Controversial MJ Documentary Leaving Neverland [GENERAL DISCUSSION THREAD]


Proud Member
Jan 9, 2005
From The Wrap:

“The synopsis for Dan Reed’s “Leaving Neverland” says: “At the height of his stardom Michael Jackson began long-running relationships with two boys, aged 7 and 10, and their families. Now in their 30s, they tell the story of how they were sexually abused by Jackson, and how they came to terms with it years later.”

An individual with knowledge of the project told TheWrap that “Leaving Neverland” has a total running time of 233 minutes and will be told in two parts.”
Re: Sundance Festival 2019 Carrying MJ Molestation Doc

I bet it's Robson and Safechuck.
I can't believe Sundance are actually showing this. Can't the Estate do something about it to prevent it from airing?
Re: Sundance Festival 2019 Carrying MJ Molestation Doc

This is an absolute disgrace.
Re: Sundance Festival 2019 Carrying MJ Molestation Doc

Yet there has been no effort to produce a documentary (preferably a series on Netflix - people eat this kind of thing up) to expose the molestation allegations as a scam from the beginning.
Re: Sundance Festival 2019 Carrying MJ Molestation Doc

Re: Sundance Festival 2019 Carrying MJ Molestation Doc

I am struggling to understand how a film can state as a FACT, something that has been already dismissed in court.
This is disgusting and rotten to the core - a sad, vindictive money grab and nothing more.
I am certain that the Estate will mount a legal challenge against this - they didn't take the case all the way to court for nothing.
Re: Sundance Festival 2019 Carrying MJ Molestation Doc

Also, I think that a petition will not work. Attacking Sundance Festival through social media will have more effect
Re: Sundance Festival 2019 Carrying MJ Molestation Doc

2019 is already looking shite.

Hope nobody actually wastes 4 hours of their life watching this.
Re: Sundance Festival 2019 Carrying MJ Molestation Doc

I bet it's Robson and Safechuck.
I can't believe Sundance are actually showing this. Can't the Estate do something about it to prevent it from airing?
They do everything to prevent anything else so i don't see why not. They need no music or photos (likeness) i hope these 2 ****ers burn in hell!
Re: Sundance Festival 2019 Carrying MJ Molestation Doc

I guess they found their way to get paid off of this. Disgusting. Who's producing this documentary?
Re: Sundance Festival 2019 Carrying MJ Molestation Doc

Oh, wonderful.

This will inevitably re-spark the "did he do it?" conversation in the headlines, which will in turn bring up all those erroneous claims ("He had naked Polaroids of children at his house! People saw him molesting those kids!") and turn what should have been a year of remembrance and tribute into a goddamn freak show.

I'm absolutely disgusted.
Re: Sundance Festival 2019 Carrying MJ Molestation Doc

This must have been planned to co inside with the R Kelly Documentary series. Really sad. There needs to be a well funded documentary showing the truth. Sadly, it wouldnt get the same attention....
If there is ever a time for the Estate to prove their worth, it’s now. They need to do something to prevent this documentary from airing. All these years, they couldn’t be bothered to do a documentary that debunks all the allegations. They can now at least do something to stop this disgusting documentary from airing.
MJ's etstate: The Estate of Michael Jackson responded to this documentary...The Estate of Michael Jackson said in a statement to TheWrap: “This is yet another lurid production in an outrageous and pathetic attempt to exploit and cash in on Michael Jackson,” adding that the two accusers had “both testified under oath that Michael never did anything inappropriate toward them” and “filed lawsuits against Michael’s Estate, asking for millions of dollars. Both lawsuits were dismissed.”

The statement added: “This so called ‘documentary’ is just another rehash of dated and discredited allegations. It’s baffling why any credible filmmaker would involve himself with this project.”
Re: Sundance Festival 2019 Carrying MJ Molestation Doc

I'm assuming they can't actually do anything to prevent it then.
Re: Sundance Festival 2019 Carrying MJ Molestation Doc

The estate need to do something
Re: Sundance Festival 2019 Carrying MJ Molestation Doc

Lets make a facebook event to actually go to or near the festival and ruin there fun over this stupid documentary.
I wrote to Sundance.


Dearest colleagues at Sundance,

I write with dismay that you would screen Leaving Neverland at your wonderful event.

Michael Jackson suffered numerous spurious accusations during his short illustrious life.

To screen such a documentary when he was found innocent of any crimes when he is not here to defend himself is in shockingly poor taste.

I pity his poor children who have to endure such painful gossip and money-seeking accusations which debase his enormous legacy as arguably the world’s most loved entertainer and humanitarian.

I hope you will pull this screening.
Re: Sundance Festival 2019 Carrying MJ Molestation Doc

I wrote to Sundance too, and I signed the petition.
I recommend you all do that.

While I can see the strength of the petition, I have mixed feelings because it serves to advertise this documentary even further. In any case i DID sign it of course. It's almost at 5000 signatures now so it's going quite well IMO.

I hope it soars well above its target and that Sundance take note.

I have no idea what Robert Redford's personal feelings are about MJ but they may come into play here. If he personally didn't trust MJ then he may be inclined to allow this document to continue, despite any backlash we can generate. In fact I'm not even sure how involved he is in the whole thing these days. Possibly not very involved at all. Regardless if the organisers believe MJ was criminal they will not stop this documentary without a huge backlash and that will not come from the media, so we have to generate it ourselves.
Re: Sundance Festival 2019 Carrying MJ Molestation Doc

I've just got to say. These guys really are determined in their endeavour to make money from their accusations, despite Wade saying it had nothing to do with money.
If he'd wanted to he could have released a whole self-made documentary on YouTube. FOR FREE. Even then he could have made money from advertising. But no he went down this route.
Obviously his first avenue of exploration was his book, but that didn't go down to well, but it may still see the light of day I guess.

This must have been planned to co inside with the R Kelly Documentary series. Really sad. There needs to be a well funded documentary showing the truth. Sadly, it wouldnt get the same attention....

No most likely it was planned to coincide with the 10th anniversary of MJ's death. I suspected something like this would happen because just about every MJ birthday,event, or product launch has been marked by a smear campaign since the accusations were announced, but when I mentioned it last year I was shot down by members here.
Re: Sundance Festival 2019 Carrying MJ Molestation Doc

doc commisionned by Channel 4 and will air in spring