thriller live the show goes to germany


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
kidzvillage holland
After touri ng the UK and the Nethe rland s, the spect acula r show ' Thril ler Live' will now also come to Germa ny.

So far, 4 dates have been annou nced for Berli n ( Octob er 9, Tempo drom) , Breme n ( Octob er 10, Music al Theat er), Hambu rg ( Octob er 11, Conge ss Centr um), and Frank furt ( Octob er 12, Jahrh under thall e). Ticke ts are betwe en €29 and 59..

Ticke ts are for examp le avail able onlin e at: http://www.eventim. de

Thril ler Live, prese nted by Flyin g Music & Adria n Grant , is a stage & video spect acula r celeb ratin g the wonde rful caree r of the World 's Great est Enter taine r - Micha el Jacks on. This amazi ng show, featu ring over 20 perfo rmers with a full compa ny of singe rs, dance rs and live band celeb rates the King of Pop like never befor e! With origi nal chore ograp hy from MTV award winni ng chore ograp her - LaVel le Smith Jnr. and brill iant vocal perfo rmanc es, Jacks on's amazi ng songs and video s are broug ht to life on stage in a spect acula r and sensa tiona l way.

The show featu res over two- hours of hit songs inclu ding I Want You Back, I'll Be There , Can You Feel It, Rock With You, Blame It On The Boogi e, Billi e Jean, Earth Song, and many more.

For more infor matio n and tour dates pleas e visit link below

my keayboard sometimes acts out changes smal to big letters unasked too lol
i probably go to in holland and want to go to the afterparty if tickets are stil there
its good toi know the show goes to other places now too maybe also the rest of the world