure, working on Crystal Sound. It is audible on the album too. Michael constantly rushed there - here or played somewhere in a corner and when there came his turn, we had to look for him, and he, with giggling, was hidden in his favourite shelter under the board. He was a happy child. He was still so small, that he could not reach the microphone even if a microphone was lowered to the lowest position. For helping that, I have brought a box from someplace, and have put it in front of the microphone, and Michael sang his parts standing on it. Never before such a little boy has sang in this studio. So boy would not desert school, we have employed for them a teacher. He accompanied with us also on tours.
30 years later I have again visited Andy in Crystal Sound. All the walls have been covered Jacksons' photos. Nobody was authorized to hang up something else - all he area was reserved only for the Jacksons.
Andy was very glad to see me. " Joe where have you dissappeared all this time? ", he shouted and started crying.
He asked me of my boys and has told me, that he misses them, and would like to see them once again and talk to them. And I did't even knew what good impression we left him. In California everything happened so quickly, therefore it was difficult to keep in touch with everyone with whom you got acquainted. I needed 30 years to understand, what true friend Andy was.
Some time later I at finally could transport the other family members. It means, all except for Rebbie. She got married in the meantime, and immideately has moved with the husband to Kentucky. I considered, that she in her 18 years was still too young for marriage, and I was against, but I of course was present, on the wedding eventually I was her father.
Anyway, Katherine and other children have left to California, and me and the boys could not wait, till she finally arrive. I together with our driver have gone to the airport to meet Katherine, Janet, Randy and Latoya and take them to the house on the Hollywood hills which was rented for us by Barry.
Can you image how shocked Katherine was when the door was opened by an awfully thin young woman in a short motley dress with thin sholder-strapes. I had to warn her, that she will meet Diana Ross. Later my wife has told to me, that she has felt a complete idiot when suddenly appeared face to face with Diana which with her long false eyelashes and nacreous lipstick looked as the girl from a striptease - bar. Katherine was not dressed so great; eventually she has done a long way with small children, and here she faces our new house opposite to the largest star of Motown. She nevertheless has not shown her emmbarrasment and has allowed Diana to show her around the house.
Soon after arrival in California Katherine has found a shop in the city where it was possible to buy cheaply some fabrics, and has again begun to sew suits for the group. I was deeply exasperated, when years later I saw a scene in a series where Susan De Pass chooses clothes for my sons in a shop. It never happened, though Motown probably wanted to present everything like that. Mother of my children always cared of that they have always been decently dressed, and this moment they have simply bypassed.
In general susan's role in career of my sons in this series has been strongly exaggerated, but in fact she only cuincidetally was a co-producer. There are scenes where Susan rehearses each step with our sons. But I and Кэтрин have devoted to this many hours still in Gary. Besides as I already said, I have paid Michael's attention to the well-known stepdancers, and Michael excellently owned all these movements, long before we have got acquainted with susan.
It could be very pretty romantic story about how the young woman taught the boys to dance, but anyone who saw at least one performance of my sons before they came to Motown, knows, that they already knew everything.
But we have to return to our story. After we have recorded our first album, we lived in the house on hills, on Quenns Road in Hollywood. I will never forget one of the hot days in 1968. It was already November, but summer, extraordinary hot and dry still proceeded. I was in the house, and Michael played near the pool. Suddenly he has cried and as a lightning has rushed to the house. With eyes widely opened of fear, choking from run, he has promptly rushed to me. " What happened? ", I ask him.
" There a huge snake near the pool! ", Michael begun to chatter.
Neighbours already more than once warned us, that rattlesnakes go down from hills in the populated areas because above they do not have enough water, but I did not assume, that they can approach so close to the house. I have told to our driver that he would take a gun and have shot down the snake. " I cannot shoot at a rattlesnake ", moaned Jack. "What if it bite me.
I had to take the weapon myself and to start up on searches of the snake. It has just crept between bushes when I have gone down from the verandah. I have turned over all these thrickets, until I found it, and have have released the whole charge in it.
After that incident I did not want to remain in this district any more and have employed the broker so he would find us something else. We have found a very nice estate near to Los Angeles in Encino which was pleasant to me. It was away from the road and the entrance to it was very long, it was convenient, because that way it was difficult for fans to reach the entrance door imideately.
The San Fernando Valley was quiet and a little rural, and Encino was far enough from full of dangers and problems of a megacity of Los Angeles. Here our children had an opportunity to attend good schools, and we could conduct a quiet lonely life.
So I have bought this estate and we moved to Encino. While it was reconstructed according to our needs, we lived in the other house nearby. In May, 1971 we have driven in our new house.
Shortly before that our neigbour with which we had good relations, has told to us, that other neighbours collect signatures under the petition which will force us to move out again. They were afraid, that there has come the end of their quiet life, that our fans will disturb their rest. It seemed to us not too fair because some movie stars already lived there in the valley, but nobody complained on their fans. But these celebrities were of course white.
Our neigbour has refused to sign this petition, and after a while all have got used to us. Nobody did not want expel us, and we could stay.
I have decided to build a recording studio behind the house. Randy, our youngest, spent then almost all his free time in a garden and frequently stayed in his studio. Once we have have found out, that he has independently written 3 excellent songs. He has written the lyrics, and has sang and played on all the instruments. It sounded really well, and we have decided, that Randy has fairly earned a place in Jackson 5.
So Randy was the 6th in the group. We have kept the name Jackson 5 for a while, because we were already known under this name. Later we began to call simply The Jacksons.
Randy's deput on one of our concerts has passed with the big success. Public has reacted with a delight to his small dancing number, then he has returned back to the drums. He had natural and confident manner to be on stage and he perfectly entered the group. I have almost burst into tears, while observing him.
I would like to tell a little about Marlon. I have very much early noticed, how persistently he trained. Michael too a lot of and persistently rehearsed, but he was talented more likely by nature. Marlon observed others and all time tried to become better than them. He has brought his skill of dance of perfection and became better than all my other sons, exept Michael. He played the important role in the group, besides he was independent and he had his own ideas. As well as Tito, he is interested in a business side of the show business and always ready to listen to opinion of others.
The more senior my boys became, the less I had to force them to master something new. They performed so frequently, that became a very epirienced performers.
There has come time when I could think of the future of my daughters. If boys made such a success I quite could make a girl group from Rebbie, La Toya and Janet.
I have resolutely got down to the business. We have picked for them some songs in the studio, and I started to teach them, how it is necessary to move on a stage. They have succceded not bad, but it was not what i imagined myself. With girls it was more difficult to work for me, than with boys. Rebbie in fact was married, and soon she was full of efforts with 3 small children, La Toya and Janet constantly hung somewhere with their friends. Therefore I very seldom managed to collect the whole 3 of them on the rehearsal.
I reproached them, said, that their group can become as famous as the brothers, but they only wrinkled their noses. So it was necessary to me to arrange their career in other way.
I then received many offers for Jackson 5 from Las Vegas. And I had an idea - to take there all the children.
I have engaged the most well-known producers for concerts in Las Vegas , and in 3 months prepared the children for these concerts. Motown certainly at once has found out about our plans and informed me, that they think that our shows are a mistake. Children ostensibly cannot be a success in Las Vegas. Motown also has stopped to render to us an advertising suppourt.
Their reaction only has more strongly convinced me that I have to create something special for these concerts . I wanted all of them to prove, that not only sons, but also all my children together can show a good show.
Therefore we had to perform not only the newest Jackson 5 hits , but also step and ballads, classical melodies and national songs. I together with the producer have developed for Janet some numbers with songs of Mae West, she and Рэнди studied to sing a duet, among others songs Sonny and Cher's "The beat goes on" and "I got you babe". Motown management has sent me a letter where has scarified my plans, but I have not allowed them to stop myself.
The first show has taken place on April, 9. Pride overflew my heart when they in their new suits, entered in MGM Grand Hotel. And when they have came on stage, the hall has been filled to the end.
Janet was only 7, and she was so pretty when she twisted the boa with fethers. She and Randy perfectly executed the duets. The others sang and danced - we had numbers for all tastes. Tickets have been sold out for weeks forward, and every evening ended with an ovation, the viewers applauded standing up. We have broken all records and have entered the history.
Motown, certainly, has found out about our unbelievable success, and since this moment supported us with what it could.
These shows were accepted so well, that we repeated them in August 1974, and after a small pause have again returned in MGM in November. In breaks between these performances also concerts Jackson 5 on a regular basis proceeded. Our family shows were same successful as the Jackson 5 tour because we offered a program for all ages, and besides have shown what can a family achieve when it keeps it together.

Chapter 18


When we have again come back home, we at once have plunged into the work on a new album. All our business meetings have been scheduled for months forward, and we have decided to finish the album first of all, and then to go on tour. Jackson 5 have recorded" Dancing machine ", one more hit of the group in charts. Due to our fans each our album became a hit.
We as always assiduously worked, and boys have developed new dances for songs from a new album. We received huge amount of invitations from Panama and when we were invited by the familiar producer, I have agreed.
Our arrival in Panama was not different from the others - the same solemn reception, as in other countries has been rendered to us. At the airport there was an exulting crowd with photos and banners, and fans were running to the guys for autographes.
My sons had rested well, they felt comfortable because they have been well accepted they were glad for them. Their show in this evening was the best of all their performances. Sometimes there are such days.
We wanted to see the country, and the announcement of the trip to Indians of the tribe Cuna has woken my curiosity. But planes which flied to this tribe, living in jungle, were too small, therefore I have considered, that it is too dangerous to my boys, and have decided to fly there alone together with my friend who accompanied with us on tour.
When he has seen the plane that had to take us there, he shaked his head with concern, but we have collected all our courage and have ascended aboard the small old Piper Cub. Onboard there were also other passengers who flied to other tribe, and suddenly I with horror have understood, that the pilot comes on landing where there is nothing that looks like an airport. Everything, that we saw below - impassable green jungle. " Where is the landing strip? ", I have begun to worry. The pilot has specified a small gleam between trees, about such width as an average back court yard, and believe me or not, but he has confidently landed the plane on this little place.
Other passengers were met already by some Indians, and they have together disappeared in a wood. Probably, nearby there was a small settlement. While we stood there, my friend has showed me the wings: " Look at that Joe". I have looked, where he showed, and it became terrible to me , because the wing of the plane has been fixed by a wire. Certainly, into my intentions did not enter on it to complain. Eventually, we were in the middle of jungle where it was full of predators, and God sees, I did not want to go further on foot. the pilot in the meantime has again flied up. My friend with fear sat down near me when we have again flied up. I felt bad, when I have imagined, that the plane could get stuck between the trees, their tops were directly under us.
Some time we flied silently, and finally have seen the landing strip. When we have gone down a bit lower we have noticed below the rests of the broken plane laying in the side. " What is it there, below? ", we have asked our pilot.
" Oh, it has fallen, and we just can't find time to remove the fragments ", has evasively answered the man.
Fortunately, the landing passed normally when the plane has gone on decrease, we have seen, that the airport is nearby to the ocean, near to a bay with uncountable small islands. Because our pilot informed on the ground, that we arrived, we were met by the people of Cuna. We have landed on La Comarka de San Blas, archipelago San - Blas, a congestion from almost 400 islands, belonging to Cuna.
My friend and I have seen there tourists from all over the world because near to Cuna huts there was an entertaining center with shops and a night club.
It was amazing that we were met only by women. They were very small and graceful, many held children on their hands. Smiling, they have surrounded us, and I immideately have felt at them as at home.
I was very much surprised, how well they talk English in Cuna. They showed us the country and explained everything. And I wondered all the time where were the men.
For a supper we with the friend have gone to a restaurant. To me they have submitted a fried bird that I have accepted for a pheasant or something in this sort but when I have asked the waitress, she has answered, that it is a parrot.
Then we have wanted to communicate with Indians who waited outside, and again there were only women. Young girls carried the long black hair dismissed, adult women were with short hairdresses. Many had in gold ring in their noses and the black line was tattooed below . Their clothes were motley and bright, women carried alot of beads, gold rings and earrings. They have sat down on the ground in a circle, having crossed legs, and have invited us to join.
I generally have more got used to chairs, but with some efforts I have sucsseeded to take the same position on the ground.
They were very affable, have thrown questions about my family at us , and we with pleasure have told everything.
After a while I have noticed, that men stand up behind huts, and I have told to the mistress of a house, that they could sit down with us. For me was a big surprise to find out, that at Cuna, a tribe where matriarchy dominates, women control everything. They are engaged in trade, choose husbands to themselves, and the inheritance is transferred only on a female line.
After our conversation they have shown us the huts and have told, that they live basically on fishing and eat only fish because they consider its more healthy. They also make various art hand-made things for sale: rings, coverlets and quilts.
They have prepared a herbal tea, and now there has come my turn to ask. I have asked, whether poisonous snakes are found in this district, and they have told, that there is a green snake, whose sting is fatal. I would not like to think of it at all. It was much more pleasant to walk on a beach and to look at the dark blue sea. This place seemed to me fine as paradise.
Cuna are wonderful people, and their swarty children were extraordinary beautiful. I with pleasure would take any kid with myself, but it was, certainly, impossible. Anyway being at Cuna was a remarkable adventure and when we left, they have simply filled us up with the most improbable gifts: coverlets, ornaments, small gold nuggets. There was so much of it, that I hardly have carried away all of this. They invited us again , and I promised to return.
On the way back we have got in a thunder-storm and the plane shaked a lot. But also this time our skilled pilot held everything under the control. Sons have met me in hotel, they were very worried about me and asked me a lot of questions. I have told them about Cuna and have shown gifts. My story has seemed to them similar to a fairy tale.
Soon we had to come back home. On a return way we flew by above Panama canal - an impressing view. But I was glad, that we come back to America because all of us urgently needed a break.

Chapter 19

The Adventures In Brazil

After Panama we have received many invitations from South America, first of all from Venezuela and Brazil. I always dreamed to visit Brazil, and we have gone to Rio!
The promoter has arrived from Rio to America to accompany with us to Brazil. Rio de Janeiro! I already like the name of this many-sided megacity. When we came on landing, I have seen one of the most beautiful cities of the world from the window of the plane. On the road to hotel anotgher shock waited for me: I have found out, that everybody around walk in bathing suits. It seemed that, these people really enjoyed their life.
We had to perform in Rio, San-Paulo and Brazil.should act in Рио. My boys were everywhere accepted with opened arms. After a concert in Rio which as it is usual, has passed perfectly, we have gone to the San-Paulo. It is a really huge city, with skyscrapers as in New York.
Public in the San-Paulo was wonderful. People look great and because of their golden ten they aeem very healthy especially young girls all of them are real beautys. I just in case did not ltake my eyes off of my sons so that they have not done anything stupid.
In Brazil, it was possible to get on our following concert, only by the plane. We have already taken the places when I have looked out in a window and has noticed, that our equipment still stands on plane field. I have begun to worry, have called up the stewardess, have explained to her, that we have a concert right after the arrival in Brazil, and has asked, why our things are not yet on the plane. She has answered, that they cannot take everything at once, that the things that remained outside, will be taken by another plane that will land an our later than us. It has a little calmed me, though I not so would like to depart without our equipment. But the plane has already started, and nothing could be changed.
When we have come to the concert hall in Brazil, our equipment has not arrived yet. I have asked one of the armed security guards to find out when our cargo at last will arrive. He has executed this order and informed me, that a cargo still in the San-Paulo and it doesn't seem that it will arrive.
Since the hall in the meantime was filled with people, he has suggested to remove us through a back door, in fact if people will notice, that we cannot perform, a chaos will begin. But during this moment someone has declared through loudspeakers, that show will not take place. He better not speak.
In some seconds a chaos began . The audience raged. We have jumped out outside and when we were seen by the driver of the trip bus, he at once has started the motor. We have hardly had enogh time to jump in the bus as from a hall the raging crowd has tumbled down. People crowded around of the bus, pushed it and threw everything that came to hand.
" Fast, lay down and cover your head with hands!" I shouted to the boys. Splinters of the broken glass have flown, and in some minutes all windows have been beaten out. The driver by a miracle managed to pass through the furious crowd and not to crach anybody, and eventually we have got out on the free road. But the angry viewers still pursued us for some time. Thank God, we have got out alive.
Next day in all newspapers it has been written, that Jacksons hardly have not caused a revolt in Brazil.
At last our equipment has arrived from the San-Paulo, but that the concert actually will take place, they believed only when we got out on stage. No matter what, there was a fantastic audience. They shouted loudly and clapped, and to security service had to wacth all the time that no one would climb on stage. And certainly, girls fainted in packs.
The fact that they threw stones at our bus, has been completely forgotten. I was very much proud of boys, they have shown an excellent show, despite what they had to go through. After the concert Brazilians treated us extremely politely and attentively. It once again shows, how great is the force of music. If our music has reached their hearts, they become our friends forever.
We have spent lead here 2 days, then we again had to say goodbye. The huge crowd accompanied with us on road from hotel to the airport. Despite of some unpleasant circumstances, we had more of the good impressions of Brazil, and in the end everything was exact the same as in other countries where Jacksons came with performances: with each concert the number of our fans increased.
People all over the world are similar, it seems we just have to manage to make them like us. And we have made it. Sometimes we came as envoys of the United States, and it was a good feeling - to have friends worldwide.


Chapter 20


After the second Australian tour we have begun to work on a new album and preparation for the following concerts. Jackson 5 had to perform in Manila. I always wanted to see the Philippines, therefore simply could not wait, when we will finally go there. The moment was suitable because our albums were on sale there so well, that Motown did not have enough time to deliver them. These performances had to be be faultless so that boys have left there good impression about Americans. We rehearsed much and have made an inoculations before the trip so that nobody would become sick.
The flight was the same long, as to Australia. Before landing promoters who many months begged us finally to arrive to Philippines, have told to us that we kept closer to each other, in fact we are expected for certain with huge crowd of fans.
And that was true, fans at the airport there was an improbable amount. Everything looked as if we will give a concert right here. People of all age waved to us, sang, shouted and swung posters with inscriptions: " Jackson 5 - welcome to Philippines! " And " We love you! ". You can think, that my boys have already got used to similar meetings, but I have noticed, how they have been touched.
When we have left the plane, the crowd began to scan: " We love you, Michael. We love you, Marlon. We love you, Jackie. We love you, Jermaine. We love you, Tito ". I have never seen this before anywhere and for the first time I have realized, that my sons are reall international stars. I was moved to tears.
The first question, that was asked by the reporter: Do we like Philippines. What kind of question is this?! Of course we like it!
We gave a few radio interviews, then we were have invited to reception where we were personally welcomed by Imilda Markos, the first lady of Philippines. I everything that they written about her and her husband but she was great with us. She has greeted my sons and has hugged each of us.
Concerts have then begun. All of them were completely sold out. At the first concert I as always stood up behind the scenes, observed, how guys hurry up on a stage. They looked superb in their colourful suits. Michael has grabbed the microphone and started singing АВС. You can imagine yourself how proud I was of my sons when the audience started to sing along. At last what I haved wanted so many years came true. The concert has passed well, the viewers shouted and stamped their feet.
I shined of joy. My children in perfection knew each tune and each step, and I did not have a reason to worry anymore. The audience has thanked them with a big ovations. When fans have rushed to storm the stage, we had to disappear as soon as possible to not to fall into their hands.
We gave concerts also in other parts of the country, and then have arranged to ourselves a 2 week vacation. We travelled through the country and found friends everywhere, we recieved so many presents, that we could not take our suitcases with ourselves, we had to send them after us.
In Manila we have sewed to ourselves clothes at the tailor. It was very cheap, and suits matched us perfectly. We also have ordered hand-made footwear, and that money, that we have spent on it, in the States would be enoigh only for a T-shirt. This footwear was very good. I wear it until now!
When we have again departed home, the crowd of crying fans said goodbye to us, they waved to us flags and scarfs. They did not want us to leave.
At the landing in America the pilot informed me, that the airport teems with fans. Such congestion of people is unsafe, and I was afraid, that they can harm my children. Therefore I have asked, that the limousine has approached directly on a runway that we from the plane could at once get on the car. And it has happened. The fans waited vainly. Because the television news reported, what a great succses we had on Philippines, Americans began to go even crazyer on my boys. We have overcome one more boundary for America and Jacksons.
Later I have found out, that Imilda which so has accepted us so well, have been disappointed by that she does not have a good hall in Manila in which such stars as our group could perform. Therefore she has ordered to build 2 new big constructions which today belong to the most beautiful buildings in all Asia. Both at least same big, as football stadium. The Philippine television center is similar to the modern version of Parthenon, and in the Folk theatre of arts, later hed the "Miss Universe" contest. Imilda Markos since then considered " the Patroness of the Philippine art and music ". I am very happy, that our visit has inspired her to make something good for other artists.
Our trip to Philippines was a part of tour across the Far East. During the tour we in the second time have visited Japan (first time was in 1973) and Hong Kong. In November 1974 the tours have ended, and all of us finally could take a vacation.

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Chapter 21

Saying Goodbye To Motown

About the time when I started to be engaged in Janet 's career, Jackson 5 contract with Motown has expired. I had to decide, whether we will resign it or sign with another label. By that time Jackson 5 were already very famous, therefore I demanded more privileges. Among other things, boys had to have an opportunity to write on each following album at least 2-3 of their own songs, and produce the albums by themselves. We have recorded hundreds of songs which have been composed by others, and it seemed to me, when I demand, that to boys would be allowed to create songs by themselves - I do not demand too much. Many years we patiently waited for this opportunity, and nobody was courageous to tell to me, that the group has not deserved it.
Because at home there was a professional recording studio in our disposal, my sons, certainly, already wrote their own songs (and I from the very beginning have shown them all the subtleties of this process). But Motown has demanded, that my boys have prolonged the contract with the companie as an artists and as exclusive songwriters. If I had exepted these requirements, Motown would purcheased the rights on the lyrics of my sons, and I did not want it. Not after my children have sold millions of records, having from it a very small percent. Motown had pocketed the most of the incomes from all our albums, and now children at last had to reap the fruits of their work.
Motown anyway has not gone for it, only has suggested me 70 or 80 thousand dollars for the rights on songs, after the long negotiations I have rejected prolongation of the contract and was started up on searches of a bigger label where my sons could compose, write and produce their own material.
About 10 years later I was told, that nobody has informed Barry Gordy aboput my negotiations with Motown. The person who has rejected my ostensibly excessive requirements, eventually has been fired.
Barry have been strongly disappointed, having lost Jackson 5, but on Epic Records boys had an opportunity, to use their copyrights for alot of years. I did not want, them to end, as many other people in the musical industry, sold millions of records and in a result did not have even a roof above their head.
After rigid negotiations with president of Epic and people from A&R, a contract which I not only satysfied with but also was proud of has appeared. Epic suggested essentially more money and the rights, than Motown ever was going to give the group. I have allowed Jackie, Tito, Michael, Marlon and Randy, to sign it and have then sent contract to Jermaine which just was on fishing with the singer Barry White. I generally assumed, that first of all Jermaine will talk to me about the contract, in fact I am not just the manager of group, but also his father. But my son immideately has gone with the new contract to Barry, and has persuaded him to continue to work on Motown instead of signing with Epic. I have been destroyed. Those Jackson 5, the way I have created them, did not exist any more.
Fortunately, Randy already belonged to the group so it still had 5 members. I have just in case explained to people on Epic, that Jermaine has to keep an opportunity to join us at any time if he will want. They have agreed to it.
Apparently, president of Motown has promised something to Jermaine - they were going to make a lot for him.
I understood, why Jermaine have made this decision. He has been married on Hazel, the wonderful daughter of Barry Gordy. And he liked Hazel and their children. It was uneasy for him to resolve this conflict, but he has solved it for the benefit of Motown, and his brothers went to Epic which then belonged to CBS. After that a precipice (in the professional plan) immideately has formed between Jacksons as a group and Jermaine's career as a solo artist on the other label.
If before me have asked, whether sometime Michael and Jermaine will separete, I would answer a complete "No" - them both were very close. They sang many years together, I could not even dream could, that something can separate them.
Michael could not hide, how he is afflicted with Jermaine's decision. They sang many songs in duet at the concerts, now Michael had to study as fast as possible to perform them alone. I silently suffered together with him. For me it was torture to see the brothers on a stage without Jermaine. His parts were taken by Marlon, and he very much tried to fill in the formed emptiness.
In this situation there were also positive moments. I was impressed, how Marlon has grown by this time as a performer. I never told him that I am proud of him, because I re=arley express my feelings. Randy too was a magnificent musician, and Jacksons have remained the same strong group, as always. Anyway, fans have remained true to us.
I was pleased, observing Marlon's and Randy's development, but my pleasure has gone on recession when I have found out, that we have lost the process. The court has recognized for Motown the rights on the name "Jackson 5 ". All of us have been upset with that we can not use this name anymore. Motown has got these rights already for a long time. I then have trusted in the lawyer, but he turned out a bad adviser.
I remember a similar story that has taken place recently. Remember, how aeverybody laughed at Prince because they did not understand why he has suddenly named himself "The Artist Formerly Known As Prince". I know, that the name can change but the essence remains.
One of the women that performed together with Prince, told, that he, probably, settled the same conflict with his label, as us in due time with Motown. He could change the record companie at any time, but could not take away the name with him because the rights on it belonged to the companie. I realize, why he wrote the word "slave" on the cheek, it simply was his way to protest. Generally Prince has settled this dispute rather quickly. We had to wait much longer before we again could be called our name. Just now, through 20 with superfluous years, we again thave the right to be called " Jackson 5 " though we were called that way before Motown.
Certainly, we have written many records on Epic under the name The Jacksons, but it was necessary to make an all new with the public to promote the new name. We have probably lost some fans due to this. But we have not lost courage.
Jermaine in the meantime made a solo career and he had some good hit. He in a result has left Motown and has signed the contract with Arista though I asked him to return to us. I was a little calmed by that president of Arista, Clive Davis, has told to us, that he would not have anything against that Jermaine will write some songs on Epic together with the group.
All these years on Motown I made all of the decisions for my sons because they were still minor. Under the Californian law the majority of business decisions can be accepted independently only after 21 years. But when the law has been changed and the majority began to begin already in 18, some people had exited my children. Therefore the biggest problems at me have begun not when we were with Motown, but later when numerous lawyers, managers and other advisers have got influence on my children and told them things that contradicted each other.
Unfortunately, many people tried to separate me with my children so they could get rich.
On Epic all went well. After about 20 albums which we have written as Jackson 5, my sons at last had the right to be producers and to write their own songs. The beginning of this was put with 2 songs from an album " Goin` places", released in 1977.
One of them, " Do what you wanna ", is written by Michael. In the beginning enter the wind-instruments and create a mood of this cheerful fast song, there's a story in it, that it is necessary to be strong, and first of all it is necessary to be oneself. It is that philosophy which I have transferred my children.
Another song of their own - " Shake your body (down to the ground)" from the album "Destiny". It too became a hit.
As always, I was engaged in the management of the group and accompanied with them on tours. In 1979 we have gone on tour to promote "Destiny". We performed in Madrid, Amsterdam and Geneva, then has followed a 13 day tour in cities of England and Scotland. During the break we have taped a tvshow in Switzerland. Then we were in Paris, and the tour has ended in capital of Kenya; Nairobi.
In the beginning of May, 1979 we performed in many cities of America, that at once was paid back: by May, 8 Epic has sold one million copies of "Destiny" . Despite this the album has received platinum, we continued to perform in a crazy tempo and gave one concert after another.
In October we again were on tour in 80 cities, thus we gave concerts in England and Sweden. And at the end of a year The Jacksons recieved the NAACP award (National association for the advancement of coloured people) which they already once received 10 years ago: the best vocal group of the year. And the single written by my boys, "Shake your body", was sold in amount of 2 million copies. I live for the sake of such moments when my strategy and belief in my children justifies itself and all is executed how I hoped.
While The Jacksons were on tour, Epic has released Michael's album "Off the wall", and our concerts advanced the sales of this album too. In December it has been sold 5 million records, and 2 more million abroad.
In the beginning of 1980 there was an accident with Randy. After the long heat, a rain has begun, and the mix of water and oil has made thestreets of Los Angeles slippery as ice. Randy's Mercedes got carried away and he jammed into a lamppost. Randy has clamped in the broken car and he was release by a special device. He had numerous crises and internal bleedings.
In the middle of the night me and Katherine woke upp from a phone call. I at once have notified other children, and in 10 minutes all have gathered in our house in Los Angeles. Katherine, Latoya, Michael and I at once have gone to the hospital.
Shortly after we arrived there, we were informed, that the nurse has by mistake gave Randy a shot with a wrong medicine. His heart has stopped, but doctors managed to return him to life. I felt sick from thoughts that my youngest son, has nearly died. We were allowed to visit him for a while and waht we saw has scared us. All the fingers have been broken and both legs down from hips were completely crushed. Doctors have explained to us, that the nerves are injured they will have to amputate the legs. Randy will never walk. We, with Katherine had fallen down crying. My wife could not stand the idea that our son will stay attached to the weelchair for the rest of his life. She started to pray.
But Randy did not believed doctors' words. He was protected from the diagnosis and has not given the permission to amputation. And he has achieved his goal. In 6 months in the weelchair he got so recovered that he already could walk! You can imagine how happy we were!
Soon he has insisted to going on stage together with brothers. It was his personal victory, and I was proud of with what persistence he achieved the recovery. In honour of this successful struggle The Jacksons have named the new album "Triumph". For this album my sons for the first time have written and produced all the songs.
The popularity of this album was brought with a song "Heartbreak hotel", a delightful song, both in musical, and in lyrical meaning. On "Triumph" there is also one of my favourite songs, " Can you feel it " which too became platinum.
With release of this album which became a triumph for me too, my biggest dream was achieved. At last my sons could write their own hits. Their future has been provided.
In the summer 1981 The Jacksons have again gone on tour across the United States. We have visited 39 cities, the tour began in Memphis, Tennessee and has ended in Los Angeles. Epic has supported the tour by that it has released a alive album. In July 1984 in the market the record "Victory" has appeared and became twice platinum, one more record in a musical history.
My sons have earned many money after the conclusion of signing with Epic. Jackie, Тito and Marlon used a part of the profit from the second album to construct their own recording studios. By then Jacksons have sold more than 100 million albums worldwide.


I'm getting quite addicted to this now, please keep posting.

Many thanks
Chapter 22

Joseph Jackson Productions

I represented the interests of The Jacksons on Epic and considered Jermaine's career and my younger daughter Janet, at the same time my producering companie, Joseph Jackson Productions, also demanded my attention.
When you found your own business, it is necessary to take care of that you had an opportunity to pay the employees, in fact you can't rule the companie alone. Besides it is necessary to be engaged in many things simultaneously. Employees have to have spotless reputation and to be ambitious enough so that the companie developed successfully. Also there is nothing more difficult, than to foreknow, whether the person matches for this job or not. I rather frequently saw, how the work changed lovely, friendly people, and they became greedy.
But I know people well and precisely I feel, if someone wants to do harm me. Usually it is found out, that people which wanted to harm me or my family, in a result harm to themselves more. My family has friends all over the world and if they want to deceive us, someone always finds out about it. Our friends are very loyal in relation to us. We sent out a good energy for many years, and now it comes back to us.
Some years ago I persuaded Janet to go on tour. I had guaranteed offers about on 31 million dollars for her. A big movie company has offered her a contract on 3 films, and also we have received an offer from the large manufacturer of fruit juices, they were ready to become the sponsors of the tour.. But she has refused for some reason. I have been disappointed, eventually you become famous to earn money. And we had offers.
I have lost many money because Janet did not go on tour, in fact I had long negotiations with these companies. But such happens, and eventually I have learned to cope with it. I simply overcome the disappointment and I continue to work.
And I could reach something with my companie.
For example, I promoted that Michael worked on a soundtrack. This offer seemed to me so interesting, that I have made a contact with them and as a result Michael sang his song "Ben" for which ha later recieved "Oscar" and " Golden Globe ".
It is necessary to have sufficient means that the producer companie function successfully . In the meantime there has come the time to produce Janet's album, but I did not have enough money to pay to my workers and producers. I did not want to take the credit in bank, it would be too long and too much troubles.
I had to address to Michael and we have come into the agreement: if he will help to reconstruct our house according to our representations, I will put the half of the house on his name. And because after wards, me and Katherine had two quarter of the house I have sold my part to a member of the family so I could produce Janet's new album and help Latoya to record a vynil too. This transaction has been made absolutely confidentially as only the family business, therefore I here again will not name to whom I have sold the part. Besides both my younger daughters will find out only from this book, that 20 years ago I have sold the property to help them.
I used a small part of money to pay accounts for conditions, the salary to the employees, and secretary at the office in Hollywood. I have enclosed the staying money in Janet and Latoya's careeres. I financed the producer companie so that Janet and Latoya could enter this business. I put forward both of them as new singers and was their promoter.
To actuate career of the new artist, it is required to enclose many money and efforts, no matter how much talented he was. But I did not want, my daughters to return me the money. It is absolutely unnecessary for them to know, how much all this costed actually. I simply wanted, them to become successful and confidently go their way.
Looking back, I can tell, that, having sold the part of a house, I have made for Janet and Latoya everything, that I could. And I am proud of it.
I willingly help my children and relatives. It is a pleasure for me. Sometimes, when I stay alone and I think about all of this, tears rise to my eyes, and I am proud that everything, that I have made, I have made in all sincerity.
I would like to mention the award which I have received as the manager of my children. Black Radio Exclusive, B.R.E., has declared me the manager of year. For the first time my work has received an award. It has very much pleased me, and I will be eternally grateful to B.R.E.
Chapter 23.

The New House For My Wife

Since I have put a half of the house on his name, Michael has agreed to help to reconstruct it. We have gathered all together, everyone has brought in the ideas and as a result has turned out a beautiful estate in Thudor's style . Someone even considers, that it is the most beautiful house in district. We live there till now.
Inside a house the screw wooden ladder downwards goes down, and high windows on an entrance are in part made of a color glass. Near to a drawing room located in depth of the house there's a bar, all chairs in the bar are hand-made. We have our own cinema, a dining room where we can give the big dinner, a sports hall, a cabinet, garage for many cars and completely equipped recording studio. Also there is a special room where we store different awards and prizes that our family recieved throughout this time. Despite of refined conditions, most of all we like to be on kitchen, this room located in the center where gathers the whole family.
The garden around of our house is arranged as a small park. When you rise on the long road leading to us, you see a round fountain with horse heads on the cobbled path to the house.
In the garden there are a lot of fountains and falls. One of them is trimmed with a motley mosaic on which 2 parrots are represented, it flows in the pool. Around the pool there are 2 wooden pavilions.
A bit more far in the garden there is one more pavilion and a stream which runs into a pond, there's a bridge thrown above it. In a pond there are a pair of swans, and it gains water from a natural waterfall.
At night the recording studio, pavilions and the majority of paths are lightned by tiny bulbs. Bushes are cut, in part as geometrical figures, but some of them are similar to animals, on a giraffe for example or a big toy elephant.
In front of the studio there is the glass case specially ordered by Michael. Inside there are dolls, if you press the button, they dance. Dolls dance to music, as in the big glass music box.
Shortly after the house has been reconstructed, Michael himself has disigned 2 rooms above the garage. Walls all covered by special family photos. For example, in a southern wing of a room the photo of my father Samuel in tuxedo with a tie and with a wide-brimmed hat. Near to Samuel hangs the photo of my mother, she is young and beautiful on it. She has a white shirt and her hair is strigtened on the 20s fashion. Her) big brown eyes are shining. In the following photo - I near to Rebbie, she looks as the true young lady. I pose with my guitar, and Rebbie is very much slendered by her green-white dress. Mine and Katherine's marriage license increased, too hangs on a wall.
The big room is full of pictures of my sons. On one of the earliest advertising photos - 5 boys in dark trousers with "pointers" and shirts with a trade mark embroidered on them from above on the right "J5". Under other early photo of my sons it is written: " The Jackson 5. The manager: Joseph Jackson ". In the following picture boys are little bit more senior, on them dark suits, white shirts and boots. A photo from a cover of magazine " Life " with the signature "Rock stars at home with their parents " is here too.
Near to numerous photos of the group separate pictures of boys also hang. A caricature on Маrlon and some animated figures of Jackie. Little Michael watches, how diana Ross does a manicure. 11 year old Michael on a cover of the" Rolling Stone ". Michael on a roof of a car surrounded by a crowd of people. Little Michael leaning to a lamppost during singing.
And also a photo of Jackson 5: all are dressed in yellow, under a tree; together with me, I was just handed over a key from the city. All my boys on a stage, in a line, one by one: Randy in bright pink, Michael in dark pink, Маrlon in yellow, Тito in green, Jermaine and Jackie in turquoise.
Near to the main room there's a room of a smaller size, Jackson's photos with other celebrities hang there: Кatherine with Lionel Richie, Quincey Johnes, Paul McCarthney, Latoya, Michael and Janet. Janet and Stieve Wonder. Michael and Latoya with Malcolm Forbes and Elizabet Taylor.
And Michael's uncountable pictures with his friends: Fred Astaire, Katherine Hepburn, Richard Pryor, July Andrews, Jackie Gleason, Candice Bergen, Hul Brinner, Jane Fonda, Elton John, Dionne Warwick, Bobe Hope, Michail Barishnikov, Bee Gees, Bruce Springstin and Tatum O'neil. Michael accompanies Sophie Loren, on kitchen with Jacqueline Kennedy-Onassis, loughing together with Dastin Hofman, hugges Liza Minnelly, washes dishes with Paul McCarthney - he wipes it, hand by hand with Vupi Goldberg or Meril Strip, in the studio with Brenda Russel, waves to the fans, standing between Ronald and Nancy Ragan, esqourted Brook Shilds.
The majority of people that come to this room, spend some time in it, examining the photos. And it seems they all like it.
Our house is special, and I am grateful to Michael that he has disigned it so beautifully for us.
Of course, we value the private life and consequently it is sometimes difficult when fans come to our house in the valley. All our family is constantly in the center of attention, therefore we need a place where we could be alone.
Please, do not think, that we do not appreciate our fans. No way. We always tried to give them as much time as possible. And my sons too, always patiently answered all questions and signed autographes.
Even today, the fans, throughout the world come to me and ask me, what are my sons doing and if they could invite my children to their home. Our most true fans accompanied with the career of my sons from the very beginning. Certainly, we love all of them.
Chapter 24


I have received an invitation from the government of Oman. There exactley was a crisis in Beirut, and my local partners did not want, me to fly to the Near East. But since I have never been there, I decided to go for this trip.
On the way there I observed the Egyptian pyramids from above - an impressing view. All this long flight the personnel treated me very attentively, probably because they have recognised me.
When I have left the plane, I was approached by the man in a long attire and he has told in good English: "Mr. Jackson, my name is Abdul. I am here to accompany with you at the transition of the custom house ". It was lovely from his side because together with me there was a lot of people.
He has brought me on a limousine to hotel, while we went there, I have noticed, that there's an amazing cleanliness on the streets. The hotel was fine, and I with admiration examined the rich conditions. In my room, with a wonderful vew on the sea I was waited with flowers and a basket with fruit, the card has been attached to it with an inscription: "Welcome to Oman. We are glad to welcome you in our hotel. Please, address to us on any question."
A little later they came for me, to show me the city and to take me somewhere to have a meal. Everyone were extremely polite and friendly.
After the meal we have gone to a discoteque, people there exactley were dancing to "Shake your body (down to the ground)". I was happy that, in Oman they dance to the music of my sons. The crowd of fans has surrounded me and asked about my family, and one DJ has invited me to his radio show. Certainly, I with pleasure have agreed, it was a suitable case for promotion of The Jacksons. He has assured me, that they will always be happy to see the group in Oman with concerts.
In a lot of houses in Oman there are huge halls for solemn receptions, and some sheikhs made partys in my honor on which there always played the music of The Jacksons. I also have visited many concerts though sometimes music was too loud for me. Also I have been invited by one of members of the government to a dinner at his place. After that they informed about my visit in the local press.
In general I have spent 2 weeks in Oman, then have departed to Bahrein and toward the end to Abu-Dhabi.
Soon after my first travel to Oman, Jermaine and Rebbie gave concerts there. Shortly before the concerts Rebbie had a big hit in the USA, "Centipede", written and produced by Michael, that has been released on a single from her solo album on CBS (today Sony).
To advance the single, it was necessary to make a video, and Rebbie has hammered into to her head, that she wants a real tiger to prticipate in the shootings of the video, . Well, we managed to get a tiger, but the directors were not wanred beforehand, therefore everybody got very nervous when the tiger suddenly started running on the scene, during the shooting. Also in the clip there was a cobra, and it has frightened people even more. Fortunately, there were no incidents and everything has passed well.
The single has climbed on the second place, and Rebbie has gone on tour to Europe, Japan and Botswana. Then she has gone to the Near East where she performed in Abu-Dhabi and Bahrein. Jermaine, by the way, also sang there in her show. He has a lot of friends in the Near East which invite him again and again to perform there.
In the meantime Rebbie has released on Michael's label, MJJ, her 4th album, " Yours Faithfully ". Unfortunately, it never was really promoted, there are some good songs on it. On one of them, " You take me places ", worked a musician that co-worked with Michael for many years, Brian Loren.
The song, unfortunately, mixed badly because the A&R department on MJJ has forced Bryan to make new arrangement on the drums. In the initial version it was much better, and honestley, I considered, that it is wrong - to tell Bryan, which already has worked with such stars as Sting, what arrangements he has to do on his music.
There weren't such things before. A lot of years ago, producer John Hammond told, that nobody interfered with recording when he started to finance such jazz singers as Billie Holiday. There records weren't sold in such a big amounts as today and consequently nobody from the recording companie did not interfere. Thus jazz musicians with whom Hammond worked, could play freely. But today everything has to be remixed and rearranged, so it would become cammercially acceptable, not considering only rap-labels like Priority records which give the artists a big creative freedom.
Besides that, I was mad that MJJ has not released on a single, my favourite song from Rebbie's album. Rebbie sang a simple but a very beautiful duet with Michael, which also wrote it. There is a line: " Baby don't make me
Fly Away". Michael has written this song after all these charges against him have been lifted. It seems to me, he wanted to tell, that awful rumors will not force him to leave show business. At the same time he speaks to his sister, tells her that she also does not need to fly away, and she has again to try herself as a singer though she already for a long time has left the game. That's exactley what she does. She continues to record and give concerts.
So if I'm already talking about Rebbie: on Christmas of 1999 she performed in Las Vegas. She had 3 shows for each evening in the "Meridian" hall ". I watched this show and worried a little, because I considered, that this room is not enough for her. She is eventually one of the Jacksons and she can fill the halls. Besides that the outfits and the dancers were not the way I imagined.
Rebbie had bronchitis, but she perfectly coped with the program. Her) voice sounded well, first of all in "I` ll be there ", a song which has made her brothers famous 30 years ago. There's nothing better for me than to hear one of my children singing this song.
She continually interrupted the show to present somebody or to greet. On Latoya there was a cape and a hat, therefore I have recognised her only after she has risen to wave to the audience though she sat directly in front of me.
When I too have risen too, because Rebbie has said, that she would like to greet her father, Latoya, literally jumped through the chairs to approach me.
I actually already saw Latoya on ThanksGiving, but we were seen together in public for the first time since she has divorced from Jack Gordon about whom I will also tell. When my daughter has hugged me and kissed me on the cheek, the viewers have begun to clap like crazy. It probably was a touching moment for them - to see us together againand they have certainly understood, that we have forgiven her for all the lies, that she spreaded about our family. And for Rebbie too, in fact it's with her help people saw, that our problems have remained in the past and that eventually family wins.
Chapter 25

The Victory Tour

In the beginning of the 80s I again thought to send my boys on tour. I dreamed once again to fly with them to Africa. So I started to ask, who could organize such a tour. After a while I was told, that I necessarily have to get acquainted with the famous boxing promoter Don King. Soon I have received an invitation to a party for press which Don has arranged in honor of some fight.
I will never forget the meetings with Don this evening. He has been dressed in a black tuxedo and a white shirt with ruches. While I approached to the hall, I have heard his voice already from afar . He sat at the table, between his fingers on which sparkled diamonds, he held a thick cigar. He has made strong impression on me.
After that I considered a tour across Africa even more intensively but to embody something like that, it was necessary to have an opportunity to finance it. Therefore during several sessions I have developed an idea - to bring the whole Jackson family on tv to perform, to advance not only Michael, whose career then roughly developed, but also all my children, which do not concede to him in talent. Also first of all the projects of my other sons had to develop, in which Michael's assistance was not necessary.
I continued to collect ideas, how we could make this tour come true besides I have understood, that some of my boys urgently need money which they could earn on it. And I always wanted to help my sons.
One more idea that occupiyed me at this time, was my desire to help Latoya to write the second album, and I searched for the suitable producer. At the same time I continued to be manager of The Jacksons, and we constantly were on the road. "Thriller" was just released, and there still was a heap of things of which I had to take care. Anyway, I spent essentially more time on work, than at home.
I then owned 2 companies: Joseph Jackson Productions and Joseph Jackson Management. Boys and Latoya had a contract with Joseph Jackson Management, and Janet with Joseph Jackson Productions.
When А&M Records has given out an advance payment to Janet for the second album, my companie could pay fee for Janet and also some accounts that were left. I had only very small break because I once again have concentrated on the planned tour. However for this purpose I first had to discuss it with Don King.
I and my people have started to develop various concepts. Soon they were ready, and I could appoint session with lawyers and financial advisers of my sons. Togetrher we have developed a plan, but unfortunately have found out, that we had a serious reason to worry. The last tour of the Jackson brothers has brought not as much as it has been planned. Though it also was successful, in the end each of my son has received rather a small sum. However in the new tour my boys had to receive as much money, as they deserved. And the new plan definitely did not suit for this purpose.
Don and I agreed on 100 million dollars for Victory Tour. It included 40 concerts. My sons nevertheless did not manage to persuade all their lawyers and consequently business has not burnt out. (Later we have gone to tour for smaller money).
At the same time, when we broke our heads on developing of the tour plan, Michael started to promote the single "Billie Jean", released from his new album "Thriller". On unclear to me reasons his record companie, did not believe that the success of "Off The Wall" could be repeated, forget to top it. But I knew, that "Thriller" is a magnificent record, and unexpectedly for the record companie, the public too went crazy about it.
Now I really had to find someone who'd promote this tour. Among all our plans for that tour, was made one by the famous concert promoter Bill Graham and his partner Frank Russo. Me and Russo liked each other, and first of all he liked my sons. But Chuck Sullivan which worked together with Don, did not stand him, and it was difficult - to organize the tour if such 2 strong persons face each other. That's why nothing came out of it.
I have made a choice for the benefit of Don of King. Many people criticized my decision, they considered, that Don is good as createor of boxing duels, but he does not have any experience in show business. The same concerned also Chak Sullivan. Someone from lawyers of my sons expressed opinion, that he knows how to organize football matches, but never before had no affair with concerts.
But to me it was all the same. A seller is a seller, he can sell anything you like. And the task of the promoter, doesn't matter about what action we talk - to fill in the halls. So we became partners and have together put the Victory Tour on legs . And you know that? I turned out to be right. Don hung on the phone and worked day and night, 7 days a week, to fill in the concert halls in each city.
In a result we have earned on that tour a lot of money, but we also had a lot of problems. To organize these tour was a hard task. I wanted to take all of my sons on stage and some of them demanded for it too much money. Besides Michael has been exhausted.
He then worked awfully much, but Michael in fact a workaholic. He constantly works on the music and dances. Though he one of the best artists in the world - and as his father I even will dare to assume, he is the best - he still is engaged in dances every Sunday for 3 hours. Of course we very much wanted, him to accompanie with brothers on this tour.
During preparation for this tour, there was a rumor that The Jacksons will make a fortune on this tour. That's why different kinds of dudes hanged behind our doors and tryed to snach something for themselves. We with Don did not have enough time to be protect ourselves from them.
Don has quickly noticed, that this tour will demand all his attention, and he cannot be engaged in fights in parallel. Despite of his hot participation and the help, the press furiously attacked him.
They did not hesitate in means to destroy him, and for the beginning they wanted to destroy the good reputation of the businessman. Reporters informed, that he has been condemned for murder in fight, and have made a sensation from this. I knew about it long before the press found out about it. And I expected, that he will be attacked that way so he could loose his job - we're talking about millions here.
According to these messages, Don has very long time ago lent money to one dude, but never recieved it back. When he started talking with him about it, began a quarrel which has developed in to a fight . Don has killed that person, but he never intended to do it. Obviously, the court thought so too, in fact they would arrest him simply for the murder, instead of for a deliberate murder without heavy circumstances. Besides not Don has struck the first, and in my opinion, it was a classical case of self-defense.
Don has been very much afflicted with that this story has ended so badly, and he has told to me, that he then has sworn, in the future to solve similar disputes only with the help of words and never fists. And he has constrained the oath.
But those people, who envy, that he works as our concert promoter, had in fact, to invent something to supersede him in this position, and thus they have designed to Don the criminal past and have persuaded Michael not to go on tour with us as long as Don also prticipates in it. They have presented all the story in the deformed way, and I for the first time have understood, what force the press has.
I have lead a long conversation with my son and have explained to him, from what promptings these people have destroyed Don's reputation, and that he has to think, how important it is for The Jacksons that he participate in this tour. Michael is the same, as I. He does not accept resh decisions, he thought a lot about my words and eventually has decided to join us. I have sighed with simplification. As I never told Michael how much it meant for me, I hope, he reads this lines.
Certainly, I understood, that these tour was heavy for Michael , both physically, and mentally. He strongly got overtired, simply emaciated, because his extremely successful career took away all his time. Sales of his albums have broken all records, and he attended uncountable number of various business meetings.
But Michael is strong, he could carry out all obligations and not grow weak. The huge stress affected also his private life (I am confident, that he with pleasure would have more free time to date women), but nevertheless he appeared in time on all meetings that were sceduled by the record companie, and then he also has taken part in one of the most intense tours in the American musical history.
It is impossible to describe, how I was pleased that I have collected all the sons for the Victory Tour. For me it was something like my personal victory because I worked on it so much, and now Michael too has agreed to go with us. What else I could demand!
I also am very grateful to my son Jermaine for the help. He approved that Don would be our promoter and closely cooperated with him. Michael has been too occupied to suppourt us, but Jermaine which too worked on solo career, has found time to create something unusual for himself and the brothers. I hope, they are grateful to him for it, in fact he essentially promoted the success of this tour.
Originally I wanted to see the whole family in this tour, and the daughters too, but it has unfortunately failed. Then both Janet and Latoya worked on the records, and I thought, they with pleasure would go together with us. But then someone has hammered into to his head, that instead of Janet, Stacey Lattisaw has to perform. I could not understand it. Some brothers, whose names I do not want to name here, did not want to see their own sisters near them. Though Don, as well as we with Katherine, were on Janet's side, we could not convince the boys.
Stacey may be a good singer, but she is not from our family, and despite of the promising start, in a result she has not justified the hopes that were assigned to her. In contrast to Janet! Look, what she has achieved today! But then Janet was still unknown, and I could persuade them as much as I wanted -her brothers did not want to suppourt her.
I believe, Janet have been deeply offenced, Latoya did not show it, but she too has for certain taken offence. But nevertheless both girls are very professional. They have overcome the disappointment and continued to work on the albums.
After we have settled this quarrel, one more problem has appeared. Some advisers of my sons have demanded, that Don if he further wants to be engaged in our tour, has brought them for storage 3 million dollars, or else he cannot continue. They have thought up this plan because they did not believe, that Don can get such money.
Probably, someone has been very much surprised, when Don next day has presented the necessary sum! He believed so much in the succses of our tour that has taken the credit in Chase Manhattan Bank. My assistant has called me to inform, that Don has money and wants to sign the contract in Beverly Wilshire hotel. That was a day!
But it was only the beginning. We with Don have already planned our following steps. We have decided, that Pepsi Cola has to become the sponsor of the tour. Now it sounds normally, but before us still nobody managed to get support of such a companie. At least not in the same size as we planned. Pepsi, probably, have thought that we were psychos when we have come and have asked 5 million dollars. Besides Don which likes to impress, has dropped in on a white limousine and there was a white mink fur coat on him down to toes - to be stunned!
Considering these events from our time, all seems very simple and logical but then sponsorship of such scale at musical actions was something absolutely unusual, and nobody trusted, that Don and I can realize our plans. We were considered simply as loonies. But I always had head on shoulders, already back when I in Gary dreamed to make my children famous, and I have got used, that they consider me crazy. I did not lose courage - if I have conceived something, I will not calm down, untill I achieve it. Fortunately, Don King is similar to me, we were a good team.
Anyway we have concluded this transaction, and it was probably the largest transaction with the sponsor in the American musical history. I am confident, that I do not need to add, that during the tour The Jacksons have brought to the companie a solid increase in the profit.
Many tried to bring us down because they themselves wanted to make money on Victory Tour. What did they only tried to do, but eventually all their features have become outdated as bad jokes.
For example, lawyers have sent Don a letter in which he was forbbiden to speak with my sons. At the same time me and Katherine have received an official paper in which we were authorized to talk to our boys (because children in fact wanted that we and further were engaged in these tour). Can you imagine that?
One more obstacle has then appeared. The person supervising many big stadiums in the United States, has suddenly demanded half-million dollars of an advance payment, for that that The Jacksons could perform on these stadiums. Since we certainly, wanted, them to perform in the big cities where everyone can see them, unwillingly it was necessary to pay - this time it was undertaken by my sons.
On July, 6, 1984 Victory Tour has finally began. The first concert has taken place in Kansas-city on Arrowhead Stadion, in front of 43 thousand shouting and whistling fans.
In the beginning of show on a stage have entered huge creations directing horror -cretons, they looked as aliens from the film "The Others". Their appearence was accompanied with ominous music. They were so ugly and inspired such fear, that small children started to shout - even my grandsons were frightened.
In a stone laying on a stage they have thrust a sword which then has been covered by all colors of a rainbow. The deep voice has declared through loudspeakers, that "the one who will pull out this sword, will reign long years. But who will it be? ". One by one members of our crew came forward, dressed as knights, and tried to pull out the weapon, but it was not possible to anybody.
At last, Randy has approached to the stone and when he without efforts has pull out the sword, the sword has begun to sparkle. He has taken it and has killed cretons which wanted to attack him. Then he has climbed up a stone and has exclaimed: " Let all world rise for protection of kingdom ".
All stage has turned to a spacecraft. It became dark for a short while, after wards all was filled with bright light, and from depth, the deck on which it was possible to distinguish 5 figures schematically has slowly risen.
One by one they went down on the stairs and when they have stood up on stage, their faces too were illuminated, so the viewers could find out, who were in front of them. My boys have taken off the sun glasses and stood there, dressed in a motley futuristic uniforms. The crowd in the meantime has raged so, that I was afraid, they will crash the stage.
While the crowd still whistled and shouted, music became absolutely silent. There has come silence and then each of brothers has lifted a hand. And suddenly - Baam! - music has again joined, and The Jacksons have started with "Wanna be startin 'somethin' ". The viewers raged and shouted even more loudly, than before.
The following song was "(The) things I do for you". During the song Randy danced and performed a solo number.
After the fast version of "Off the wall" Michael sang his hit "Human nature", then The Jacksons hit " Heartbreak hotel " has followed. When Michael sang "She`s out of my live", it became a little bit quieter. On "Let`s get serious " all the Jacksons have performed again. Jermaine sang and played on the bass, Randy during this number played on keys, and Tito as always on a guitar. Then Jermaine sang the following song which he has devoted to Jackie; he unfortunately could not participate because of a trauma of a knee. Then went "Tell me I`m not dreamin' ", thus Michael has left on the second refrain and sang together with him. Their voices wonderfully harmonysed with each other.
Then all the brothers started singing the pot-pourri from the Jackson 5 songs. Probably, among public there were many people more senior, because their delight was huge, and many sang along. After several hits, "I want you back ", " (Stop!) The love you save (may be your own) ", and "I`ll be there" there was a short break, and they have run off stage to change their clothes. Soon they have appeared again, Michael in a brilliant space survival suit and Randy in a short shirt without sleeves, and they have sung encore after the audience has loudly demanded, "(You got me) Working day and night ".
Following number an enormous spider on electronic management came out on stage which has tried to eat Michael. The spider has bent above him, Michael wanted to escape, but the spider has captured him with his paws. Then he again has returned on the place on a deck, and Michael has remained to lay on a stage as dead. They have lifted him on a table, covered with a bedsheet, and he has disappeared as if by magic. And in some seconds he again stood on stage, this time in a red - silver jacket, and sang with the brothers "Beat it ", thus them has joined Eddie Van Hallen with the guitar.
Then Michael put on his black jacket and the black hat to sing " Billie Jean ". He also executed the moonwalk that became so famous. Michael has finished a song with several fast turns and jumps - a sign for the group to begin to sing "Shake your body ". Marlon has approached to edge of the stage and shouted to crowd: " What's up?" Also induced them to clap hands beyond their head.
On that the show has ended. My boys have bowed and have waved goodbye. Then they one by one have left the stage.
To our pleasure, the reviews were excellent. We loved this kind of press. During the following 5 months The Jacksons have travelled all over United States. Jackie though rehearsed together with brothers, nevertheless could not participate in the concerts that were left because of the trauma. The last show was given in Los Angeles on Dodger Stadion. 6 concerts one by one have been sold out.
On one of concerts in Los Angeles the rain poured as from a bucket, but neither for fans, nor for The Jacksons it meant nothing - the show proceeded no matter what, and all the viewers have remained to sit on the places. Every evening after the concert above stadium were arranged magnificent fireworks.
Don, Katherine and I all this time were around and cared of that boys were paid for their work. During the Victory Tour they earned more, than ever in their life. For me this tour symbolized the association of all brothers Jackson. It always was my most treasured dream: to see my children together on stage.
Certainly, it was difficult, to cope with such tour. Concert management - not for beginners in this business. But I in due time organized so much tours, that I knew, how to overcome this awful stress. Not everyone will cope with it at once.
So it was very intense. But there were as well the culmination moments, as for example in Chicago when The Chi-Lites came to us behind the scenes. This visiting has revived many old memoirs on how Jackson 5 started. I was very glad to see them.
By the end of the tour The Jacksons have addressed to more than 2 millions of fans, and we have established a new record because we have received more than 50 million dollars.
I with pleasure at once would continue Victory Tour abroad, eventually for this purpose we rehearsed 3 months in the row.
But later Michael has gone on world tour alone. Instead of the brothers he has employed other musicians who though danced as The Jacksons, but it was not the same. The whole difference was, that he stepped onstage not with the brothers. Therefore show was not even remotely as good, as in the USA because Jacksons only then are magnificent when they perform together. I so wanted to see Michael, Jermaine, Jackie, Tito, Randy and Marlon on world tour. But Michael anyway has made it alone, which I considered dishonest from his side because eventually he has subdued the United States together with the brothers. But Michael performed as well as he could.
I still want, my children to perform together worldwide. They have to understand, that family is the most important in life. Your brothers and sisters always will stay your brothers and sisters, and parents for ever will stay your parents. Other people come and go, but the family remains.
I would like to tell a little about that Pepsi Cola has made advertising rollers with Michael. Originally we with Don have managed to get this transaction for all boys, in addition to sponsorship of the tour. All my boys had to make cammercials for this companie. For some reason my sons could not come to an agreement among themselves, and eventually the cammercials have been made only with Michael. And he has earned on it so much money, as no artist has ever earned. I cannot tell you here, how much he has received for it, but in those times it was a fortune. Since then other artists too earned big money on advertising, but Michael was the first with whom at gained such sizes. Michael's and Pepsi transaction has entered the history.
Do not forget about that I always was the manager of my boys, more than 20 years, at first with Jackson 5, then with The Jacksons. From the first rehearsals at our place in Gary, in 1962 when they have signed their first contract with Steeltown, the second contract with Motown, and the third with Epic, I was their manager.
I rehearsed with Jermaine, Tito and Jackie since 1962, and in 1964 Michael and Marlon have joined the group. 3 years in the raw up to 1967, me and the boys have worked hard, until they finally signed the contract with Steeltown. And I was present at each recording of each song in Motown from 1969 to 1975. I accompanied and supervised hundreds sessions of recording.
Since 1963 I went with my sons from city to city, from state to state, and later from country to country. As the manager, I cared of that they on a regular basis rehearsed, that their suits were ready and that they always were in time for everything.
When they were still minor, I managed their proceeds and put for them money, or invested in the real estate. I have spent many hours in the street, accompanying with my sons on each performance, and cared of that they in time have returned to hotel. I did not allow my children to walk at night alone along the streets.
Under my management they have written 6 songs for Steeltown, as Jackson 5, about 13 albums for Motown - generally it is more than 20 if you count all the collections and anthologys - and 6 albums for Epic as The Jacksons. I also worked for Michael as the manager, and later as a co-manager on his first 8 records, including "Off The Wall" and "Thriller". I was Jermaine's manager on his 2 first solo albums, Jackie and Janet's on their first records (Janet's first 4 albums were released under my management), and and on Latoya's first 3 records. And I helped Rebbie with her production.
I cannot count, how many joint shows and tours we had. As the manager of our children I have visited all over the world with them. More than 20 years of my life I conducted Jacksons' affairs. My contract of the manager has been officially finished by summer of 1983, but despite of it I in the summer of 1984 have put on legs also the Victory Tour. My family and I, we were writing the history of music.
Chapter 26

Janet's Career

Janet had big actor skills since the childhood. After she had such a big succses with her comic talent at age 7 in LasVegas, she again and again received an opportunity to act.
I have made friends with the founder of a tvseries " Good times ", and we frequently walked with him in the evenings on his vineyards near Santa Barbara (where Michael later has moved). Then I have charged my assistant to discuss with the producer of the show Norman Lear that he would meet with Janet. Norman, the skilled expert in the film-industry which during his career has seen many talents, has been amazed by than 10 year old Janet and has given her a role of Penny in " Good times ".
After that she was filmed in " A new kind of a family ", and later, in 14 years, in "Diff'rent strokes".
Janet was a magnificent little actress, and with the time she became better. I very much hope, that in the future she again will work more in this area because she was very good in this tvshows, and her videos look more like a short films. The whole family likes to see Janet -actress on tv but than there's a problem, it takes a lot of time.
Due to our shows in Las Vegas and to her performances on TV Janet became known. She appeared in many TV-specials, appeared on award presentations and was filmed in tv cammercials. I observed her for many years, that's why I knew that she had a beautiful voice. You probably already guess, what was I going to do.
Once I have chosen a right moment and have told her: " Janet, you should try to sing". She did not answer immideately, therefore I have continued: " What will you say if we'll try to record a few songs in the studio and than I'll make a demo out of this?"
Janet has shrugged her shoulders. " Yes. I... I in fact can try ", she has answered with the silent gentle voice. Then she was still the teenager and it is clear, that she did not begin to shout of joy. But I was confident, that for her it's better at once enter this business, as it is better to jump at once in cold water instead of entering slowely, and have decided to record a demo with her.
I have chosen some songs for her, have met one fellow from the record companie, with which I was familiar, and have told to him about my intentions. "OK", he has told, " if you will bring the recording, I will hear it ".
After that I have recorded 3 songs with Janet and gave them to this person. I steadfastly observed him when he put on the tape. When Janet's voice was herd he has begun to smile, and I have understood, that he either liked Janet way of singing, or the songs themselves or the both. Than he listened to the tape all over again than he stopped the tape.
" OK, Joe ", he has told. " We we will sign a contract with her".
Then he has asked me, what would I want for her. A "Productiondeal", I have answered.
" OK, Let your lawyer meet with ours and they will develop something together he has declared.
I than had the "Joseph Jackson Productions". Since Janet had a contract with me, I have charged my lawyers to sign this deal through my companie. And it happened. The deal was made with A&M records and on Janet records that we produced you could see the trade mark "Joseph Jackson Produstions" in the form of a diamond.
But before A&M has appeared, we had to work hard with Janet. Katherine and I have made much to promote Janet's career in showbusinness. I have enclosed in her many money and time and seriously considered, that could help her promotion.
Now I managed to get for her itsher first recording contract. When she in 1982 has finished school, her first album has been already recorded.
Then I have seen on TV a show calld "Fame". I have thought, that it is possibly a good idea - to talk with the producer of the show and to suggest him to insert Janet's songs into the show. The show was aired worldwide and it in any case would be reflected positively on record sales. Besides the songs on Janet's album were good.
So I have talked to the producer. He liked my idea, and he has given us a chance to make Janet an international star.
Then I have informed the record companie of my idea. They too were delighted, and we were accepted to business. Ratings were phenomenal.
I liked to see again Janet dancing on a stage. She has just recorded the first album, and she could be seen on TV all over the world.
Paula Abdul once claimed that she was the one who tought Janet to dance. Together with my son Jackie, Paula has developed a choreography for one of Janet's videos. This video has received an MTV award for the best choreography (it was in the middle of 80s). Paula was so happy about the award that she jumped of joy when her named was declared on stage of the Universal Amphitheater. After that Paula's agent July has received many offers, and I was very glad for Paula.
I still remember, how we once talked at our place, and she has asked me how do I think she has to build her career. I have answered her: " Paula, you should try yourself as the singer ".
Obviously, she has thought of it and has then signed her own contract with Virgin. It is pleasant for me to realize, that our family has inspired Paula, probably even helped her. Therefore it seemed to me shameless from her side when she has told, that she was the one who tought Janet to dance. It is impossible to say that! a little of choreography for the video and a real dance lesson - it's two different things. Janet anyway was not very happy when she read Paula's statement in the press. And I personally thought, that Paula have gone too far.
Among ours early family photos there is one on which Janet is about 3 years old, she observes her brothers in studio. From the date of the birth she was present on rehearsals of boys and since she is a good observer, she for certain learned from them. She too began to act early - in Las Vegas she was in fact was only 7 years. She already could dance, when was still a baby, she has grown with it, as well as Michael. Katherine also today tells a story how Michael, stood in front of the washig machine with a bottle in his hand and moved in the rythm of it.
In any case no stranger tought Janet to dance, she done it herself..
Though she had some good performances in "Fame", after a while she has wanted to do something else. Probably, someone outside the family has persuaded her to leave the show. I thought it was a mistake, that she left it, but could not prevent it. Besides this serie did so much for her, and she put a lot into it. And besides, she looked very good in "Fame".
There an episode where Janet sings " Dream street ", a song about her purpose and about becoming a star. Everyone who saw her there, have understood, how talanted she is. She has enclosed all her soul in her fine voice.
Janet worked a lot to promote her first album.. She did promotions - campaigns all over the country, and I considered, the R&B style. Jackson 5 had a succses with that and it could be a good start for Janet.
Certainly, Janet had to sing such songs that everyone would like. But it would be better, if she would address to a black audience with her music at first, because they would recognize Janet faster. Therefore I thought, that the best for her it's the R&B market. Later she can always replace it with rock or pop market (exactley what she did by now). But for the beginning it was better R&B because it was smaller and foreseeable market and the artist could develop better from there.
Despite of resistance of her record companie I struggled on that I could bring Janet to a producer who would understand the black sound. The Jacksons have become famous for music under which it was possible to dance and that's why it would work for my daughter too.
Janet has recorded 2 albums before sh has achieved the multiplatinum status with "Control". When there has come time for her second album, I have taken care of that she has got a black producer. Earlier on Motown we named this style R&B, and it worked. So it has turned out this time too, only Janet companie named this style "urban". But it was the same thing.
We have chosen Kashif as a producer. He was expansive but he worthed this money. Nevertheless last minute some people from the record companie have decided something else.The pop- producer has been employed, and I have lost the struggle. But I have not surrendered and further continued to say what I wanted.
I very much liked one song from Janet's 2d album. Marlon has written it. " (You) don`t stand another chance ". It had a funcky rythm and it sounded more like R&B than pop. All of us considered, that she excellently approaches to be released on a single, but instead of it other songs were released.
At last Janet's record companie has employed Jimmy Jam and Terry Lewis as producers for her album "Control". Now it were really people that understood something in R&B. Nobody could be pleased to this more than I, in fact many years I did not even wish anything else for the daughter. Her record has started as a rocket.
When "Control" started to be on sale, Janet for the first time in her life has earned really big money. Her) album " Rhythm nation 1814" was on sale with millions, and her Rhytm nation tour in 1990 has been sold out up to last place. Only in Los Angeles on Forum - which can hold a heap of people - 6 evenings in a raw all places have been taken.
Some of Janet's concerts were organized by Irving "Magic" Johnson, and I am grateful to him for it. I like Magic very much. He, alongside with Michael Jordan, is my favourite basketball player.
Janet's tour began in Miami and from there has proceeded on all large cities of USA. In Worcester, Massachusetts, was necessary even to appoint the second concert because her concerts were on such demand. Sometimes she sold more than 35 thousand places for evening. When she has arrived with the tour to Northern Carolina, her single "Escapade" was on tops of charts.
When I for the first time have seen the Janet's tour scedule, I seriousley begun to worry. Concerts were too close to each other, the scedule was too intense. People working together with Janet, definitely were beginners in this business and have charged her too much.
Certainly, it is expensive, to go on tour with the whole retinue of dancers, musicians, technitians and security, but it is necessary to pay attention to that people - and also the artist - did not overtire. It is dangerous to life, and in my opinion, money which thus earn, do not worth to ruin health of the person. In any case Janet tour scedule was much more intense, than everything, that I during 15 years did with my sons.
She performed somewhere every evening, without having no breaks. But the worst was that right after the American tour the tours in Japan, Europe and Asia were sceduled. She was on tour about 9 or 10 months in the raw and I was afraid, that she can be ill. But I could undertake nothing against it because all concerts have already sceduled.
Not all of the Janet crew members participated in the whole tour. I well understand, it is really tiresome, and the person can take only the certain time interval. One of her dancers who in the simultaniously performed both with Michael, and with Janet, has told at television interview, that Janet's tour was the heaviest.
And as I also was afraid, Janet got sick. At first they wanted to hide from me, that, that after one of concerts she has fallen without feelings and she was taken away to hospital. I was very much worried, because suspected, that this can happen.
I certainly do not want to tell, that I in fact warned her, but I have a big experience in the concert business, and I precisely knew, on what my children are capable.
But Janet could not be fallen down by anything.. She never complained and never stopped the tour, she performed every evening. Nobody has found out about her faint, because we kept it a secret from press and fans. And she has not disappointed neither the public, nor the concert promoter. In that her advantage consists. It is not important, how she feels herself, Janet carryes out all the obligations, you can rely on her.
During performance in Los Angeles on which I was present, for a moment it seemed to me, that she will faint now, but she has hidden the critical situation, and nobody in the audience has noticed nothing. I have certainly noticed, but in fact I am her father. Janet is an absolute professional, and she can under the most adverse circumstances do a magnificent show.
Tickets for her Rhytm nation tour completely have been sold out everywhere - in Asia, Europe and even in Madison Square Garden. And moreover, Janet sold various merchandise - caps, T-shirts, badges and programmes.
I am proud of that money did not change Janet.. She is still the same lovely, remarkable girl that she always was. The majority of artists lose ability to think soberly, especially if they are as successful, as she is. Katherine and I have tried to teach our children to humility, such rare, but the important virtue, first of all in showbussness.
Frequently things that I say about Janet are wrongly understanded or taken out of context, and my imaginary comments which I never on expressed thus ply. For example, I listened to her album " Rhythm nation " shortly before it was released, and noticed that it would be not bad to remake it. Thus I generally did not know, that they gave me to listen not to the finale variant. Yes, and later they said that I said bad things about her, that is a complete lie. I liked Jimmy Jam and Tery Lewis, and I am glad that they produced Janet because they has done excellent work. "Rhythm nation" became a fine album with numerous hits which was on sale very well. In 1991 the song written by Janet, " Black cat " was nominated on "Grammy".
After almost a year of world tour Janet has returned to California to have a rest for a while. She has earned very much money on this tour, but she could earn even more if she was engaged in the merchandise more strenuously. There are so many things that Janet still has to pay attantion too, but I am proud of that she has made such successful career.
It was uneasy to me to cope with people around Janet. In effect, it has been never recognized, how much I have made for Janet. Despite of it, I tried to do as before all that was in my forces. Certainly, someone from her old record companie willingly would supervise her, and it is not always good. But she has gone through it. She only doesn't need to forget, who from the very beginning supported her.
At our place hangs a memorial plate, on which written: " Joseph Jackson Productions. In memory of 6 million copies " Rhytm nation 1814 ", sold worldwide ". This board - one of the best gifts that Janet ever did to me because it documents what we have achieved as family. She has delivered me a huge pleasure with this gift. What father would not be proud of such a successful young daughter! The fact that I have recorded her demo and got the contract with the record companie, was completley paid back.
I always trusted in Janet and financed her long before other recognised her as a singer. And I am glad, that she is a success, glad and proud to be her father.
After " Rhytm nation 1814 ", 4th Janet's album on A&M records, she has wanted to change the label. You remember, that I went to A&M and asked them to sign a contract with Janet.
I had to struggle for it, but eventually the contract has turned out fair. But I knew, that will pass a little time before Janet becomes a world celebrity, I from the very beginning have thought of that, later to talk to other companies and to get her a contract better.
After Janet has carried out the obligations in relation to A&M, she was free to negotiate with the big labels. Her advantage was that the contract with A&M has expired while she was still young. The artists has to begin early, and I am glad, that have taken care of it and she since the childhood could build a career.
Eventually Janet has signed the contract with Virgin which has made her most highly paid artist in the musical industry. I only would like, that newspapers did not name the exact sum, in fact the majority of people do not understand, that with such contract they also expect a great feedback from the artist.
Chairman of Virgin records board has declared then the conclusion of the contract with such words: " Rembrandt very seldom appears in the market but if appears, many people decide to get him. I have decided. All of us are proud and we feel like flattered that we will work with Janet".
Now her 4th album on Virgin got released, " Damita Jo ". And as always, and on this album Janet sings from all her soul. She became a star as she always wanted. And I am happy for her.
Janet has a big talent. Nobody knows the abilities of our children better, than me and Katherine. All our children are very talented. Janet's work is self-explainatory, she followes Michael's footsteps.

Chapter 27

Jackson Mothers

You remember, how afraid I afraid of Katherine's stepfather when I have for the first time came to her home? Remember that nice lady who has greeted me and has told: " You, are probably Joe! "? That was Katherine's mother.
All these years she remained same friendly and goodhearted to me, as then. It was the quiet, affable woman with the big heart. She was ready to share with others everything, that she owned. It was very pleasant to communicate with her.
With the years, when she has grown old, she began to be unwell. Then her condition has worsened, and she had to lie in hospital. Katherine went to her to Alabama, and eventually we have taken her to a house for aged to Los Angeles. Katherine has employed a nurse for her.
She had heavy illness of kidneys, by the end she weighed no more than 50 pounds. It ended by that she went to a coma, but despite of it Katherine and further continued to visit her every day, even when the mother has stopped to recognize her. She simply sat at her bed and read aloud to her in case she still hears something.
Katherine's sister has already died, therefore she was the only daughter. And here her mother dies. It was very hard for Katherine, I don't have the words to describe it.
There was a big funeral, all family was present. It was so sad.
Since I was a little boy and my sister has died, I did not go on funeral. After that I could not be present on them. I till now remember, how my father has been grieved, and it was only time when I saw him crying.
By the moment when Katherine's mother has died, my father were 75 years old. He was in good health, but you could not expect anything else, because he never smoked, drank, and always took his medical herbs.
Some years later I have visited him. He was healthy as before, but he had some problems with his foot, something with blood circulation have begun. When I have asked him about it, he has answered, that he does not feel it anymor. He went to a doctor, and the doctor has told, that the leg could not be rescued anymore, they need to amputate it up to the knee. It was bad news for him but he has reconciled with his fate.
When his leg was amputated, I have visited him in hospital. I came in to his room, and he at once began to crack jokes about his condition, probably he did not want to show his misfortune. With loughter, he has lifted his stump and has told: " Look, one has still remained! ".
After the surgery I have ordered an artificial limb and an armchair for him so he could move everywhere. But the more senior he became, the more he became reserved. He more liked to spend time alone, than in the company of other people.
I would like to tell about my mother a little more. She was very sociable, liked to chat and frequently joked. Mum had such a loud voice, that it was audible already from apart, and she liked to laugh. As well as Katherine, she was lovely and friendly. Mother has tought me to cook and sew. And my both parents have shown me how to repair any thing in the house.
Mum cooked very well. Once she even was the chief - cook in hotel. When she quited from there, they even did not want to let her go, but she has not allowed to overpersuade herself because she wanted to be near the family. My father worked in the other city as the teacher, and she did not want to leave us, children, alone.
Though my parents have divorsed, when I was a child, many years later they got married again and till an old age lived happily in Arizona.
When mother became more senior, she was ill, she had to remove one, and in some years and the second kidney. After that she 2 times a week went to dialease, got connected to " an artificial kidney ". She did not love this procedure and never got used to it. It was awful.
After a while she had to pay off for frequent dealease. Her skin turned darker, she has strongly grown thin. On the hand where all time stuck a needle, a big tumour has developed.
Some time the condition of her health was still ok, but then they have called me and have told: " Joe, you should arrive. I think, the end is close ". You know, I was at that time constantly in travels and could not visit her as frequently as I would like. Besides she lived in Arizona, and I in Los Angeles.
After 10 years of dealease her veins have been completely destroyed and she could not continue the treatment anymore. she was discharged from hospital so she could spent the last days at home. I have taken off to her at the same evening.
When I have come, she slept. I have called: "Mum" then she has woken up and has looked at me. Her hand has awfully swelled. I have thought, she has recognised me , but she seemed tired and at once has closed the eyes. She, better get some sleep I thought and left her.
The next morning, it was on November, 30, 1990, I was called by my sister and informed, that my mother has died 3:11in the morning.
Shortly after I have left, she said, she has noticed according to the breath of mother that the end is closed. All of them have risen in a circle, have joined hands and prayed. I am grateful that my sister and children were near to mother in her last minutes.
The sister has said, that else one day prior to death our mother suddenly has very much wanted some dumplings. These dumplings were the last thing she ate.
We did not know, that all to end so quickly after she has stopped the dealease. But I hated these procedures because she had to suffer so much, and now at least her sufferings have ended. Father then still was in hospital, came to the senses after amputation.
Funeral was on Saturday, and many have arrived already on Thursday. All our big family has gathered, the mortuary has been filled up with flowers. There was so many people, that there weren't enough places.
The only thing that was good on this funeral, it that my father at last has again met Michael. He already for a long time did not see him and told me that he misses him. Now he at last could hugg him again on the funeral of mother.
Commemoration were something special. My aunt Norma sang together with the daughter, and it was so perfect, that all of us have been shocked up to depth of soul.
I have been heart-broken, but for some reason could not cry. Only when I have remained alone on a tomb of my mother, the tears have come out and I cried as never before.
I never thought, that I will go through it. My mother was a wonderful woman. Everybody loved her. Now she lays in Phoenix.
It was hard for me and my wife when we within several months have lost both our mothers. But fortunately, I in fact had her, and she had me.
After death of mother, father has remained to live in their common house in Phoenix. Last years of his life everything was good with him, I tried to visit him more often. Still I met there my brothers and sisters and their families, and to me it was pleasant - to have a rest for a couple of days and to spend time with them. Naturaly, I could not stay for a long time - my affairs did not allow me.
When we with the father were together, we frequently sang, in most cases songs which he has learnt in church chorus.
My father was the old person and all of us had to care of him, but it was not difficult for us. Since my sister and her children too lived in Phoenix, he always was in a circle of the family. He was my father and I very much loved him. But nevertheless there has come time when I have lost also him. That's how the world works. On February, 12, 1992, he too has fallen asleep forever.
Now I would like to tell a little about Katherine, my wife and mother of my children. The fact that our children have become someones, it's Katherine's big merit. One person who in 1967 has got acquainted with me and Katherine because he then wanted to work with ours sons, recently has told about her: "Katherine never doubted her children. She always knew, that something great will turn out of them, and she did not have no shadow of doubt, that they will make it."
How frequently Katherine told me: " Joe, I do not know, how you maintain all this. I am not able to do it ". Something in musical business she simply could not bear. But I have to be strong for the sake of my children, and Katherine always understood and supported me.
Certainly, I protected even her against the worst problems. Before she found out about them, they were not so awful anymore. It is remarkable nevertheless, that both of us are still healthy, after everything, that we have gone through.
Katherine could not be happy enough of her on children. The woman who has given birth to 10 children it's already something special. And the family only then is strong, when everyone stand friend for the friend and create something together.
I am very much proud of Katherine. She always was awonderful mother, true mother, as well as I was true father. I earned money to dress and feed my family, and she did everything in the house. I love her because she cared of our children.
Katherine has perfectly brought up the children. If it wasn't for her, they would not grow such. Father and mother who work hand in hand are necessary for the person and they set to children an example. We were very strict with them. They always had to carry out the duties. When you are the child certainly you do not appreciate to much, especially if you see, that other children do not need to work all the time. If you force children to achieve record results, you have to count that later they will not reproach you about it.
Despite of all this, children very much love mother. And they are adhered to me too.
I was asked how did me and Katherine managed to save our marrage during the whole 50 years. The case is that Katherine has more good qualities, than any other woman. She is a wonderful person and she has a gift, to get on with other people. She keeps the house faultlessly clean and well-groomed, and she cookes extremely well. Katherine always superb executed the duties on the house, and I am grateful to her for it. And she could not treat me better. Therefore I never will wish an other wife.
I am so proud of her. She always supported me, and I never will overlook it. Any other woman would not make it.
Together we have coped with many problems. We kept together and have overcome all obstacles. Love is stronger than anything in the world.


Chapter 28

The Trip To Japan

Each member of our family already many times was in Japan. Japaneses love the American music, and first of all they love Jacksons.
We have a lot of Japaneses-friends, and we like this country. When in December 1987 Michael was there on tour for the promotion of his album "Bad", me and Katherine have flown there to see look some of his concerts. By this moment Michael's single from this album, " I just can`t Stop loving you ", already was a hit in the USA.
Originally Michael has planned 9 concerts but when organizers have established, that each performance being sold out in an hour, they have added 5 more concerts, and soon tickets for these additional concerts also were not availible.
Japaneses definitely were mad about Michael. Whereever he appeared, he was followed by crowds of photographers. Me and Katherine have constantly come across attributes of Michaelmania. Thousands of people put on t-shirts with Michael's image on his concerts, and all the shops had merchandise from Michael Jeckson. All this has not surprised me. He had fans in Japan already 15 years ago when Jackson 5 had performed there. And I on my own experience was convinced, that our fans save their loyalty to us for a long time.
When I was young and herd a message on the American radio about an attack of Japaneses to Pearl Harbour, I could not even dream that someday I will go to Japan and will know this country so well. But then we went there frequently enough and have understood, that Japaneses are great people.
When we were with Motown, we knew, that boys are popular in Japan because fans even wrote letters to our home. Besides in Japan they constantly informed about us in press.
Our first tour has taken place in May, 1973. In the airport there were so much shouting fans that we could squeeze through the crowd only with the help of security service.
Our first stop was in Tokyo. Our remarkable organizer, Watanabe, arranged for us excursions and walks, also we went by the fastest at that time train, so-called " Bullet train ". I was afraid, that during the trip there can be an earthquake, but fortunately nothing happened.
In hotel fans swarmed. Japaneses are very polite and constantly bow, so I repeated after them and tried to answer their politeness.
In the evening before the concert we gave press conference, and in the end there was a dinner given in our honour. Certainly, there was a lot of rice and when we were givento sticks, we had some difficulties with bringin the food to the mouth. I never before did eat with sticks and at first did not even know how to hold them. But I assiduously trained and eventually it turned out pretty well. It was pleasant to Japaneses, that we adapt to customs of their country, and they were extremely friendly to us.
Performance of boys has received a big response, but on none of the concerts the viewers did not try, as in other countries, to storm the stage. You should consider, that it was the beginning 70х years, and we were one of the first groups which performed there. Now Japan too became very western, and today Japaneses behave at concerts the same as also fans in other countries.
After performance in Tokyo in front of 10 or 15 thousand fans many people came to us and gave gifts. The following concerts have passed in Osaka. It is the same big city as Tokyo, but it certainly not so is overflown as capital.
After that we had concerts in Hiroshima where I with boys have visited a museum. I have thought of how in days of my youth heard in news in bombardment of Hiroshima, and I was captured with a strange feeling when we passed through these halls.
Pictures, showing the city after dump of a nuclear bomb in 1945, deeply amazed, and I had a frost has passed on my skin when I have imagined the scale of these horrifying destructions. My sons too have been suppressed, and all of us hope that such thing will never happen again.
Yes, I love Japan. Japaneses friendly and polite and I like the country, though there are really high prices. And our local fans till now like Jackson 5. Janet also did a tour across Japan and had a big success. She is loved the same, as Michael and his brothers. Jacksons always will be welcomed guests in Japan.


Chapter 29

Michael On Stage And Offstage

Many people ask me what was Michael earlier. I have already told a little about what child he was, and now I would like to add what exactly I have noticed in him when he started to sing with his brothers.
He was the one whom we put on the foreground in Jackson 5, simply because we knew, that there was his place. He could present a song to the audience in such way that people cryed, and he always was a very good dancer. Still when he was a child, many have tried to copy him.
When Michael became more senior, he has made a serious competition to other great dancers, such as Fred Astaire and Sammy Davis Jr. Shortly before Sammy's death, Michael sang on one concert a song that he wrote for this artist, " You were there ". It was dedicated to Sammy Davis Jr. And in the same time it was Michael's own interpretation. When he has clicked his fingers, in one this gesture there was more charm, than some artists have in their whole show.
Michael's performance on Motown 25th Anniversiry was the best, that I have ever seen. He came out on stage with the brothers, and they have sung some of the old songs. Then he was separated from group and has made the "Moonwalk". The viewers have jumped from the places. It was perfect, that Jackson 5 have again came out on stage to perform for Motown. And when in the end brothers have embraced, not only I had burt in to tear.
Speaking about Michael, it is necessary to have a clear presentation, that if you are such a big star, it brings a huge amount of problems. With the time to me was especially evident the next thing: every time when comes the time for Michael to release an album, suddenly there appear negative reports about him in press. But everything they say and write about him is just a lie. All those nonsenses, which spreaded about women with which Michael was friends. For someone whois in the center of attention of the public, it is hard enough to find the woman to fall in love with, and it's unfair to write such mean things, even if Michael did date someone.
One more example. When Michael was suppoused to release "Thriller", there was another silly rumor that appeared in press about him. It really looks like every time they try to prevent his success. During "Thriller" which has broken all record sales, the press informed, that he sleeps in the oxygen chamber. I could not believe it, when have seen it in the newspaper. Michael then lived at our place, and there was not such a thing in our house. Despite of it, I with curiosity have once again looked in his room, but the only thing I saw there was a normal bedroom.
Apparently, someone has photographed Michael during a visit to a doctor when he had to lie for the examination, and has then mounted it with a photo of the oxygen chamber (what is done very simply in our days). Then this forged photo has been published, and everybody around said, that Michael sleeps in the oxygen chamber. Such tricks are frequently used for photos, and not always it is possible to trust what you see.
Later I have have found out, that one special effects companie has been employed to make for Michael, a bed which would have the built - in stereospeakers in a head part so that Michael could listen to music, laying in bed. But he never slept on it. After that foolish story has got in press, he did not want this bed anymore, it has remained to stand there where it was and collected dust.
It's unvelievable, what kind of false stories are printed about Michael. Newspapers will exhaust from a finger anything you like only to increase the curculation, and I would like them to finally stop. Michael is wonderful and he is the best artist in the world. I say this not as his father because I want to prase my son, but because it's the truth. When "Thriller" was released, this album has gone down to history of music and even has got in the Guinness book of Records. Up to today "Thriller" holds a world record with 50 millions sold copies.
Michael has made something really great. I remember, how he has broken all records without exception that year. But he nevertheless has not received the deserved share of awards.
Michael got so excited because of it that he has made an impression of physically exhausted person. But for him something like that is a stimulus. He only said: " Wait till the next time, than i'll become much better". And you know what? He became much better.
When " Off the wall "was being created , Michael came to Quincy Johnes with a lot of songs. He has recorded a few demo - tapes in our studio behind the house and has played them to Quincy which liked them very much. Thats' how Quincy became the producer of several songs of Michael, among them was "Don`t Stop till you get enough ". It became a № 1hit .
Another magnificent song of Michael - "She`s out of my live ", the true ballad executed with a big feeling. He really felt it, I know Michael. In this things he is the same as I - very emotional. I only do not show the feelings the way he does. This song - one of my favourite ballads alongside with " One day in your life " which Michael sang when he was with Jackson 5.
Michael has received his first Grammy for " Don ` t Stop till you get enough", and it has especially pleased me, because he has written this song. It was his second solo hit № 1 (the first was the soundtrack of the film "Ben").
In my opinion, there is no artist who can dance as so expressively as Michael. He performed all over the world, has won lots of awards, and he has fans everywhere. Even in a thicket of a virgin wood you can come across Michael Jacksons's photo.
During one of the world tours Michael has broken one more record: his concerts was were attended by more viewers than any other artist had. If he did even more concerts they would be sold out too. On a stage Michael is the best. You know why? Because he is one of Jacksons, and he is puts 100% out there.
His shows are so are magnificent, that not so soon someone can surpass them. They are very expensive, with illusions and the refined light effects. He had a unique success with the shows in Europe, and I was again and again surprised, how little they informed about it in the American press. The fact, that he represents our country, was not appreciated enough. I in any case would be glad, if the press on a regular basis informed of his record sales and shootings abroad (naturally, it concerns my other children too).
To tell the truth, Michael himself has found means to inform Americans about what he does. He has made video of the concerts from all world and has published them in the USA that also his fans here too could see, what he did abroad.
Michael loves cinema very much and all his life was interested in Charlie Chuplin. In the movies a new opportunities undoubtedly would open in front of him.
Sinmce we speak about cinema, I would like to mention, that I have made contact with people, which produce the movie" The Wiz ". I wanted, them to give Michael a chance, and it happened. But people sometimes overlook, who has originally suggested the idea, and Michael probably, till now does not know, that it came from my office (I always secretly tried to help as much as possible to my children).
Anyway, I have actuated this project, long before Michael begun the shootings in 1977.
Sydney Lumet has done a good work in this film. The actor's team was great too, and Michael has proved, that he is an excellent actor. Diana Ross and Richard Prayor also were good in the roles. (By the way, in same year Black Athletes HallOf Fame has chosen me as " the father of the year ").
I would like, that Michael to shoot a film, in which he would play the leaging role. I would like, all the world to find out, what a magnificent actor he is.
In my opinion, Michael's success remains unsurpassed. Take, for example, "Thriller". For this album Michael has received 8 Grammy and 8 American music awards. That fact, that he was with the brothers in world tours earlier and had fabs everywhere, became the good base to all of it, and he has deserved each of these awards. I hope, everyone understand, that this success did not come so simply - it costed many years of hard work.
Shortly before the death of my mother I saw a telecast in which absurd things about me and my son Michael were said. among them they said, that he did a plastic surgery on his eyes. It is a lie.
Also there were silly rumors about Michael leaving home which also did not match the reality. Sometime any child leaves the parental home, this is normal. But if Michael Jackson leaves home, they immideately try to make a sensation from it.
Besides that he has simply grown and became a man. There were many more other rumors, some of them even worse than what I mentioned, but why to repeat this nonsence? It's enough that it was shown on tv, but there people also get paid for spreading lies.
After the programm I have again asked myself why do they invent such an unbelievable stories about me and Michael . Why they attack him and try to spoil his reputation? I can only hope, that people do not believe everything, that they tell them.
But all the silly rumors that spreaded about him, cannot stop Michael. His music is fantastic, and people all over the world loveit. whatever they say, they buy his records. And with each time he becomes stronger, and the way my wife says: the good wins the evil.
In his book "Moonwalk" Michael writes, that Jackson 5 belonged to those few lucky people who already in the childhood have put in pawn bases for their future well-being - money, the real estate and other investments. I have settled all these questions for all my sons. By 18 years each of them had the real estate and had enough money in bank. I believe, other my sons also can confirm it.
Part of money which we earned, I have spent on buying profitable houses in California. It were 4 big complexes and when I have got them 30 years ago, it was completely new kind of an investment of money. After the price for the real estate in this area have sharply jumped up, and when my boys have reached majority, their real estate cost millions.
It was a wonderful feeling - to receive from Michael a confirmation, that I always cared of interests of my sons. I never took money away from my children as it was done by other parents of small stars, and always considered, that money which we earn, it is better to enclose. Everything, that I have earned on my children, I have fairly divided between them.
The following topic which I would like to discuss, it's the rumor, that I beat children when they were small. I want to clear up these rumors.
I bore the responsibility for 6 extremely healthy and strong boys. Katherine and I have divided education of children between ourselves. I cared about our sons, and she of daughters. Whether I was strict? Yes, I had to, differently, with 9 children there very quickly would begin chaos. First of all it concerns Michael. He had more energy than any other child, and he was really hyperactive.
So, if one of boys did something, he has been punished for it. In childhood, if I did something wrong, my father punished me too. That's what I was tought, and that's how I brought up the boys. I believed, that had to do this, because my sons had to know, that they will be punished, if they will participate in something bad or take drugs. I was strict with them, in fact so many children in Gary have consisted in gangs, I at all did not want, that my children have contacted drugs and criminality.
Those my sons who already have children, understand me now, and other parents told me too, that very well understand, how it is difficult to look after for 6 boys. If you love children as I than certainly it's easier to not punish them but if you want to impart them the feeling of what is correct and what is not than the punishment is necessary. It was difficult for me to punish my boys when they did something wrong, but it was required, that I well could execute the role of the father. And I did it, because my children are above all for me.
Randy, in one tv interview, has told the same , that I just try to explain on this topic: " A certain order had to dominate ". And so it was. My boys always were well dressed, clean and polite to associates. Katherine and I have brought them up old-fashioned, but this way also today seems to me correct.
As to charges in rape as has told Janet in interview to US Magazine in 1993, it's "simply nonsense. Yes, it is the truth, our parents punished us, but if it happened, we always knew, for what.
My parents are very strict, we have grown very domestic, and I thank God for it. But my parents did not molest us neither in mental, nor in sexual, or in any other way".
Let's return to Michael. In the beginning of April, 1991 Michael has signed a contract with Sony Software, Sony Entertainment and Columbia Pictures. He has undertaken to release on Sony Music (the companie that bought the CBS Resords), 6 albums. Press informed, that Michael received the highest royalties that an artist ever deserved. In this contract also were mantioned, that Michael becomes a chairman of his own recording label, MJJ. And he has based a new Jackson Entertainment Complex which observed of manufacture of all teleshows with children. As to the actor, Michael have been guaranteed millions for each film in which he would be shot .
I not so willingly speak about the sums which are earned by my children, but the press continued to inform, that it is the biggest transaction in historiy of music and movies. Ron Wilcox then the senior vice-president of Sony, has told: " Michael is the largest star in this branch, and the contract is proved by his successes, talent and the future potential ".
All different projects of Michael so are good, because he always very assiduously works to bring a slightest detail to a perfection. He likes, that each trifle would be ideal. In that he is similar to mother. If she will conceive something, she will not calm down, till it will be the way she represents it to herself.
And Michael was successful in financial plan. In fact for this reason they become professionals: to make money.
thanks for posting!!! Hey, what is the name of Joseph's book??????????
Chapter 29 cont.

Jackson 5 earned a lot of money on Motown. When I have then brought them to Epic, Michael and his brothers earned under name The Jacksons even more. And the Victory Tour got added and the cammercials. And all Michael's world tours have always been sold out.
I with pride can tell, that the big money have not changed Michael. He is the same Michael whom we all love.
Many years I was silent about what girlfriends my son had, but now there has come the time to tell to you, that all the report about him in press were a lie.
In 1984, my son already had few girlfriends. Everyone knows, that he and Tatum O'neil kissed on a party in the Playboy mension. Tatum was his first love. was his(its) first love. than was Brook Shilds, but she then was too young, and Michael always was a gentleman. He nevertheless courted her and has bought her a ring with a big diamond. He frequently told his mother about how much Brook means to him.
Tatum, Brook and michael had a lot in common. All three were children - stars. Brook was shot in a cammercial for soap and was still almost the child when she has played in " Pretty baby ". Though Michael's relationship with Brook were limited to parties and discos, he treated her very seriously.
We invited Brook to a supper in our house in Los-Angeles. She was delightful. She had magnificent manners, she has perfectly considered our family and at once has found common language with my wife. We welcomed her with all our heart, but, respecting Michael's private life, did not ask unnecessary questions.
After a while Brook nevertheless has decided to receive a degree of the bachelor in one of expencive universities at the Western coast, and Michael was also constantly in travels for the sake of the career. They saw each other very seldom, and their romantic relationship had collapsed. But they have remained good friends.
Brook began to attend the university, and Michael has fallen in love with the young dancer. They flirted with each other during shootings of one of his videos and allowed to photograph themselves in front of Michael's trailer. On their first date in the end 80s, Michael's manager Frank Dileo was present there as a sentry dog. Frank knew, that Michael was interested to her when they three have met at restaurant. Without informing Michael, Frank has tried to court her though he was married.
As soon as she has noticed, that Michael is interested in her, she has left her boyfriend, the Latino-American dancer who accompanied with Madonna on tour. The unknown dancer has never been near to a celebrity, and she hardly could believe, that my son wanted her. She hardly could overcome the excitement and openly spoke about their relationship. It was not too pleasant to Michael, because he did not want, her to be pulled out on general a review before he had the opportunity to spend some time with her.
He has invited the girl to our home so that my wife and I could acquainte with her. She liked all of us, she was young, beautiful and she had a heart of a child. Soon Michael has admitted to mother that he is in love with the wonderful dancer. But he would like to know her better, therefore, he has invited her to accompany with him on tour.

There was a strong sexual attraction bitween them, and has passed some time before the young woman already could not distinguish their relationship on a stage during the show and offstage. She has called Michael in hotel and has asked, whether she can kiss him on a stage. Michael has agreed, but has not told about it to his manager.
So they have kissed that evening on stage. Michael liked it very much, but his manager was in fury since he was afraid, that Michael will lose his fans if they will find out, that he has an affair.
When the photos of the kiss have been printed and when this girl has told in some talkshow about her relationship with Michael, Michael's manager has decided, that's enough. She has immediately been fired, at that that she has only answered a question of the of the host of the show, whether she had something with Michael, " the you know what". She had no the slightest representation how closely the media observed her. Certainly, Michael's friends; Correy Feldman and Little Richard, both his sisters and brothers knew, that he had romantic feelings for her, but we certainly have not uttered a word about it, since it was not clear, were these relationship serious or not.
Michael was sad because, that he had to let her go. She has been simply destroyed and very much tried to keep their relationship. She has charged an artist to draw one of favourite stars, and has sent this picture to his home. She vainly tried to draw his attention to herself again, but Michael has completely kept away from her when he had found out, that she dated Prince. He suffered from constant exposures, and did not want to have anything in common with yellow press in which it was informed, that his former girlfriend has replaced him on Prince, and then on one of Milli Vanilli. When Michael lawyer has tried to introduce her to one of his brothers, it also did not helped. Nothing came out of it, because she still was in love with Michael.
The pour girl was a pity to me. She was a lovely girl, but she could not bear the burden of fame after she was shot in one of Michael's videos. After that she was recognised eveywhere, but she hardly had money to pay the bills. I have offered her to become her manager, met with July McDonald, Paula Abdul agent, and has asked her to find the girl a job. July has tried very much, and eventually she was employed by known choreographer Jeffrey Horanday who too worked with Michael before. But she trained insufficiently, and though she had a promising start, she had no success. I in fact wanted to help her, was engaged in her management, but eventually she was still too immature, and I have helped her to earn a pair of thousand dollars, which she was required to pay taxes, and has again paid attention to career of my children.
When the charges against Michael have appeared, her money just have ended again and that's why she talked on TV about Michael, but she said such nonsense, that it seemed not too real.
Prince which soon after that has met her in a night club, has started talking with her about it and reproached her because she has not told the truth, has not told, that Michael has been in love with her. Prince knew all this story, in fact after that she was with him, and all time spoke only about Michael, told, that she goes crazy on him. I do not reproach her - these talkshows will confuse anyone. But I am glad, that Prince have expressed her his opinion on her hypocritical behaviour. She tried to get out and has explained, that her words have been twisted, but Prince did not believe her. He has accused her that for money she told lies about Michael, when she was the one who could tell the truth.
Well all right, anyway, later Michael dated princess Stefanie of Monaco and even has secretly recorded a song with her. Certainly nobody had to find out, that Stefanie was the female voice in this duet. Michael never wanted, that the public had found out too much about women in whom he was interested. And since his private life is all out there, you can't blame him for it.
Chapter 30

Jermaine And Michael In Africa

Me and wife have flown to the Gabon Republic where we have met with Jermaine later, he had a performance there with Madame Bongo. She was the wife of the president of Gabon and simultaneously the singer with an own group and a recording studio. Her record were issued in France.
The flight was very interesting because onboard the African music played all the time. To tell the truth, we needed 6 hours on passage of customs house because something was wrong with our visa.
In Gabon they speak Franch, Jermaine perfectly knows it. Therefore there it was easy for him to communicate with people.
Walls and the floor our hotel were from a marble, on walls there was a lot of the African figures cut out from wood which i have very much liked. The terrace where we had dinner was especially beautiful. Katherine was very much surprised that many European women sunbathed at a pool topless. She was amazed even more, when one of those women has gotten up and walked around in such way.
When I travel with my wife, she always spends awfully a lot of time in the bathroom. But when she comes out of there she is wonderful as a qween! Everything is perfect. And if I make a compliment to her, she only smiles.
We liked Gabon very much. We lived directly on a beach, and the weather was very good. All around is green because it rains frequently, and the country is rather rich. In any case, there it is possible spend there a better winter, than on Hawaii or in Mexico where many Americans spend holidays.
When Jermaine has appeared at the airport of Gabon, he was expected with such a huge crowd, that security service had to constrain them. Everybody cried out his name, he is very much loved there. Madame Bongo has taken him away, she too seem very famous.
During our stay we made walks in bushes, there very bad roads. Me and Jermaine drove ona jeep with a full drive, and Katherine sat in a Mercedes. I thought, a Mercedes will get stuck in this inaccessible terrain, but to my surprise it has safely passed.
On the road from the city we passed past near little markets, located on the sides, people sold there coconuts, bananas, melons and every possible sorts of vegetables. We have stopped, and I saw something that I have never seen before. One person, for example, sold fried snakes on a grill. It was very strange, but people came there and ate them.
The safari was remarkable, besides people in the village were very friendly. Everyone bowed and waved with a hand to us. But in hotel the things went differently. I have noticed, that whites behave not too friendly in relation to blacks, and have asked other visitor, what was going on?. He has explained to me, that whites in Gabon count themselves better than blacks and when they get drunk, they say about blacks such things from which it is possible to conclude, that they feel their superiority.
I accompanied with Jermaine on rehearsal of the concert. It was so good - to see him on a stage and the way he works with the back-vocalist. It has reminded me of old times when I have traveled throughout the world with the sons. Also it was pleasant to me, the way he sang, and I knew, that it will be a fantastic show.
The concert was really very interesting. There was around 30 thousand people, we sat next in the Bongo family in the first raw. The first lady of Gabon went to Los Angeles to engage singers and musicians who performed in this concert together with her African group. She sang songs from her last album, produced in Paris, and then she has brought Jermaine on stage. During the first song she has introduced Katherine and me. The Audience has greeted us.
Jermaine had black jacket with silver patterns on, he looked perfectly . He also sang very well. His first song was " Do what you do ", and they clapped to him, while standing up.
Then he has taken a guitar and has executed " Let`s get serios ", and it almost seemed to me, as though Jermaine stands above there and now will declare: The Jacksons.
" Let`s get serios (and fall in love) " was a big hit of Jermaine, and I still think, that it is a good song. I like, how Jermaine presentes it and plays it on a guitar. Besides this song, which Stieve Wonder helped him to work on helped has a very good lyrics.
One more Jermaine's song that I like very much - his "Dynamite", an excellent number in a fast tempo.
After a concert the president of Gabon and his family held a reception in our hotel. Their senior daughter lives in Paris, but shealso in Gabon has a wonderful house on the sea. We briskly communicated and have gone to bed only at dawn. To our greatest regret, next day we had to leave again, and all presidential family accompanied with us in the airport.
After returning from Africa Jermaine has gone directly to studio to Atlanta. He recorded with producers L.A. Reid and Babyface the next solo album. They both are magnificent producers and also worked with The Jacksons.
Jeremy is a wonderful performer of ballads. And I say it not because he's my son but because it's true. He sings the ballads simply faultlessly.
By the way, in Gabon I have met one of Michael Jacksons's impresonator. He actually was a little similar to Michael and could repeat extremely similar his movements on a stage. We saw such impresonators everywhere, in each city, and I like that so many people try to imitate my son. It means, that they have high opinion on him.
Jacksons have a lot of fans in Gabon. I hope, that sometime my sons again will perform in Africa, they were not there already the whole eternity.
In January, 1992 president of Gabon has invited also Michael. During that moment he, for sorrow, could not accept the invitation, but nevertheless has visited the country several months later during the tour "Come back to Eden". He was greeted on the streetsby more than 100 thousand people. Lobster Bongo has handed over to Michael a honourable medal which was received earlier only by the big politics like Nelson Mandela.
Then Michael has gone to "Cot'D'Evuar", to the city of Krindjabo near to a gold mine, where local leader Amon N ` Djafok) has declared him the honourable "King of people Sani". During ceremony one of members of a tribe has handed over to Michael a purple cloak with gold strips both a dark blue and green pattern. They also put him on the head a crown, it looked as the big black cap with sewed gold rather big coins. From above on a crown sat a gold blockhead.
Then Michael has approached to elders of a tribe and sat on a gold throne, and dressed in white women entertained him with dances. Women have blessed Michael and have prayed to a tree symbolizing force and authority, for protection for him.
Before leaving the Cat'D'Evuar", Michael has visited capital Yamoussoukro. There he has examined the biggest church in the world. Then he has departed to Tanzania and Cairo. In Tanzania they exactley released stamps with his portrait. And his t-shirts and posters are everywhere.
Some journalists from "Ebony" accompanied with Michael on his African tour, and in conversation with them he has told something, that very well summarizes, why he loves children so much:
"Children are determined by love, they not spread rumors, they do not complain... They are just innocent... They do not have prejudices and they do not judge you by the color of the skin... It is a problem of adults: they have forgot to be children. Besides it is so inspiring - to look at things with eyes of a child. It is important for any artist, doesn't matter, whether he writes songs, a sculptor or a poet ".
Chapter 31


Long before Latoya has met her manager, I already for a long time worked with her and have enclosed in it many forces, first of all to improve her vocal.
Latoya was one of the last children who have left the parental home. She always was an accurate girl, kept her room clean, liked to watch TV. Only to cook she hated.
As a child she did not leave her mother and followed Katherine everywhere. If we had guests, she was hiding, she even never went shopping alone. Latoya even was closer to Katherine, than Michael, and she has always been adhered to mother.
Since she was very shy, and she has developed a strong dependance on the mother. You have to consider, that I then worked day and night and could not take care of her as much, as I would like. Therefore I was more than satisfyed that Katherine and Latoya gor so close. When Kate was a child, she too was very shy, and I thought, they are simply very similar and consequently so cling to each other.
To tell the truth, today I adhere to opinion, that for Latoya it would be better, if she met other people more, she would not be then so closed and would be better prepared for life.
Once I have agreed with Phil Spector, that he will produce some songs for Latoya. Spector played together with one of founders of the A&M Records, Marshall Leib in group under name The Teddy Bears. He wrote music to " Spanish Harlem " and worked as the producer with Glen Campbell, Sonni Bono and Leon Rassell. He had uncountable number of hits in 60s, among them " Be my baby " by "The Ronettes", " You`re lost that lovin` feeling " by "The Righteos brothers", and he was coproducer of John Lennon's album "Imagine".
In the musical relation it was a genius, but rumors had, that he beat his wife (Ronny from "The Ronettes"), and ran around his huge country house with a pistol. I do not know, whether was in this rumors at least a drop of truth, but I precisely know, what has happened with my daughter. Shortly after Latoya has arrived to spector's home to record there in the studio, she has called us. Spector has locked her in the country house and did not release her home. My wife was very much worried. She at once has called Marshall Laib, and he has taken care of that Latoya could arrive home.
After that I watched even more carefully, to whom I introduce Latoya because it became clear to me, that she cannot protect herself. We always preserved her against those people from Los Angeles, which nights, without a break stick out in discos and take cocaine, and she did not know dangers of a real life because she has grown under our trusteeship.
And only like that it could happen, that she has fallen for the bait of Jack Gordon, the person already entered to conflict with the law, and has employed him as her manager. Later she even married him. Certainly, he thought only of how he can make money on her name, and she did not know, what she could do with it, because she still never had affairs with similar people.
When they were together, we did not even had Latoya's phone number, we could not call and talk to her. She was the prisoner in her own house, his bodyguards constantly watched her. She has been so dependent on him, that said disgusting things on tv about me and our family which did not matched the truth.
Her brothers and sisters have very much become angry because of it and constantly tried to correct all this. Marlon during one programm on one radio station has called there and has explained, that this charges do not have a drop of truth in them. Rebbie has expressed the opinion on TV, and many other my children courageously suppourted my side. I am very grateful to them for it, but I nevertheless did not answer on what latoya accused me of. I did not know, that I will write this book, and here I can express my opinion, not being afraid, that somebody will interrupt me or will present everything in the deformed way. Besides people only will speak more if you will publicly put someone on a place and protect yourself from this awful rumors.
I was horrified that her words have spreaded worldwide. I have devoted all my life to to create a positive image of my family, and now Latoya has put everything on the map, declaring, that she was molested in the childhood.
All of us know people from the destroyed families, whose parents used drugs or were alcoholics. My children always had what to eat and what to dress, they had brothers and sisters with whom it was possible to play and laugh, mother, always ready to listen, and father who supervised over them. Katherine and I cared of our children and always were near to them. Nobody molested Latoya when she was small. To assert something similar, among other things, it is dishonest in relation to people which in childhood really had to go through this and which actually have grown in such tragical circumstances. In interview to one magazine Janet has told, that she feels, as if Latoya was brainwashed, and so it was.
It was a nightmare for all of us - to see, how Latoya has changed in marriage with Gordon and in what direction he advanced her career. And when they at last have divorced, he has ruined her though she never wanted to admit it. For example, she had debts under taxes, and financial department has taken money from Kate. And next day Latoya explained on TV, that she has paid the taxes herself, and it were complete lies. While she was with Gordon, she has caused our family a big harm, but we do not reproach her. We know, with what person she has messed.
But the life proceeds, and as it is possible to notice, it changes for the better. There is still much that I could wish to my children and myself.
I very much hope, that anything similar will not take place any more. Latoya meanwhile again supervises her life. I at any time am ready to listen to the advices concerning her career, and I will always help her with it.
Chapter 32

Latoya's Problems With Jack

Looking back, it also seems to me now, that I would not cope easily with the problems, which my family confronted in 90s. Certainly, the signes that troubles begin, were already in 80s. The famous family always has jelous people, and again and again there are people which can transform your life into a hell.
I was very busy in the 80s. I was the manager of Michael and Latoya, selected songs and searched for the producer for Janet. Besides I then searched a fair lawyer that was to find as easily as a needle in a haystack.
One lawyer, familiar with Michael, has introduced him an unknown lawyer by the name John Branka. I never heard about him before and did not trust the strangers who suddenly appeared in the life of my children. Therefore I have invited Branka to our home so that I could look at him. I very responsibly approached to my work of the manager and wanted to be confident, that the new player in our team will operate in the interests of my son.
I asked to him usual questions in such cases, for example, why does he want to work for my son. His answer has amazed me: "Joe, I understand absolutely nothing in the rights concerning the media, and the entertainment in general". I was guarded and have seriously begun to worry, whether the person is suitable to represent my son in legal issues. Besides I still have noticed something, exept his (then) shortages of experience: in my opinion, Branka spoke too fastly. I wondered, whether he accepts cocaine or any other drugs but then it was only the assumption. I was not confident. I could only warn Michael, that I did not like this person and that he is not the best candidate for this job. But Michael was an adult and made the decisios himself. Despite of my bias, he has hired Brabka so he would be engaged in his businness affairs, among other also concerning the Victory Tour on which we so persistently worked with Don King.
Since now Michael belonged to the number of his clients, Branka became one of the most known lawyers in Los Angeles, and in future represented such people, as Prince and Terence Trent D'arby, and it is only 2 names for an example. Meanwhile I was reached by the rumors, that he sits on cocaine, and I only could hope, that this rumors are exaggerated. But what was the truth it's that neither my lawyer, nor I could not phone up to John Branka when the first charges against Michael have been lifted.
Let's return to 80s: I had a lot of buisness with the management of boys, with Latoya for which I too searched for a lawyer, and with Janet which I wanted to untwist as an actress and a singer. It was clear, that I will have to hang over to someone a part of my duties because I could not cope with more than one job. I had to urgently hire somebody who would support me, but nevertheless could not find anybody whom I would trust.
And here Jack Gordon appeared in the scene. Jack already for a long time expressed a desire, to work as a manager for Latoya, and I have appointed him a meeting at my place to talk about it. To tell the truth, our conversation did not convince me. Unfortunately, during his visiting Latoya has come to us. We have not been prepared to what has happened after that.
Though I have decided, that there can't even be a talk about employing Gordon as Latoya's manager, he managed to make Latoya like him. He daily called, sent flowers and gifts. She still lived with us, but was in full age and from the legal point of view, she had the right to make her own decision. Katherine and I did everything, that was in our forces, but could not stop it. And once, to my horror, Latoya has declared, that she has decided to employ Gordon as her manager. I really had to cooperate with the person whom I hated. But I have obeyed to protect my daughter.
Latoya was then very shy, she very seldom left the house to go somewhere, except for school and church. And consequently she became an easy extraction for Gordon which has promised gold mountains to her. I have been too occupied and could not be everywhere at once, and he has taken advantage of it.
He very much frequently appointed business meetings for Latoya outside of the city, agreed about photographings for her in Austria - at that also in Los Angeles, to tell the truth, there are excellent photographers - and flied with her to Japan. It seemed, that we have serious problems, in fact during that moment when she was outside of sphere of our influence, he also has stopped to report me of her as to the co- manager, and we have started to quarrel because of these actions of his.
Gordon started to spread about me every possible lie. He has gone to former Michael's manager Michael, Frank Dileo, and has told him, that I tried to strangle him. I wondered, whether he has presented my daughter the same lies to incite her against me. Though I hated Gordon, but I am not so silly to lift on a hand on him, besides I suspected, that he was armed. Never in my life I oppressed him. I considered, that such type as Gordon only police can understand.
Anyway, I have made my own recording contract for Latoya, and in my opinion, she had to record ona work on herself since this moment. Well and Gordon had other representations. He wanted to earn in a fast way on Latoya and has made nothing to provide to her a long career in show business. For this purpose he had to rehearse long hours with her, and he, probably, did not have no patience that is necessary for this purpose. He didn't care about her image, the main thing was, that he could earn money on her.
What happened then, has brought my wife to a nervous exhaustion. Katherine cryed full weeks, when has found out, that Gordon has apointed with magazine Playboy that Latoya will be shot naked. Many years I cared of that children represented a positive, clean image of a black family, and now our daughter photographed naked. But we could not do anything, because when we have found out about it, eveything has already happened.
To make everything even worse he arranged Latoya performances on TV in talk shows in which she answered questions which at all had nothing to do with her career of the singer, and only turned around our family. Gordon's motives were shown more and more clear. I have employed private detectives, to check him up, and after everything, that they have told me about him, I have been very much surprised, that he does not sit behind bars.
I in any case counted that Gordon was extremely dangerous person and seriously was afraid for Latoya's life. Then press informed, that he started to beat Latoya. They said, that during the stay in Mailand he gave her two black eyes.
But it was only the beginning of a nightmare. the story that Gordon has married my doughter apeared in yelow press. Latoya has explained later, that she was forced to fast wedding in Las Vegas. To my horror, Gordon suddenly became her husband.
On April, 19, 1993 Latoya and Гордон sat in a dining room in their apartment on Manhattan. Latoya has told him, that she wantsherself to care of her finacial part. Under one version which has appeared in media, she was worried because of that affair with the finacial department because she has understood, that Gordon irresponsibly conducts her affairs, or else, the taxes would be paid.
At that moment when she it has told that, Gordon has kicked her in the face with the fist, and Latoya has fallen on the floor. She hardly has again risen and has grabbed a knife for the butter from the table to protect herself, but Gordon has kicked her on the back with a heavy iron chair and beated her, when she again laid on the floor. Latoya somehow managed to call for help(in other version they said, that Gordon himself has called the police because has thought, that has killed her).
Anyway, Latoya has lost consciousness, she bleed from the mouth and the nose. The police has put handcuffs on Gordon. Latoya was brought in hospital where doctors have established, her bruises on hands, legs and the back. She could not walk for many days, and they have put 12 stitches on the wound on her mouth.
My wife was horrifyed and has tried to come into contact with Latoya, but Gordon has brainwashed so much, that she was terryfyed to speak with her own mother. Later our daughter has admitted to Katherine - Gordon has convinced her, that her parents are going to do something awful to her. He has put Latoya into such a big fear that she was scared of her own mother!
In this moment I have interrupted and have lead my own investigation. I have found that the woman who was familiar with one of Gordon's former girlfriends from Las Vegas. This former girlfriend was ready to tell about Gordon, certainly I will not name her name here because she would like to remain unknown. She too was afraid, that Gordon will do something to her, if he finds out.
She said, that he courted her because she expected a big inheritance, but eventually he has left her, when she got disinherited. After that she suddenly became ill. She has gone to the doctor, and he has established, that she suffers from consequences of drugs. Since she never accepted drugs, she could not exclude, that Gordon put drugs in to her food.
When I have heard this story, it became clear to me, what has taken place with my daughter. Latoya looked pale and has strongly grown thin. She weighed only 98 pounds, that at her height can mean a danger. And she had such a strange eyes. But I knew, that Latoya always avoided drugs, and it has set me thinking.
During the same period all trunks of my jeep have been cut, and my rotwiller Roky got hanged on the fence of our garden. Besides that we recieved threats by phone. When one of our lawyers wanted to help Latoya to leave her husband, his wife and mother too were threatened with murder.
We have collected a family meeting and considered, as though we could sneak in to Latoya. We could not visit her so simply in its her apartment because in foyer, there were armed security guards, and they had precise instructions - not to let in anybody from her family to her. Apparently, Gordon has ordered to guard our daughter all day and night. And when Latoya begun to spread lies about the family, we could not do anything because this avalanche has already come to movement.
But me and Katherine could not just leave it as it was. Latoya is our flesh and blood. We searched in despair for a way to separete Latoya and Gordon. But we also did not assume, that all the worse is still ahead.
Chapter 33

The Crisis

At that time we were very much worryed and about Michael too. He became more thin, more pale and has completley lost sense of humour. He started more and more to keep away from the family.
Michael has got one of the biggest and authoritative catalogue of rights in the world, ATV, containing the best songs of the Paul McCarthney, John Lennon and Sly Stone. The catalogue was managed by MСА, and the contract expired, so Michael had to decide, to whom he will transfer the management because millions dollars have been connected to these rights. Certainly, MСА with pleasure would keep them, but Sony and Warner Brothers, practically all the big record companies also tryed to get it.
Besides Michael regretted that he goes on tour. He has lead all his life on tours and wanted finally to be home more often, to have an opportunity to create a family. His manager Sandy Gallin however thought differently because he could earn essentially more if Michael would go on tour and sold recordes, in fact he received for it his percent. Therefore he had all bases to advise him, to stop all the contacts with us because in his opinion we gave nonprofessional advices.
We practically could not find out anything more and could not get close to our son, but heard from other people, that Michael and Gallin have disagreements, because of that that Michael did not want neither to go on tour, nor to prolong the contract on management with MСА. It did not match with Gallin's interests because he kept acquaintances with people from this branch which precisely were not glad to the event.
David Geffen, whose record label was affiliated companie MСА, and Gallin were friends more than 30 years, since, when both of them worked in Anlantic. And they were very close. I was informed from different sources, that about those weeks when the polemic around Michael has reached the peak, Geffen many times a day called to Gallin's office.
In any case I worried, that these two can create problems to Michael if he will not do what they want. Geffen was one of the most powerful people in Hollywood. He and Gallin actively helped AIDS patients and have organized a big charity campaign. To tell the truth, up to the end it was not clear to me, on what channels all that money which they have earned on it, have flowed away.
I simply could not understand Gallin and Geffen because I had an impression, that Gallin wants to make profit on Michael.
Anyway, Gallin and Michael have quarrelled because of the tour, and Gallin has threatened Michael, that if he will fire from the post of the manager, than he never will step onto the American ground any more. It has reminded me the time of black lists when actors got in disgrace if did not obey the mighties of this world.
And then suddenly chargesagainst Michael have been lifted. I cannot tell, that Gallin or Geffen have anything to do with this, but I nevertheless was very much surprised, that nobody, except for Louis Farrakhan, Arsenio Hall and Liz Taylor did not defend Michael. All his famous friends whom Michael helped so many years, have turned away from him. Hollywood can be very mean. My son - one of the most known people in the world, and certainly, perfectly approaches as a target for dirty attacks. Besides his manager and did not move a finger to undertake something against it. To us as to family he has not addressed at all.
What irritates me the most, it's the whole falsety. When they have declared, that Michael ostensibly molested the child, it was possible to read about it in any newspaper in a rumor section, and on TV they reported about it too. But when the juralist Mary A.Fisher finally has got to the bottom of, who stands behind all of that, it was almost unherd!
Some people still believe, that my son a homosexual or actually has made something bad, and it is a lie!
It hurts me from these endless rumors! Eventually, the question is only Michael's money!
I will tell you as it all was for real, and I hope, it will bring some benefit.

Everything started when Michael's car got broken on Wilshire Boulevard. Near there has passed the employee of the companie selling second-hand cars, and has suggested Michael to take him with himself to that companie where he could rent other car. They specialized on renting not very fancy cars to celebritites so they could go anyplace without being afraid of fans. Dave, the owner of the companie, was there on this day and when my son has come, he at once has called his wife June to tell her who has visited him. June's son from the first marriage was a fan of Michael Jackson.
June Chandler Schwarz immideately came with her 2 children - 6-year old daughter from the marriage with Dave, and the son from the marriage with the dentist and the author of scripts Evan Chandler. June was an attractive woman - a former model with long dark hair was so beautiful, that her appearence in the street could paralyse the traffic. But even if Michael at once has taken a great interest in her, he never would be occurred with an idea of destroying the family. But both children have liked Michael, it happens to the majority of children.
Subsequently Michael who passionately wished to have his own family, has made friends with the Schwarz family, in fact June which undoubtedly too has liked my son, has willingly gave him her home phone number.
Michael paid attention to June and to her both children, flied with them to Monaco, went to Disneyland. He has not taken into consideration the meanness on Evan Chandler, the father of the boy.
Evan chandler had problems with his allowence of dental practise because he worked carelessly. When his marriage has broken up, June has acquired the right of trusteeship above their common son, and Chandler had to pay her the alimony, 500 dollars monthly. He nevertheless failed to pay the payments on time and when he has lifted the charges against my son, he owed June already 68 thousand dollars. I already then asked myself, whether it was the true reason of his sudden interest in my son.
Anyway, he has invited Michael to visit his and June son at their place, when he has heard about Michael's friendly manner with his former wife and their common child. He even has suggested, that Michael could reconstruct his house so that he could have his own room there. When the supervision of construction has forbidden it, he has demanded from my son to buy him a new house.
His behaviour was first of all therefore unusuall because he usually did not stand if his former wife had contacts with other men. Generally he was really jealous. And here he got a lawyer which was in the same time his patient - Barry Rothman. For Rothman the conflicts around of trusteeship were not something new. He already represented one woman in fierce quarrel for the right of trusteeship, and there he too with the help of the friend - therapist has proved, that the boy was molested by his father.
Let's return to June Chundler Schwarz which in the meantime has filed for divorce with Dave. Probably, she has fallen in love with Michael, or has allowed him to console herself because her marriage has failed, in any case Michael has invited her and her children to the ranch in Santa Barbara.
Then Michael already for a long time has finished the relationship with Tatum O'Neil, Brook Shilds, the young dancer, Stephanie of Monaco and some other women. Brook though carried his ring, has been in love with someone else. Michael has met with Madonna too once, but nothing came out of this story.
So Michael was free for June. Sometimes he visited her in her house in Santa Monica Canyones, sometimes she came on the ranch. He started to think about gathering with her and to adopt her children. When he has flown to Monaco to the World Music Awards, he has taken all the three with himself and introduce them to the princess Stephanie.
When Rothman has found out, that Michael Jackson is friends with the former wife of his dentist, he has offered the dantist his lawyer service.
And then he has declared, that Michael touched the son of the dentist. We have have found out about it from the newspaper, but there nevertheless was no word about under what circumstances the little boy gave these indications.
Naturally, Chandler as the dentist had a stock of medicines in his cabinet, and I thought, probably, the boy has made the statements at the therapist under influence of some drug.
At least, it exactley was confirmed to me by a former employee of Rothman in the personal letter. The child presumably was under influence of strong medicines and did not know what he was talking about. If it is the truth this is a really nasty story, and even today I would not like to think about it - it is awfull.
On not clear to me to reasons Chandler suddenly got defensed by an other lawyer by name Larry Feldman. Probably, Feldman has never found out, under what circumstances the boy said this things, and Michael's lawyers presumably too could not interrogate the boy or call into question his version. Probably, the boy also has never found out, what was Michael charged with. But I can only assume all of this because since then the boy as vanished. Michael too could not tell his point of view because the sides have agreed, that it will never be mentioned. But I did not vow, that I will be silent about how the Hollywood rumors have harmed my son.
In any case, some journalists have specified that Chandler has confessed, that he has invented this charges these only in order to have the right of trusteeship of his son and to make " the big money " . Accordingly he wanted to destroy Michael's career. And when he was asked, whether it will bring a benefit to his son, Chandler has declared, that it doesn't matter to him.
To the rest was added that Michael has been too exhausted to protect himself. We were worried about our son, therefore Hatherine, Rebbie and I have flown to Taiwan to visit him. Besides the concerts, Michael has completely secluded himself. Therefore once in the evening me and Rebbie have marched directly to his hotel room and have knocked on the door.
" Who's there? ", Michael has asked with a weak voice.
We named ourselves, and he has opened to us. We have talked a little and have invited him to go to have supper with us. Michael has politely explained, that he unfortunately cannot eat with us, because now he will be connected to his dropper.
I looked at him in a full confusion. My son did not accept no firm food anymore, he was fed intravenously so that he has sustained this tour! During that moment I could not do or say much, but I was frightened for Michael's health.
We remained near to Michael on one concert, then have departed home because my father was very sick also I did not know, whether I will have another opportunity to see him.
And as though it was not enough; there appeared someone who claimed, that he's the one who has written "We are the world " and other songs, and has taken legal measures against Michael.
In Mexico where eventually has come with the tour, Michael has recorded indications on video and after that collapsed. I expected that still when we visited him in Taiwan, but what could I do? Michael's menager and I did not understand each other, and Gallin constantly inspired my son not to talk to me.
The most sad in all of that was that Michael at all did not want to do this tour, he was simply too tired. Only because Gallin has insisted on this tour, Michael ate intravenously, and I actually asked myself a question - whether drugs contained in his injections. Anyway, he has never recovered up to the end after his faint in Mexico. His fans do not even imagine, how close he was to death.
In the meantime the topic of child molestation was more and more inflated in media. " National Enquier " even has addressed to one of my friends and has suggested him 100 thousand dollars if he will declare, that Michael molested his children! But my friend has refused to this money, besides his children were not familiar at all with Michael, and he did not want to mess with such a dirty buisnness.
Chapter 34

Michael Defends Himself

This shameless campaign in media was in the heat, and charges against Michael have begun to live thier own life. I was bothered more and more with this story. The condition of my health worsened, and I was afraid, that again I will receive аn apoplexic impact if there will be more bad news. All the family has gathered in a television studio to deny what was reported in the media, but strangely enough, the programm could not be aired because of technical problems. All was so strange as if malicious forces wanted to prevent us from telling the truth.
I was glad, that Lisa-Marie was at this time on Michael's side. She knew him already for a long time because her father Elvis Presley together with her came on one of performances in Las Vegas which I organized at a time for Jackson 5. Both of them have since the childhood got used to lightes of the stage, and Lisa-Marie understood Michael very well. She loved him already for a long time, but Michael has not uttered a word to publicly about that they have planned something. After a story with the dancer he became more cautious.
My son was exactley in Europe with Lisa-Marie when my father has died and we have gone on funeral. It has taken place on Sunday, and next day I have not come back home yet. And the police in the meantime has obtained to itself the warrant on a search of our house in Los Angeles, not having informed us and when they have called us, they already searched the room in which Michael did not live already 10 years. I have called Terry Bingham, my lawyer which has immediately informed the familiar lawyer living near to us. But when he here has arrived, harm has already been caused. Things which the police has destroyed during the search, were never replaced to us, and all this seemed to me a witch-hunt. They have found nothing...
I wondered, whether one workers of our serving indications to police, that we will not be at home this day. Then everyone tried to interfere and be enriched on this misfortune. The situation has got completely out of control.
Terry has recommended to me and Katherine a lawyer named Johnny Cockran. We knew Johnny before, and he has vigorously defended us. First of all he stopped the attempts of the yellow press, to offer money to our friends for that they told lies about Michael and about us. Then under our pressing Michael's office too has employed him.
The lawyer of an adversary was, as was mentioned, Larry Feldman known for that he could get many money for the clients.
The police has searched then Michael's ranch, and Michael had to undress and allow to photograph himself, that was monstrous, as process still even has not been planned. But Michael also without it did not have any chance of fair trial, in themedia he has already been sentenced.
Then in criminal trial against Michael my wife has been caused by the witness. Only mother can tell the truth about the son and when Katherine has stated her point of view, the investigation has been stopped. There was still a civil process in which Larry Feldman and Chandler were interested only in Michael's money. While there was an investigation, Michael's managers and lawyers constantly specified us - not express ourselves, because everything, that we will tell, at once will be deformed by press, and to Michael it will be better, if this business by itself will gradually stop. But it did not stop, and accepted the increasing sizes. And Michael's manager words did not say a word to the public for his protection, that I never could understand. Well all right, Michael later has separeted from him, and he never had no true success anymore.
By the way, once I have have found out about a photo on which Chandler has been shot together with Gordon and Latoya. Suddenly all the pieces of the puzzle were put together, and I have understood, what was the deal. And then my family has struck back.
Janet supported Michael in her own way. She wore a t-shirt with an inscription " Pervert 2 " on one of the musical events. with that she wanted to express she wanted to express, that she warrants with her the spotless reputation, that Michael is not a pervert that the media has made of him, at all. She has supported Michael and was not going to take the false rumors about him. Jermaine gave an explanation on TV, and all other family too has publicly expressed. I knew, that Michael's fans are not fools, and there always will be enough people which will not believe to any word written by tabloids.
Besides people even more often approached to me and told me, that they know, that Michael did not do anything bad. One lady who worked on MGM in Vegas, explained our lawyer, that her former husband raped one of her children, and she completely precisely knows all concerning motives and an image of behaviour at rape. Her husband carefully avoided too frequently to be shown in public near to children because he in no way wanted that they thought him a pedophile. Michael in opposite, at all did not hide that fact, that he loves children and that's why he completley does not match to this image. The lady was right.
You still remember, that I told you, how Michael in Gary was mad about animals and children? And in fact it's exactley what makes his best quality of an entertainer - he likes to see other people happy. People who invented this rumors have to be ashemed of themselves. I don't like that the American media in the shortest term can destroy a a work of 30 years. I am confident, that other celebrities too perceive these feelings, and now when I have told, what actually happened, many for certain understand it.
In Michael's shortfilm "Ghosts", the best film that he ever made, there is one line to which you have to listen very attentively: "Tell me are you the ghost of jealousy".

Michael has reacted to all this lies by that he married Lisa-Marie. In their first joint tvinterview the reporter has asked the newly-married couple, if they have sex. Can you imagine yourselves that this question would be asked Paul McCarthney soon after his marriage to Linda? Would ever any reporter ask a newly-wedded couple if they sleep together?! What the 2 people marry for? For not having sex? The question was offensive. But Lisa, is a little treasure, counterattacked her with: " Yes! Yes! Yes! " I love her for it.
And Michael feels the same. Him and Lisa have a lot in common. Many people do not know it, but as well as Michael, Lisa has grown on a black kitchen. Lisa's nany was black woman from Southern states, and I am confident, that she with delight has followed to this mutual predilection because Michael too always liked katherine's cooking. Besides with Lisa, Michael did not have to be afraid, that she wants only his money, she had enough of her own. He knew, that she wanted only his love. And she understood the constant pressure which appeared on him as on a star, in fact with her father it was the same, and she as the only child of Elvis Presley has tested it on herself.
In any case Lisa was and remains a big love in Michael's life. When I think of both of them, I always smile. Their love warmed my heart.
Despite of all rumors these two are still close. When Michael became the father of two children from Debbie Rowe, whom he has by the way named in honour of Katherine and me, Lisa was his good friend. But sometimes the press informs only about the bad things, and that's thus nobody could read that Lisa-Marie flied with Michael to South Africa or that they frequently go together to have supper. Debbie anyway always knew, that Michael loves Lisa, and I think so too.
Me and Debbie have never met, but with Lisa the family keeps in touch also after divorce. She takes a completely special place in Michael's heart.
Chapter 35

The Press.

One of the biggest problems with which my family had to fight for many years it's the press. It is a dilemma because on the one hand it is necessary, on another it would be quite good to manage without it.
You in fact know, that my family did not stand the former Latoya's manager Jack Gordon. He has brought to her and us a lot of sorrow, and I just cannot express, how glad I am, that she has left this person. To tell the truth, we feel the consequences till now.
Let's start with the theme of the cruel treatment with children. I do not remember anymore, did Latoya had made it up or it was Michael but it very much oppresses me.
Let's return to when Michael was small. Already in 2 years he was much more developed, than other children at this age. We already had 4 boys and 2 girls, therefore it was rather tiresome - to have a 7th the child who was cleverer than all of us taken together. Anyway, it costed big efforts to us, to keep on him a tight rein. When I, tired, after my 2 jobes sat in the living room, sometimes happened, that Michael played basketball with his little bottle and used my head instead of a basket. Certainly, I could not become angry about it, he did not want to hurt me and it was fun, but I have understood, that sometime later I have to accept drastic measures.
In 3 years Michael continued to play basketball and then he started to use a shoe for this purpose. But I too became more skilled and in time evaded. Me and Katherine already then have agreed, that she punishes girls, and I the boys, therefore I slightly tweaked his ass, not to hard, simply that he knew, that he cannot do it.
When Michael was 4, he already could run so quickly, that had time to slip away from me before I could spank him. He simply crept under a bed, and there nobody could reach him. After a while we already laughed to death again, when he again did something stupid and a big dressing-down waited for him.
I never touched Latoya, it was Katherine's business. Therefore you can imagine yourselves how strange it has sounded for my wife and me when there have appeared messages, that we beat our children. One snow ball can cause an avalanche, but it is important for me, that the public has found out the truth.
Thus I rushed from one extreme measure to another, tearing apart between the desire to address to cameras and make a statement, or simply to keep quiet, not to give new food for the rumors.
Many people at all do not realize, that these charges are senseless. Since the 60s my boys grew, so to say, in front of everyone's eyes and if I treated them bad, it would not remain unnoticed. Besides small Michael was so faster than me, that I hardly could follow him.
When Michael became the superstar, he complained, that he did not have childhood. Certainly, I accustomed him to work. But in fact there are children who do not have even a chance to work because they die from undereating or epidemics. And certainly, he did not play with neighbour's children, but eventually he had many brothers and sisters, and he has never found out of a loneliness of an only child. My children always played together in a garden or home. So I cannot feel any sympathy. At our place always, on a regular basis there was a domestic meal on the table, there were clothes, roof beyond the head and parents who remained together, loved and encouraged children, promoted the development of their talent. And it exactley led Michael to that he became the best artist in the world.
I have been destroyed, when Michael has told Oprah, that had vomite when he saw me. Michael has to be grateful for everything, that has dropped out on his share in the childhood. Today, there are so many black children at all do not know, who is their father. And if he has a problem that he had to work so much since the childhood, he had to solve it privately and not publicly say such things.
He and Latoya have to understand how stupid sounds something like that. Katherine and I have created a basis that they could achive their dreams. They probably take it for granted, because they do not know how is it - not to have parents who love you. But anyway, whatever they say, it never could prevent me from helping them in future.
To tell the truth, I till now have not overcome, what was been told about Michael during that time when Chandler accused him. I can cope with it, if the media slings mud at me, but to claim, that Michael sexually molested a child, it's already too much. In the certain sense, the media has harmed Michael, the same as the people who accused him.. Even in an article of a good journalist it always was possible to read between the lines, that Michael has done something incorrectly. Nobody has taken into account, that the reason for charges was avidity.
I will give you an example of an appearence of a similiar false reports. When Michael and Lisa-Marie have divorced, one journalist from B.R.E., Steve Ivory, has talked about it in front of the camera. He had no clue, what was he speaking about, because he is absolutely not familiar neither with Michael, nor with Lisa-Marie, but he claimed, that scientologiests - the church to which Lisa-Marie belongs - have forced her to leave Michael. Ivory has declared in that programm that he knows Michael since the 70's, but this are complete lies! Maximum, he could get familiar with him as with an artist - on a stage and during rehearsals, but in fact it is far from the meaning, that he is friends with him and knows, what happens in Michael's private life.
Similar things constantly happen if musical journalists get confused in rumors around Michael's life. It has very much angered me, because Michael's lawyers have informed everybody on divorce, and it was clear, that despite of divorce, Lisa-Marie and Michael have remained friends. Besides it's nobody businness, to what church Lisa-Marie belongs, and it seems to me awful when someone who does not know her at all, claimes, that her church put pressure upon her so she'd divorce.
However, Ivory also has declared, that Michael has a problem to live together with someone. Probably, he judges others according to himself. In any case, he had not even a slightest clue why they have divorced at all, and Michael is very much in a condition to share his life with somebody. It is simply mean to say similar things about a couple which till now is very close.
It is even stranger, when some journalists in general do not have no feeling of a tact. For example Tony Panzera many years worked in "Soul" magazine. When Panzera has left, many photos suddenly were gone from the archive of the magazine. Some of these photos including Michael's children's photos, have emerged then in the book which Panzera has written. Ivory as ghostwriter, certainly because of money, of course participated in the writing of this book. However later he has accepted the offer of Michael's press-agent, to write Michael's musical biography. On the one hand, he has taken money from Panzera for the contribution to the book which is read as a taploid article, and then he has accepted money from Michael's record companie for that he will write about the peaks of my son's career. And toward the end he also spreads disgusting rumors on TV.
It is disgusting to me, when people declare themselves judges above our family. Ivory and Panzera are only 2 examples of infringements with which we constantly struggled. Most of all it would be pleasant to me, if the reporters would be limited to that they would inform on music, films and performances of my children, instead of making up stories about what happenes in their private life.
Chapter 36

The Disgusting Business

Already before the Viсtory Tour I had problems with Michael's recording label. I wanted to organize a tour for "Thriller"'s promotion, that achieved a record number of sales. But to my disappointment, the chief of the record company has refused to support me in it. I do not want to tell, that the reason for this is racism, but I am confident, that the white rock groups that sold less of records than my son, have got a stronger financial support.
Even more I have afflicted, that the label was not loyal in relation to The Jacksons. I still remember well, that CBS have almost gone bankrupt, when I and The Jacksons have come to Epic, that than belonged to CBS. The success of my son has helped CBS to make ends meet and has rescued all the enterprise.
Meanwhile the companie has earned millions dollars on albums of The Jacksons and Michael's albums "Off the wall" and "Thriller". But despite of it, CBS did not want to enclose no dollar in the tour. I have been shocked.
But I have not allowed the heads of record companie to stop me. I trusted in my children, and together with Don King about whom I already told, have gone to Pepsi. Pay attention that then it was completely new undertaking. Today for artists like Britney Spears it is very easy to receive sponsorship of Pepsi, but it only because we have made a path for them.
Well, and after CBS has given up in support to us, the label has been bought by Sony, and companie has headed Tommy Mottola. I hoped, that due to this, the position of my son will improve, but on the contrary, it became worse.
The years have passed, and I observed, how little have been made for the album of The Jacksons "2300 Jackson street". Michael's "History" too was not promoted enough. Eventually Michael's disappointment began publiclly known. In 2002 he has appeared in a press conference in New York where showed a poster with Mottolla's portrait, where he has been represented malicious and ugly.
I already heard, that the divorce of Mottolla with Mariah Carrey did not end so good.. Mariah's brother claimed on the Internet, that Мottolla threatened the chiefs of radio stations, that they will have troubles if they will put on the Mariah's single which has been recorded on Virgin records. Virgin has paid for Mariah 50 million dollars, which has later became a problem because with them she has sold much less records, than on Sony. Mariah's brother claimed that Mottolla interfered with the sales. Whatever was the reason, EMI (the head company for Virgin) has anyway incurred huge losses and had to fire thousands of employees.
Michael has given will to his feelings in essentially more radical way, than Mariah, and has accepted the support from our lawyer Johnny Cockran and the great Al Sharpton in the protest against Mottolla. The business extended, and soon I have heard, that he was joined by such artists as Celin Dion and Mark Anthony, and demanded, that their financial reports have been released.
In our business there already were many cases of a deceit at charge of fees, and I expected this problem. I only waited for that Michael himself take care about it.
Simultaneously Michaels adviser on tax affairs made the auditor check of federation of musical industry RIAA, the only organization which traces the quantity of sales of albums at record companies. Because of this conflict of interests Michael could be never confident, that they don't lie to him about the do number of sales.
Other problem to which Michael has resisted - nepotism. Certainly, it the most usual thing in our business, but Mottolla acted as if the whole enterprise belonged to him, instead of Japaneses. For example, Мottolla has employed his old friend Jerry Greenberg so that he supervised over Michael's MJJ record label. Greennberg, in his turn, employed relatives and friends.
Greenberg previousley worked on Atlantic records and was a veteran in the musical industry. In the end 60s I sent him demo-recording of Jackson 5, but he has rejected it, and I have not forgiven it to him. But due to Barry Gordon it has value now.
Michael also has offered his sister Rebby, a recording contract in his companie, and Michael's lawyer thought 11 months before he answered on her lawer's call and at last has offered her a standard contract. The best single of the album, "Fly away", the song written by Michael, has never appeared in the market, because Моttolla, apparently, did not want to release any of Michael's songs. They have let Rebbie's album to die before it could start to be on sale, Sony also has refused to release the second videoclip or a single for Rebbie.
The same concerns the other group, 3Т which too has signed the contract with Michael on MJJ. This group consists from 3 Tito's sons, they perfectly look and perfectly sing. To my affliction, they were almost not promoted in the United States, and their remarkable songs practically were not put on radio. I considered, that people from the record companie have not tried as much as they could, and it disturbed me.
Last years Mottolla rejected each album made by Michael, and demanded to rewark on it. But Michael's songs are magnificent and they have deserved, that they quickly appeared in the market. Instead of it the companie delayed the release of each new album. It was possible to think, they want to bring him to financial difficulties so that they have got access to his rights on the Beatles and Sly & Family Stone which are estimated in 1,3 billion dollars. As a rule, rights on a song again comes back to a star if the companie rejects it, but Моttolla has simply appropriated them. And the millions of losses from songs which have not reached the fans, because it was necessary to re-record them a lot of times are putten on Michael's account.
"Invincible" for example cost for all about all, 30 million dollars. But think: on Motown my sons recorded the vocal in a week, and these hits still play on radio so they cannot be so bad. Anyway, Michael does not need years to record a dozen of songs. The thing only is that other people want to make profit of him.
The same concerns also videoclips. They too cost Michael millions which he later has to return to the companie because the companie at first will compensate itself its losses before he will receive the check.
In my opinion, my son has been deceived by his companie. Charges are too high, and he already before the release of the album sits in such a minus, that hardly can receive profit.
It has to be in another way. The artist has toto be able to pay back the collected costs and in the end to receive the income of his work. All the rest is dishonest.
Chapter 37

My Life Today

Our 9 children have brought to me and Katherine a lot of pleasure. All of them are very talented, and they are good people, very caring, polite and attentive.
Me and Katherine always gave a lot of meaning to the good upbringing and when charges have become known, that we ostensibly frequently beat our children or made sexual violence on them, we have been very much surprised and mad. Our family knows, that these statements are incorrect. But the media in the USA spreads everything, that they tell it.
We are actually very religious, we always also tried to bring up our children in the same spirit. I think, that's hoow it is with all the parents - they want the best for children. We love our children and very much proud of them, and they too are proud of us.
In the American media our family always represented in bad light. Whatever we would do, they will make bad news out of it. And the world media too frequently repeats this nonsense. So that the European media could receive a direct information on us, I have employed a skilled manager in Germany, Ralf Sesselberg (Promevent&Media). He is a megaphone of our family in Europe, and his press representatives can find out, if it's the truth in general, what the USA media informes or writes about. Ralf is always informed about all in the best way, and he coordinates our European trips.
In our family, we respect each other; we keep together and support each other under any circumstances. The family only then remains strong when it stayes together, besides Jacksons are world famous, and many people try to snip off to themselves a piece from our pie. In this world it there's so much envy and jealousy.
Vivid example to this - the latest events around of my son Michael. I do not understand people which invent all these rumors. Michael is a caring, loving father. His children are very happy and cheerful. I like, when our children and grandchildren visit us in Los Angeles. To tell the truth, Katherine does not like, when they go to the sea to bathe, she is always awfully scared of sharks, but children with pleasure spend time with us on the lake.
Katherine simply blossoms, when the house is filled with grandchildren. Our senior grand daughter Yashi, Rebbie's daughter, in the spring of 2004 has married, and the wedding celebration has taken place in our house in Los Angeles. Katherine went into the planning up to her head. She has repaired the house for the event and has altered the garden. She loves the home life. For us, Jacksons, there is nothing more important than the family!
Newspapers write, that Michael is a bad father because he covers the faces of his children with scarfs. But what is so unclear here? There are so many malicious people in the world! The one who is not constantly in the center of attention, probably cannot understand it, but Michael is simply scared, that his children can be kiddnaped. And therefore there are no actual photos of his children. His children are eveything for him. He lives for them.
Someone like Michael is constantly observed, and photographed all the time. He knows it, but his children are still too small, to understand it, therefore he has to protect them. Someday they will need to decide, if they want to be seen in public or not.
When I several weeks ago went with the ARD correspondent Tom Buhrow in Washington to Hollywood boulevard to show him the 3 stars of our family then he has gotten why we live in such a lonelyness. We could not even make a step, I was constantly pulled by someone, because they wanted to receive a photo or an autograph. It's always so in the USA. But in Germany we can move a little bit more freely. Then all my family receives a huge pleasure from it.
But we have to return to Michael. Katherine and I like visit him. The road to ranch the same way beautiful, as itself. It passes through the wide fields under old sprawling oaks. This district is being driven around by a small red train, because of it the house in Havenhurst seems like a tiny model. In the train there plays classical music, while you pass by, it is possible to watch the herds of the deers grazed near the Indian camp, or small lake with a white boat - swan for two, falls and fountains. The roads here, as well as at our place in Los Angeles, are lightned by tiny white bulbs.
Michael has achieved hischildhood dream of own zoo where he has an elephant and monkeys. Generally he has designed this estate to deliver pleasure to incurably sick with cancer and AIDS children whom he invites to himself. He also frequently brings innercity children by busses to his ranch, for 1 day and though he seldom does not present because he is constantly in travels because of some tour, but there is a set of workers, which care about that children would feel good here. It is possible to ride on a horse or to make a trip with the crew, and at the cinema, young girls distribute to visitors Pepsi-Cola, popcorn and chocolate.
My son has created the ranch that way, that children like it. My 4 years old granddaughter likes Neverland, and even adults admit, that they like it. The recent charges, that he has constructed this ranch only to entice children, are simply improbable.
Michael never would offend a child. And so that media would not discuss anymore, what can you understand in it, I will express more clearly: Michael would beat a child, would not apply physical strength against the child, never would make violence over the child. I warrant for it as his father!
I precisely remember, how similar charges have been put forward for the first time. It has broken Michael's heart.
I know my son, I was present at his birth, have brought him into the world, have brought up and raised him. Кatherine and I know Michael better, than anyone else in this world. And we know, that our son never would cause evil to a child. He simply is not capable of it, and it is good.
When in 1993 similar charges have been put forward, Michael's said that he has to settle this question outside of court if he wants to finish with it faster. Michael has agreed with them and has paid many millions dollars, that by all has been interpreted as "repayment". Кatherine advised him to finish this business, but he has taken all of this too to close to the heart. He wanted, it to stay in past the sooner the better. Already then it was clear to me, that there will be unpleasant consequences, in fact if someone once has received money, another will try again. And for this reason this time Michael has decided to not pay.
He needed a lot of time to forget the sorrow which he was caused by this dishonest and far-fetched charges. I am afraid, that those wounds which were have put him by the new charges, will never recover. But Michael will fight like a lion to denay them, and we as family will support him in it.
When I recently sat in a hall of court and saw Michael on a dock, so many ideas have occurred to me. He always was not like other children, softer and sensitive. He did not bear no injustice and always interceded for others.
I remember the story how he bought mountains of sweets on all pocket money which I gave him, and then distributed them to neighbour's children. After that he did not have no money anymore to buy sweets, for which this money actually was given to him. He knew, at home he'll have troubles because of that, that's why he ran away when he noticed that I look at him with anger. And I have to tell, he was very fast, I hardly could keep up with him. These memoirs and now cause laughter in me.
This little boy now has to sit in front of judge and be justified in what he never made. When the judge has finished the 1st session, Michael has slowly went to an exit. I will never forget the expression of his face. He has not noticed at all, that I was there, therefore I easily have pushed his leg with mine.. He has lifted his eyes and when he has seen me, has smiled with simplification. We, his family, are very necessary for him now.
Michael says, that without us he would not cope with it. We always were near to him. This story offends all of us. In this world happens so much of true injustice, but there is nothing done against it. Instead of it they pursue an innocent person.
When he has left the building of court, there there were thousands of true fans. Michael wanted let everybody see him, therefore he has risen on the parked car of our family. And certainly, in newspapers it has been again submitted in bad light, but no reporter was interested in the true reason. I think it is very dishonest.
The story with Janet too was too overblown by press. She had a performance on Super Bowl, and it has passed not how it has been planned. We watched it on the TV and when Justine has moved to her, the light on a stage has already been turned off. We didn't even see what was the thing. Despite that we have a very big TV.
The press has exaggerated it completley for no reason. Justine has pulled her by her clothes much more strongly, than they agreed. Janet has told about it then. But strangely in the press they wrote badly only about her. As far as I remember, both of them participated in it. But Justine only had to apologize in a fast way, for it, and he has already left the difficult position.
Janet has learned much in show business. On my birthday she has called me and asked to accompany with her on primer of the movie "The Nutty professor - 2". I very much was proud of that she was there together with me. She was very good in the movie with Eddie Murphy, but I never told her about it. I essentially do not do it, in fact then my children will not have no stimulus. Thus they and further try to give out the best result.
Janet tries to protect her private life. And she manages to do it. After all, she was 10 years married, and the media did not know about it. And that's how it has to be. I would like, that my children were estimated on their achievements in show business, instead of on their private life. Now Janet is very happy. She has just released a new, very successful album and lives a full life.
Latoya exactley recording a new album. It is really good. She had to go through much, in fact her former husband Jack Gordon very badly addressed with her. As far as we know, he beat her, has planted her on drugs and has lead to brainwash. But thank God, now she has returned to the family. We were very much pleased to this, in fact Gordon has brought to us many misfortunes. Eventually, he was that who claimed, that I constantly beat my children and raped our daughter Latoya. I am very glad, that Latoya have found in herself forces to leave him.
Jermaine produced a movie about our family - "Jacksons - the American dream ". At present he is engaged in several movie projects and writes songs for a new album.
Jackie, Rebbie and Marlon enjoy home life. And they support children in what they do.
Тito now does a big tour across the United States. He sings and writes very good songs in the soul style. He cares of our grandsons, 3Т, they stand in the beginning of the career and will soon release a new album.
Randy is very close to Michael. He gives him advices on many questions and recently has undertaken his management as all of us count, that such affairs have to stay in the family. And Randy does the business very well!
All my children are engaged in their own business and live their life as far as it allowed to them it. Our family loves annual meetings in Los Angeles. You, probably, can imagine yourselves how crowded it becomes, when so much people gather. I myself have 28 grandchildren. We eat and we play together, we watch movies together. We always perfectly spend time together.
I enjoyed the time when I was the manager of Jacksons. Today all of them are adults and have learned everything, that will help them to cope with this heavy business. Now I help artists who stand in the beginning of their career.
One of them - Crystel. She has a very good voice, and in her 22 years, she has all the features of a star. We have just finished shootings the movie "Destination fame" where she plays the leaging role. Besides her album will be ready this year. Then we plan to tour with which we plan to go to Europe.
N2U - is a group of which I am very much proud. I have found them in one casino in Las Vegas. N2U perfectly preform live, the group consists from 3 men playing on instruments, and 3 women - soloists. This year they perfomed on the occasion of my birthday, and they were well accepted. Now we work on the recording of an album.
I make many business trips, including to Germany. I very much like this country. Therefore my European management is in Germany, on Rastede resort, but it is known only by few Germans. It is in district Ammerland, to the north from Oldenburg in the Bottom Saxony, just there, where there such a good eel and a ham. But the best in Rastede is "The White house ". Not the presedent lives there but a cook because it is restaurant, and it is very good!
Germans are friendly, attentive people, and they respect private life of others. I am pleased, that we have so many German. The nature of Germany too is very beautiful. Only i don't like the weather sometimes -frequently it is on 30 degrees colder, than in Los Angeles.
Now I continue to intensively cooperate with many talented artists. I enjoy this work - it is what I can do best, and it helps me to remain young. My best cards are my children, and I still am going to make much together with them and my young artists!
The appendix 1.

Good advice in the conclusion

In past, when I worked with my children and helped them to develop their talents, in poor areas of Indiana there were many other gifted people. Today in the American ghettoes too it is possible to find the whole heap of talents. And many children won competitions of talents. A difference between these children and mine that I consistently did everything that promoted development of their talent. I forced them to be spread completely and have spent on them many forces and time.
From the very beginning, my purpose was to make the most greatest stars of them. Later people from Motown told me, that my children will someday become famous, but I already then knew it, eventually I am their father and the trainer.
Certainly, I was very strict with my children. I looked after them, and we with Katherine always knew, where our children are at the given moment. There were certain rules which could not be broken. For example, phone calls had to be limited to 5 minutes, and Jackson's children were not allowed to leave from the garden alone. I did not allow them to simply hang on the street, that, however, also meant, that they at all did not know the street. When they have grown, they had some problems with it, because they now had to learn to distinguish, whom they can trust and whom not.
From the first day I persistently inspired my sons - not to touch drugs, and they were afraid of drugs because they knew that they will be punished if someday will mess with them. Somehow what I have told or made, has worked. It is magnificent, that nobody from my children does not take drugs, they do not drink at all. My children have grown good, fair people, and they remain true to themselves.
All parents have to teach the children to help around the house. Since the childhood they have to make the beds, wash the diches, carry out other easy duties. I am grateful to my parents that they taught me this.
I also think, that would be correct, if parents paid more attention to unity inside the family. Then they would know, what their children are engaged in. Also it is necessary to give a great significance to good education. Education, today is awfully important.
If I already talk about this, I would like to address to parents of all the world. Everything begins with parents. It would be fine, if all over the world there was a holiday which parents would devote exclusively to children. We have a special day when all children and grandsons meet with us. It passes in different places - at our place, sometimes at Tito's, sometimes on ranch at Michael. Кatherine and I love this day which we spend all together.
I am frequently asked, what my children have to pay attention, when they choose their life partner. Well, girls should search for such husband for themselves, who would be ambitious enough and would care of them. Not such which drinks, or frequently abandon them.
Men should search for the woman - a personality. She has to be a good person, this most important for long relationship. The girlfriend or the wife should be also clever and try to be useful, instead of to roll all the day in bed and smarten up. And if she is not able to cook, she should be ready to learn this, because there is nothing better than the domestic food. It is simply pleasant - to be near to the tidy woman who keeps the house in order. And certainly, the wife has to satisfy the husband.
the couple has to be able to carry out duties on a facilities. And it is healthy, when you have someone with whom it is possible to go somewhere and to undertake something.
If you want to marry, first off all you have to make the marriage contract at the lawyer. I advise this to my children because they have a lot of money, and it is possible, that during their life they will earn even more.
In my opinion, some things in music business have to change. Managers or the directors belonging to minority, should receive much more chances. The race should not be at all the determining factor, and it would be good, if people of all of colors of skin and nationalities would study to work together.
From this point of view music can unite whole nationes and separate people, so that they learn how to create something together even if they come from various places..
I also don't like, when some concert managers buy up all the halls in the certain place or in several states so others can work there, only if the they pay overestimated prices. All organizers of concerts should possess the equal rights.
Also I think, that sometimes when you want to organize a concert in any stadium, and encounter on many intermediaries, it is too much. In fact it is possible to negotiate directly with the pwner of the stadium, it saves money and then the prices for tickets will not be so high. For artists, this is a disappointment, if someone has monopoly for stadiums or halls because then fans have to pay a lot, so they could see them. It is simply dishonest, and it would be possible to do without it, if people would be able to cooperate.
Artists should address better with the promoters.
I hope, that someday there will be more employees of the record companies, and old and new artists will understand, what is the real show-bussinness. If artists and record companies do not realize themselves as one team, the problems will not stop.
I saw, how money change the man. I have made rich many ones around us, and many whom we counted our best friends, have changed, because they liked money more, than people. It is necessary to appreciate money, but it is impossible to be enriched on the another's account.
In this business I have learned to react quickly if it is necessary. People around of me have to keep up with me. Many projects in which I was engaged many years back, in due time have not found sympathy. We have shown the road to others, but a lot is coming true only now.
As to success of my children, well, I always held the opinion, that each of them can become even better. Probably, therefore my children are so successful. Our family persistently worked on it. It was uneasy, on a way there were many defeats and failures. But here there's nothing to be done. The success is achieved by heavy work, it does not fall down from the sky.
I am frequently asked, how can I find out, whether the young man will become a good artist. If the child is your relative then it is easier to establish, if he has a talent because he is constantly in front of your eyes. With someone with whom you communicate not for long, it is more difficult, but at competitions of talents it too can be noticed.
If I want to find out, whether the young author is gifted, I first of all listen to his music. If I like the sound and I want to listen to more than one song, it is already a good sign.
The lyrics too are important. The lyrics have to tell a story and that the listener could identify himself with it. The hit has to have a vital topic and with it's sound it has to remind those things which are being well sold at the present. A secret of a new successful song, is that the composer, being guided on the existing hits, has to make it even better. The same with the lyrics - they have to satisfy the tastes of the majority, but not copy already existing things, but to surpass them. That's what my children do.
If today I could start evrything all over, I probably would make something in other way. Today I know, how it is necessary to behave in the certain situations, and I could avoid some difficulties simply. In past I always rushed directly on a problem, today I don't do that anymore. There are other methods.
This business is filled with bad, people, trying to separate our family. In my opinion, it is good, when groups which have found each other, stay in groups. Any singer has to not be separated from the others. What is started together, you have to finish together and if the members of the group cannot find common language, it is necessary to simply search for the compromise.
Throughout my life I have seen a lot of bitches, parasitizing on another's riches. I cvan recognize one right away, and I always warned children of them. The more you earn, the craftier these types become. They approached to Michael, and to Janet and Latoya too. But I hope, that my children will not make no mistakes anymore.
I already some times saw, how an artist went on tour and earned good tmoney, but despite of it after the tour he was in debts. Such happens. Artists should cooperate with fair people, their managers and lawyers should be fair. And if the artist will find such fair workers, he too should be loyal in relation to them. But in this business there are very few spotless people. Not everyone who shakes your hand or kisses on a cheek, has fair intentions.
Always, when I see, that there's an attept to cheat the artist, I warn him. Some of them them answer me, that anyhow everyone are dishonest, but in fact you will need to work togetherwith someone. But you only harm yourself whe you say that. In this world there are fair people, probably, they simply just do not say what you want to hear. They do not flatter, and probably do not drive in such fancy cars and have no magnificent offices. I always inspired my children - you should not too much admire the external. Someone with the big country house will not necessary protect the interests of the artist, maybe, he has such a beautiful house only because he was enriched due to others.
But I managed to remain fair. And I was always ready to do the business even better. The good always wins.
Within a week I have many business meetings so, certainly, I have to go in a suit with a tie. But in the days off I with pleasure relax. And it is necessary, in fact if to not to have rest, you will receive the raised pressure or even some problems with health which can lead to to a heart attack or cerebral thrombosis. The stress destroys.
I have prepared 9 children for show bussinnes, and all of them have made a carrer. Therefore I can from time to time dare to relax slightly, it helps me to concentrate in everyday lives. It is like that with everyone and even if you have a lot of things to do, always it is necessary to try to enjoy the days off.
A lot of years back a contract was fastened by a hand shake. But, today it doesn't work anymore. The types working now in this business, need contracts as thick as a telephone directory. And also a lawyer to understand their writing language.
For those of you who is not familiar with sphere of entertainment, I would like to emphasize, as all these contracts and arrangements are difficult. And the most bad, that can happen - you have tied yourself with obligations and cannot break off them. It is really nasty.
I always advise young artists that they have necessarily found themselves a fair lawyer. Believe me, in our business it is very difficult to find one. The artist never has to negotiate by himself for the contract, especially if the question is about the records and their releases. It can be entrusted only to the diplomaed lawyer. Today contracts are so detailed and difficult, that on another way, you can't understand. All my children have lawyers, and they know, that the it is immpossible without a lawyer.
At a choice of the lawyer it is necessary to pay attention to some things. In my opinion, it is better to search young lawyer because he will be more frank with the client. Besides his advantage that he rather new person in this business, and he still doesn't have no strong connections with the record companies, and he will work more likely on the client, than turn own frauds. Still it is necessary to pay attention to that he was clever. If you found the lawyer with such qualities, you have to hold him and suppourt him in all the ways..
Once, when I have been a little upset with all these problems in business, one friend has written to me: " Joe Jackson, you are a strong personality. As a huge rock, you stand here for ever. You always were here to answer my questions and to direct me. Thanks, that you always were near to me. First of all I thank you that you have not abandon me in a trouble and always was my friend. I need you. Please, continue to support me as you always supported your children. I want to be the best, as Janet and all your children. I want to become successful, as Janet, as Michael, Jermaine and all your family ".
Never never told me anything like that. My consciousness has reached, how willingly I help other people, and I very much was delighted to these lines. And besides, nobody did not thank me yet for what I have made.
As to America, in this country there's still much has to be made. It became already better, than earlier, but all this is a long process.
I never was in army because every time when they chad to call me, I became a father. Due to this I have received chance intensively to care of my family. Though I never was at war, I do not love war. It is better to sit down and negotiate, even if it will proceed the following of 30 years. In war there is nothing good. I do not believe in bombs, I believe in peace.
Let's take, for example, a big family. 2 youngers quarrel. Then mum and the dad as the head of the family, has to tell them: " Listen, children, they don't fight here. We will not allow that ". Because if you allow it, they will start to hate each other, and we cannot allow, that our children became enemies who with pleasure would break each other's neck.
that's how it has to function with the world leaders. They can prevent conflicts if will struggle for peace. The small nations should not be at war at all because they involve the big nations in their wars.
Besides all of us love our children and we do not want, that they went on war. They have to live and be happy.
People want, to be appreciated and respected. If you respect the neighbour, you can make friends with him. But when people hate each other, there are wars. People should love each other.
I try to act fairly with all. Same I have brought up my children. But I can awfully get agitated, if they treat me incorrectly, and then I certainly consider each step.
Many tried to harm my family. They tell about us such terrible lies. They will always find something bad, that is possible to spread, and sometimes they even manage to turn the children against parents.
Sometimes they tell me: " Joe, you already such a long time in show buissness, you have travelled all over the world, now you can live little bit more easy ". Probably, they also are right, but I should remain in movement. Show bussinness is in my blood, I cannot simply to leave it. so easly. It is a part of me, and I always loved it.
In the beginning of her career many considered impossible, that Janet becomes the famous singer. But I always trusted in her, therefore I supported her as much as it was possible, as well as Michael. But it was long time ago. And I have made everything, that I considered necessary to help each of them to become the best. Besides, earning a lot of money, it's great!
As to work with young artists, singers should be able to sing under notes. And they should have natural talent to sing and to entertain. Not all the children are as talented, as mine, some people simply have a "trained" talent as I name it. I work a lot with young artists.
The appendix 1.cont.

Good advice in the conclusion

I have a natural instinct on talents, and I very quickly notice, if someone is gifted or not. But only talent is not enough. there has to be a correct adjust, they should listen, what they told and to want to learn, instead of behaving as spoilt children. Besides, if they want to to become a star, the correct team is necessary. It needs many people.
I discver talents in adults too. I test them, but not how it usually happen. The majority of it at all do not notice.
For example, I meet the candidate in easy conditions. Then I observe, whether he has the characteristics necessary for the professional, and whether he applies them outside of work. If I for example hire security, I first of all search for people, very careful by nature.
My friends nicknamed me "falcon". I see and I hear all. And my children are the same.
I was asked, whether there is outside of the United States a market of R&B and soul music. Here I definitely agree. In Europe everyone listen to soul, and in Japan they too love a R&B. And I would tell, that in Japan the American talents are paid in the best way.
To stayin showbussinness is uneasy. The higher you raise, the harder it is. My children and I put all forces, we need to remain at top, it is necessary to be constantly improved. The media are always ready to murder the artist for any trifling rumor, first of all the tabloids.
I would like, that people did not read this nonsense. The whole families collapse because of it, and all this lie is spreaded only in order that these magazines could earn money. You can't even sue them, because it would be connected to too big charge of time and money and who will want to enclose the whole fortune in process?
Do not understand me incorrectly. I believe in freedom of press. But I do not believe to this hypocrites, to people that call themseves journalists, but they don't even try to understand. The good journalist will check up all facts before writeing something.
Many from this tabloids dont gve a damn, that they destroy another's career. They claim every possible absolutely abnormal things which are not the truth. Sometimes they write badly about my children, and does not play any role as frequently we with Katherine or our children explain that it is a lie - they simply print it. Believe me if you are famous, life can sometimes be very hard.
About me they too speak much, and the majority is a lie. But the matter is that they do not know me - I seldom appear on public. If I go somewhere, I am certainly recognised, and then I see, how they start to talk about me. I nevertheless meet everyone with a smile and I ask, "how are you doing". I know, that if you always be friendly and concern to others with respect it's all paid back. I respect everyone and I hope for the same respect in relation to me. I can only repeat once again - we have brought a big riches to many people, and for it my family is worth at least respect. I at once recognise a true friendship and love when I get acquainted with someone. You simply feel it.
But I can assure you: if I concerned to such things less easy, nothing would come out of my children. First of all they would not become stars. I done care for this awful rumors, I myself know, what I have achieved with children.

Some words about Blacks. Ther has to be more than black doctors and lawyers. And at lessons of history at schools they should tell more about what contribution was brought with black and other races to the American history. Children should learn, what the minority has made for our country in the past. Racism should not be.
Last 30 years in showbussiness, I have understood, how it was hard for my father to feed the family. It is uneasy to be the head of the family. I still remember, how father smiled and sang with us and how he was happy then. We liked to sing with him, and we thought, that all is very simple. Only when my own family has appeared, I have noticed, how it is difficult, should be, was for him, even if he has never let us know it. And he was black which has lead 8 or 9 years in college, and it when the majority of black did not go in colleges. I was not in college. I have chosen other road - showbussinness. But was worth it.
I hope, when my book will be released, all at last find out the truth about Joseph Jackson and Jackson's family. For me the most important that the truth at last is published.
Certainly, when I worked on success of children, problems were there too, but I have overcome difficulties because I very much love my family. As well as in general I love all people, they are the most wonderful in the world. All of us should learn to co-exist together so that the world became better.
I cannot express, how I am proud of my sons and doughters. I am very much proud of Michael. I am very much proud of Janet. I am very much proud of Jermaine. I also am very much proud of Tito and Rebbie. I am very much proud of Marlon, Randy and Jackie. And I am very much proud of Latoya.
I always will be equally proud of all my children. I am so grateful, that I have them and my wife Katherine.